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That sucks but that’s really good for the thunder they are gonna be a serious problem. They’re basically in the position we should have been. A bunch of young talent combined with assets to get players when your ready to go all in. Just way too many mistakes and bad luck when it came to players for us.


And also tampering from the commish himself. I swear if Adam Silver didn't screw us over the Process would've been a success instead of a failure. Instead, he got too pissed that we were tanking openly and decided to punish us harshly for it.


OKC is basically the successful version of The Process at this point. I mean it sucks but I get a little joy watching them win.


If there’s any competitive team that deserves the least hate it’s OKC, they did everything right


It helps that OKC is in the west though lol, otherwise no way.


I mean, no - I agree they did everything right. But if I see them win before the Sixers, I'm going to hate them *more* because the league allowed other teams to tank/rebuild, and chose only to hurt Philly. That's some bullshit, and if you didn't want anyone talking about how to build a team in the modern NBA, you needed to change how draft picks are allocated a *long* time ago.


Well they did have future MVPs KD, Harden and Westbrook all signed and under 25, and managed to bring home 0 titles with that group. That's pretty hard to do.


Well they did have future MVPs KD, Harden and Westbrook all signed and under 25, and managed to bring home 0 titles with that group. That's pretty hard to do.


It is, they just happened to exist during the rise of the warriors and the Heatles


The Spurs won during the Heatles era. The Mavericks did also.


What’s crazy is, the have all this talent and picks without trading KD. He left on his own. They got a kings ransom for PG (who they traded for) and a good amount for Russ. But can you imagine how many picks they would’ve had if they traded KD too. It’s wild. Presti killed it. Hinke did as well as he could with the roster we had at the time, we didn’t have nearly as many assets. I still dream what a young Embiid and KP would have looked like. Would have been such a fun team to watch.


Hinkie got some nuclear heat for his tanking, but Sixers were in an impossible situation after the bynum debacle. They had just sent out half their talent and some picks for a guy who ended his career in a bowling alley. Meanwhile the Thunder had MVP candidates Russ and PG, and chose to blow it up and intentionally tank. Can you imagine what hinkie would have done if he started with SGA and 5 firsts for PG, and was allowed to tank for years?


They did the same thing we did but over a longer period of time


Yea I have no reason to hate the Thunder. Any team that fleeces a desperate one for 7 picks/swaps and a rising star deserves success.


TBH at this point neither PHL nor OKC (the 2 “The Process” teams) have made it past the semis. Really neither have had success. Hopefully both teams and their management can get their heads out from under themselves and win some playoff series.


Seems premature to call it a successful version when they too lost in the 2nd round of the playoffs. Need to win something for it to be a success.   They are smart for getting rid of Giddey now before it’s too late. 


Don’t count your chickens yet. Look what happened their last go around of this. Did they win a chip with KD and company?


True, but OKC has a bajillion assets and plenty of time, it will eventually happen like within the decade imo.


They’re definitely on a better path…but to this point they’ve accomplished nothing more than we have.


> I swear if Adam Silver didn't screw us over the Process would've been a success instead of a failure Well yeah, of course


If Hinkie had any rizz whatsoever we'd be a dynasty. He literally got bullied out of the league just cuz he was bald and looked like shit


😂😂😂😂😂😂 I had to check if I was on r/nba because this would be a legit post there


Nah I think it’s more NbaCJ.


Draft Kings Penis Man knew the Colangelos were incompetent. Still, if one of A) Ben Simmons being made of glass mentally and physically, B) Markelle Fultz crashing his motorcycle and/or getting the yips, and C) Brand maxing Tobias fucking Harris doesn't happen, we probably win a chip. If two of those don't happen, we definitely get one, maybe multiple. If all three don't happen, we're talking dynasty. It still mostly came down to objectively terrible luck.


Drafting Fultz and Simmons are somewhat understandable, but who TF hands a 0-time all-star a max contract?


I'm sorry- I'm positively neck-deep in Sixers slang but who tf is "Draft King Penis Man"????


Adam Silver lol






If Ben realized 85% of his potential he would've been an MVP candidate & DPOY candidate, just giving him a mentality similar to Giannis & he's a top 10 player even if he never develops a jumper for at least a decade. If he got a midrange jumper he'd been completely unstoppable, Fultz was easily the best player in that class & fit us perfectly. His 2 man game with Jo/Ben would've been unstoppable with his vision/middy/handle & he would likely be a very good poa defender 1-3, this team would've been amazing on both sides with 2 very good to great poa defenders at the best positions & Jo controlling the paint. Get 2 shooters & they'd be a great team


yeah, but Silver didn't force us to sign Tobias to a MAX, trade Butler, draft and keep Ben Simmons, draft Fultz, trade for Harden, keep Ben Simmon's "Uncle" as HC coddling Ben, and hiring Doc. The Sixers ultimately killed the best years of Embiid's prime because the organization is incompetent


Would that have made the sixers actually be able to draft talent? Sure the tampering sucked but it's not the reason it didn't work.


well he helped install a shitty new gm


I agree. Silver fucked us but we fucked ourselves harder and more often.


They didn't need to draft more talent necessarily. They needed to acquire more talent. They could have done that through trades or free agency. Signing Jimmy Butler, not signing Tobias Harris, not trading away draft picks and other tradeable assets for bad players. All mistakes that could maybe have gone differently if Colangelo, etc weren't put in place by Silver


I agree Silver fucked us over in a very meaningful way but the Process didn't fail, it got us an MVP in Embiid which was the whole point Edit: You guys don't remember shit, the whole point of the process was to get a superstar level talent (ideally more than one) to give yourself a chance as a contender instead of being a fringe 8th seed for eternity. It was not to guarantee a championship. The process netting Embiid + that insane amount of draft capital was successful in giving the team a path to be a true contender. It's not Hinkie's fault that the subsequent FO's completely shit their pants with all those pieces.


Silly me. I thought the point of the process was to win titles.


No, it was to give your team the best chance to win a title. Which at the time is what the process did, bad management and luck since then means it didn't result in one. Butdesoite that, and even with his injury history, Embiid still gives the sixers a much better chance at being a legit contender than any of the teams since the AI era. Hinkie acknowledged how important superstars and MVP level players were to being a contender and was actually able to get one for the sixers among other great assets to build around


three more years to do it we shall see


Holy shit. I’m a huge fan of the approach of the process but to make this statement is insanity.


How? The Process set up the sixers to have Embiid + multiple first overall picks. That is successful compared to where they were when Hinkie started in building a contender. They obviously missed with the picks and assets the process gave them, but the method itself was correct and worked.


The Process was supposed to make us stop losing in the first and second rounds. Instead, it failed in that regard as we are still losing in the first and second rounds.


We had several chances to course correct *after* Hinkie was ousted, and every single GM has failed in that endeavor. Multiple teams have *fully* rebuilt/retooled just in the time that Morey has been here, nevermind the 8+ years since Hinkie said goodbye. It is really whiny behavior at this point from us as a fanbase.


Colangelo was forced on the sixers and he did incredible damage very quickly


Big Collars has been gone for fucking 6 years now, find a new slant


Do you think that what happened six years ago doesn’t affect a team today?


How’d he screw us over again? I forget but I always see everyone mentioning it.


Forced firing of Hinkie and forced hiring of Colangelo


Wait, whaaaaat? How tf?


Look it up yourself


Yeah the Thunder lost to Dallas because they were inexperienced, next year they will come back loaded and tougher.


And shitty GMs for awhile too.


Watch them win a championship too lol


Whenever Joel Embiid is referred to as "Joe Embiid" I fuckin lose it laughing every time


Zhaire was the pinnacle of the shitty wok process


Damn man.... Maybe Chicago wanted some young talent back but Caruso would've been a great complement to Tyrese, and we could've used an elite perimeter defender to help Joel


I’m surprised there’s reportedly no picks attached to this? I could definitely see Giddey turning into a really good player, but he will need to be paid next offseason. What do people think he gets? Are the Bulls that high on him that they valued him over picks?


And it's not like OKC doesn't have buckets of picks to offer. Seems like a super undersell so far.


I would not at all be shocked if Giddey turns into a playoff level starter, but just seems strange given his contract is almost up. Maybe he signs a reasonable deal and takes a leap and then is either super valuable or still fits their timeline. Just no idea what he gets in today’s crazy market where players are paid for potential and due to lack of options. Bulls also lost leverage on LaVine, who probably should’ve been moved first or with Caruso.


If it’s no picks that’s crazy. I don’t want to write Giddey off but that jumper is dead broke Giddey is Russell Westbrook with none of the athleticism or intangibles


Giddy is much bigger and has the ability to be a very good defender though. Last year as a 20 year old he averaged almost 17 and 9 and played very well defensively. This year he obviously had a lot going on off the court. He still young and raw so I think he’s worth the risk for the bulls especially the way the draft looks this year. Giddy would be the number 1 pick in this draft


I dont he couldnt play in one of the most spacing friendly offenses in the league hes not a plus athlete a negative on defense all he can do is pass hes actually worse than avdija by alot


Fuck it, I’m still rocking Maxey/caruso/george/batum/embiid on 2k24


same here!!


Nba eras mode fun as hell bro


flexing that next gen shit on me, still stuck in myleague where the hawks threepeat every sim


Bruh a couple years back when I was still in the military and getting paid 900/two weeks, I financed a fuckin series s for 40/month 😂 no flexing here I was down bad ☠️


Isn’t this the bulls first trade in like two years


It's been 3. 2021 was their last one edit: dumbass reddit turned it into a list and changed 3 to 1 without text in front of it


That makes it even worse lmao


Makes me think they’re loading up to make more moves and getting younger. Most likely means they have confidence lavine will get dealt.


You're right that's hilarious, like they legit forgot how to do trades 😭


Sir, another plane has just hit /u/indigojacob's offseason plan




Now what?


Fuck it Markkanen and OG 😂


Honestly at some point the basketball gods just owe us a solid man


We’re easily title contenders with both of them lol


Need to know your dream plan now


Fuck it Markkanen and OG 😂


I’m down for that! Although I think Markkanen is gonna be way too high


Fuckin lmao 🤣


Gonna be hilarious and tragic to see it fall apart one by one lmao Esp the KJ Martin sign and trade stuff when dudes gonna sign the minimum with some random team 😭


No need to be an asshole. It's okay for people to have ideas


The Caruso stuff is fair, most of us wanted it. But let's be real, no team is paying KJ a 3 yr deal in double digits lol


Probably not double digits, but I've also suggested S&Ts in the 6-8m range


You know what fairs I'm just pissed seeing us bowing out for PG and now this, my b


Chicago so fucking stupid.


Literally wtf is this


They're doing exactly what everyone's been telling them to do. Selling players for potential and looking forwards towards a strong 2025 draft. Josh Giddey had a 17/8/6 season as a 20 year old.


He's so fucking ass I'm a Sixers fan from Chicago who still rooted for them because I love the announcers and Demar, it's beyond fucked Giddey is not what everyone was saying stop it


This is going to age so badly. A 20 y/o who is like the 4th/5th option in an offense where he needs to be handling the ball. He still has plenty of room for growth.


He’s soft as fuck


They could have gotten A LOT more for Caruso though. I like Giddey, but he was barely playable in the playoffs. They could have easily gotten two 1sts and a quality young player for Caruso from a number of teams including us.


He just got played off the court in the playoffs b/c he was ass on both sides & they got no picks, no1 ever said trade him for Giddey & nothing else especially with OKC having way to many picks to ever actually use


The Bulls are stupid lmao One to one trade for Josh Giddey and no picks is certainly a fucking choice Edit: Just read the extended article and am still in disbelief that this happened and they got nothing else in return, Chicago is so goddamn stupid


are you fucking kidding me man




So kcp backcourt with maxey?


What a trash ass trade. Remember people raging at Morey for not making trades you wanted, it takes two teams to trade, and some teams out there are run by idiots. They demanded 2 firsts for Caruso at the deadline and now settled for a guard who can’t shoot and trawls the high schools for dates.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ![gif](giphy|3NeRncMrUNb8astzVy)


Cool. Can we shut up about Alex Caruso now?


Is it just me or is this an absolute fleece by OKC? NO PICKS?!


This is bullshit, presti has blackmail or something. I know morey woild have offered a first and 2 seconds minimum. Giddey is garbage.


Ain’t no way OKC got Caruso for alleged child predator Josh Giddey I’m sick https://preview.redd.it/kveslf0ems7d1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ae63e8357c8046275aa68e02192d42e5dd03f4


I can’t believe this is a straight up trade and okc has like 30 first round picks what is Chicago thinking, didn’t they turn down offers for multiple firsts?


Damn. That’s disappointing. But I think that’s a great move for OKC. It’s the sort of move we should’ve made like 6 years ago before money became an issue.


Elton did, just for the wrong mfs like Tobias


6 years ago we had the Association itself screwing us over.


Harris caved, he didn’t have to. Wonder if the league even threatened anything or if the coward just folded.


such a bulls move


Horrendous haul for Chicago.


Okc is gonna be the Boston of the west, no weakness on the roster and extremely versatile defensively. Great move by Presti


Bulls are so dumb


I'm fully prepared to watch all the moves be made and sixers to have another "gap year"


I don’t think we can blame Morey here - Chicago easily could have created a bidding war for picks if that’s what they wanted to do, unsure why Josh Giddey was their target


People on here are acting like Morey can walk in with a gun and tell Chicago to take our picks.


Why can howie roseman do it?


Bulls are so dumb - they really did not want to trade him to a rival or contender in the Eastern conference and just accepted whatever from a west team.


God damn you Adam Silver. Watching the Thunder do what we did but without interference and better scouting is a fucking travesty


Thunder tanked to the bottom for 2 years. The league interfered with the Sixers tank after the 4th year of bottoming out.


They also traded multiple all-nba players before their tank. We traded Jrue. Also, we were only bad for 3 seasons before getting back into the playoffs in 2017 and not missing them since. One of those years was due to injuries and not “bottoming out”. Gotta get your facts straight.


"Injuries" isn't the same as injuries. If the former counts like that, then OKC tanked for a single season. The 2nd season, SGA was injured after the ASB.


My guy they all count the same to me, this is your nitpick we’re discussing.


Then the Sixers tanked for 3 years, OKC tanked for 1. Why would the league step in to stop a one year tank?


This is bullshit fr 2 players that woulda been great for us both gone in one swoop


Fuckkkk whyyy. Giddey has looked unplayable in the playoffs I guess this could be like the OG thing where Masai turned down multiple firsts and wanted a surefire young prospect in return, but this sucks big time for us. Caruso would've been so good here


There must be other compensation involved right? Giddy straight up for Caruso is insanity.


NOPE. Madness


I can't even comprehend why the bulls would do this.


It’s no way this a straight up trade. Just giddy would be highway robbery


There'd better be some draft capital attached.


Omg straight trade rape 😂 Giddy is actually just bad at basketball


There is no way they just did this straight up right? Thats worse value than they could have had before the all star break 


Jesus fucking Christ, OKC is going to be unstoppable soon.. they have so many assets to just pick up every single dream role player for them. If they so choose they can get any superstar and easily outbit the other 28 teams..


Absolutely depressed already. Morey get off the buffet and do something


https://i.redd.it/nbjsulhyls7d1.gif ON GOD WE WILL ONE DAY BE FREE OF EMPEROR MOREY


FOR FUCKING JOSH GIDDEY? DUDE WHAT THE FUCK IS MOREY DOING??? LMFAOOO Celtics, nuggets and thunder, etc are getting motherfuckers for discounts DOES NO GM REALLY NOT LIKE HIM????


What asset do we have that's better? Late 1st round picks?


You can't make a team want your assets. They obviously valued Giddey


I guess we could have offered like Paul Reed, Ricky Council or Jeff Dowtin?


You have two players on your roster better than Giddey currently and you aren’t trading them.


A 21 year old starter on the 1 seed in the west is better than a late first in 2-4 years


“ starter” doing a lot of work here, there’s a reason dude was limited when the games actually mattered


Either way 12/6/5 from a 21 year old is better value than hoping a future,likely late, draft pick made in 2-4 years pans out


Counting stats are kinda irrelevant tbh. Watch how teams defended him late in the season and in the playoffs. He couldn’t get on the floor against Dallas bc of his limitations. He’s not nearly good enough at other facets of the game right now to get big mins on a good team. He’s not an elite defender where you can at least make up for it on the other end. He has anti gravity. You don’t even need to use the picks yourself. Chicago is trying to get off Lavine’s brutal contract and make other moves. You have so much more optionality acquiring future picks than a player, esp from okc who literally cannot use all of their assets themselves. Package them with Lavine to entice someone, use it, trade it separately etc. it’s puzzling to just make a 1:1 trade. Giddey has to get paid soonish too so you’re not even getting the benefit of like 4 yrs of leeway on a rookie contract


He also had that stat limited because he works in a role that was taken by 2-3 better players. Bulls must think he can be good enough of a no. 1 or no. 2 on an Eastern playoff team.


Lmao Tobias Harris was a starter doesn’t make them good


You’d have a point if Giddey were 31, past his prime, and overpaid. He’s the exact opposite


You’re right he’s still overpaid despite all that


Been a while since Tobi was 21 or on a rookie contract.


Giddey >>>>> Reed. Reed is so overrated by this sub.


What does that even mean though? Like who is comparing Josh Giddey to Paul Reed?


Reed should be driving for Lyft


I'll give him some credit. He's just a replacement level backup big. Nothing more, nothing less. There is no star or starter potential there. That's done. A Mareese Speights trajectory is his ceiling, but folks see him do a between the legs dribble and hit a 3 in garbage time and think he should he starting next to Joel. That's laughable.


Downvote all yall want. Every sub overrates their young giys. Let me know how Tisse, Bassey, Shake, and Tony Bradley are doing...


Fuck I thought trades couldn't be announced yet, 100% thought this was a troll.


What the actual fuck


Fraud Alert!


Like straight up? That's wild


So the Bulls turn down a top-ten pick in the draft for Caruso and instead trade him for Giddey? Their front office is either being held hostage by ownership or is as dumb as rocks.


No picks is absolutely insane. I can’t believe it lmao. We’ve had so many underperforming high draft picks and could never get a steal like this 😭


I wonder what the draft compensation is


Well that's unfortunate. I wanted him to be on the Sixers obviously, he fits so well with what we're trying to do. But I'll say it again THIS IS WHY PAUL GEORGE IS SO APPEALING! Trading for players looks easy on the trade machine. And the biggest issue with Bleacher Report trades is not that they don't make sense it's that they're oftentimes too convoluted and have too many teams involved to actually ever happen. The bottom line is *so much* of trading for a player is out of your control. Meanwhile with Paul, all we have to do is be willing to pay more than LA is.


Wow. The offseason is really coming all at once lmao


Wow we really going all in for Paul George


I don’t understand the Bulls




lmao all it took was giddey


I was ready for this team to trade 2 firsts. What the fuck is chicago doing? Giddey is a bum.


no picks is crazy


I wish we could get Mikal Bridges back… 😭


Welp, so much for getting Caruso🤷🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️😵‍💫




Giddy never beating the allegations 


Presti is a god.


Well if this isnt the most infuriating move of the offseason... wtf chicago FO. Legitimate fleecing


shit sucks but we will survive I know a lot of the sub is anti BI but I think I’d take a chance on him and he fills a playmaking void that has been awful for years


Why do people think a) Chicago would want picks that would presumably be low if from the 76ers and b) they would get more than this for Caruso? He'll be 31 next year, has had injuries and one year on his deal. Giddey could still have more potential than playoff 76ers ones (where it would land if everyone assumes the deal works out good for us). Same thing with say shitty Laker ones if LeBron stayed, you're basically hoping for a collapse. I honestly applaud them for going this way after holding out so long and hope they get rid of the other old guys


It’s funny I was thinking of this exact trade earlier today. Also…fuck.


Damn , and if they use the millions of their picks. The Celtics need more competition in the east


Like a one for one trade? lf it is and there's no other picks Bulls are getting they really lost this trade. People were saying Caruso could be worth two 1st round picks or more.


They had to of given up 3 frps no way Giddey gets u Caruso


Like…straight up? Idk, I think Giddey has a ton of upside but their front office sure must value him quite a bit. Caruso’s gonna be a solid add to that Thunder squad, which now looks quite formidable defensively. Presti isn’t perfect but I’d kill to have had a stable front office head over these last ten years or so that just consistently pumps out solid moves like he does.


Sad but there’re other teams who rebuilt faster than the Sixers and are becoming more stronger and successful than the Sixers. With Embiid being pretty much high injury prone this organization is going to find themselves in constant re build mode


God Giddey is so fucking ugly lmao


This fanbase is getting to see what good GMs can do for your franchise vs what it looks like to have a middling GM. Morey better have a great plan cooking. Because if this is one of those “tread water” offseasons then it’s probably time to see what another basketball executive can do running this team.


It's not Presti being a good GM, it's AK being absolute dogwater and agreeing to an awful deal so the Bulls "can make a push" to the playoffs.


Good GMs find bad GMs and fleece them. Like what Hinkie did to the Kings.


Terrible take.


Morey is a fucking disaster we don’t have any players to make a trade like this.This offseason is going to be a shitshow.


I bet multiple teams were interested in Giddey once OKC put him on the market. Good buy low move by Bulls. Maybe means PWill isn't in their plans