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[I compiled canon heights that were confirmed on Twitter my Tumblr.](https://facelessxchurch.tumblr.com/post/633052943151693824/canon-character-heights-for-personal-reference) Skul 6'4" ft Ghastly 6'2" ft Anton 6'2" ft Val 6ft (5'10"/11" ft between KotW and LSoDM) Saracen 5'9" ft Tanith 5'9" ft China 5'7" ft (she is the smallest of the group apparently) Nef and Bliss are tall and the same height but refused to say how tall, yet Val's fucking mom and dad have canon heights :/ (and if I remember correctly Meritorious towers over Skul) Val"s Mum 5'7" ft Val's Dad 6'1" ft And of course, Mev is 8 ft and Charivari is 10 ft.


This is all just guessing I don't think we're ever given actual numbers just "tall and skinny" "short and stocky" ect


There's a chart thing in the paperback maleficent seven that shows the height of the main characters in that book


i know it is explicitly mentioned in bedlam that val is 6ft. and skulduggery is only a bit taller than her


I always imagined skullduggery as 6ft -6"1 valk probably a bit less, 5"11? Mr bliss is probably like 6"6 Tanith I imagine is 5"11 Ghastly probably a bit less than skull man, 5"11-6ft


That’s interesting, I’ve always imagined mr bliss to be short and stocky, like 5”7. And val to be small, like 5”3, and Tanith maybe 5”6? I love how we all interpret things differently ☺️


Hmm yeh that's true actually, she's a fully grown woman in the later books so I think she'd be taller than 5"3 but now that I'm thinking about it 5"11 is definitely too tall I always imagined Tanith as the tall skinny (but not too skinny) girl in highschool and valkyrie is said to be nearly as tall as her? I think? Correct me if I'm wrong And I imagined Mr bliss as an absolute unit of a man one of the books say something like "he looks like strength personified" or something along those lines so imagined him as a hulking mass of destruction 😂


It is said that in the 2nd phase skul and val are almost the same height so she would be like 5'10"-5'11"


I know that val is 6 foot in canon, but I refuse to believe it - I will always imagine her being 5’5” and I will continue to live in ignorance because I just cannot except that she is 6 foot


Only two that were confirmed were val and shudder, but I've always wondered myself