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Wait, so now AIDS doesn’t exist?


No no no he says aids exists but that you get it by doing party drugs. He learned this from RFK Jr. Absolutely mind blowingly fucking stupid.


That would explain why I lost a lot of weight during my cocaine years.


Are you saying your AIDS was cured when you stopped partying? Dude you need to get ahold of the media. This is the breakthrough we have been waiting for!


It's useless, NOTHING can make those evil gays stop partying with the devil! /s


All gays party all the time and are overly flamboyant and promiscuous. I know this because I see them, and the countless gay people who are just average citizens I never notice, so I don't count them at all. Please don't call this confirmation bias.


Well, even if they don't party flamboyantly, they are still partying with the devil with their SIN!!! REEEEEEEEEE


Obviously, and then Jesus cured your AIDS when you went through 12 step afterward because that's how the world works inside conservative heads.


South Park fans will remember the episode where Jared from Subway (pre-pedo charges) tells everyone that he didn't lose weight from eating Subway everyday but because of his aides.


😂 That is still a win, IMO.


Joe Rogan: Absolutely Mind Blowingly Fucking Stupid. Yes.


Joe Rogan: Dangerously Stupid


And he has a platform to reach out to millions of other idiots.


Joe Rogan: This is your Brain on HGH


"Doing party drugs" isn't even an transmission type. That's just saying "bloodborne transmission" a.k.a. SEXUAL TRANSMISSION  it's just different ways of saying the same thing. Just so obvious this is 2 idiots who don't know shit about epidemiology, pretending to be the smartest guys in the room.


This dude claims "poppers" cause AIDS. Poppers dont involve blood. It's just like snorting a line of cocaine. It's infuriating these people are allowed to publicly speak like this.


Thank spotify


It's not even like snorting a line of cocaine, it's literally just huffing out of a bottle of vcr head cleaner. It's a cheap high that's more useful for prepping for anal (loosens the sphincter) than getting high.


Poppers are a vasodilator and some people have made more reasonable claims that having slack blood vessels increases transmission rates because of abrasions during sex. But this is VERY old hypothesizing.


There’s been a LOT of back and forth over the years as to just how much poppers might suppress immune function. But, like a lot of AIDS denialism, this particular claim is built around finding an excuse for why that disease *you* have, which you may have gotten through a blood transfusion or a dirty tattoo needle or getting good and heterosexually railed in a sports bar bathroom, isn't the same one those druggies or [F-slur]s have.


So by that logic if you clench hard enough during anal you should be safe?


Worth a try.


He clearly has read “And the Band Played On” way too many times


That's a general RFK line. He throws out some wild medical statement without any scientific backing and then says people took him out of context later.


Joe had Peter Duesberg on the show back in the early days saying this same shit. I've noticed a lot of people saying that Joe has gotten worse over the last few years but in reality he's really always been like this.


The only difference is back in the day he would have on more actual experts mixed in. As time went on he had less and less of them and more and more fucking lunatics. Now he's at the point where that's pretty much his entire show.


I think the actual experts stopped wanted to be on his show. He probably gets no’s or magically a lot of people are busy.


And Spotify is paying that moronic piece of shit $250 million


That's because millions of other pieces of shit pay Spotify more than that to listen to him.


Joe Rogan is Infowars for stupider people


Wow no, Joe Rogan sucks but Infowars is far more stupid. Infowars is gay frogs level stupid. Infowars is torment-the-families-of-murdered-grade-schoolers stupid. Even Joe Rogan isn't as bad as that.


Good time to let everyone know you can get a cracked Spotify for free, no ads 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Isaac Asimov...known party drug user /s


It’s so fucking stupid. The use of poppers was discredited as a source of GRID (just using the term it was called before homophobes realized it wasn’t a “gay disease” even before they isolated the HIV virus).


> The use of poppers Wait sorry, what are poppers? I think it's best I don't google that at work.


Amyl nitrate. As a vasodilator, it’s been used as a gay sex drug because it produces a pleasurable, transient head rush while aiding in dilation of the anus.


Doesn’t…doesn’t Joe do a fuck ton of drugs?


Yes but you see those aren't " party drugs" those are mind opening drugs.


The Ayahuasca and HGH keep the coke from getting him


If by party drugs he means drugs you shoot up um ok sure


So, the AIDs epidemic in Africa is caused by the people there doing party drugs?


Obviously they just partying too hard. /s


Lots of party drugs in Africa?


Im sorry I must be here too early....I can't find the serious answer .... This cannot be the "real answer"


If definitely exists. I just got aids reading about their stupidity. FML how dumb can they be?


Doctors have found HIV in blood samples dating back to 1959 in the Congo. They must have been hitting the poppers in the jungle back then.


If I recall the lead hypothesis correctly, it was that HIV likely originated as a simian virus which transmitted to humans in Africa, and then spread from there. It was likely bush meat production that lead to the initial zoonotic infection, which then eventually became the HIV we have today. How it got to the US was possibly through missionaries returning from Africa. I have heard some claims that HIV may have entered the US as early as the 20s even, but that it simmered for decades before it really took off. It was a novel disease, in the early 20th century, that effected homosexuals at a higher rate, so it's not exactly a surprise that the Gov didn't give a shit until it had spread far and wide.


AIDS denialism is not claiming that HIV doesn't exist, the claim is that HIV does not cause AIDS. The argument is that correlation is not causation; they argue that HIV and AIDS are correlated is because the communities that AIDS has hit the hardest is correlated with both anal sex/needle drug use (which good ways to spread HIV) and poppers. (which they claim cause AIDS) AIDS denialism is bullshit but the correct line of argument is that 1) HIV causes AIDS and 2) poppers/"the gay lifestyle"/whatever else does not cause AIDS.


>AIDS denialism is not claiming that HIV doesn't exist That depends entirely on what flavor of AIDS denialism you run into. I can tell you from experience that there are some who deny that the HIV virus even exists - we even got some recycled rhetoric from those types about Covid a few years back. Lots of "No one has ever even *seen* this supposed virus!" out there. Also be wary of those who claim "no one has ever proven that any virus exists!" types because they do exist.


That's correct. One of my earlier revisions of that post had that caveat, but unfortunately it looks like it didn't survive editing. A crucial oversight, thank you for correcting me.


As a South African, where HIV/AIDS denialism was recently the government’s public policy, this is very interesting. Most people who get infected here are straight; the big risk group here is heterosexual women.


This is why one such brand has the name [Jungle Juice](https://www.junglejuice.com.au/). The more you know... 🌈🌟


I don't see the connection.


Wait. Poppers cause aids? Does that mean that a quarter of my high school graduating class got aids? That’s so sad, nobody knew 😫 Thank god we have RFK to save us from the big aids-poppers racketeering industries


We need Jungle, I'm afraid


Rogan is a public health menace


It's a symptom of audience capture and scraping the bottom of the barrel to find attention grabbing guests. And greed. They either need guests who haven't been on every other podcast in the circuit - high quality, unique perspectives like a Fiona Hill. Or guests that are so outlandish that they will attract an audience no matter what - misinformation spewing echo chamber idealogues who will regurgitate everyone's preconceived notions right back into their faces like a Jordan Peterson. https://youtu.be/uE1GuFQHxSE?si=cqgQCptC1eViqO76


You've got it backwards. Cooky guests was the JRE bread and butter in its first few years. It's only after he got a larger audience and more clout that he was able to bring on sensible people with legitimate things to say.  This style of guest is the authentic Joe doing his favored thing and is definitely not a sign of audience capture. 


I was confused by your comment until I realized you meant kooky


Shows how long youve been paying attention to his podcast. Which probably is about a year.


This guy (in the video you linked) is spot on. He’s been making my way into my feed lately and I generally enjoy his takes, like diet soda won’t kill you.


Just popped in my feed last night. Was surprised to see a dude bro looking meathead with balanced and rational takes on nutrition. A lot who I had been watching flipped into fear mongering bullshit in regards to artificial sweeteners, diet, exercise, supplements, seed oils etc. with zero evidence.


Among many other kinds of unsavory things.


Remember when he laughed along with the guy who was bragging he repeatedly forced women comedians to perform sexual acts on him, or screw their comedy careers? Joe Rogan really thought that was just sooo funny. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/joe-rogan-video-women-assault-b2009432.html


what the FUCK


Whenever he's been caught wrong, he and his audience will do the, "He's just a guy shooting the shit about MMA, hunting and comedy. Don't take him so seriously." But the rest of the time, they treat him like an honest and hard hitting journalist, exposing the truth.


From reporter Anna Merlan: Bret Weinstein, the evolutionary biology professor turned podcaster and [ivermectin guy](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxda8q/the-ivermectin-guys-whole-thing-has-really-fallen-apart), repeated a series of discredited pseudo-theories about AIDS in a recent appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Weinstein, a frequent guest, told Rogan that he found the theory that party drugs like poppers cause AIDS to be “surprisingly compelling.” (It is not.) Weinstein also told Rogan he came to these ideas by reading a recent book by[ anti-vaccine activist and presidential candidate](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kxkxq/robert-f-kennedy-jr-gives-the-game-away) Robert F. Kennedy, creating a sort of unholy turducken of misinformation passed onto an audience of millions.  Link to the full article: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg543y/joe-rogan-and-bret-weinstein-promote-aids-denialism-to-an-audience-of-millions](https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg543y/joe-rogan-and-bret-weinstein-promote-aids-denialism-to-an-audience-of-millions)


So did party poppers stop being used in the past 30 years or so? And it was just coincidence that HIV drugs worked as well?


I can assure you no one stopped using poppers unless it was because they got a headache.


Poppers are still available in porn shops nationwide and are still widely used. And we have much more refined HIV medication now after decades of research.


I'm gonna laugh if Rogan's dudebro audience turns out for RFK Jr instead of Trump. We need to remind them that Trump tried to rush the vaccine through, and later took credit for its development. But there's no way that Rogan followers are the Democrats' to lose. They're [South Park conservatives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Park_Republican), even if they don't identify as conservatives, and they're going to vote either for the GOP, or an antivax squirrel who gets their attention instead.


Got to love the "biologist learning science from a lawyer." Personally I take all my legal advice from fishermen.


"a TURDucken of Misinformation" is pure poetry.


> unholy turducken of misinformation This is exactly how it feels to have been a Joe Rogan fan.


"creating a sort of unholy turducken of misinformation" hahahah


Peter duesberg convinced the south African health minister of the same bullshit, resulting in the banning of anti retroviral drugs in South Africa and worsening the worst aids epidemic in history. So not only is there a vast abundance of readily available evidence to counter this epic level of stupidity they are spouting, but there are millions of people who've died because of it already. If only they had enough brain cells to open a book or read an article instead of spouting horseshit from their braindead slack-jawed acromegalic faces.


So my loved ones, Victor, Hector, Jim, Carlos, Ed they didn't die from AIDS? Reddit's TOS will not allow me to express what I'd like to do to these assholes.


And, Spotify is giving this man a fortune to spread this shit. They are on my permanent boycott list. I know I'm but one person, but it is the principle of it that matters.


Fuck Spotify


just canceled my perscription


*subscription. But agreed. I'll rip my CDs and put them into my MP3 player. The 00s are back!


>*subscription He was actually referring to his aids meds cause Joe Rogan said it isn't real.


Absolutely fuck them. We can't have nice things if we keep funding bad things.


what a stupid fuck. I knew a girl who's brother had gotten hiv/aids in the 80s from a blood transfusion as a child. does he believe an 8 year old was doing poppers at a gay orgy?


Alleged 8 year old


Crisis actor. It's John Wilkes Booth all over again.


A friend of mine from high school died of AIDS the year after graduation. He also got it from a blood transfusion as a child.


>does he believe an 8 year old was doing poppers at a gay orgy? Change it to Democratic party orgy for the political and Hollywood elite and they might unironically start believing it


That's what got Isaac Asimov, too. Tainted blood during his heart surgery. Known party drug consumer, y'all.


Huh, TIL... Thanks for teaching me something. Apparently, the family kept it a secret for the longest time. It was a real stigma back in the day.


Yup, they were very vague about the cause when he passed away. It was only like a decade or so later that his widow felt comfortable revealing the truth. It's so surreal to read his essays about his heart surgery and how many units of blood he used and just think, "Oh, noooo....."


There's a book by Bryce Courtney, the author of "The Power of One", about his son that went through the same thing in his late teens. He was a haemophiliac and got aids from a contaminated blood transfusion. Heart breaking read.


I miss when the AIDS denialists self-inflicted themselves with HIV to prove they were right. Funny how that ended.


There was an AIDS denialism magazine back in the 80s. It closed when all of the editors died of AIDs.


[ It was called "Continuem" IIRC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuum_(magazine))


Damn, that's real r/hermancainaward avant-la-lettre


My father died of AIDS. Never did any drugs. I fucking hate AIDS denialism so much. It's so dangerous.


Joe Rogan doesn't even exist. Fake news. 


We should be so lucky.


Not true, you can almost always find him by following the trail he leaves behind from dragging his knuckles


I found Joe initially to be a funny meat head and who had great guests on occasion. Now he is just a fucking force for ignorance and human misery. Fuck you Joe.


I'm so sick of Rogan and his fake wannabe intellectual friends.


this is what is wrong with Joe Rogan - I'm fine presenting both sides of a 'story' or stance on something, but this is just straight-up bullshit


Joe Rogan hasn't been the "both sides" guy in a long time


agree, but his own PR team and defenders of him say that he is


They are "hiding his power level"


There's a big difference between showing both sides and giving grifters a platform to schuck snake oil.


100% agree


Why should this side, which is 100% objectively false, be given prominence in society? They have a First Amendment right to lie in hateful and hurtful ways, but it doesn't need to be so publically platformed for immense personal profit a la Rogan.


Yup. It needs to be said that puttting someone on the same platform as Neil degrasse Tyson for example, doesn't "fairly present both sides", it actually legitimizes the individual's perceived authority on the subject they are talking about. And all these wacko stories are so much more emotionally compelling that they are bound to be picked up and parroted by the mouth breathers than revere this goon




Rogan is just drawing together the stupidest of the stupids together in an effort to plug the drain he’s circling. Not gonna work but fun to watch.


Nice to see Rogan continue to find new depths of stupidity to exist in. On a related note, the fact that a standup comedian/MMA commentator is the go-to source for scientific info for millions of people is a great explanation on why our society's spin around the drain is accelerating.


The thing that really worries me about Joe Rogan is that I don’t know anyone who listens to him, but he’s apparently by far the most popular podcast host in the world. I didn’t think I lived in some fancy-pants latte-sipping liberal urbanite bubble, but I’ll accept it if I do, but that still means that out of everyone I meet in a day, statistically at least a few of them must be fans right?


Odds are they finally learned that praising him in public makes them rather unpopular so they shut up about it.


You’re not a commoner


I'll be honest I still listen to Joe. But I only listen when it's silly podcasts. This kinda shit just sucks.


Watching Bret Weinstein go from a self-victimizing, somewhat annoying, but ultimately reasonable critic of the excesses of leftism, to a raving anti-vax, Alex Jones, right-wing-audience-capture maniac has been genuinely fascinating to watch.


Money is a helluva drug.


It’s not money its “Power and Control”


Money is power.


Naah. Its mostly money. Bret Weinstein doesnt have any real power or control. Joe Rogan doesnt have any real power or control. There isnt some cabal or nefarious podcasters and Twitterati scheming to takeover the world in the name of anti-wokism. They go where the money is, and in politics the money is mostly in grifting right wingers.


Don’t forget to drink your AG1 Joe


This is always how the grift works.


Almost like all those anti-SJWs were like that because they wanted to have another rise of the far right


I'm not sure his initial butthurt position about Evergreen, amplified by Fox News and so many other right wing attackers, was ultimately reasonable. Like much of the IDW stuff, it might *sound* reasonable if you don't know the other side of the story. That he was ultimately revealed as an intellectual fraud who doesn't know his ass from his elbow--*quelle surprise*.


*At the time* it sounded reasonable, looking back in hindsight it’s much less so.


They know who the suckers are.


It's *almost* as if those "ultimately reasonable" positions were dog whistles all along!


"To the excesses of leftism" Oh yes, the excesses of workers rights and affordable, regulated, public Healthcare....oh, what libertines!


Earlier this week, he claimed that evolutionary theory proved that China has used its one child policy to breed an invasion force that it is sneaking into the US through its border with Mexico.


The Weinsteins, Dave Rubin, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Majid Nawas, Jordan Peterson (although he was always insufferable) all followed a similarly ridiculous trends toward pseudoscientific, right-wing bullshit. Dawkins is similarly crotchety now and excessively rambles on about "wokeism" as if it's the biggest threat society has seen since fascism. I don't think he's as far gone as some of the others, though. I think COVID and Twitter broke these people. Or maybe just exposed their previously hidden poor reasoning skills and shit ideologies.


Good for them, the AIDs denialist faction needed new blood, as most of them in the past few decades have died from "pneumonia". 🙄


Oh the same things Covide deniers died from too? Huh, weird.


These guys are jerks of the highest order. If AIDS was caused by party drugs use in the gay community, how is it that in Africa it spread primarily among hetero couples who are not into party drugs?


Fuck Spotify for giving them a platform


LMAO, got the idea reading the lost Kennedy


Weinshtein also tells his audience to treat severe allergic reactions with homeopathic remedies, because "antihistamines are *extremely* dangerous and should not be used by anyone". The guy is a fucking rubber duck and I'm sick of seeing his face everywhere, and everyone deferring to his great wisdom, because "i'M a DoCtOr ~~of evolutionary biology~~".


All that sympathy and hullabaloo about Ryan White and it turns out he was just a pill popping degenerate? Unbelievable!! /s


TIL Bret Weinstein and Joe Rogan think inhibition-lowering drugs leads to unprotected and potentially gay sex. I mean, I can't argue against *their* experience …


 You can always spot it in the the way these people talk  like the preachers who talk about urges or lifestyle   for them these are urges they have and they choose to live counter to the way the naturally want to live  so they are choosing to life a lifestyle  these things are so ingrained in them  they don't realize what they are actually saying with the words they choose  because most people don't think too hard about how/why they choose the  words they do  


Great, while they're at it why don't they just say that the dinosaurs are still alive it's just we can't see them because they evolve to have thermal camouflage


Contrarianism rots the brain. Mix it with audience capture and you really have something vile. These people are so dangerous to the mildly informed passive listeners without the skills to smell bullshit.


I stopped paying Spotify a few years ago because this type of behavior from Joe.




Inhale. Yes


(Joe Rogan + $300  million)Covid = Going full retard


Money reveals. And fast. At one point I actually respected Joe as the guy who denied the moon landing, got new information, and changed his mind. Then I guess half a billion made him think he was smarter than everyone else.


Is rogan heading the way of Alex Jones now that he has his money?


Two arrogantly ignorant, grifting buffoons. Why anyone would waste their time listening to these clowns is beyond me.


Joe Rogan loves his conspiracy theories.


The the right's once free speech hero Bret Weinstein has fallen deep down the anti-vax, anti-science well. His post Evergreen actions just show what he is. a purely arrogant shit for brains: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0kBUj\_H66Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0kbuj_h66y) forest for the trees idiot


And swallowing gum will give you rubber babies ?


Joe is super stupid


Great Nancy Reagans ghost!


Wait, this guy's an evolutionary biologist? What shithole university did he get his degree at?


University of Michigan (PhD)


Joe Rogan much like bill Maher have figured out how to tap into that right wing audience for cash. Anyone taking medical advice from someone on a game that made hot chicks eat horse jizz is absolutely totally credible, right? It wouldn't be that he will do and say anything for money right? Right as the country is having an outbreak of syphilis too.


Reminde me the story of Bernard Lachance, a quebecer singer that stop using his medication for Aids and die from it... Joe rogan and his army of simp are dangerous, its the cult of pseudoscience...


Rogan has brain fungus and his listeners are catching it


HIV caused by poppers. Gtfoh


We need some bullshit laws. Over a certain number of audiences, third party verification huge career ending fines/consequences.


Just when you think Joe Rogan can't get any lower. A trap door opens.


This is truly breathtakingly stupid. Fuck Rogan and Weinstein.


Fucking horrifying story, but why is this subreddit allowing posts from newsbots?


The mods let that "Rogue Journalist" guy spam it with threads that are nothing but sharing links on American politics 20 times a day, I'm not surprised they allow this too. If the mods want this place to just be karma farming & bots then it looks like they'll get their wish.


“Rogue Journalist” is at least (presumably) a human person who occasionally responds to comments under his endless spam. /u/VICENews is just a straight up non-engaging bot that blatantly and repeatedly violates the community rules on Spam: >If you want to post a link to your blog or website, of which the content is skeptic related, it will not be regarded as spam **however if a substantial number of your link submissions link to a domain and they are rarely accompanied by a discussion or explanation from your side, it will be regarded as spam.** It’s barely more than advertising.


That's why I said "guy" and not "bot" when talking about the Rogue Journalist poster. After I blocked him the sub got much better. If the mods keep letting people like him posting 20 threads a day that are nothing but links & bots in here pretty soon that's all there will be.


Ugh here we *go*. 🙄


If there is a thing in reality, there's someone willing to deny it.


Imagine taking medical advice from the Joe Rogan show...


Back during the heyday of the AIDS epidemic, the Rolling Stone lost all editorial credibility (IMO) by promoting such nonsense. With the advances in the science in this field over many years now… I’d have thought that this would be put to bed. But alas, human beings are immensely gullible and a nice, juicy lie is so much more appealing than the straightforward truth.


Algorithmic personality disorder Joe Rogan-Jordan Peterson - Ben Shapiro-Andrew Tate


Why do we give fucking meathead ignorant idiots like Joe Rogan a platform???


I used to listen to Weinstein’s podcast, right up until 2020 when Covid broke his brain. Occasionally I’ll catch a clip of his latest faceplant and it just makes me sad. It seems like he’s gone for good now and it’s horrifying that it could happen to any of us.


Watching Joe decent into BS has been sad for me.


So they moved so far into covid denialism they fell in bed with an aids denier from the 80's-90's. Fucking embarrassing.


so when kids get aids they've been out partying on the gay scene, don't listen to rogan all he knows about is pot steroids and fighting


"I'm just asking questions, brah!"


Fuck Spotify


Rogan is a virus.


With this and the current ressurgance of the satanic panic, its the fucking 80s all over again. Guess I have to dig through the basement and see if I can find my old parachute pantes.


Fuck Spotify for platforming this asshole. And spending hundreds of millions to do it. I'm pretty close to cancelling and going elsewhere.


I'm so glad I stopped giving Spotify money. If that guy thinks that the HIV virus doesn't cause AIDS, would he take a big injection of it into his bloodstream?


Fuck Joe Rogan.


It really is time to boycott Spotify.


Have they always been this willfully stupid, or did they flip the switch during COVID? I'm someone with a scientific background (Molecular Biology) and pretty progressive leanings, and I've enjoyed 1 or 2 evenings in the lab listening to these two, roughly 6-7 years ago. But now they sound just as batshit insane as Peterson (who, full disclosure, I was pretty positive about too... I humbly ask your forgiveness, I was in a bad place and thought i needed a selfhelp guru)


I dumped Spotify, despite a great UI and comprehensive catalogue, because they platformed Rogan.


These assholes should be brought to the gallows. Sick of the grifters on the right. Pathetic and disgusting human beings the grifters they are.


I’m beginning to think this here Rogan fella is a real pile o’ piss!


I used to watch Joe Rogan. I'm a white male, who lifts weights multiple times a week at a gym. Please, stop watching Joe Rogan. He is a horrible person, who spreads harmful views to so many. I had to stop drinking his Kool-Aid -- you can too


Fuck this meathead. What a piece of shit.


This episode was on Decoding the gurus, I couldn't believe their take so listened to it myself and my god, as someone who used to listen to Joe I am amazed at how stupid he and his guests have gotten. This was a take.


I wouldn’t be surprised to learn this is how we find out some famous right winger has aids.


I remember when Bill Maher also did this.


Has Joe Rogan platformed bleach therapy for autism yet? I feel like it's only a matter of time until he at least gives it the good old "Woah, intetesting".


Joe is old, and an actor, so surely he must have lost friends to AIDS. I guess they were all just pill popping degenerates? Or maybe he’s just so straight that he never had gay friends. A better question is why is this topic being raised now? The Republican playbook is to abolish gay marriage if Trump wins. This feels like they’re laying the groundwork for doing so, to paint all of us in the gay community as sex obsessed pill popping unhealthy degenerates. Rogan’s shitty show is the perfect platform to spread their propaganda.