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There's just so many different categories of actors. Among former standups, if you think Seinfeld was bad, all you're really telling me is that you never saw Gabe Kaplan. There are "actresses" who are really models and, yeah, they can be pretty bad.   A couple actor actors who I thought were painfully bad were Bonnie Franklin on One Day at a Time, who overacted everything; and, Ashton Kutcher on Two and a Half Men, who didn't project much of anything.


Kathy Griffin is terrible in everything


She was pretty good in Pulp Fiction 🚶‍♀️


Bonnie Franklin, for some reason, never dialed down her theater performance for television. I could accept her working on it in season one, but she always performed like she was acting for the back row of a Broadway theater.


Bonnie is an interesting take. It's like when it comes to ODAAT. It;s like the slapstick comedy performances are forced but the dramatic episodes she shines. However the episode where Ann gets drunk may be her best performance


First of all, every single woman and man on that show, guest or not, was a better actor than Jerry Seinfeld. The day that man can show an emotion other than smug and smirking is the day pigs fly outta my ass and have a snowball fight in hell. The show should have been called "Costanza".


Jerry Seinfeld has the range to play one character and he did it alright.


100% agree but have to say the one time he tried it came off as creepy and forced (The Serenity Now) though i believe it was intentional


You want to see bad acting from Jerry? Find a clip from the first season of Benson. He played the Governor's joke writer. 10 Raspberries for him.


I love Only Murders in the Building, but why doesn’t Selena Gomez open her mouth or enunciate when she speaks?


Which is wild considering her primary career is music, yet she couldn’t open her mouth here


I liked her acting better on WoWP.




Most actors from kid/teen shows on Disney, Nickelodeon and similar networks are terrible or at least bad


Most child actors are unpolished. It's a rare talent to act without appearing to be acting before the age of 16.


Agree. But even adults are bad in those shows


90% of kids on shows.  If they are good when younger they will get bad when they get older.


Jeez I was just thinking of this the other day. It’s like they grow up and can’t get out of their own head. When they were younger maybe they had more confidence or didn’t feel as judged, idk.


The problem is that what worked for them when they were younger doesn't translate into adulthood. It may have been cute as a kid but comes across as overacting as an adult. At some point, child actors need to take some acting lessons to rid themselves of the "kid quirks."


Kevin Costner has no range. I can't stand how wooden he is.


THANK you! How that man got where he is is bewildering.


Do I even need to say Steven Segal


Kristen Stewart. She only seems to have one facial expression.


Jamie Dorman Megan Fox Dean Cain


well Fox is just there for the looks and that has dramatically dissapated through cosmetic surgery so i get why she isnt getting cast anymore never rated her highly she was just there


Dean Cain was good in *Supergirl*


Did you see Barb and Star? Dornan is great.


I know this is mean as crap but to answer the question: I feel like sometime in that last 20ish years Christopher Walken started doing Christopher Walken impressions in his movies. The A+ actor from Deer Hunter, Annie Hall, King of New York etc. is gone and disappeared around age 70ish and all we have seen in the past 10-15 is a guy doing an impression of a characture.


Cwistofah Waawkin he really exagerrates the new york accent now doesnt he? i think his decline can be traced sometime around Click or as fun as they are the Fatboy Slim videos


You know what? I feel the same way about Al Pacino. After dick Tracy. It seems like all he does is play. Very angry/ yelling person


this I agree


Honestly it was when he did godfather 3 it was noticable


I just recently rewatched deer Hunter and they were all so fricken good it was WILD


He’s not a sitcom star, but others have posted non sitcoms, so…. Chuck Norris. He absolutely sucks. And, yes, in a bad way.


Tom Cruise. He just Tom Cruise-its through every movie he does. With the exception of Tropic Thunder


Tom Cruise-its lol Last Samurai was a classic case of yelling Tom Cruise not a good movie either watchable but not great Top Gun is the formula for a Tom Cruise movie sexy girl and Cruise (Kidman , McGillis , Connelly in the 2022 sequel etc) , friend dies , Cruise gets angry , does a sunglasses smirk


Ive seen most of his movies. Especially his movies from the 80s and 90s. He always the same cocky guy. Having grey hair in collateral didn't give him acting depth. He's alright. Not terrible but not great


Have you seen Taps? I was impressed by his acting and he was 19 at the time.


Have you seen *Edge of Tomorrow*?


Cruise was very good in Edge of Tomorrow.


I am not saying he is not entertaining. As hypocritical it may sound I like his acting. I like his moves. You get your money's worth when watching cruise movies. No argument there. But in my opinion he doesn't have much range. He is capable of range as seen in born on the forth of July or tropic Thunder but he rarely uses it. I don't blame him I wouldn't break what was netting me those 30 million dollar checks per movie.


My point was Tom Cruise starts out as very much a NOT Tom Cruise character in Edge of Tomorrow.


This is such a cliche and horrible take. He's a great actor especially all his stuff from the 80s and early 90s before becoming an action star.


Cliche or not it's the truth


He's done great things since then though. Magnolia, his small role in Tropic Thunder also. Vanilla Sky.


Has he though?!?


Vanilla Sky, Magnolia, and Collateral would make you say otherwise.


And every single one of his movies are blockbusters. He’s been pretty consistent since he started.


Ryan Reynolds plays himself in every movie. I know I’m in the minority but I think Deadpool is a crap character.


I’m conflicted about John Malkovich. I have not seen him on stage. In Space Force, I just don’t know…


Just went back and watched Dangerous Liaisons… sooooo rapey and not as sexy as I remembered.


So awhile back we were doing a Friends watch-through (we stopped mid season 8 because it becomes terrible, imo) and I was struck by Tom Selleck’s first appearances. He made EVERYONE ELSE on the show seem like worthless amateurs. They’re all jerky-jerky shouting through their lines and actions and he just moves smoothly, speaks in a calm, understated way and I came to realize: holy crap none of these people can act! Ultimately, I think Shwimmer was the worst but I hated his character. As for Seinfeld, they had an episode plot around the fact that he didn’t emote enough. I think the man can act (at least some) but his character wasn’t an actor. He was a smug, smirking smart ass comedian, much like the person the character was based on.


Whenever I’m tempted to hate on Scwimmer (Ross was such a crap character) and his acting I remember Band of Brothers.


I really need to watch that show…


Redd Foxx and Demond Wilson are both poor actors but were great on Sanford and Son


I was never sure if Michael Cera was always playing a similar character or if he wasn't a great actor.


Jon Voight is terrible.


John Voight is pretty good though.


Especially his LaBaron


just drivin round in John Voight's car


periodontist lol


Not in anything I've seen him in. He's just not believable.


I can think of only one thing Jon Voight did that I liked.


😆 yeah me too


Rainn Wilson: benefitted tremendously from those around him and great writing.


Natalie Portman


There's an argument that Portman is not a bad actress, just really good at playing a bad actress: https://slate.com/culture/2023/12/natalie-portman-may-december-movie-netflix-black-swan-jackie.html


Norma Shearer


Common. One of the worst. Just. Please. Stop. Trying.


Dakota Johnson. She's got nothing going on behind her eyes, has no charisma on screen and would be working a regular job if she wasn't a nepo baby.


Keanu Reeves


Ray Barone's brother. That New York accent... Which really sounds like "I'm kind of dumb".


Mark Ruffalo overacts every scene he’s in. Other actors will be at a 8 or a 9 out of 10 in terms of intensity or engagement. He’s a 100 out of 10.


Punctuation, grammar and capitalization set us apart from the animals. Are you just so important, so busy you can't do it? Or, just fucking lazy?


Using words while understanding their meaning at all puts us there already. >Or, just fucking lazy? This is proper grammar?


Profane, but correct.


Friends actors.