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Several of the Dawnguard members were formerly Vigilants of Stendarr, so the lycanthropy of the Companions might not settle well. Outside of this, the Companions are very straightforward about being paid for their services, and the Dawnguard are basically just asking around for (presumably free) recruits to go kill vampires, so I imagine that the Companions don't see this as a great deal.


You're really bringing home how awful the Companions are. Dawnguard FTW.


I think the Companions are "rough around the edges," to put it mildly, but I do still enjoy them. They just definitely aren't compatible with the interests of the Dawnguard.


How are they awful for wanting coin for their troubles lol? Unless you’re referencing something else, 99% of humans would be awful in that regard irl




Since the Dawnguard is an offshoot of the Vigilants of Stendarr, odds are that they are unwilling to work with those touched by the Daedra.


I hadn't considered the daedric angle.


Wby would they? The companions are general mercenaries that happen to be Werewolves. The Dawnguard are specifically Vampire Hunters.


The Dawnguard is desperate for manpower and the most accomplished group of mercenaries in the country are hanging out in Whiterun generally having next to no impact on the wider world.


If the dawnguard dislike vampires so much how do you think they're going to take to having literal werewolves in there ranks but if it bothers you that much you could install the multiple followers mod and ask 4 companion members to follow you leaving 1 slot left for Serana but having 5 followers at once they will tend to get in your way a lot


1 the pact with hircine isn't public knowledge. 2 "the enemy of my enemy" 3 I just thought it would be cool if they had a role in the dlc at all, like one of them notices another group fighting monsters has started and tasks the player to investigate. 4 yeah I know there's reasons and I just impulsively asked a semi-dumb question without thinking.


Try to turn into a werewolf inside fort Dawnguard and see what happens, they are affiliated with the vigilante of Stendarr after all They are more likely to side with silver hands (dawnguard would definitly by a bunch of those silver swords), my theory is that the silver hands are a secret branch of the vigilantes who handle the guild's more controversial work in order to not stain the main group's image


There is a theory that when the companions accepted the gift/curse from Hircine and became werewolves that the section that disagreed split from the main and became the silver hand, hence their desire for the fragments of Wuuthrad


Well barring that you can 100% be a Dawnguard and a Werewolf theres not much interaction between. A fair share of the Dawnguard members were Vigilants of Stendarr or mere common folk wanting revenge on the vampires for personal issues. The Companions are more about fighting for honor and glory than being a holy order. That, and they have the boon of a Daedra and the Vigilants dont like Daedric stuff.


They bullied isran in highschool