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The fucking bulls retracted trading Drummond to us at the deadline because ownership wanted to compete for the play-in's, then they don't take the two late 1st rounders for Caruso and instead opt for the high schooler diddler. Being a Sixers fan can be depressing but at least we're not the fucking Bulls or the Pistons.


There was literally some dude at my bar today insisting the Sixers were negotiating with Lebron and that he’s currently in Philly 🤣


I like hearing about players we won’t get. It’s very exciting


I want Lauri as much as the next person but I’d rather never trade with Danny Ainge ever again


Maxey KCP Bridges DFS Embiid Lowry Gary Trent Jr Oubre Batum Drummond Send most of our picks to the Nets for Bridges/DFS ofc


They’re not trading bridges


And if they do we will get outbid.


100% he’d have to ask out specifically to be here and I don’t see that happening at all.


I want The Finnisher


Morey cooking up a steaming pile of shit


Markkanen + OG, book it


Those extensions to stay are dropping tomorrow. Then we’ll be paying KCP $28m/yr


We couldn't pay Lauri if we got him right? Especially if we got OG on a near-max. Lauri would be a 1-year rental


We technically could, it would just be hard. Nearly everyone outside of those 4 would need to be rookie contracts or vet mins.


LaVine and Sam Dekker.


Seeing OKC get rewarded x100 for a rebuild meanwhile we had the Ben Simmons… Markelle Fultz… Jimmy Butler… Tobias Harris… James Harden…. Fuck Al Horford too


Sixers were in a similar spot in ‘18. We had a budding superstar, multiple cheap young players(Simmons, Saric, Fultz),solid role guys(TJ, Roco), solid vets(Ersan and Belinelli), unproven young guys(Korkmaz, TLC,Holmes), and some draft capital. Everything that could go wrong did. Effectively traded Roco + Dario for 2 more playoff wins and Josh Richardson. Let TJ, Ersan, and Belinelli walk. Fultz and Simmons value plummeted in two ways I’ve never seen happen. Traded Bridges for Zaire smith and a pick that was used to trade for Crumbl.


Happy to say I was at least on team RunItBack after the four bounces lol


I took a break from NBA after we were eliminated and just came back recently….. So….is the new season starting tomorrow? Because from what I see so far, this off season is over, we can’t make any move? 🤔


Y'all did the whole "don't panic" routine last off-season whenever we tried to say the roster was dog-shit in July. The lo and behold the team is a first round exit like many of us predicted. At some point you have to stop huffing the copium and look at the writting on the wall.


And it turned out the team was actually good until Embiid got injured.


Joel Embiid is so good he can carry any roster to the Playoffs lmao. Once we got there we lost in 6 in the first round with Embiid averaging 33, 12 and 6 because the rest of the roster was terrible and couldn't step up. It was a dog shit team in july and it was a first round exit in may when it mattered.


I am sorry, was Embiid healthy during playoff? And he had a serious injury during mid season. Given the uncertainty surrounding his health status, I understand why they were hesitated to spend their assets to upgrade the team. Oh, btw, people who are having meltdown right now are the same people who were saying PG is a old injury prone, and we should have gone with a more “balance” team building


Once again Embiid averaged 33, 12 and 6 regardless of whether he was "healthy" or any good team wins a series with their star playing like that. If you're asking him to do more to win you're effectively admitting the roster was terrible and that you need a super human performance from Embiid to make up for it. The rest of the team was ass (Tobias with 0 points, no one guarding the perimeter or boxing out etc)and that's why they lost in the first round. Who care's why people are melting down? This off-season is not starting off well, and it's fair for people to comment on that. The gas lighting and acting like people aren't right to be concerned is lame as hell.


Again, I understand why they were hesistated to make any significant move given the uncertainty surrounding Embiid' injury. If you beleive we shold have gone all in, and betting on Embiid to make a full recovery, I won't fight you. 28 teams haven't made any move yet. Should they be concerned? Would I be happy if we sign Paul George? Yes Am I going to have a meltdown when I learn we are not going to sign an aging, injury prone for a 4 year max? No


I'm not saying they should have went all in last year. What I'm saying is people last year in July identified the 76ers roster was good enough and they were met with "the off-season isn't over". This off-season is more or less starting out the same exact way.


If you are still still upset that we are not likely to get Paull George, I stronlgy recommend you to read this comment from u/[XxStormySoraxX](https://www.reddit.com/user/XxStormySoraxX/) : [https://www.reddit.com/r/sixers/comments/17r9o5x/comment/k8hnxuv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/sixers/comments/17r9o5x/comment/k8hnxuv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Perhpas you will agree that we dodge a bullet


I’m not upset about not getting Paul George lmao. I am nervous that Caruso just went for Giddey straight up and it seems as though our picks aren’t as valuable as we thought. It’s starting to feel like teams are looking for young players instead of picks.


reasonable team buildup .. 1. trade Bball and Picks for Duren 2. Jimmy option 1.. Dejounte option 2... Ingram option 3.. Lavigne option 4 3. resign: Oubre, Nico, Melton or Payne 4. one of Dunn, Dillon Brooks, Marcus Smart


Your reasonable take it that the Piston will trade a young, monster starting Center to the Sixers who would bring him off the bench? Brilliant


Yeah I have a feeling either Jimmy, Lauri, or OG will shake lose


None of those players are coming to us, you assume jimmy even wants to come here lmao


Why do I have the sinking feeling we end up with something like Lavine and KCP when the dust settles? I do hope Morey has a secret plan cooking and we’ll all be wowed come July 1.


Probably not considering we’d have Maxey, KCP, Lavine who are all basically SGs. Morey may have some criticisms but I think he’s very good at assembling good roster construction with players that fit around stars. Those 3 would be awful fits. Very undersized and not a lot of play making. Nobody to really defend good wings either.


Morey wouldn't do that to us


I think he'll try his damnedest not to disappoint, but he can't make people come here or force trades at the end of the day. Side note: what does Elton do these days?


Lowkey I know the Tobias contract fucked us for years but Elton was actually doing better than morey before that


Spending every last dollar of our cap space on those 2 would rival our 2019 offseason


Y’all are corny as fuck


Sixers should do something meaningful for once to get fans excited again 


It doesn’t matter what moves we make (or don’t make) because sixers fans will be fucking miserable. It was very obvious that was gonna happen. And I get it given the history of this team and the fact that we’ve all lost hope at this rate but repeating the same doomer shit over and over again is getting really fucking annoying


It doesn’t matter what moves we make (or don’t make) because sixers fans will be fucking miserable. It was very obvious that was gonna happen. And I get it given the history of this team and the fact that we’ve all lost hope at this rate but repeating the same doomer shit over and over again is getting really fucking annoying


That’s all it took to get caruso but the sixers can’t pull off a deal like this? Ok man


I know I’m gonna get hate for this but having a clutch shot creator is still the biggest flaw of the Sixers (the closest we came was when we had jimmy hitting big shots). Joel and maxey will always be enough to keep the game close, but we’ve seen Joel fail to be clutch in the playoffs since legit 2018, you aren’t a real Sixers fan who’s been watching if you disagree with this. Demar was runner up for clutch player of the year and hits big big shots I’d only take him IF the 2 and 4 players were perfect fits rebounding, defense, and 3 of shooting. KCP, Collins, Gary Trent Jr., DFS.


At this point can we just wave the white flag and tank? I’m dead serious I honestly think gms in the league not only avoid morey for the Hong Kong situation, but they dislike him because he’s an asshole as a person, compare him to howie roseman, Howie fleeces gm and loses sometimes at trades himself but gms actually like him as a person and build relationships with him which allows him to make these deals. Morey is cut throat and annoying so players nor gms like him much. You’ve seen multiple teams get good players for absolute dogshit and you’re telling me morey is the only guy who can’t jump on that? Either he’s a complete bust as a gm or gms hate him as I’ve said previously. I mean come on GIDDEY FOR CARUSO lmao. We have no picks that mean shit nor players outside of embiid and maxey so if we have no chance of winning what’s the point? Why not just get assets for embiid atp and let him win elsewhere? The franchise has failed him. We just need a cultural reset in general, if a career loser like Paul George is about to choose the magic over us then you know it’s bad. Our first option with George gone as a target is fucking Brandon Ingram lmao Tobias Harris 2.0, OG is re-signing with the Knicks and Lavine is useless. Morey wasted a year of embiids prime with his cap space bullshit and he’ll have nothing to show for it, dude needs to go, he peaked at the harden trade 11 years ago. He’s not even a top 15 gm at this point


get a grip


“Paul George is a career loser” “I am having a meltdown because an aging career loser won’t sign a4 years max with us” Something doesn’t sound right here.


Caruso to the Thunder. God fucking dammit.


Embiid needs to grow a pair and ask out. His career, health and legacy are being completely tarnished by the Sixers. Nobody wants to deal with Morey. Laughing stock among players and GMs find him extremely annoying


Yea he’s never gonna win here his gm is a fucking moron who’d rather troll people on twitter


this offseason is gonna suck so bad


Anyone see the Shams tweet?


people cannot seriously put Tatum in top 5 and leave Embiid out. Those “playoff dropper” shit and he still averages more points rebounds stocks and better ts% than him in the playoffs. Tobias getting paid like a top 20 player but he isn’t even a top 20 player at his position. switch Embiid and Tatum and the Celtics prolly won like 3 times in his career already but Tatum would not be taking us anywhere lol


I'm fine with it... win a damn chip... and you'll be recognized.. way it should be.


definitely not, especially in todays nba. Ring boosts it but with how talented the league is currently I don’t think it’s fair. They got SGA over Embiid too and he hasn’t done anything either


The upper tier of the Lakers coaching staff will be JJ Reddick and potentially Rajon Rondo. High likelihood this blows up in their faces.


Lakers going full circus mode. You know they gonna draft bronny too


I love summer, but it's not even July and I really miss watching basketball.


this offseason feels bleak we're just getting players no one else wants at prices they possibly don't deserve


If a player hits free agency you have to bid to get them if multiple teams are interested. If you are the only team that wants them, then you don’t have to pay as much. “No one else wants” and “prices they don’t deserve” doesn’t make sense.


whatever point is it seems like none of these dudes available move the needle for us


Embiid being healthy for a playoff run moves the needle now that Maxey has established himself. You need dogs at the wing positions who will hustle, defend, rebound, and knock down open 3s. If they can attack a close-out that's icing on the cake. Harris being replaced by someone who will be able to recover loose balls and shoot open 3s will move the needle.


We are literally beggars trying to choose here. I can’t wait to see what we really do. My gut tells me we’re not making any big signings or trades tbh.


Well, we have to spend 76 million to hit the cap floor so I anticipate somebody being signed.


Lowry, 1 year 76m.


He is become THE 76er


I tend to agree - Philly is not a destination for free agents and Morey does not seem to be held in high-esteem by players. First round picks (the only assets we have) have never been less valuable in a way due to so many teams trading them already. Many other teams can top any offer we make anyway. I think there is going to be a huge build-up that turns into basically nothing happening but kicking the can down the road until the season or trade deadline (flexibility is what they will call it). Hope I'm wrong.


honestly, at this point i don't even care anymore. rather just use our cap space to mess with every other team's cap space


thoughts on getting marcus smart? he’s still elite defensively would be a good get in the back court with maxey


He’d be one of my top trade targets but I’m not sure Memphis knows its own identity with how strange their past 2 seasons have been.


Would love him here. He'd be extra motivated to play in the division and having seen the Celtics win a ship without him.


Damn, they won a ship too?


Marcus Smart in whatever role Lowry was playing late last year would've gotten us to the ECF. If he's available for a fair price they should 100% try


yes. memphis has to shed salary. they will try to push kennard or useless $$$ off first and they aren't moving any of their top 3 so it could happen


No former Celtics


Hollinger ranked the free agents in the Athletic today - what I found interesting is the estimated FA value for each player. He has OG around $33 mill a year. If the Sixers could get him for around there, might be nice because that leaves another $30 mill to play with in various ways. I don't think he is getting $40 mill based on this valuation.


I don’t think it’s realistic to think that the Knicks wouldn’t offer at least that much to retain him.


the Knicks would really have to be pretty dumb to not even offer $40m. with $40m from the Sixers, we would still have picks and a little under $25m to get another quality starter.


It appears the pels have reached out to us about Ingram and the Bulls have reached out to us about Lavine.


15 different trade proposals for Lavine from their GM. They’re desperate to move on. I think he winds up with Orlando. The fit is perfect.


I like the fit, but I wonder if Chicago will want to avoid trading with Orlando after how the Vucevic trade went for them.


I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, but why do you think that past trades working out / not working out affect future trades for different players?


Because human beings run NBA teams and human beings are flawed by nature and often have egos.


Yeah that would be great for both parties. Monk is the other option that I like for them. I just want Paolo to have some shooters


Enrique Freeman at 41 is gonna go so hard guys 25 is ours yall


Rockets posturing towards doing something sneaky on draft night - either drafting Clingan or moving back. Reports making it seem like they've been on the phone quite a bit. I'm guessing there's a substantial shake-up move coming.


Wonder if they’re gonna drive up the price on Dekker to screw up Morey’s plan?


That report from Ky Carlin saying the sixers are expected to resign oubre batum and lowry is just an aggregation of pompey saying the sixers probably want to resign those guys. Lmao


For the guys who are legitimately out on George and Ingram, assuming LeBron and Butler aren't moving, what do you want?


OG, Hield, Oubre, Kris Dunn, Jalen Smith, Lowry, Jordan Nwora, Naji Marshall, Chuma Okeke


If you can get Kuzma and Kispert ($29 mill) for two firsts or a first and fake first, and then pick up John Collins ($27 mill) or Jerami Grant ($30 mill) on the cheap, it might not be terrible outcome.


No, that would be a terrible outcome.


The mythical young, athletic, 3&D wing with playmaking chops and can shot create a bit, that Daryl for whatever reason just refuses to get


Dejounte Murray is the closest thing we can get to this without being raked over the coals. His cap hold would be close to like half of PG, so we could really fill out the rest of the roster. Would probably only cost maybe two FRPs, his stock isn't super high right now. Not as good of a shooter as PG, but averages twice the assists, and has been on an all-defensive team before, he has the ability to be a great defender. He's not afraid to take big shots or open shots, which is what we need around Embiid and Maxey, keeps the defense honest. I think with Embiid behind him, and Nurse's defensive schemes he would probably be great for us on that end as well, and get back to being closer to the defender he was on the Spurs. He's not like "young" anymore, but he's not old like PG either, he's pretty much inbetween Maxey and Embiid which could honestly be a good thing long term. He's just starting to enter his prime now pretty much, could be a pretty good year for him next season.


Maybe if he was a wing


"Every team in the league has one of those guys, why can't even find one?" The reality: there's like 3 of those guys in the league lol


and they're all superstars lol


2 of them just won the finals 🙃


The only other guy I can think of is Murray. Bridges/Lauri are not being traded, and if they are, any team with a decent young player to trade will beat the Sixers offer.


I’d be cool with all four of those guys but would also like Dejounte, OG, even Lavine or Grant.


i'd consider Kuzma too


I hear you though I'd be disappointed if he were our big splash tbh


I’m with you on this one. They all have different upside. I believe in our top two guys and the coach, we just need to add as much talent as we can.


Yep yep. I mean it also speaks to the talent and versatility of Joel and Maxey. Like we could add literally any star or fringe star that isn't a center and is taller than 6'2.


Sam Dekker


Those pg comments seem not great lol so I am sure he will end up signing with the sixers and things wont work out


I think players get ripped apart too much for being honest. I don't know why we're acting like it's a bad thing Paul George can identify glue guys. Every NBA team needs glue guys. We said the same shit about Batum that Paul George said. I also would like to point out that not a single source correctly quoted Paul George, they all left out the very beginning of his statement, where he leads with: "Of course, I want to contribute to winning basketball"


I get that to some extent. Like most top guys on a team aren't expected to make every hustle play or whatever. The only thing is that PG would be the third option on this team, and once you get down to that level I think its fair to have more expectations for doing the little things. Lowry and Batum fit that mold but they are also old and the other hustle guys on the roster I would say are a bit unproven. I would never say the comments arent a reason to sign him, I am much more concerned with him being injured than what he says on a podcast


My hope is we’re just doing our duty to make sure the clips and Knicks don’t get PG/OG back on discounts


He had worse shooting splits than Harden this playoffs, is 34, wants max money and won’t/can’t do the dirty work. He’s a perfect recipe for disaster for the Sixers lmao.


Pretending like All-Stars are supposed to be glue guys is funny.


If the team needs that to win then yes they are. Stars are supposed to make up for flaws on the roster. Not the other way around


The Jays literally just won a title last week embracing all of the dirty stuff PG complained about lol. Guard 1-5 or take on the best assignments. Rebound like crazy. PG still a good option, but it’s for sure concerning he doesn’t realize that everyone on the team needs to the little stuff if u actually want to win big.


Lmfao the Jay's didn't win a title until they were surrounded by an infalliable all-time cast of glue guys be real Paul George would be our Porzingis/MPJ


well you can say the didn't win until this year but you also can't pretend like they werent close


And it still required their stars to guard 1-5 like Tatum or the other teams best player like brown. Tatum also led his team in rebounding. KP hardly played too. Not sure how you can watch those two guys guard and rebound like crazy and claim it doesn’t matter for stars to do that stuff.


What exactly are you looking for him to do? He's not an elite defender anymore, just good. He won't be shutting down any opposing stars. He's apparently too good for physical play, so our rebounding still won't change much after moving on from Harris. He would be moving to a team without a true point guard and struggles to generate c&s 3s. His 'playmaking' is one of the things his current fanbase loathes about him (lots of dumb turnovers). His contract gives us very little flexibility to put together any depth. He will probably be similar to current Klay in year 2 or 3 of his next contract.


So now we're pretending like he's a bad fit? Pretending like signing him outright doesn't allow us to retain all of our picks and therefor flexibility? What is your actual better alternative


I don't care much for 'on paper' fits, and I don't want to hand out massive contracts just for the novelty of it. I don't think Paul George is a true postseason player, he's cut from the same cloth as the other guys we're familiar with who treat basketball as little more than their job. I'd sooner pay 3 $20M role players who play like Josh Hart than I would stake this franchise's future on another declining vet.


>I don't think Paul George is a true postseason player, he's cut from the same cloth as the other guys we're familiar with who treat basketball as little more than their job. I don't believe this. He has multiple CF runs as the #1 option


Paul George in his entire career has been to a conference finals 3 times, and only one of them was with the clippers and that was like 4/5 years ago, he’s not been particularly a dawg in the postseason and hasn’t had much success


So none of his postseason success counts but only his failures do? That's fair


I didn’t say that, but people act like apart from a couple times Paul George has been a successful postseason player and is some kind of difference maker, which for the most part he hasn’t been. He’s a great regular season player


I mean we would be expecting him to be more of a high level glue guy than an all star no? Max money is a shit ton for someone you’re not expecting to guard point of attack and someone you don’t want to rely on too much to initiate offense, and will continue to decline physically from here. I’m not saying it’s a death knell but you’re paying a 4 year max for someone to basically be Klay Thompson+. There’s valid reasons for concerns


Yeah this is my point. Paying a max for 20 points a game that doesn’t really help on the glass or defend at a high level is way too much especially given the holes on this team.


But you think picks for DJM is the answer


Yes in my opinion he’s a cheaper 20 points per game with very good playmaking and I have more faith that he can rediscover his defense at 28 than an older guy. Plus if it doesn’t work he’s still young enough and cheap enough to where we can trade him again and still recoup value. None of our options are perfect but I’d rather take a gamble on a young guy than an old one.


Trading for guys who don't recoup value is my biggest problem with Morey. Great, you get players for slightly cheaper because they're old, unless they actually put you over the top you're just cumulatively losing value compared to teams that cough up higher prices for young players but actually have the ability to trade them later.


Well he's never once been linked to us so I'm not sure Morey thinks so If age is a factor you go BI over DJM


The guys typically linked to us we usually don’t end up with. The harden noise didn’t pick up until close to the deadline after months of a dozen other players were linked to us in Ben Simmons trades. I wouldn’t run either way regarding players linked to us atm. Draft night is probably when we learn a lot more (only 6 days away thankfully)


Man I can't wait for the draft, you think it's a sure thing we trade the pick? Who do you think we might trade if for?


>There’s valid reasons for concerns Isn't there with every path though? Sure it's max money but you keep your picks. Trade for / sign players to guard the other teams top options. Have PG guard the 3rd option. He's still a positive defender lmao we really can't be pretending like he isn't still an All-Star with All-Star level impact. Not only glue guys impact the game. Scaling down his role is literally exactly what he needs. Of course his offense suffered after Kawhi went down and he garnered more defensive attention, why wouldn't it?


There’s risk with every path but none that puts as many eggs in the basket as PG does. Sure you save your picks but you can’t really use most of them with how much salary you eat. I’d love Caruso but if for whatever reason Caruso isn’t available there’s almost no one else who makes $15M or less worth pushing your chips all in for. Even the ~$8M you’d save with maxing OG opens up a few more avenues for team construction (OG still isn’t a preferred option of mine). I do recognize the pros for sure with PG but I can’t help but admit I’ll be mildly relieved if/when he signs the extension in LA.


I mean if you’re going to play worse offensively than Harden, ask for a max and not do whatever it takes to win then what’s the point lmao.


Don't really think that's what he's implying but of course that's what you will take from it. All-Stars aren't glue guys. The distinction exists for a reason. Are you saying Maxey doesn't do whatever it takes to win because he isn't doing what Batum does?


Well it’s not only what he said it’s how he played against the Mavericks too. Did Maxey play worse offensively than Harden this past playoffs? All-Star or not in the playoffs we need players who do whatever it takes to win, especially if you’re not averaging crazy numbers offensively.


I don't think it's fair to judge him solely on 6 games versus the Mavericks without their #1 option to take defensive attention Was Paul George supposed to beat a finals team with 34 y/o Harden whos useless without the ball, 34 y/o Russ who cant space the floor, and Zubac who can't space the floor? I was surprised they even took 2 games


No I’m not saying Paul George should have beaten the Mavericks. What I am saying is if you had reservations about giving Harden max money at 34 due to his performance in the playoffs it’s hard to sell me on Paul George at the same age who just got out performed offensively by Harden. I might be more sold if he was going to come in and be a defensive pest, grab boards and help the team in other areas we lack but it’s clear he can’t do that.


It is but also needing to put Harden on Kyrie or Luka in playoffs bc PG couldn’t or wouldn’t check them without fouling too much is a bit concerning. If we go PG, Morey needs to nail the rest of the roster too with guys who just want to defend and do the dirt. Like better versions of Pat Bev


Yeah for sure you don't really want him guarding the other teams best player anymore.


It’s almost like he was meant to come here not work out and for morey to hold him until he gets half his value back in return.


I was just thinking about the first time we lost to Boston and Ben Simmons was jumping around in the locker room telling Embiid that they gonna win multiple rings together, meanwhile Joel Embiid was devastated that they lost.


You know, I'll just be reading random basketball articles or a Reddit thread (NOT r/NBA) that's not about us in particular, and they'll just throw a dig at the team or Embiid specifically for no apparent reason. It'll go like "The Top Ten Crossovers this Past Season, and also Embiid is a bitch and can go fuck himself." Like wtf did we/he/the team do to receive unprovoked, random hate all the time? If it was a video or article about Embiid or the team specifically, I'd expect it, but the shit is just showing up out of the blue.


Tell me about it, I experienced it from YouTube’s recommended as well. I watch three highlight videos on Embiid (which I haven’t done in a while) the other day and then I randomly get recommended a fresh 10-20 minute video on why Embiid is hated.




Says the deadbeat begging people for a job on reddit "Please DM" lmfao




Speaking of getting double penetrated I just DM'ed screenshots of your last two comments to the poster of every thread you've commented under asking for work on this account. Good luck with the job hunt, clearly you need it lmfao




Sure bro, whatever you need to tell yourself to save face. "Pwease DM 🥺" lmfao


I wonder if that ray of sunshine is why he is desperately trying to DM people for jobs.


Tremendous making a post like this on an account you’re using to look for developer work.


yes I wonder why 'Troel' Embiid, the guy who does the d-generation X chop in games, who plays a physical style of basketball that any objective person can look at and go 'damn, he kind of wilds out a bit too much at times', and who hasn't won a single playoff series vs a good team...why does he get all this 'random' hate? are you and the people upvoting this just like, not self-aware? serious question. go ahead, downvote me all you want, do whatever. i'm a fan of the sixers and love embiid but come on. it's fairly obvious why he and the team gets all the shit it does. and some of it very deserved. who cares


Do you just sit and wait for me to post something so you can bitch about it? I can take days off from here, come back and leave a comment and like clockwork, you will just shit talk. Jesus Christ.