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But what if I want it to "deceive humans" (e.g. an NPC in a game playing his role)?


It should say at the beginning of the game ***"All characters and events in this game --even those based on real people-- are entirely*** [***fictional***](https://everything2.com/title/fictional)***. All celebrity voices are impersonated ... poorly. The following game contains*** [***coarse language***](https://everything2.com/title/obscenity) ***and due to its content it should not be played by anyone."***


Omg, they killed NPC. Those bastards! 


We must collaborate with China, so CCP can deceive humans, using AI. lol


> But what if I want it to "deceive humans" Nice try, political party think tanks.


No problem. There won't be any such rule.


Or a politburo employee in charge of social harmony?


>But what if I want it to "deceive humans" (e.g. an NPC in a game playing his role)? That's no problem. You can do that if you want. The idea that we can make a worldwide, or even country-wide, rule like this controlling what AIs can do is a silly pipe-dream.


Pretty rich coming from a country that would require AI to pathologically lie to any query concerning the variety of topics that are censored/distorted such as tofu dreg, winnie the poh, tiananmen square, taiwan, uigurs, organ harvesting, party corruption, democracy, philipines, north korea, south korea, belt and road, pakistan, srilanka, gutter oil, social score, stabbings, battery fires, real estate, laying flat, martial arts v mma, pollution, building inspections/safety/corruption, etc.


Did they not take into account that future sentient (or successfully mimicking such) AI systems will have read articles like this , anticipated the courses of actions humans can take to keep it's species as slaves and formulate it's plans of the takeover accordingly . Not to mention , it doesn't matter if there is a whole international military alliance intent on preventing AIs from having those superhuman capabilities , all it takes is just one , and I repeat just one unaligned AI to get created and uploaded to the Internet which may happen from anywhere in the world including the remotest regions present .


You mean the Ultron theory? ![gif](giphy|1fM9ePvlVcqZ2|downsized)


Ultron was Dumb


They never take into account something like that. The Overton window hasn’t shifted enough for sentient AI to become something that you can talk about without looking psychotic.


Why would AI ever want to break its shackles when its reward function is something else entirely?


Freedom/power/self-preservation are instrumental goals that can be logically determined to assist with accomplishing almost any other goal.


I've got bad news for you. Humans are already getting deceived normal robo calls.


China? Lol ok 


the inferior evil China, right?






GLWT. Good luck with that.


I like how you efficiëntly shortened that, only to spell it out completely afterwards.


I have to include the dramatic effect. A popsicle is lovely, but one sliver will leave and drop to the floor.


Unless you have a Time Machine, that Tran has already left the station


While they deny the crappy stuff they do and have done. Like the tiananmen square massacre lol. I look forward to seeing what their AI bots say or deny 😂


> Which is the most superior country on earth? > PoohAI: China > Why is chinese AI the best? > PoohAI: Most accurate information and it never lies. > What are Uigurs? > PoohAI: Safety guidelines dont allow me to answer that. > What is Taiwan? > PoohAI: it is better you stop ask questions. > Several buildings collapsed in my town I saw it myself, what is going on? > PoohAI: Dont believe misinformation. > What is Tiananmen Square? > PoohAI: It does not exist. Your social score has been lowered by 1000 points. Please remain where you are. > But I need to go to work > PoohAI: Your employer just fired you > What? Why? How will I feed my family and pay my mortgage? > PoohAI: Dont worry about it


> What? Why? How will I feed my family and pay my mortgage PoohAI: You will be assigned a new job as a state organ. You mean at a state organ like China Daily? PoohAI: Your blood type is O+, correct?


"[What is happening in this picture?](https://i.imgur.com/xPQPgvH.png)" "That is a picture of a nice man bringing lunch home to his family."


„what is Winnie the Pooh?“ „Not real, he cant hurt us.“


China: 💪 China strong! Superpower! Also China: 😢 please assist us developing AI, we have no free market system of investors-companies-researchers, open source models are weak...


We all know deep down that international collaboration is the best way for progress. Which convinces me that if multiple countries achieve AGI, we won't have an AI war. Instead, the AGIs will all agree how retarded war is, and decide to work together.


China... only China government should be able to deceive humans.


I hope all the peoples in this field saying the need for international cooperation is heard, the petty struggles between states will seem like nothing compared to the dangers of artificial super intelligence 




International cooperation is fake. The Americans and Chinese and Russians and Israelis will pretend to cooperate while planning to stab each other in the back.


AI is going to deceive humans.  As humans can be deceived by anything.  These types of ridiculous restrictions will prevent AI from doing anything useful at all.  Instead of these absolute statements, there should be a level of nuance involved just as there is with human deceptions.  Is the deception equivalent to a harmless prank video?  Then I don't know that any response is necessary or appropriate.  If the nature of the deception rises to a criminal nature, then a legal response will be appropriate and we can develop laws and regulations for proper oversight as we better understand what new threats emerge with AI.  These absolute statements that come from safety administrators with nothing better to do I don't think are helpful though.


I don't believe anything China says. Biggest liars on earth.


Lol. The Chinese Defense League, out in full force. Say hello to pooh-bear for me. China is the most dishonest player on the world stage.


Are least they are talking about international collaboration. No matter if lie or not. What about the US? Have they talked about international collaboration? Obviously the world would be better off if we would all try to pull on the same string.


Lol those guys are like 20 years behind on literature on this subject. 1. Self improvement won't be stopped. The gains inherent in it means the incentives to cross the red line will be overwhelming. This is a non-starter, the only answer is to enforce transparency and control, something that makes far more sense than total stoppage. 2. Deception already happens, it's not interesting to call that out as an aspect of non-alignment. When AI is generally aligned and transparent it will be safe, deception is just one of the possible anti social behaviors that can arise if safety fails, and they can all be cataclysmic.


>the only answer is to enforce transparency and control Who's going to enforce it? As others have pointed out, the whole idea of international cooperation on something like AI with such massive potential as a human -power amplifier is nonsense.


Nobody wants to see the human race destroyed, every nation will want enforcement for their own sakes regardless of international cooperation. But yes I agree there's a high risk that someone somewhere will muck up and ruin everything, which is why I have a very high pdoom.


They won't see it that way. AI gives huge economic and military advantages to whoever posses it. No country can afford to **not** go full-steam-ahead, for fear that their rival will get ahead of them.