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Is it just you or rest of the team? I remembered front office traders passing on their books to their counterparts in London at EOD and not needing to worry. Wonder if you can switch to trading Asian markets in your current company.


Have a London team but due to changes, I became book lead lol. Yeah thinking to join somewhere so I can just share work with London team and chill. but it’s still a pay cut. Can’t have your cake and eat it too I guess.


Bro, if you still in QE, stay there for a few more years and save all that tax-free income before considering your next move. Since you are a book lead now, consider pushing management to expand your team and hire more junior traders so you can take on a more supervisory role. Seen many senior traders and book leads basically semi-retiring in such a way while still keeping their hands in the pot.


My bro was on equity sell side, got burned out and health issues creeped up. He took a big pay cut and jumped into buy side several years ago and never look back. He's not married yet back then but I'd imagine it'd be even worse if he had a family with kids. Now all the sell side serves and treats him like a king, never have to spend a dime for lunch and dinner lol


Won’t buy side get paid equally well or more?


Probably because buy side and sell side skills in equity trading are not related. If you hop from sell side to buy side, there will be an initial paycut.


It’s not easy giving up a role you worked so hard to get into. I have a similar family situation and role like yours and my advice would be to find better ways to compartmentalise your life so that you can switch off more efficiently. I struggled with it at first but am now better able to do so, except for some 8am to midnight days.


Yeah am trying to but maybe thinking if I was not cut out for this. Good pnl days are easy but bad pnl days and streaks are rough and tbh I become snappy and less patient with kids etc. it’s not fair to them. I tried it out just for curiosity so part of me feels like been there done that and happy to fall back


Same here and the kids can get you really angry with their behaviour especially as they get older, which can trigger you even more. If you are comfortable with a lower pay then why not consider a different role? For me I’m still working on being as zen as possible. Meditation helps.


It is sometimes not possible depending on the firm and boss! Some places you can some places you just can’t w the management.


Not exactly similar but you may consider what happened to me I have 2 kids (5 yr old and 1 yr old) Was in a role where you are expected to slog and work life balance is frowned upon by the bosses, in their words , you are paid enough so we expect you to work during weekends for urgent matters. All was good until marriage then kids In terms of keeping up with other peeps who don’t have family/ kids , it will be almost impossible to do so, I do prioritise spending time with kids/family over working on weekends tho So progression and recognition is slower in that role. Also felt stuck / sian / burnout but unable to leave with the commitments however eventually still managed to find a better job with slightly lower pay (but still acceptable) but much more freedom/flexibility. But wifey working as well so lucky in that sense Would say I am happier , wifey is happier as she has more time to focus on her own stuff/career too as I don’t need to be always engaged, kids are happier to see daddy more TDLR - depends on whether the role is toxic you can probably find a decent paying role still (if you have alr ‘suffered’ for a couple of years) with better WLB Just pray and hope for the best , GL


thanks for insights. likely will step down. important that family is happier.


Agree that any decision for the good of the family is the correct one. As long as not too big of a financial hit.


Depends on your age and priority. I gave up the chiongster life before I hit 30 and regret it. Looking back, I would have wanted to continue till mid 30s at least


I want to chiong but scared i chiong end up nvr gain anything


Success is determined by preparation, opportunity and luck. At least one of them is within your control.


Why regret


After going into depression due to work stress, I figured that no amount of money will be able to fix you if you get permanently 'broken' from work.


Who we are is not defined by our jobs but by the lives of the people we touch. You can't turn back the clock to spend time with your kids / spouse once they grow up/old. Personally never regret giving up my high paying job to spend time with family. There will be resistance along the way, family will tell you that your decision doesn't make sense. But remember you're buying relationship, something that can't be bought with money.


thanks, everyone think its crazy to leave, esp giving up all the vested. but something really money can't buy


When you are single, you can hustle. Once family and commitment comes in, work-life balance more important.


Gave up a >+25% offer for wlb. Not high paying but given that currently earning way below average, this is kinda a big deal. Bummer given inflation outpacing speed of wage increase but no regrets. Everyone has a choice and priorities.


Not really giving up high pay role for myself but rather lessening the number of work hours since I am self employed and have a very flexible work schedule. I work only 36 hours per wk and can choose to work another extra 8hr per wk or more which will net me another 25% or more increased income but I prefer to have my off days for balance. Having said that, my baseline pay is already high enough for myself hence I can afford this "luxury" of working less. Being single and no kids helps, I only need to support my aging parents.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 36 + 8 + 25 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




> regret I think it is a really fine balance. Spend not enough time with family is a sad thing because you cant get back the time. Esp with young kids, they grow up so fast. But changing job too early might hinder your financial progress and subsequently family quality of life and access to opportunities (e.g. kids wanna study). Maybe do some concrete calculations based on ur current income and savings and see where u are along ur FI journey. I dont think there is right or wrong here, more of what suits ur circumstances. And no matter what, living within ur means and prudently is a skill u want to teach ur kids as well.


Moved from IB to buy side 6 years ago when my first born is 1 year old. The working hours in IB was crazy that time. After moving to buy side, the work life balance is so much better and managed to send and fetch my kid to pre school daily. And able to spend quality time before they sleep everyday. No amount of money is able to replace that.


Buy side also depends... if you are pm role, also worry how your portfolio is doing. now commod is trendy so many HF looking for PM, sub-PM, but i think it would be even worse.


I also find it difficult to switch off or compartmentalise my work and non-work thoughts


But how are you checking markets during after hours and weekends when the markets are closed? Isn’t that also the time you get home from work and spend time with the family?


Gave up my relatively well paying job overseas when my kid turned one. I still had to fly once in a while but not monthly previously. Pay cut by 40% but no regrets. No amount of pay will replace the joy of watching my kid grow up. Quality of life is relative. If you are satisfied with what you have, thats good enough. Dissatisfaction comes when we compare to others or compare to ‘what can be’ and we often miss out on the joys in front of us.


No regrets.. cos your kids only grow up once. You missed it and it’s over. Left my highly paid job to be a cab driver. Was in management team in the past for oil & gas.


I gave up my high paying 3k/mth job to be unemployed. 6 months later regret liao


Sounds like u didn't take the job interview offer, either you thought could get a better deal in the future. But sadly that future is really bleak.


I can eat for free at mom’s. Only dad hates me


Haha bro different financial situation


Simpler way is to not hit targets.. don’t do 100 .. do 80-90 ( enough not to get fired ) .. stress and money comes down.. adds few year to career and life also.


You want to score (A+) at work or at home?


Does the working environment necessitate you to spend your after-work hours thinking about work or is it your own tendencies causing you to do so? If it is the latter, you may want to try addressing those tendencies first to see if things become better before thinking about a job change.


prob my own tendencies, so dont think i am cut out for this. just want to know if people have experience regret and should just tank this till it gets better?


Not at all. I’m 30 (M) with a 2 year old. Made the decision to choose more WLB after I made enough to pay off my house (HDB) with a reasonable rainy day fund. More money wouldn’t make me as happy as being around to watch my kid grow up.


When much younger, I had the option of transitioning into a much less stressful role and higher pay but with limited future growth, and I choose to remain to slog it out. On hindsight, it was the correct decision as it allowed growth in my industry which eventually led to a position with flexible time management. Currently, if there were opportunities but would entail significant time away from family, I would be able to turn them down. And this is because of the initial sacrifices in the early years. So my advise to you is to think in the medium term. 5-7 years. Would continuing in the current role afford you the opportunity to be able to control your own time in the future? Or would such a transition just be kicking a problem down the road, when you might be forced to exchange time for money again. It helps to think it terms of time and opportunity, rather than absolute money terms.


I didn’t really gave up higher pay, but I left my previous job even when they promised to bump my pay to $5k. Now I’m in a 50% less stressful job and able to focus more on my pt degree while having a pay bump of $100 from my last paycheck.


You didn’t have a degree and got offered 5k? Teach me senpai


It’s a very stressful, hands on, and on site customer service job. And that promise is after I gave the letter, so take it with a grain of salt


Currently on m&a sell side in the first few years. Hours are genuinely painful but nothing not survivable but the 24/7 need to be on the ball and ready for work is eating me up... considering looking at non-adjacent roles and taking severe (~40-50%) paycut now to fake a break


I can only say I threw the letter to my boss because it wasn't WLB. And i have been in a very WLB role ever since having time with my two young kids. We can't tell how bad / stress are you in your job. And how much you value your family time. Only you can tell, so follow your heart.


Have you considered trying to move to another similar high paying role in a company that provides more WLB? It is more common than many think and especially the European FIs, progression and increments are poorer but WLB is great and they will start you at 10-20% above your last drawn.


Got, think of moving to somewhere more chill but it’s not easy to find a seat also. And scared it doesn’t get better unless I move to a more chill role


Switch off your email and teams once reaching home.


I did and regret but not really cuz if I didn’t do this I would be filled w what ifs


How much of a hit are you talking about and what are you current expenses?


Can I take over u? Profit share


Could we have some numbers to contextualise the trade-offs? How much does your income drop with the transition? How much does % of income saved change?


no one on reddit can tell you the correct answer you gotta do some calculation on your end to see how much pay is needed to keep your family running before deciding


What is the salary range you are currently at?


What kind of trading role you are in? Some of my traders friend brag about knocking off by 5pm and always free to drinks at night. Not sure if this is your team/company specifically. Also note that pre-schooler grew up fast. In a matter of years, they will be self sufficient and you will have your free time back soon.


Spec trading role. Maybe they are cut out for it and can compartmentalize. pre-school is the most fun age i think, if miss it, then gone forever. but such career, step back also means v.hard to step up again.


really mature thinking here. I would say no - you will be doing them a favor for the financial stability you bring them in future. Just be more aware of yourself / behaviour when you're with them. I think you can afford to work 3-4 more years in this job at least, it might get better for you.


Before making a change, try to confirm it's not just your personality to care deeply about work. How are you with the kids on a long holiday? Do you still get distracted or think about the markets? Can you turn off your phone after hours and weekends for an hour at a time?


At the end of the day it depends on what you value more? Are you the type that needs to feed consumerism and buy the latest and greatest and yearn to "upgrade" to landed property? Or you are happy to see your kids grow up and spend time with them before they turn into teens? There is no right or wrong answer. There is only YOUR answer.


I didn’t do it because I think long term.


You can still work in this job until about upper primary and scale down and when they are even older, you can scale back up again. Caveat : talk to wife. I will suggest *not* changing up to a more expensive home if the home is working for you now. It’s hard with everyone living in Bukit Timah, driving fancy cars, having watch and pen hobbies but you will be very far ahead of peers by being thrifty in comparison.


Work is work. No such thing as wlb. You just need to tune off when u r off work and be more present and selfaware. I would 100% continue at the current role and semi retire 10-15y earlier.


Condo life is alrd not bad, why need to chiong for landed.


Mentally healthy is the most important. No point so stressed with high pay job. At the end of day, money can’t buy important thing such as time, health, family relationships and mental health.


I think you will never regret spending time with your kids especially if they are young - it’s something you will never get back or be able to replicate I had my first going into COVID - WFH was special cause it allowed me to spend a lot more time while they were really young and just be around


Changed from long hour stressful job to one that’s a much smaller role and less up side. I think you probably should not think of this as a binary choice. Both decisions can lead you to the same level of contentment and happiness in the end. Just go with your heart and know that along the way you will no doubt think about what would have been and be ok with it.


Hey TS, hire me ill do whatever you ask of me and we can split my bonus.


I had a young colleague who shared that she used to be the type to OT and hustle to climb up the corporate ladder, but one day her husband suddenly passed away. She said ever since then she prioritised family time because she wanted to spend as much time with them as possible, not knowing when their time was up. Her words left a deep mark on me


Perhaps set a financial target for you/your family. Once you hit that number, walk away. I was laid off once from a job I was happily making big bucks. Now I'm trying to reach that peak again and it's really hard. Point is, financial abundance will change not just your life, but your children's and their children's life. If you're fortunate enough to have a high paying job that gets you there, then ride the wave. If you get off too soon, you might regret it. All the best!


Just take good care and know when your body is about to collapse, mentally and physically. Don’t underestimate what stress can bring to your body and mental health


Looking at this as a recent grad aspiring to break into S&T and it’s now making me think more haha. Not sure what I can advice but could you share how u felt fresh out of uni into a trading role? Was it more manageable back then?


Fresh out of uni is intense but no real pnl responsibility. So just learning. Sales is very different from Trading so know what you want.


My Wife moved company for lower/match with 4days a week. She loves it..


Maybe build a bigger nest egg first for a few more years before switching? Kids won't remember much from their time before the ages  8-9 years old. My brood don't remember much, if at all, of the holidays we took when they were under that age.  The core memories they take with them through life form up from around 9-10 years of age onwards.  So use the time now to earn a bit more first so you can save up for meaningful experiences with them when they are slightly older? 


Hm but science confirms that 0-3 are the most importsnt years.


For 0-3, what is most important is attachment, nutrition, and general exposure to ordinary life situations. It's a very low bar. And I'll bet it's the dad talking about their high paying career, not the mom. If the baby/toddler has good attachment with the mom (or one parent), all is well. If both parents are chionging in their career and the kid is mostly brought up by infant care during office hours and maid after office hours, that might be more of a problem. I would even say that holidays abroad are not really good for toddlers. They crave routine, and sleeping in an unfamiliar environment, jet lag, strange environments can be quite stressful for them.


After 11 years old, u have no more influence…so spending time at young age is crucial.


If you don’t mind sharing, what’s the current comp and the lower one you’re going to? Maybe that will help with making a decision. Also what are your monthly expenses etc


Nothing lasts forever. Enjoy the gravy while it lasts and rest when the train stops. With a wife and two young kids, you can’t afford to slow down.


yeah but worry by the end of this, no wife and kids left. or at least would have missed the childhood of the kids. then what use all the money.


Can tell me… how u get to trading role? I really wanna get in 🥹🥹🥹 I’m still in Uni… no marriage no kids no commitment


I guess moving to an execution role or setting tp/sl after shift and stop tuning into the markets so frequently especially when so many lower level data releases barely move the markets now


It's worth asking your family. Do they prefer you are not present mentally or physically for them? Therapy for couples and children are expensive too, and have no guarantee for results.


I would love to give up my low pay role for a family lols. i would love to stay at home parent too. lols.


ask ur partner to stay at home loh, so easy


What qualifications needed to get into trading job? I maintain my own personal portfolio, is it any use to inlude in my resume? Or what certs or courses needed


You need to be from a top school with good grades if not can forget it


NTU 4.3 can? But again what courses must take before they even consider?