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I personally do not see that as in character for him like it is for titan cameraman. However I could see him losing a fight he intended to win.


If I'm right about the TCM and Jimmy team up I believe it's ending with one of them dieing in the others "arms" they both respect each other to the dregee they would be somewhat sad.


Nah gimmy is still too much of a pu$$y to sacrifice himself. Him ditching the alliance last minute would also have just as much of an impact and would also be in character.


knowing g-man, its more possible he would throw one of the titans to death so he could escape, he still evil, is just that we found something worse


He still has emotion though


but he would never put other lives before his


Maybe at the exception of scientist


he literally leaved scientist twice


He probably knew scientist could escape and it was probably the plan in the first place for the scientist to leave if he got injured because it was the mech not the scientist


yeah but in the second time he alredy knew the agents were there and hunting scientist, and still he leaved and not even tought of helping(and with episode 73 we see he could)


The Titans were also there, G-Toilet would have been severely injured if he tried to save Scientist.


Yh but scientist could’ve just teleported away the entire time. Gman has the rest of the army to worry about too. Ain’t his fault scientist didn’t report in time even though he had plenty of time to do so.


His teleporter was malfunctioning and polycephaly was there at a point


It wasn’t. He was about to teleport away using secret agents device by polycephaly arrived and sucks in his black smoke. The “malfunction” you’re talking about is secret agents device which was initially used on it to stop it from working but he eventually got the secret agents device and used it again to tp away.




nah g-man will be the finale villian I'm calling it, his still evil asf and him and tcm having one final fight to the death would be peak, there dynamic reminds me of billy butcher and homelander


That could happen on episode 100, to end the entire thing off with the final fight of the biggest rivals of the series would be soooo peak


Maybe the real skibidi toilet were the friends we've made along the way https://preview.redd.it/zf9omtldlgbd1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39457700f4d4970567c617209e34c22d16eb2204


no hes too lore important to die at all, it won't happen


Nah, it will


bro he is the single most lore important character he can't just die like that


Op said near the end of series, any plot relevance he has would've been squeezed out by then.


believe me i have access to knowledge you cannot understand, one's lore relevancy is not that easy to squeeze out


I have a feeling this could happen anywhere between December 2025 to May 2026 (My guess is the series might end in about mid-2026 so yeah)


He will sacrifice himself as a fucking kamikaze. Holy shit. The G is going to die for a full-circle character arc.


Nah he doesn’t hate astros he wants his own kingdom. That’s why he left and cane to earth


Nah my **GOAT** will outplay the alliance and bail last second