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That 7% chance is a little skewed too. Most teams down 0-2 are just objectively worse and already don’t stand a chance. Sixers are at the very least as good (I think slightly better) than the Knicks. Just gotta win at home and it’ll turn into a 3 game series where anything can happen


Yup, I also recollect there was only a ~6% chance of us getting the 6 seed at one point in the season. While we didn't get the 6 seed, we still won enough games to be in a 3-way tie for the 5th seed Like Joel said, improbable doesn't mean impossible


MY BROTHER IN CHRIST we are still in it. Let’s enjoy the game tonight and have the offseason takes if we lose. Go Sixers!


My brother in SATAN, I agree with you. Give your soul to Satan.


It’s over bruh


I bet you the odds of coming back from 0-2 is a lot better than the odds of losing a game with a 5 point lead and less than 50 seconds to go.




Probably is. Teams down 2-0 don’t usually win the series. Go Sixers.


Keep Embiid. Extend Maxey. Keep Nurse. Blow everything else up


I'm here for this.


Tbf nearly everyone else is a FA. Only Embiid, Reed and RC4 are under contract for next year.


If they lose in the first round to the Knicks, Reed's contract isn't guaranteed either (pretty sure).


Wow! Morey is a beast


That’s correct and at $8m/year it’s likely the sixers would choose not to pick it up in order to open up more cap space. Only way I see them guaranteeing it is if they plan to operate as an over the cap team by acquiring a player via sign and trade.


I need Kelly to stay


if he plays better offensively in these games that matter i would be cool with him getting a 15-20m contract. if not i would be cool with him getting a 10-15m contract


Oubre ?


Honestly what would be the strategy? I feel like PG this summer wouldnt be enough. Itd be great to get lebron but i doubt hed leave LA. At that point just draft someone?


I say keep Oubre too if he’ll stay for a team friendly deal


Key takeaways: sad.


It’s 7%. That’s not anywhere near impossible.


You also have to consider how many of the teams that went down 0-2 and contributed to this statistic were 7 or 8 seeds or significant underdogs due to injury or something


I mean we’re a 7 seed too lol. But I agree with your point


Realize that basketball is dumb and also that I’m dumb and everything is dumb


I think im dumb. I think im dumb.


Delete this nonsense.


A healthy Embiid Maxey core is good enough to have a realistic chance of winning it all. So as long you're comfortable with the Embiid health risk, you just run it back for a few years and build around the edges. Hit on a nba ready older draft pick, let Ricky Council grow into a real role, make some smart signings/trades and then sit back.


I think I agree with everything on your list, especially #3 (though selfishly, I hope he comes back on a reasonable deal). Even if they were able to get Harris on a team friendly deal for less than $15M per, it still probably isn't worth the roster spot. The other elephant in the room is the cap space. What can Morey do with that cap space in the off-season that gives the Sixers a significant advantage moving forward. I am on the fence about them going all in to get a third all-star, because I don't want the Sixers to end up hamstrung like the Suns. So at that point they are trying to sign 3-5 solid role players that ideally fill the space in case of injuries like this season, but who is really available? Most of the good players that would fit the bill (not even the Lebron/PG types) are on player options, going to make bank, or are probably willing to take a discount to stay with their current team. Monk, Klay, Siakam, OG, KCP, GP2, Caleb Martin, D'Lo, Claxton, Hartenstein, Beasley, Tyus Jones, Kyle Anderson (I like slo-mo)... it really makes me question what the plan could possibly be. There are definitely a combination of those guys that are very helpful and keep the Sixers afloat when Embiid sits, but are they able to land them all? Or is Morey going to try to swing for the fences with 5 (is it 5?) FRP's available on draft day and try to bring in a guy like Donovan Mitchell since he has expressed little interest in remaining in Cleveland?


Donovan Mitchell I feel like is the opposite of what this team needs


Just let the coach figure out. My big takeaway is that I love watching the NBA and renewed my season tickets for next year.


I like Lowry, he was still a positive even though he kinda choked in the last minute. Oubre needs to come back imo, he hasn’t been himself on offense this series but he’s helping lock Brunson down on defense. Nurse is a great coach when he’s not trying to call a timeout. The rest can kick rocks as far as I’m concerned.


Past performance does not guarantee future results. It doesn’t make any difference what other teams that went down 0-2 did. We just have to win tonight. And then we have a chance to tie the series. Worry about the seasons takeaways when the seasons is over.


wtf has shown you hield should be back lol. How is that your takeaway


Loser mentality


If the Sixers lose this series I only care that Embiid, Maxey and Nurse return. Morey should get whoever he feels will make this team better than the current team.


Sixers are +330 to win the series which implies around a 20-25% chance of pulling it off.


biggest takeaway: Whatever happens in the summer doesnt matter, This team is Embiid Maxey and jobbers. It literally cant get worse




Whether we win this series or not, I want the entire off-season’s focus to be putting complimentary pieces around Maxey so we can elevate his offense as much as humanly possible this summer so Embiid’s usage rate can go way down


Injuries have killed this team. One of our starters is STILL out, ffs. Our best player was out for a long stretch and we are lucky to be the 7th seed because of it. Next year, our two best players will come back and there are a few others who are worth signing again. Beyond that, next year is somewhat of a clean slate so it’s a chance to bring in some players who are a better fit for what NN is doing.




Why don’t we just wait for the series to end before commenting on the future.


Disagree with 3 and 4. Neither one is going to get better. You’ll be investing around 30 million a year into the two most underperforming players in our playoff rotation. Pj Tucker and Danuel House have gave us better minutes last year. I’d rather use that money to try and sign one of the few “premium” free agents(think derozan), or trade for someone. My slightly realistic dream trade is for Ingram from the pels. Sixers Recieve: Ingram, pick 21 Pels recieve: pick 16, ‘26 first via OKC/HOU/LAC, Reed, lottery protected ‘28 first,


Key takeaway? Various GMs and league interferences screwed away a more promising future. And Tobi the most glaring proof. Need a reliable wing scorer to compliment Maxey and Embiid badly.


Embiid won’t last another 3-4 seasons. Either due to injuries or him asking out. Just my opinion. Agreed that Twinkie Tobias needs to go. Trade him to a crumble cookie, a bag of balls, I don’t care, man needs to go


Get this shit out of here


Shut up.


Keep embiid Maxey oubre Lowry hield. Get a backup center & a athletic scoring wing


Not keeping Hield. He sucks. Lowry and Oubre can stay on 10 million a piece


I think Hield would be fine on a reasonable deal with more time in Nurse's system and playing with Embiid. There is no way a guy that shoots 40% for his career could possibly be as bad as he has shown this playoffs.


Never made the playoffs before this season. Now we know why.


The ONLY thing Hield has done this series is not be named Tobias Harris. He has done everything else wrong. He deserves zero consideration as of now to be brought back. This could change over the course of the next few games though.


Im sorry Embiid is not IT. He literally gets hurt EVERY year. I love him to death but how many more times are we going to chance this?


Most teams spend every year failing to acquire the top end talent necessary to win a championship. The Sixers have that talent, but need some injury luck. It’s very possible Joel will never be healthy enough for a championship playoff run, but in my opinion, it’s even more unlikely that you find someone who gives you a better chance.


we'd get alot of assets for him. look at okc