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As much as I love the series, a FOURTH cover style seems so overkill šŸ˜­ I feel so old lmao


This is what I was thinking, I feel a little outdated after buying the whole set of white covers. I love these new ones, but I'm not going to spent so much just to replace the ones I already have.


I bought the collectorā€™s box of the white covers since I wanted to buy the paperbacks of phase 2 and wanted them to all match. I already have the OG covers, so thereā€™s no way Iā€™ll be able to fit ANOTHER brand new set of books with even newer covers šŸ„² I hate to say it, but this feels like a bit of a cash grab šŸ˜­




The cheekbones are too high. If that's the first book, and that's his replacement head, the cheekbones should be lower. Get your act together artist.


Heā€™s looking down and forward. Itā€™s probably just a perspective thing. Also itā€™s never actually explicitly said how high his ā€œlower cheekbonesā€ are and given how detail oriented skul is itā€™s very possible itā€™s just like a tiny bit higher/lower


Also I'm presuming that's Gordon's mansion in the back. Pretty sure it doesn't have a small gate in front of it. It has a road with a bridge leading up to it. I don't think there's any mention of a gate


I've always assumed Gordon's mansion had a gate... because it was a mansion. A property like that wouldn't be completely open to the public, I wouldn't think.


There is a gate. Itā€™s mentioned a couple times. But itā€™s a gate then a massive road up to the house


Its said in TDOTL when daniel or whatever his name is delivers food


That's a different house in America


Is it?


Well, that's not what I imagined Gordon's house to look like. Thought a house called Grimwood would look a little spookier tbh.


I always thought of it like a shorter and thinner white house with a normal looking roof


I thought of it as the stereotypical haunted mansion on the top of the hill lookwise.


Ah damn theyā€™re gonna make new covers for all of the books arenā€™t they. Thatā€™s farewell to all my money then.


Oh that cover does look really nice, even better than I expected


Gordon's mansion looks like a castle - cool though!


Have the other 8 been announced yet? I want to see more!


It looks really good but Iā€™m not a fan of valkyries design. She looks very different to all the other covers


sorry but valkyrie looks like wednesday here šŸ˜­


I just got the old ones for my birthday this month :(


I just got the old ones for my birthday this month :( Also why does he have small eyes its stated multiple times that his eyes are hollow


Damn, this looks GORGEOUS


I love the stylized look of it but does anyone else feel like it might be a little bit noisy up close? I mean, the dot gradients AND a texture brush might be a bit much. And Val's hand looks really weird. I still prefer it to the white covers by quite a lot tho.


Skulduggery has eyes in the new one though


Huh, there is a little glow in the eye sockets on the first cover. I hadn't even seen that until now! He doesn't have it in the other two covers tho, as far as I can see.


I kinda wish Derek had waited until the 20th anniversary to release new covers - it would make so much more sense and it would also be plenty of time for people to build up their money again after buying the last ā€œnewā€ set


Pretty sure that was going to be the original plan judging by [this BookSeller interview](https://www.thebookseller.com/childrens/derek-landy-returns-to-skulduggery-with-p-j-holden-graphic-novel). >"Bad Magic and Hell Breaks Loose are the first steps in an extensive publishing plan for the Skulduggery universe. ā€œThe excitement doesnā€™t stop after 2023,ā€ Lake notes, with plans for the 20th anniversary of the first book in 2027 and into 2028. A redesign of the backlist can be expected, alongside ā€œvery, very, very secret thingsā€. Although Landy is currently not contracted for another graphic novel, Lake teases that ā€œI donā€™t think any of us wants to stop with just oneā€." Seems like they pushed the new cover releases forward. Not sure why, but that's probably not a good sign.


Oooo hoping that means that thereā€™s lots more stuff to comeee


All I can think is how mighty fine Skul is looking


Skulman has eyes in the new one


And now I need to buy a whole new full set instead of just the first half (I read my sisters ones as a kid so I donā€™t own them)


Looks fresh, but makes me feel so old


That is a great cover though the whites are always going to be my favourites (though the original Dying of the Light is really cool)


Oppenheimer skeleton fr


Looks great


Can't beat the original cover for the first three books honestly