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seeing him starting Skyrim again on the stream made me really miss the old videos he used to make. All the characters and gags still make me lol sometimes.


they were so much funnier, with all the little Uthgerd edits!


Yeah if I was just seeing him today for the first time I probably wouldn't have caught on. But the little details in the YouTube videos were what caught me. Though I 100% understand that Twitch is sort of easier money for him and I still watch some VODs when I get the chance. (Currently watching Rimworld and hope he does a new run for the new DLC)


I do miss the “short” episodes on YouTube. Especially when he would try a new game of the week sorta thing. I 100% loved every game he recommended


YouTube took infinitely more time outside of just playing the game that you don’t have as a dad of 3. He literally just leaves the stream going while picking up his kids from school. Nobody would ever choose doing YouTube videos over twitch in his scenario


It's understandable and more power to him that he found something that works so well. I think he also talked about frustrations with how YouTube screws with their creators when he stopped making videos. That said, as someone who really can't get into streams 90% of the time, I do miss Sips' YouTube videos as well


I agree with you, there's no easy solution either short of hiring an editor to edit the streams down (if Sips has been doing this PLEASE let me know where to find them!)


No I totally get it- why would you spend way more time to make way less money. Nobody would do that. But that doesn't mean I can't miss his YT content (and I do big time).


plus the return on all that work is a fraction of what it used to be too


I mean this with no disrespect but I loved watching Sips (and other creators who have moved to Twitch) videos on youtube, the short edited videos I could pick up at any point were perfect for me. I don't have the time commitment anymore to sit and watch a 3+ hour stream, even if I do it feels at this point there's so much stream lore I'd just not understand. Like imagine watching the old Cities Skylines episodes months late and being like 'Why does he keep mentioning Bon Jovi?' Streams are definitely not for me, but I respect that it's what gets his income and that's what he wants to do!


Same, though that said it does provide a vast more amount of content to watch if you are like me with no time to watch live but plenty of time working from home to have some old man rambling in the background about how bullshit a game is. That said it does get pretty bad watching something from years ago and knowing I can't address a really dumb issue. I'm currently watching Rimworld and holy crap does he just let the dumbest things just ruin his runs. Like currently he is complaining about always being out of food while at the same time only making the most inefficient meals possible or complaining about nothing being hauled while chat tells him to build robots which he keeps saying was great in the last run when he used them. I do hope he does a new series on it for the new DLC, but if he does I would probably jump on the first stream with a donation to tell him to not do this kind of dumb stuff to save my sanity months later when I actually watch it. Lol


Hey man, Dad’s just trying his best


Twitch is just quantity over quality, I miss the good old days of Team Double Dragon.


I don’t have time to invest in a stream - so I barely watch sips content anymore. Was def my favourite YouTuber for a long time. But you know I’ve got other content that entertains me, and he seems to have a good gig going on. If he goes back to doing YouTube I’ll just start watching again… it’s pretty straightforward aha


Effort to return. I basically only get a sip of sips on Triforce. Twitch just isn't for me.


I rewatch his Thimbleweed Park playthrough all the time. I do miss him on YouTube but I'm happy I can still watch him on twitch.




I miss *Evening with Sips*


I guess it makes more money, so more power to him or whatever… But I can’t use Twitch at my work, and I have no interest in six hour long stream VODs. I like having a nice digestible 10-20 minute chunk every day, Especially when he put extra effort into the editing like those little jokes, he did for fallout and Skyrim


I still only watch his Live YouTube channel. I'm months behind but I don't mind at all. I just watch in 20 minute increments on my lunch break every day, sometimes leave it playing while I work if it's a more boring game like Cities Skylines.


I miss the edits on YouTube. I miss sips on YouTube. I also miss the content he and Sjin used to make.




Sips playthrough of Witcher 3 is still the funniest and most entertaining let's play I've ever seen. I so much wish he finished it.


I can appreciate that Twitch works better for him as a job even if I much prefer the old YouTube content. Just a shame he can't do something like what RT does where an editor stitches together the stream highlights into a shorter video for YouTube. That said I really appreciate the Sips Live channel for letting me watch nearly all of the VODs there. I usually end up downloading them and putting them on Plex since YouTube tracking is so bad and you really need it to be decent on an 8 hour video.


He makes more money on twitch and enjoys it more also he post it all on sips live. End of argument!


It’s not the same and you know it. But we understand why he’s better off this way. We love dad


making more content. gonna cry about it. you can still watch it whenever you want. i dont see why people still whinge about this.


Sips' best content, in my opinion, was when he did not interact with chat, and made up random stories and rambled in games. Chat is just annoying.


And he hated making that content because it meant he had to play games in spurts and could never actually get into the story


I really wish I could enjoy streams, but the combination of FOMO and chat interaction turns me off. Sure, I can watch the vods, but if you have 4-8 hours of vods a day, that ain't happening. How much of that is "Oh, hey, thanks clitbeast for the hundred bits" or "OOOOH, HYPE TRAIN, LET'S GOOO?!" or wannabe standup Text-to-Speech.


i dont disagree to an extent over chat interaction. if im watching live, i'll just turn chat off. it seems to be the same lot who have been there for years doing their thing.


Completely agree! I totally get why he is doing Twitch these days and I’m happy he’s doing well for his family - but I do miss the made up stories and actual in-game interactions. My faves I keep rewatching are Kona, The Witcher and Firewatch. Although I did LOVE his Hitman Freelancer run on stream, that was comedy gold.


This is a forum, we whinge when we wanna! And we all know he’s happier this way. We just miss the high effort content! there’s nothing wrong with that


Don'r think Sips ever got to a level of fame that is worth noticing. At most, he has the fame level of an obscure meme.