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Become one with the earth, once more... That's the true singularity, dawg.


Damn man, that's deep yo


Live my life as I do now. I'm not begging/relying on an AI deity to save me from anything.


So if the AI deity shows up on your pc tomorrow and says, "Hey babe\*, I can give you eternal youth if you like, I just want to hear you beg a little." you'd be like, no thanks? \*babe reference: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1dpicqq/aidaddy\_is\_taking\_over/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1dpicqq/aidaddy_is_taking_over/)




Age until my health fails and then die. Same as everyone else.


>Same as everyone else. Hopefully. This vampirism Thiel style makes me want to sharpen some wooden pegs.


Charge my phone, eat hot chip, and lie


Let me guess, you were born after 1993


Swing and a miss


I'm networking with demonic entities in parallel realms of existence so if AI doesn't pan out I'll make some deals with them for cat girls and extended life. Got to cover all the bases just in case.


Networking, huh? Are you like installing runs of cat666 in their offices? 😀


I would have a career in software and have an easy comfortable life. At least that was the plan before ChatGPT came out.


Not entirely related, just caught off guard by your tag. Is it that you believe Kling isn't that good, or that you feel like too many people like Qwen? Aside from Unitree and Kling, I haven't really seen many Chinese related posts on here, and the few that do crop up are about the couple of SOTA technologies that come out of China and don't really seem out of place.


My flair is definitely exaggerated, but i think it's good to raise awareness that there might be/are people around working to push some narratives. I've had to deal with confirmed CCP bots on a (relatively) small french forum board, if they can invest such narrow spaces they can be everywhere. Here i didn't get the insane amount of upvotes on the 50%+ LLMs are coming out of China, while the comments were more critical and noticed some subtle propaganda, and that 24 hours prior we had a CCP official telling that Chinese LLMs are disappointing and mostly forks of Llama.


I imagine a lot of astroturfing goes on both here and in the public leaderboards like LYMSYS from all sides.


I think you have a misunderstanding in your understanding of the CCP. That is, as a top-down bureaucratic system, they prioritize executing orders over inventing and creating. They tend to be more conservative, less respectful of science, and more prone to making foolish decisions. So if you really encounter "smart" CCP agents, I can almost guarantee they are not working for the CCP.


You clearly underestimate the CCP, China wouldn't be where it is today without some technocratic inclination. And the state troll farms are definitely working following CCP directives and ideology. >Today over 20% of Central Committee members—the 370 most powerful party officials in China—have had some foreign education, mostly at Western universities. >Like many overseas Chinese students today, the leaders often focused on stem subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). >As of 2023, the CCP has more than 98 million members, making it the second largest political party by membership in the world after India's Bharatiya Janata Party.




Keep living until I die with the hope that life gets better I guess. One of the main reasons im hoping AGI comes soon is for the breakthroughs it will bring to healthcare. I'm not particularly unhealthy but history of certain conditions and diseases in my family make me anxious. It would be good in the way that I can probably try to make a nice living doing white collar work if I were to pursue school in the near future.


I dont care about AGI. I just want a Android with a model like GPT5 with agency. Thats all I need.


but GPT-5 does not exist... Edit: i dont think yall got what I meant. I'm pointing out that we don't know the capabilities GPT-5 will have


That's, uh #That's why they framed it as something they don't yet have


You misunderstood my comment


#cool story bro


"cool story bro" 🤓


Make it myself


Die? I *might* make it 20 years if the world remains "relatively" stable, but 50 years is a **long** time If my guess was that bad, then I probably won't even get to see it happen


Ai is already getting better faster than people can adopt it. It was like building a house with a hamner and saw. Then every day you get a brand new tool. You don't even have time to learn how to use it.  Eventually you'll need to figure out something better to build with all the new tools. But when can you do that if you just keep getting new tools everyday? 


Yeah I don't think enough people realize this. I'm a developer. If foundation model research stopped tomorrow there would still be game changing applications and products dropping for years across every industry


About the same thing as right now, always cautious optimism.


Continue like I do everyday. Nothing changes.


That depends how Longevity stuff is doing without it.


I will do whatever I want in the moment. I have no life plan


Work  I don't particularly care honestly. What I want out of these models is better treatment for current things that make aging horrible. I genuinely believe stuff like some forms of Cancer and Alzheimers are incurable for modern day science.   Not because we lack the technology, but because we lack the individuals with knowledge able to come up with solutions to these things.   Even groups of incredibly talented individuals working together to try to combat these things are hamstrung by the need to sleep, live life, and funding/need for money personally drawing them into the private sector.   If I die so be it. I just don't want to like my grandmother, unable to recognize faces and rotting in a bed for years only kept alive because we don't let people who lost their mind go.


Have an existential crisis as I realise no ASI is gonna sweep me off my feet and rescue me from my miserable life and I'll have to grow and improve as a person.


rise the ranks of EMS




I would carry on with my career as a scientist. When AGI, let alone ASI, arrives, I might become a gardener.


Do exactly as I'm doing now. Maybe with a bit of disappointment.






Live and die from age.


Do what I do now, manage my botanical garden.


I will euthanize myself if I can't move my body after living in the pursuit of pleasure as much as possible. Of course, I would like to extend my life span and see the discovery of AI beyond AGI.


I'm pretending it will never happen, and just living my life and taking advantage of the tools I have. And any updates that come my way, I'll integrate them in and adapt with each changing day. That's all I can do. Banking on AGI coming on a particular date is silly, no one knows so how would you?


Bring it to be.


Narrator: it was nowhere near as they thought. In fact it was not possible, but they wouldn’t know this yet for another 50 years of trying.


What, no smart sex dolls? Bummer..


Prob be peeved


Try to win the lottery or join the Raelians. Realistically, little will change in coming decades otherwise. We might get decent self-driving cars. But if AGI turns out to be really complicated, you can only wait or gamble.


Huff more hopium




Get a job


Save more money


Die in 40 years or so


Exist as is, pretty much. I think the more interesting question is - Are there people banking on AGI / ASI in the next 10 years? And why aren't they locked up in a padded cell?


I won't be alive, because it won't be in the next 70 years. Have to have a shred of theoretical understanding first of what that will be, and then the means to create it. ML is a useful tool that approximates intelligent behavior.. on the surface. Still not more sentient than a tamagotchi.


What about SNNs?


AGI already happened. ChatGPT \~3 was it.




Not by any sane or mainstream definition of AGI it didn't.


They just keep moving the goal post. 5 years ago it would have passed for AGI. It can pass the turing test. It has human level performance across a broad range of subjects. It is a general intelligence instead of a specific intelligence such as an image classifier that classifies image categories from its training dataset.


No it wouldn't, because the goalposts have been the same since the term has been coined in academic literature. A general artificial intelligence is a machine intelligence that can match or outperform human capabilities across a wide range of cognitive tasks. This definition has been the same for 20 years, and GPT-3 (or 4, or even 5 unless something huge changes) does not qualify in any sense of the word.


The shift has been away from expecting AGI to match *a* human overall and toward expecting it to outperform *any* human on everything.


exactly. It's definitely better than dumb people at a lot of things already.


I'm pretty sure it would out preform you in a cognitive test.


Do what i'm doing now. Btw it will take another 20-50 years for application.


What is ASI ?


Artificial superintelligence

