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Actually like many things around Singapore, the key is "don't get caught" or more specifically for such cases, "don't get complained". If people complain to town council, or complain during meet the people session, then authorities HAVE to take action. According to the article, got residents complain about those trees blocking drains and breeding mosquitoes. That's like, I've seen HDB-not-approved big dogs around HDB estate. Nobody will bother unless the dog starts making a nuisance of itself.


It's funny that no one feels that keeping a huge Golden Retriever or similar size dogs in a HDB is in fact surmountable to abuse


The requirements of space for dogs are not really size dependent. More breed dependent.


Right? If the owner can train the dog to behave well and provide adequate stimulation and exercise, I don’t see much issue regardless of the dog’s size.


It actually doesn’t make sense for some condos either. 4-5rm flats are much better for large dogs than 1br or studio condo units.


I don't think most laypersons (esp if not pet owning) are versed with the amount of space any particular animal needs to thrive. How much space does a guppy need? I don't know. How much space does an arowana need? I don't know. How much space does an iguana need? I don't know. How much space does a corgi need? I don't know.


Some older generation folks are really one kind. Planting your own plants/tree on public land is one thing, some go and fence it up like it’s their own private garden or kb when people let their dogs pee on these plants.


They think it's like back in the old days in the Kampong 


Just give these old folks an authorised plot of land so they dont plant trees or shrubs randomly. We want to encourage gardening and they also need to give information to residents on where to plant or reserve a plot of land as a community garden.


There are community gardens in most estates for that exact purpose but the people tending them often seem weirdly territorial


Hannor. Community garden politicking can be vexatious and exhausting.


Would it get territorial


I always wondered if we could green the rooftops of HDBs instead. a bit of biodiversity, maybe even cooling. but I imagine there might be some infrastructure up there that makes it difficult


Now they put solar panels already. Plus HDB dont let people go on the roof willy-nilly because of safety.


HDB rooftop a bit tricky. I think it is easier to use carpark rooftop.


Most new estates already have carpark roof gardens. Some HDBs along the Punggol Waterway actually have roof gardens (on top the flats not the carparks).


not in older estates. my hdb block of 4 storeys has a roof that is accessible by a 10ish metre metal ladder. wouldnt want old folks climbing up and down.


Same story as usual. All I can say if you plant your trees/vegetables on land that doesn't belong to you or is not leased to you, any day you have with the trees/vegetables is a bonus


Especially if it’s breeding mosquitoes


Why can't NParks just take over the trees, and tag them. More trees are better than less. They can be trimmed and mozzi treatment done.


not everyone is as good as this agri-uncle who seems responsible. but you will also have people who put down a banana tree somewhere and let it rot after the one time harvest, or who were responsible in the beginning but can no longer manage trees that outgrow their own skill and home equipment and start to become a safety risk. so we have a case by case problem spread multiple corners in large areas. it would be nice if town councils can work with their residents to make this work but to be fair... it's not feasible from the execution standpoint and not justifiable in principle since it is tacit approval of unauthorised planting on public land after the fact. the compromise is to have centralised areas for community gardening. obviously most people prefer to close two eyes and let residents self manage but that lasts until someone complains, which is what happened in the article.


Haha initially I thought you were implying that banana trees can be harvested multiple times. I thought wow netizens dunno how banana works. But ok you know your stuff. Good honey man.


Well, banana is a strange pseudo-annual plant where the above-ground "tree" dies after each harvest, but technically the same plant can be harvested multiple times because the corm survives to produce another "tree".


Deserves a upvote


Cause ministries are very territorial and never wants to work with anyone else, cause it means doing other people’s jobs.


Can confirm lol. Used to work at PA and they don’t talk to other government agencies to coordinate the most basic shit


Its just the incredible amount of red tape that is hard to deal with. That walkway? HDB's. That grass patch? Npark's. That road? It's LTA's. You have to contact and coordinate with 3 different agencies each with their own requirement and red tape, just for a simple extension from your building. And good luck asking who can decide, HDB will say Nparks, Nparks will say LTA and on and on.


Kinda ironic since we're known for making things smooth and straightforward. This sounds more up German's alley.


I learned it doesn’t matter if you work in a government agency or if you are just a normal resident. Everything must go through the same channel.


It's blocking drains. Need to chop roots. Tree not likely to survive.


Land not under NParks (TBH i also dunno under who), different breed of trees that Nparks want to plant (remember the residence are planting this mainly for nom nom), not where NParks wants the trees to be etc etc


they have power over trees >1m girth anywhere in SG including private land, protected by 50k fine. other than that I really don't think they care and hope you don't ask them to care about specific trees in Ah Hock's mini home made planation next to his HDB block in Bukit Panjang


Town council land since they ordered the cutting


Town council administers, but the land belongs to a different agency. 


Should be under SLA (Singapore Land Agency).


> "This is a special feature of our neighbourhood. I don't know why they don't want to retain it and make it something we can be proud of." Apparently special because they thought it was. Is not.


Based. Chop it down and gift the chopped tree to the unker to cry and cope over.


This one really first world problem.


“It seems like an over-the-top solution to say that there are complaints about mosquitoes, so let’s clear all the vegetation,” said Ms Wong. “I was hoping that there could be some kind of concerted discourse where people can have their concerns addressed, basically a more moderate, more temperate approach to this.” Think she put this across quite well.




In the article they say the town council turned the community garden into a walkway


> Aljunied HDB block oh > Marine Parade Town Council Oh > Member of Parliament for the area Tin Pei Ling OH


Aljunied MRT is in Marine Parade GRC, not in Aljunied GRC, while Hougang MRT is in Aljunied GRC, not in Hougang SMC.


Wait till you find out which GRC is Serangoon NEX mall located in


One day Yew Tee will be in East Coast GRC.


Chops down unauthorized trees then some time later the areas MP plants a tree at the same spot 🤣