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i mean enjoying it is all that matters isn't it? it's not a career it's a hobby you should just appreciate liking it


you could become a journalist, or y'know, a photographer lol. I have friends who've won thousands of dollars from competitions. apply for stuff, and make the most of your talents! you got this! šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


The problem is forced usefulness. I think most people would just like to have fun or do artsy stuff with their hobbies. Not financially capatalize on it.


I also feel like it should be possible to still also get an enjoyable job that isn't necessarily your hobby. Like for me, my hobbies are mainly tea and baking but I study engineering because it also interests me


It's not useless if it makes you happy!


don't turn a hobby into a career, please don't


A hobby doesnā€™t have to equal a career. The value of a hobby is from what you get out of it. If it genuinely makes you happy, thatā€™s a positive.


Thereā€™s actually quite a few careers that can come out of photography/vidography, also itā€™s ok to have a hobby that has no career potentials, most people, my self included have hobbyā€™s that will not not be beneficial career wise


I was gonna say, yeah, photography skills are needed in almost every sector of industry, in various positions.


The idea that all activity must generate monetary value is a destructive lie told to people to make them as productive as possible. This is to maximize the value stolen from us, while simultaneously stifling the joys of living.


Hey, you've got a hobby! That's not a given my friend.


Photography is actually a good hobby and can have quite a few well paying jobs linked to it


One, a hobby is not something that needs to be monetized. That is a capitalist grindset that destroys and wears out many people. I love playing board games, and will never make money from that, bit it makes me happy so I don't mind. Two, Photography is an awesome skill to have! Even if you did want to, you could make a career out of it.


At least you have a hobby, that's something. It doesn't have to be a career it's just nice to have something that you enjoy doing y'know


Wedding photographers get paid


Was about to comment this, they make bank.


wedding photographers make bank lol u have a job setup for u if u keep at it and keep improving ur picsp


You have a hobby and you can use it to be less sad so that's good


Oh wow because photography is really cool to me. I love seeing beautiful photos that people take


I don't have a hobby


Being silly is a hobby


Look, making your hobby your career will just make you hate your hobby, so take this advice from me keep it as just something that you enjoy doing.


I think photography is cool. Do you share your work places?


well my friend, are you having fun?


If you get good at it, you can do side gigs like photo shoots or events. It's a little risky and a lot of investment to do as your only source of income, but it's definitely a useful hobby


Hobbies donā€™t have to become careers or jobs! Hobbies are things we do for fun and stress relief, sometimes you find a way to do that *and* make money, but not always. Besides, thereā€™s plenty of photography related work! I believe in you sweetie. Youā€™ll figure something out. You got this šŸ˜Š


Hey no hobby has "worth" even if your making money, who cares? The point is that you do something you love.


Hobbys are done for fun! If you want to profit off of if, youā€™ll suck the life out of something you love and slowly twist it into something you hate. Do you have any photoā€™s youā€™d like to share?


I misread photography as pornography lmao


My bf went to a photography college and now he photographs for realestates. Thereā€™s a lot of careers. Heā€™s gotten a job offering for a provate hospital and the pay was enough to buy a house in a year, but he didnā€™t like the area


Tbh I feel like if youā€™re looking to make it a source of income and not just a hobby you enjoy (which is allowed yk) then photography is one of the best arts to monetize if youā€™re willing to start with colloquial things like weddings and graduation photos


Get good at taking portraits of friends and family and build up a portfolio. You can absolutely turn photography from a hobby to a career you enjoy. But that being said its alright for a hobby to be a hobby. Sometimes we do work as means of enabling our passtimes and thats alright. Im just glad you have something you enjoy.


Pretty sure hobbies are by definition things you donā€™t do for a living. Things that you do to actually make career money are called like, jobs


If u are looking for more hobbys climbing is super cool u should try it


I love climbing as well


The thing that makes a hobby a hobby is that you *aren't* doing it for your career, just for the enjoyment. It's only a useless hobby if you don't enjoy it.


It's probably good having a hobby that isn't your job. I feel like that'd take some enjoyment out of it. I guess you could try selling your photos to magazines if you really wanted to make something off it


Don't let the capitalists convince you that every aspect of your life needs to be monetized. If you enjoy photography, then do it! All there is to it


Capitalism sucks for making you concerned about not turning your hobby into a career


Photography is so cool though...


Hobbies aren't supposed to be useful they're supposed to make you feel happy


Ayy its a good hobby, I want to get into it but I dont really have a camera, I know phone cameras are good enough but idk


Lies, photography has millions of used to family photos, fashion, movies, wildlife and architecture! Plus itā€™s easier to learn film after photos and movies could double everything! Wedding photography is big!


photography isn't useless, it's fun and makes you happy and thatā€™s enough for a hobby


Damn thats a cool hobby for cool people. Me very jealous


Photography can be profitable actually. Weddings, birthdays, all sorts of stuff.


I think that hobby is pretty cool. You go to places or just people and detail their visual features in a photography that could represent different thoughts. Itā€™s a pretty way to express yourself in a visual way thatā€™s linked to the world without being specific about it.


Maybe going outside and having social interactions and real life friends would help


Maybe going outside and having social interactions and real life friends would help


Maybe try getting irl friends and going outside more


Maybe try getting irl friends


Im quiting porn cus Jesus but I feel like quitting porn is good for everyone because healthy


Being a photographer allows you to appreciate little things in life. And fyi I'd kill for a good photographer rn (need to take pretty pictures of myself for tinder) :>


When I was suicidal I would walk outside and see the trees, they made me feel like the world is beautiful yet far


You can absolutely be a photographer if you want to


Man... what a mood


Huh... I was thinking of getting into photography cuz I took a bunch of photos I quite like on a walk a while ago... I don't really have any other hobbies... I like singing? Here's my favourite photo I took btw https://preview.redd.it/o2vz0qmo4ayc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df170f18fe7b70556dabc908c2ba429210ec5a49


You donā€™t have to make money off of it, you can just enjoy it. Sometimes itā€™s best for us to simple enjoy something


Fucking same. I love taking aesthetic pictures. I also write and draw but goddam those are a battle to do. Like, itā€™s so hard to do them even though I enjoy them also. Most useless set of skills, I canā€™t even edit shit, which is whatā€™s really useful these days.


take a picture of a pigeon and i will judge your skills


Who cares about money? Feed your soul, enjoy your hobby, protect it from the capitalist slimeballs who feel obsessed with squashing artistic expression


Iā€™m trying to send a picture of one of my stuff but Reddit is stopping me


At least you have a normal hobby :3


What are you talking about? As a person who takes a graphics communications class, one of the major things we do in that class is learning ABOUT photography. You could take pictures for weddings, make calendars, post cards, or anything design related. Photography is a VERY good thing to have as a hobby and CAN be turned into a career.


People keep saying the same things about weddings and shit. I like nature


You can still get a professional job with that anyways?


you don't have to make money from your hobbies, it's just a bonus if you do. you don't have to be good at your hobbies either, you just have to enjoy it


Actually photographers get paid lots!


If you like photography, start playing with photo editing and graphic design. When you're struggling with getting out of a rut and learning new skills, I find it's helpful to find something related to what you already enjoy. Then, hopefully, you wind up even better at what you love. Or at least you figure out what doesn't work, which is also very valuable.


I have a hobby of sprung-springing the Itty bitty fella that blocks all the doors I'm sure you'll find new hobbies and skills, even if you wanna keep making photos a hobby and not a job, which is super valid!


Dispute the fact that I hate when people are urged to push hobbies to be profitable, wedding photography apparently pays pretty damn well.


But it's a good excuse to go outside! A-tier hobby if you ask me.


wedding photographers get paid a lot of money, and get free food. plus you get to be part of something really intimate, and there's something special in that. and it'll you don't like talking to people that you can say "oh, I'm just the photographer" and 9 times out of 10 they'll stop talking to you


artistic pursuits give much more value to life than interests that lead only to higher pay


Have you tried warhammer mini painting?


Nothing wrong with something being just a hobby. I like to write, Iā€™ll probably never be a serious author and I donā€™t plan on it, thatā€™s why itā€™s a hobby.


the entire professional photography industry: *am I a joke to you???* (my point being don't be so hard on urself šŸ„ŗ)


iā€™m a photographer too! wdym thereā€™s no career? thereā€™s plenty of fun stuff to do :3 and itā€™s still a really enjoyable hobby even if you donā€™t get into it as a career :) https://preview.redd.it/42qoyd86pbyc1.jpeg?width=5882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6119617d7184004a8bcbcf823e331eea24c33e go work for NatGeo or something :3


I sometimes do this thing where I'll take repeat pictures of certain objects/scenery during various points of the year and I look at them like a timeline slideshow but never do anything with it. It's just kinda neat ig.


My hobby is making pointless lines of code, my SO tries to tell me it's actually good for something but I feel like coding just sucks at this point


Um, Objection, There are *significatly* more useless hobbies. Your hobby could be watching grass grow, Or slowly walking in circles, Or pouring water on the street and watching it flow down, All less useful than photography. Photography is great 'cause it makes *things*, And *things* are cool.


It's better than mine, being a lil cum dump online. Imma go drink some cum


why does a hobby need to be practical? it's a hobby for a reason, just enjoy it :)


I have way too many hobbies and I can't keep up with normal life myself, yet I'm quite mediocre in all of my hobbies. So it's a lose/lose situation šŸ‘šŸ¼


Cause itā€™s rad


a hobby doesn't have to be profitable to be worth enjoying


I know ppl who have the same hobby and they have to turn down work they are offered. Photography is big business if you like weddings and prom or any special events for people. It can literally be 6 figures if you can edit too.


I edit videos! : D idk if that's exactly useful unless I'm going into hollywood tho which I dont rly wanna.........


It is ok to do things for fun!! Have fun with it and express how you feel through it! It helps you, yeah? Then it is not useless šŸ‘


"Most useless hobby" *Meanwhile literally everything real you see on the internet* (it had to be photographed) Girl, you don't even know you can do so much with that hobby. And hey, if you don't want to guess what, it's a hobby! You don't have to make it into a carrer but just remember you definitely can. EVERY organization of any size for any reason will need a photographer. Girl you're SET!


Take a photo of your frown. Turn it upside down. Look how happy you are!




You can take pictures of silly bugs, it's not useless