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I’m sure that that will immediately make Louisiana an economic powerhouse and the envy of all other states.


More than this. School shooters will stop dead in their tracks, drop to their knees and beg for forgiveness. Teachers molesting their students will repent, move to a new school, and never ever molest again. The lunch lady that spits on the students pizza will still spit on it, but brush their teeth before they do.


Guess I can display my Carbonara recipe in classrooms as well then. May His Noodly Appendage bless you.


The Ten Ingredients.


This is heresy. Carbonara should have no more than six ingredients... Maybe seven if you count the holy pasta water.


Pasta, starchy water, pepper, eggs, pecorino, guanciale, and salt. Yeah that's seven. Although most of that is arguably negotiable, the important part is that you emulsify a creamy sauce without the use of cream or milk or butter. That's a flex (and what makes the purism worth it imo), but I wouldn't say cream makes a shittier sauce, just one that shouldn't be called carbonara. Also the real flex is being able to apply the technique to consistently pull off a creamy cacio e pepe.




With things so forcibly Christian in the south, you’d think the US would get along better with other forced religion countries like Iran.


Republicans are trying. Weirdly enough. Maybe not Iran but Russia and North Korea? Would have never believed it 20 years ago.


I don’t think Russia or N Korea are as weirdly fundamentalist as the U.S. South. Dictators yes, but not as nutty about religion.


Lol. DPRK has state-enforced atheism, and Russia is not an especially religious country either.


DPRK has a terrible record on freedom of religion, but they don't have state-enforced atheism. The government even supports Chondoism as an ethic Korean religion. Russia is majority Eastern Orthodox


At last Louisiana has found a solution to its ox coveting problem.


And the slave and donkey coveting problems too.


Painfully obvious constitutional issues aside, what's the reasoning (and I use the term very loosely) behind this? Because if simply putting up a big poster of the 10 Commandments would solve all of society's ills, then surely this would have worked at some point during the several thousand years that said Commandments were available. Or at least when the religion allegedly based upon them became the official faith of the most powerful empire in the world a few centuries after the "founder" of the religion was crucified. Or at least a thousand years or so later when moveable type came along and made the official book of said religion widely available for everyone to read. Or in the ensuing centuries when literacy became more widespread and everyone could read the Commandments for themselves, hear them proclaimed from the churches that dotted most of western civilization, and have them enforced by kingdoms and empires who fought each other over who was more officially Christian. And if we're going to narrow it down to America, then why - pray tell - hasn't the fact that the Christian faith (10 Commandments included) which is and has been the dominant religion in this country for almost it's entire history hasn't led to a utopia where everything is sunshine and rainbows (but not the gay kind)? Surely, the fact that a majority of families sit down on a certain holiday and watch a movie about how the 10 Commandments came to be must have had a similar impact. Right? If the relentless displaying of these rules over and over again since the time of Constantine all the way up to Charlton Heston hasn't wiped out all the bad behavior in the world, then how do they figure putting up a poster of them in a school will be the fix we've all been waiting for? Do they really think that if a bunch of 5th graders see this display on a wall, this is going to be the final push that makes these millennia-old rules finally kick in and become effective for a change?


No, it's virtue signaling and they also want the lawsuits that can stroke their persecution fetish.


I call it "stunt legislation." Of course they know it won't pass constitutional muster with even a conservative court. But they want to be able to send out mailers, make phone calls, and raise money on "OMG the Democrats hate the 10 Commandments?! What will they oppose next? Jesus himself? We need to fight the radical left liberals who are trying to remove GOD from our sacred nation!!!"


> We need to fight the radical left liberals who are trying to remove GOD from our sacred nation!!!" Don't forget the side dish of racism, because I'm sure putting Muslim, Hindi, Rasta etc kids, who are most likely not white, in their secondary place.


Nailed it.


>Because if simply putting up a big poster of the 10 Commandments would solve all of society's ills We're talking about the same people that believe life was objectively better and almost utopian during the 50s. So, in their warped minds, it might not fix all the problems but those problems are the Devil whittling away at a population that grows complacent and turns away from God. The problem is you're trying to reason this through. They aren't. They've been taught pretty much from birth that faith is good and if you have doubts it's because you're fallen and you just need to double down on trusting God to see you through it.


>  Surely, the fact that a majority of families sit down on a certain holiday and watch a movie about how the 10 Commandments came to be must have had a similar impact. Ben Hur?


This has nothing to do with the ten commandments. This has everything to do with chipping away at the protections and freedoms we have from the government and allowing religion to slowly slip in. They don't care about the ten commandments in classrooms. They care about this being the first small step at getting religion into government.


Cue the Church of Satan to save us all. Again. A statue of Baphomet would look nice by the bathrooms.


>Cue the Church of Satan to save us all. Again. That might not happen. They're hoping this Supreme Court will say that Christianity can do it and that no one else can. And this Supreme Court might do that.


The Church of Satan doesn’t try and get Baphomets everywhere there are Establishment Clause violations; you’re thinking about The Satanic Temple. Incidentally, TST’s lawsuits overwhelmingly fail, and their leader is suspiciously chummy with white supremacists.


I consider Lucien Grieves a role model. Some people on the far left dislike him because he wouldn’t let [the wokism extremists take over the organization he started.](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/10/social-justice-rebellion-satanic-temple/675481/) All the more reason I like him.


Anyone that uses wokeism to be derogatory will automatically lose all points when I evaluate what they are saying. It is so off putting and sounds so ignorant.


There’s no word I can use to describe the phenomenon that won’t offend you. It’s one of the many adaptations of the phenomenon that protects it from criticism. It’s similar to how Christians are told they will suffer eternally if they stop believing in the resurrection.


What do you think 'woke' is?


Woke isn’t a pejorative…and if you think being aware of the systemic racism that this country has fomented over its history is a bad thing…well…that speaks volumes.


The phenomenon of acknowledging obvious facts and reality? The one they look down on?


Please tell us what woke is and why it’s bad? As far as I can tell it’s used like Smurfs use smurf for random words.


Traditionally, the word “woke” simply means alert or aware, such as in the phrase “stay woke”. I recommend the term “wokeness” be used just to refer to awareness of social justice issues and I believe that is how it is most commonly used. Contrastingly, I use the term wokeism (not to be confused with wokism) to refer to the phenomenon within social justice discourse whereby more and more extreme views are popularized with increasingly scant evidence. This happens not for nefarious reasons, but because humans are fallible and respond to incentives. The incentives within social justice academia push less towards maximizing how true a claim is, as we would hope, but more towards making claims which have the greatest virtue-signaling and/or outrage-porn value. [This article isn’t too far from my opinion on the matter.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/feeling-our-way/202108/the-psychology-wokeism)


And here’s where you just go into a description of everything you don’t like being woke just because it is…somehow. Wokeism means whatever boogie man the user wants to frighten ignorant people with.


Given what a horrible job so many others have done at criticizing academia related to social justice, I don’t blame you for being dismissive of me. Some of their criticism out there is valid, but it never seems to be constructive criticism, and often is used to outright dismiss social justice.


Go and watch Dead Domain's documentary about him, and his history of hanging out with self identified neo Nazis and praising 20th century facists will tell you everything you need to know about his 'anti woke' views. The Temple are great, but Greaves really sucks.


In searching for the documentary, I came across this article. What are your thoughts? https://medium.com/@ahazia/lies-the-satanic-temple-didnt-tell-me-an-analysis-of-dead-domain-s-video-part-1-c1cf4723d5e4


Haven't read it, but I will. Edit: Ok, I've read the article. I can get on board with some of the points about guilt by association and the wider criticism of TST, but as I said myself, my main issue is with Greaves. I'd recommend watching the documentary yourself to properly formalute a view, as this article isn't super forensic, and admittedly only covers the first quarter of the video.


I see almost no direct refutations of the documentary in that article; it's almost all editoralizing about how TST/Lucien are being misrepresented and then presenting their own perspective.


Wokism is not a thing that exists.


Of course wokism exists. You know, those nutjobs that insist on cooking everything in a wok when it’s really nothing more than an awkwardly shaped frying pan.


You got me there 😂


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Oh. Hey are your frosties vegan? No? Well… let me tell you the problem with universities these days!


My frosty is always vegan.




Dude is awesome. I’ve always liked the way he chooses to be a gadfly to conservative Christian’s. We need more like him.




Sure, what the heck. Be sure to label them "Ten Commandments of the God of Moses," and post them in the original Hebrew.


Every parent in the state, who isn’t religious, get the tenets of the Satanic Temple put on your kids clothing and send them to school.


Sadly most Louisiana public schools even have a school uniform policy. So the child would be sent home for violating uniform policy if that were to happen.


Looks like it's the Protestant version. Sorry Jewish people and Catholics and everybody from any other religion or anybody who isn't religious.


Any lawmaker in the state should be forced to resign if they break even one.


Here’s something that’s not talked about enough: the Ten Commandments change, with weird little alterations or outright completely different rules, each of the three times God recites them to Moses. When Moses first receives the TC from God on Mount Sinai, it’s purely verbal and includes weird shit like “honor the feast of weeks” and “don’t boil a baby goat in its mother’s milk”. Moses then asks of God to jot them down so that others can see them, and so he brings Him two stone-hewn tablets. God recites the TC again, with slight variations. Moses returns from Sinai to see his brother Aaron and the Israelites fawning over golden calves. Moses—no shit—gets so super pissed that breaks the literal holy relics given to him by God himself. After some slaughtering within their own camp (commanded by God), the remaining Israelites are blessed with a second copy of (and the third telling of) the Ten Commandments. Honestly I wish the Bible were mandatory reading in schools. All of it, not just the shit that makes its way onto calendars and greeting cards. Properly read, it is the most powerful force for atheism ever conceived.


Fun fact: that "boiling baby goat" line is why Kosher adherent Jewish people can't eat Cheeseburgers or, because Rabbinic tradition says it's *just too close,* even Chicken with cheese. But a fishwich with cheese is fine.


So sayeth the L O R D


"But chickens don't even produce milk--" "It's still too damned close!" To be fair, it's why Tuna Salad exists and God bless that.


That’ll surely turn the state around. 🙄


Mississippi and Louisiana are always competing for the number one spot in things you don't want to be the top in and number fifty in the good things.


Let's be like Moses and smash them


and the goood news is the gov cant wait to use your money while getting sued. Which IS THE POINT, so he can scream "look your faith is under attack" anyways i doubt anything will happen since the ten commandments are in the supreme court and the courts already ruled that things like that are "ceremonial" and "historical" and therefore not establishment.


Are they going to highlight the 5 that their presidential candidate routinely violates? Just so the kids know which ones make you worth voting for.


But no expectation they're to be followed.


Meanwhile widespread poverty and misery continues with no end in sight.


Ask the people who voted for it to recite the ten commandments. If more than two in ten can I'll eat my hat.


Which set of Ten Commandments? If I recall correctly, the phrase “Ten Commandments” is only present in the KJV of the Bible at https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2034&version=NIV And I do not think they were thinking of the Festival of Weeks ……


[Not all that surprising](https://i.redd.it/xhohcq4hz77d1.jpeg)


There is no way Alabama is above 50. Has anyone spent any time there?


I suspect the concentration of rocket scientists in Huntsville skews their numbers.


Excellent! Let us seed young minds with spiritual ideas! We need a nice jet black marble bust of Baphomet at the head of each classroom to even that out, and a good old fashioned muezzin to sing the call to prayer 5 times a day. Allan who ackbars!


Now if only they put this in all schools, there would be no more school shootings


It's not going to stop Republicans from killing and stealing.


Why not something more “Christian” like the Sermon on the Mount? Oh right… too Woke.