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rest in peace afifah. you were such a great classmate. we miss you 🕊




Have you got no situational awareness?


it’s reddit good to have fun


Let’s not joke around when someone has died, alright? What would u do if ur mom died and someone makes a joke like this?


Yeah dun joke around when someone died. But oppress living people for self satisfaction and act of moral authority.


We should really re look at our super lax traffic laws.


The culprit will get 10 years jail time, then appeal and 1/3 good behavior, and he will come out in 4 years. Mean while the TJC girl and the staff in the van lost all of their remaining life for that POS.


Tampines red merc drunk driver Jeremiah Ng En You, who killed.gojek driver only got 7 years sentence, remission -30% = 4.5years actual jailtime. Like najib, he could jolly well request for home detention and thereafter resume terrorising with intent to maim other road users in 2030.


As a foreigner, I'm gobsmacked not only by how bad your drivers are, but how lax your traffic enforcement is. Singapore is seen as having the strictest laws in the world...except when it comes to driving cars, apparently.


The problem with Singaporean drivers - most of them, not all - they are super impatient, lacks courtesy and skill. When you put impatience, recklessness, over confidence and subpar skills together, it is a disaster.


They scared lose face when people overtake and cut in… I mean wtf are u so fragile? Have to compensate on something?


Because the people who are most likely to drive and most likely to drink and drive are the people with money and power


your statistics from where?


The disregard for pedestrians and road rules is shocking. I've never felt so unsafe as a pedestrian than i do in sg.


Disregard pedestrians...maybe consider visiting china lol


You should pay a visit to Bangkok….😰


Or any of the other SEA countries non city area…


Traffic enforcement is done mostly through cameras, not police officers in cars and bikes. That’s the difference in Singapore.


It is.


I concur - it's only average bad - like anywhere else - the (not) use of turn indicators is also only as bad as anywhere else in Europe.


The traffic law is relax on purpose. So that the fcuking stupid goman can collect more tax from selling repairing enhancing car and also more people can be killed in road accident


This is what happen when you only let entitled people drive cars, the kind of person who is willing to pay 150k just for a prius is exactly the kind of person who thinks he also owns the road, times that by a couple thousand and the roads are just full of rich assholes dick waving to see who is bigger


Because of COE. In SG, $$$ is worth more than lives.


YES YES YES, like from decades ago we should have done that, but look, we are still where we were decades ago.


How likely will it stop some idiot from getting hopped up on whatever horseshit and getting behind the wheel? Probably not, those people are not long for following rules to start with. The change should come with the harshest of punishments to really put that into their heads way before they even start drinking or taking whatever nonsense.


Not about deterrent... its about getting these fucking CBs off the road... FOREVER.


If it's not deterrent that means an accident has to happen then we get to punish these CBs. I rather not have that.


Drug mules = death sentence Got deter boh?


I wonder if there is a way to identify people like this who are short fused and is prone to road rage, and prevent them from driving?


If that’s the case half the population won’t be allowed to drive, then how is the gov gonna earn from COE?


Road rage is from individuals pressure in life I guess. Too much stress -> volcano road rage


People should learn to control their emotions. It is not an excuse for bad behaviour. Everyone is facing stress one way or the other


Sombody wants to cut cost and scared ppl call us a police state.So less visible police. Forgot how we bacame a safe country in the first place.


its usually rich people with cars. just saying.


What’s the point of this comment lmao the previous comment is about car drivers being reckless and ur implying that only rich ppl can have cars. People of all classes can be reckless at driving…


But the rules which punishes the reckless are made by the rich so if someone is reckless its often that they can afford the fines and punishments.


The laws are made by the gov. I agree that punishment for breaking traffic rule is way too light. But hating on the rich isn’t gonna solve this issue.


There are reckless bus drivers, lorry drivers, taxi drivers and delivery riders too. It is not an issue of money but the collective mindset of selfishness. Do you rush into the crowded lift? Do you rush to cut a ‘slow walker’? Do you get irritated if there’s an elderly person in front of you on the escalator? These are the beginnings of impatience and on the road, this is escalated and result in fatal consequences. Unless you have an emergency or a deadline, *What are you rushing for exactly?*


Ask your boss that.


>**Unless you have an emergency or a deadline**, >What are you rushing for exactly? I mentioned DEADLINE. But you obviously rushed to read the end without going through every word. So quick to jump, so slow to evaluate. Read better.


In the religion I used to believe in, those who die on their way to pursue knowledge gets an automatic place in heaven. RIP.


What happens if I kms because exams are too hard...


You still technically qualify for heaven, because school is hell itself, anything outside is better.


School is hell? Wait til you enter the workforce.


I’ve been in the workforce for 6 years now, maybe it’s just me but I enjoy working more than studying. The money aspect is also a good motivation whereas studying didn’t have much. Dropped out of multiple poly and a Uni, making a decent living without issue either, so no, I don’t have any regrets too


At least you get money, and yeah truly depends on company , work at SME at well...work would also be hell.


School is hell, work is purgatory. School is active suffering, work is passive suffering.


I've been working part time while schooling for 6 years now. School is indeed hell, compared to work.


Caning the minimum and sentence equivalent to homicide would at least provide some comfort. He did commit multiple breaches.




How many of such accidents are our country going to turn a blind eye to before strengthening the laws for dangerous driving causing death?


Meanwhile, the driver will just get a light sentence and goes on to live his best life. Punishment for driving recklessly is such a joke. Marcus (xu) chee nan ze, got a 6 months jail for speeding and killing someone. Now a multi million insurance agency director, has 3 cute kids, multiple properties and a reserved seat in heaven because he's a devoted Christian 🤷‍♀️ https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/motorist-gets-6-months-jail-and-6-year-driving-ban-for-causing-death-of


Well, if he has a reserved seat in heaven, I guess it will be fine to send him there earlier.


I like your style


6 *months*?!


I hope the victims get the justice they deserved. Regarding our SG roads. When i go Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia or Vietnam for holidays. When I cross the roads there, despite the overwhelming amount of cars and motorcycles on the road. Whenever there is a need to cross the road by jay walking and I am able to cross the road safely. The drivers or riders there will slow down or avoid you. (doesn't mean I shouldn't be looking out for any vehicles that can't stop in time. It goes both ways.) But we as Singaporeans, some of us are so self absorbed and entitled that it results in "I have right of way therefore I won't give way". As if, when we give in or give way, we will fucking die lidat. Be it pedestrian or driver. When I drive, I see someone jaywalk I will slow down abit, but sometimes I will have car behind me honking me. Bro what's the fucking rush? We are already using cars.


I can’t comment on the other countries but I’m amazed that this is your experience in Thailand…😧


I do see other ppl having different experience when I browse reddit haha. The cities I went so far are: Krabi, Phuket and Bangkok.


Yea seriously, the culture of rushing on the road gas to change. If everyones gracious and driving defensively on the road, we'd at least have a happier time commuting around sg. Like seriously, driving in aussie was way happier and smoother for me


Please, heavier penalties for: vehicles that speed; vehicles that rush to turn into pedestrian’s crossing when there’s pedestrians; vehicles that rush to cross zebra crossing when there’s pedestrians; cyclists that disobey road rules.


Funny that you should single out cyclists, when the biggest offenders are PMD and PMA users.


Cyclists are the worst. PMDs have stopped stressing me out when I drive since the gov ban. I can’t count the number of times a cyclist zip across the zebra crossing at high speed before I even manage to see it to consider stopping. Can’t wait for gov to ban cyclists on the road and only limit you to park connectors. Mark my words it will happen. And death penalty to those who drive recklessly if they cause injury or accidents. That should clean up the mess of Singapore. Singapore is the most unsafe place to live because of the roads. There will be the usual low IQ who talk about shooting in the US and common protests by activists all over the west. Of cos that is dumb because the odds of being in a shooting crime in the US are even lower than being in an automobile accident (in the US). And the US automobile fatality rate is already way better and safer than Singapore. Singaporeans are so brainwashed to think they are safe. Compared to what? China yes and North Korea. The odds of Singaporeans mati in a traffic accident from the lax penalties and non existent enforcement of reckless driving and speeding (gov is more interested in catching parking and illegal U turn infractions that are harmless to other people’s lives) alone makes it a super unsafe place to raise your kids and live. And some more like slow frogs boiling in a pot. After any incident nobody has the rights to channel their protests and let their views be known to their political masters. Pathetic way of life.


Someone CSI out the driver pls?


Being in the father's shoes, I know he would have given up his life for his daughter's. Simply tragic... It's simply unforgivable for the driver to drive so recklessly and ruin so many peoples lives. I hope the law will assign a equitable punishment for the pain he has caused


What is the point of fining the drivers and sending them to jail. It does nothing for the victims. 17 years old, so she could have lived on and worked till about 65. Make him pay her estimated salary to her family for the next 47 years lah.


RIP :(




RIP, after this accident I get paranoid & check left-right even on full green lights but I know I can’t do this forever. Sometimes just can’t avoid.


Bcs drivers contribute much to the GDP baby! Letsgooooo


We need more taxes on cars


We need more taxes on cars.


Tombstone is gonna read:died from a fucker who drives as if a toddler was driving a toy bugatti.


In australia you are required to have 120 hours of supervised driving before you can drive alone. in singapore, only 25 hours at driving schools at minimum. facts.


She was thrown out of the car by the impact…. Wear your seatbelts people.




Bro put your inferiority complex one side




Probably because it’s meant to grab a potential reader’s attention. JCU means at least 17-years-old, and 17-years-old means that a *kid* died in an accident, thereby inciting enough curiosity in a person to click on the article.


Wasn't the accident near the school area, morning so a lot of students out and about? An implicit warning to drive even more cautiously around school zones? And also the tragic loss of young life, someone who hasn't even tasted the fruits of adulthood yet?


Yes, it was. We were using a different school for an event so especially crowded. Hella traffic out there.


Very sad incident but the article said she was thrown out of the car, so I'm wondering if she was wearing seatbelt.


Just wondering aloud... If TJC didn't decide to do extensive rebuilding at this time and force the relocation to the holding school in Tampines, would she still be alive? Hoping her parents and friends find some peace and don't blame the school for having to relocate. We raelly don't know what ifs.


Thats not how causation works Might as well say if the mother didnt give birth to her she wouldnt have died...


Strangely this is true. By giving birth to someone you also give them the other side of the coin. Death.


And students, here we have an example of the slippery slope fallacy.


Next time don't wonder aloud... then people can't confirm how silly you are


That’s a damn long stretch.


Silence your thoughts more frequently.


Maybe, but someone was going to die either ways from such reckless driving


I doubt anyone will factor in random speeding asshole for any relocation project.


Damn. If your mom swallowed then this comment wouldn't be here.


Good one.


Wonders of butterfly effect


Please dont drive


Might as well go all the way back to Raffles. If he didn't land here this wouldn't have happened.


If that first fish hadn’t crawled out to land, none of this would have happened


What tf did I just read


hi, teejay student here. this happened today during our annual road run, think of it as some sort of sports day - and every year it’s held at different venues (was kallang park last year and bedok reservoir this year - hence the holding site is at temasek poly) this has nothing to do with the holding site, it is a ONCE IN A YEAR event where we go to an external venue. it just so happened that this tragic incident happened at this time and venue i hope this gives you some insight.


Oh! She wasn't the passenger in the overturned vehicle?


sorry, i should’ve made it clear that that was the version i heard from schoolmates that witnessed it firsthand i’ll edit my comment accordingly


Ah no worries at all, was just wondering if it was perhaps inaccuracies in the news reports


hope all of you guys are not badly affected from this sudden news. pls look out for one another at this period of time. survivor guilt is real


Wasn't she thrown out of her family car?


The way that idiot drove has nothing to do with any "outside interference" School change to Tampines , jesus suddenly appear etc.


Like that also can. No wonder everything bad that happens, people always blame PAP. Someone somewhere probably blaming PAP for the accident cos of how the junction is designed or whatever policies they can think of.


In this case PAP is directly responsible for policies, such as traffic laws.


No one talked about pap here except for you. Relax with the bootlicking please


Just wondering aloud… if you thought through before u wrote what u wrote… would you still get down voted?


Applying this logic all the way, you might as well say - if she weren’t born, she wouldn’t have died. In any event, your comment is in bad taste.


What if you farting starts a diabolical chain of events, like a messed up rube goldberg machine, that sparks off World War 3. Would you hold it in OP, would ya? Or would you fart silently into the wind...


Your wondering is at siao-lang level of hallucination.


Bro why stop your stupidity there? If Sir Stamford Raffles didn't find Singapore, would COVID-19 have happened?


On the same note, if your mother didn’t give birth to you, you wouldn’t have wondered this.


Typical Singaporean blame game stronk ccb degen go f ur mother


If it’s your time, it’s your time. You could be skydiving or watching netflix at home, when death calls, you have to answer.


If my mum has wheels she would be a bike


With this kind of thought process, you seem to have the talent to be in top management in a big firm or be a high ranking politican.


Don’t wonder out loud thanks


TJ student here. This has absolutely nothing to do with the holding site, we were using Temasek Polytechnic as a site for an event and the crash was near there. It's 100% the reckless driver's fault.


Ur gonna get down voted hard for this but you're free to state your opinions. That's like saying if you never left your house you would be alive.


Why does one with zero regards of human lives get lighter sentences than intended murderer?