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Argonian frost mage, Lizard Blizzard Wizard top tier


King Gizzard the Blizzard Wizard Lizard


Well, there's my next dnd character. Also my next playthrough


Oh man I need to reread some old campaigns and port my characters into Skyrim that had never even occurred to me


I actually did that one time (in dnd not Skyrim), minus the king part. It was pretty fun, he was a conjuration wizard, so he could summon a storm. He retired after the dungeon he adventures in because he got enough gold to buy a wizard tower and didn’t want to go to the tomb of horrors.


ahhhh love it


My brother loves King Gizzard and I’ve come to enjoy a few of their albums. Last weekend we went to get dinner from Dairy Queen and we got some blizzards for dessert, and when we driving home with the food I just thought of King Gizzard and the Blizzard Wizard Lizard lol. I wanted to comment it but you beat me to it XD.


Hispanics. Good food and they value family. Edit: oh shit this is the Skyrim subreddit. Wood Elves because they have good food and value family.


Lmao one time in college I was in a smoke circle and I found out the guy next to me liked Elder Scrolls too so we got to talking and eventually I ask “what is your favorite race?” and as I ask that everyone else happens to hear it too, so there’s an awkward silence before I realize what’s happening and say “… in the Elder Scrolls.” A hilarious memory for me.


Reminds me of VGHS. Jenny is doing an interview and they ask what is your favorite race, and she's like, "well... I'm white, so I guess I'll put that first... And I really like Indian food, so maybe that's next?" And the host is just like, "we were talking about world of Warcraft"


That escalated quickly


My neighbor was delicious! Don’t hate


Damn bro u ain’t wrong


What would be the Tamrielic equivalent of Hispanics, Imperials?


Nah, Khajit are more Hispanic than imperials. Imperials are basically Europeans (I like to think Bretons are British)


I always got the impression Khajit were Arabic. Imperials are basically Rome so Latin, probably the closest to Hispanic. Bretons are definitely British based with a touch of French.


I think they're based on Romani people..


Id say arabic as well. Seeing as for most of history arab merchants got around everywhere and well, khajit kinda have the same thing.


Red guards seem more Arabic to me. I'd say Romani/gypsy for Khajit because they are semi nomadic people that travel in groups and in some places, they aren't allowed to enter the cities.


Redguards though


Redguards are more Arabic, Khaajiits are more based on culture from India


I think Bretons are literally Bretons




Khajiits are indian not hispanic


Who would be the high elves then?


Spaniards. Specifically those of the Habsburg sort


Don't compare me with Altmer 😭


Psssst, Spain is in europe


Yes but the European Spanish are more like Altmer (old style Habsburg ones are basically Thalmor with worse dress sense)


The imperials are Roman. Argonians are based on Aztecs  Bretons are based on Bretons the real life French celts. Khajiit are more like Romani people… not Hispanic yikes  Man you don’t know shit about world history 


Surely Argronians are Hisspanic?


I laughed harder than I should haha 


As an Italian how dare you not see the Roman history in the imperials. The Hispanics are the Argonians who literally take from Aztec culture… 


My Hispanic friend saw this. He's now laughing his ass off on the floor. This was quality 💀


I miss being able to give comments like these awards…


Literally eating a fajita as I read this


I’m Hispanic and now I get why I like wood elves as well.


We really all out here fuckin with wood elves huh?


You, I like you. Source: is hispanic and likes wood elves.


Khajiit. I enjoy the seeing at night, safely falling further, and most importantly the insults.


“You’ll make a fine rug cat!”




Even Hadvir's dialogue sets it up right at the start: "You with one of the trade caravans, Khajiit? They always seem to be getting into trouble."


Lol my old TV couldn't properly get bright enough to play games comfortably. I picked Khajit for my first Skyrim playthrough because I like cats. Night vision or whatever was used excessively.


Punchcat ftw




Dunmers for me, best fleshed out lore and they have big diversity in their culture through the Great Houses.


It’s a shame that Skyrim didn’t do for Nords what Morrowind did for the Dunmer.


“Grey-Mane or Battle-Born?” Honestly, you both kind of suck as clans…


Grey-Manes are cool. Sure they overthrow Balgruuf and Olfina is a bit snippy, but Vignar seems like a good guy and a decent Jarl.


Eh, I see Vignar (and his family as a whole) as too obsessed with the glory days of the past and looking backwards as a whole. Vignar basically spends his days reminiscing about the glory days of the Companions that he’s not even apart of, and his family supports themselves with odd jobs aside from Eorlund’s smithing the Skyforge while clamoring on about how great they are. There’s a lot of “We were a great clan!” with little effort to keep that going, especially when Eorlund dies. And taking Balgruuf’s job is just a dick move. It showed that Vignar was more loyal to Ulfric than his own Jarl, who himself is a better Jarl than any of them in Skyrim. It’s also joked about among the Companions that Vignar is senile. Personal opinion, but I also don’t see him as anywhere near as good a potential Jarl as Balgruuf. Olfina’s personality is abrasive, but she’s ironically my favorite of them (with Eorlund) in that she’s actually got gumption and having a job outside using Eorlund to fund them all. The others just seem deeply stuck in the past to me.


I would like them more except they enslaved the argonians and others


Yes, but people forget that not all Dunmers were enslaving others, mostly House Dres and House Telvanni did do that though.


I grew up on morrowind so kinda feel most at home with dunmer, even though I was an N'wah in that game too


This man probably has multiple copies of *The Lusty Argonian Maid* in every home.


That's the first thing I thought of. He probably has stacks of those book as a house built out of every book he could find, and I don't blame him. If you know what you like, you know what you like.


bro, it's rude to sneak into other people's houses, learn some respect "Wink Wink"




Somebody’s never read The Lusty Argonian Maid V1


There is that one… she cleans my house and raises her tail.


Argonian tail 🤤






"That's Striker, sir!"


one-handed leveled up


This one prefers Khajiit because he’s a huge fan of cats.


Every time the game glitches and random shit gets knocked around I just blame my khajit for letting the intrusive thoughts win


Ha—nice. I live in a state where weed is legal so I like to smoke a little and pretend my khajiit assassin is looped on skooma.


See, mind is the opposite. He was raised as a house cat and doesn't understand Skooma so he just hoards it.


Mine had a rough youth in Elsweyr but a basically decent moral compass and a soft spot for children on account of his own shitty childhood. Needless to say, when he stumbled into an abandoned house and was asked to kill a cruel orphanage owner by the benighted boy there, he agreed, thinking it would just be a onetime favor. Then the Dark Brotherhood came to call and he descended into murderous evil, though kept his sense of honor. Skooma became a way to deal with the horror of his own actions.


This is why I love Skyrim cause while you're over here with a super serious, well thought out story for your character I got the memelord himself Not a Skooma Dealer aka P'xton. A khajit adopted by a Dunmer family in Riften thinking he was a stray cat, hence the stupid name, who had to scramble to reteach him how to be normal (and failing lol). He doesn't understand how Skooma works so he just hoards it since "That's a khajit thing, right???" He can see the glitches in the universe and blames "the gods damned elder squid" for it. After he accidentally joined the Dark Brotherhood he became bff's with Cicero because to him, he was the only person who wasn't insane. A lot of things P'xton does is by accident really, just a clumsy cat who ended up somehow saving the universe. (There is so much more but not gonna post a small book worth of P'xton lore in a reddit comment lol)


What a fun backstory! I also did a “punch cat” build named Vitus who I saw as a happy-go-lucky pugilist who just enjoyed traveling around looking for people to fight. I played a little like Mickey from SNATCH, but you know, a cat. Beating a dragon to death with his bare paws was a career highlight.


That's a well thought out backstory. Mine is just a small cat that turns into a big werewolf cat when he gets angry


Mine’s the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Wait what?


No Botol-Cebok, no, that was so not right!


Best comment


Imperials because ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE)


If I'm not mistaken, there's a glitch that never got fixed such that all of the races have the extra gold perk.


Can’t play as Slithers the Lizard Wizard without being argonian.


Khajiit for multiple reasons. 1. Furry. 2. One of the better race-related skills (All races have a specific skill, the Argonians as an example can breathe under water. Khajiit have a higher stat in hand to hand combat, making them great for bar fights and when you don't have a weapon.). 3. I love cats. 4. There are so many different kinds, even if we only play as one, there are way more found in Elsweyr. 5. The type of Khajiit one is born as doesn't rely on the parents or heritage, but rather the moon phases, so the most human-like Khajiit could have a child that resembles a saber tooth or a house cat if during the right moon phases.


Orc cause Shrek


Orcs have the strongest racial ability in the game


And the most useful even in the higher levels.


*Laughs in Highborn*


How dare you?! Shrek is an ogre


So wrong Shrek is not an orc, he's an onion


Sneaky kitties forever.




Over a decade of not having this in my life is a tragedy.


does "pspsps" work in skyrim? XD


![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8|downsized) > Sexy, swishing thier tails and it's a fucking lizard


Khajiits cause mews go purr


Breton. Love having that 25% resistance to magic.


Breton (25%) with lord stone(25%) and magic resistance from alteration perk (3/3)(30%) almost hits the magic resistance cap without taking up any equipment slots.


Swap a perk for Agent of Mara, perfect 85%


Well $#!@, now I have to get alteration to 100 to reset it….


Agreed! I also love how they have both Elven and Human ancestry, yet they look more humanoid than many of the other races!!


I’ve always hated that they look more human than a good mix, [I can’t get out of my head how cool they could be if they looked like this instead](https://images.uesp.net/5/52/LO-race-Breton.png) longer than normal fingers and slightly angular faces would make them really stand out among the other races of men Instead they just look like the oblivion style was ported onto a Skyrim character


I truly wish Bretons looked similar (not the same) to an Imperial with pointed ears and a smaller body frame!


Wish they looked more like the bretons from oblivions concept art, with more elf-like features and long pointy fingers. Now I can barely tell the difference between an imperial and a breton


Shortness. Everyone towers over the Bretons.


Some races shouldn’t exist, they only waste resources and don’t really bring anything interesting. Some races are occasionally good but have become worse over time, like Formula 1, nowadays you already know who is going to win, every weekend is the same bullshit and there is barely any overtakes, at times it feels more like a parade than a race.




High Elves. +50 magicka off the bat and their highborn ability is super useful in a pinch. What really sells it for me is a well kept secret that high elves actually have the fastest sprint speed in the game! Not sure why but it’s true


I usually play Nord cause I just feel they fit the best considering it’s Skyrim. If I don’t play a Nord, then I generally play Altmer or Dunmer.


I don't really have a favorite race. I've played all of them and I don't necessarily lean towards one or the other. Khajiit are pretty cool though.


I'm from the north in real life and have a lot of real ancestors from Norway and Sweden, so nord is my favorite race gotta stay true to my homies 😅


I play wood elf because I grew up on Ocarina of Time.


High elf- I really like going against the Thalmor, I’ve developed an Altmer character that once questioned their methodology and practices, but now full out rejects their philosophy and goes out of their way to kill them whenever they cross paths (also, that highborn ability is pretty good)


Altmer is really fun for RP. And as much as people say that the Altmer's +50 to magicka becomes obsolete, there's no denying that it's great for the early game because it lets you focus on bumping up your health during those early levels. It's not like the Imperials' "Imperial Luck" feature which may as well not exist because gold is ludicrously easy to obtain in the game.


Argonians. Swimming anywhere without a care is a wonderful ability that can really change up the game. Histskin is a great panic button too.


exactly i will go for hours just screwing around on the bottom of the ocean haha


Argonian master race. Love me some sexy magic lizards


The Falmer, Skyrim for the Elves!


Argonians are good but a wood elf is better


Altmer because I like magic and elves


khajiit! i fuckin love cats 🥹


Orc easy


Hmmm orcs. I like how they're like school yard bullies. But they have real strong beliefs and values. I remember my first playthrough as an orc I escaped Helgen and went to the nearest orc stronghold. I was expecting a warm welcome from my brothers but instead was met with "you gotta earn your way into this shit, bitch!". I really liked em for that. Also berserker rage might be the best race perk.


Any race that doesn’t have a tail. They always end up looking so goofy in third person Nord just first with being in Skyrim, but being a sucker for stealth archery, I often go with wood elf


Bretons for their abilities, Argonians are a close 2nd and I'd love to play as Khajiit or Redguard but their abilities never ever complement my playstyle.


I really like Argonians and Dunmer but I just wish they were more customizable, here’s hoping TES VI brings back fins to their customization and maybe the ability to get the Morrowind style ears for Dunmer




Yea like I don’t need visible leg armor just the stats give me the cool legs please


Sameee, i really wish they add this feature, it would be amazing


Breton. Good abilities, not an elf, but not too human


Bretons because I like my magicka resistance and not for any horny sexy reasons. That would be just sad.


I have 2: -Argonians because I'm a huge fan of reptilian characters. -Bretons because I love playing with magic.


The high elves / thalmor because of their magic potential


Khajiit because I love cats and it’s the only race I play in tes games. And elsweyr is a wonderful Area in eso still bummed we will prob get tes 6 in hammerfell and not elsweyr. 


Argonians , Khajiit, or Dark Elves


Probably Orcs, Berserker Rage is just so good. I also love Bretons when playing mages


It honestly depends on what I want to play as. If I want to play myself, I go Nord to get my artic acclimated self in the game. Should I desire to play an assassin I lean more towards Argonian since my personal lore is I play as a Black Scale tribe memeber (the assassin tribe that has close ties with the Dark Brotherhood). Most of the time I play as a spell knight who relies equally on equipment and magic, and for that I pick Altmer for the starting magic skill increase and extra Magicka to cast spells. I do plan to play a character of each playable race, but those are my current defaults. Sorry for the block of text, but I figured I'd give a sincere answer.


Stats wise: Breton 25% magic resistance, and conjure familiar off rip is dope RP wise: Orc or khajiit because green man angry and kitty


There's something about a super buff argonian merc in badass armor with an even more badass sword, that is just so enticing


Take a wild guess. In all seriousness, I love the all-natural aesthetic of hide and bones. I consider swamps to an under appreciated beauty of the world. I love trees and wish I could communicate with them. Their philosophies would probably help me a lot in my life if I could just internalise them. I love their deep and complicated relationship with the Hist. What little history we have on them makes them seem cool as f*ck. I love reptiles. I relate a LOT to them as an autist. That's all I can come up with off the top of my head.


Skyrim belongs to the nords


Imperial only because it’s bland and not special. I’m also an empire addict.


You need to watch Polygon's "Skyrim Book Report" - Unraveled if you think Argonians are sexy. 🫶


If I have to choose one, Orc cause they make the best werewolves. Werewolf form + Orc berserker rage + Dragon Aspect + Ring of Ring of Instinct = profit. Or at least without mods. Also their lore is interesting. Although if I had to pick a second race, probably the Khajjit cause they are cat people, and cats are my favorite animals. And of course they also have really intriguing lore with their different forms. Third would be High Elf cause they make pretty good vampires. And I wanna see more from their lore. Argonians are tied with High elves also cause of awesome lore. The Argonian maid jokes, and cause my first character ever was a male heavy armor build back on the 360. https://preview.redd.it/yl3i8of2smxc1.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e94e263e44826df349c43df7cd23d3005ca746a Some Commissions of my characters that I played as, Drakoz the Orc Hound of Hircine, Andralia Volkihar Master Necromancer and “Sister” of Serana. And Tigra Volkihar, a modded Khajjit Vampire Lord, that’s more with the Sancroscant and Dark Envoy Vampire Mods.


I read the title before checking in which subreddit this was posted. Big relief.


I don't think OP should be around reptiles..




Ghad daym


Khajit. Was the first race I ever picked in Skyrim and my go-to ever since. They look cool, the combat insults are funny, I love the accent when you shout, they're one of the only races that looks good in the dark brotherhood armor XD, the night vision comes in handy more times than you'd think, and I like their lore. Will always be my favorite elder scrolls race over all.


Khajits and nords, specially nordic mages (like the tribe in the DLC island of Skyrim whose name cannot remember xd). I feel like Himmler controlling the Thule society (college of winterhold) (Nazis are bad and deserve the worst)


Bosmers. They are often depicted as comical characters but as Elves, they're the most affable and I like a lot of aspects of their culture. Like the fact they're your typical "forest Elves" fantasy archetype, only to smash it away when you dig deeper.


Argonians & Khajiit - I love me some folks with tails and tales... and they have such fascinating histories. 😀


you don't play as a lizard in any game XD, https://preview.redd.it/mfr35y3lknxc1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ecdc2fe6edf99885cfc50775d08f8cfcee2a3a Everquest.......




Help, this is funny and entertaining XD, and this game has some good character visuals too, i think I'm gonna try it out soon


Argonian! I will forever be an argonian lol. Why? Cause in Oblivion I got to the mages guild quest to get the ring out of the well and got so infuriated about drowning I deleted my 60 hour character and rolled an argonian. Never looked back.


Sometimes life hits you hard, just to guide you to the right path 😉


Argonians for one: They look cool. And two: their lore is intresting and fucking holarious during the oblivion crisis. Just imagine being a deadra about to invade black marsh and suddenly a fuck Ton of lizard people storm through the gate to invade you instead just seconds after you opened it😂


Fr 😂, couldn't say it any better, i love it


Argonian is by far my favorite. Not only do I never catch a disease but I get water breathing for free, and look like a mini dragon. All around a good race


Orc. Grungus Bungus must smash


Breton. Magic resistance, good at magic, good at swords Literally the half-elf of TES, and that’s all I play in dnd and other TTRPG


Definitely argonians also because lizards


Argonians easily, always played as one when i was a kid, think i was 7/8 when i first got to try it


Black People... I mean Redguards. I meant to say Redguards.


Hmmm 🧐, I'm keeping my eyes on you "wink wink"


Stare to your heart's desire. There's plenty of time, my sweet... plenty of time.


Bretons because they have the only useful passive. I dont care about daily skills.


Well the Khajiit daily skill is many-times-a-daily. But it’s useless, so there’s that.


Altmers start with 50 bonus magicka. I would say it's useful as well.


Nords. All hail Ulfric Stormcloak the True High King. Although khajit is a close second


Khajit cats are the best


Nord or Breton. Though Dark Elf is fantastic for a villain run.


Bosmer. I like the idea that they’re just vibing in nature; plus they’re good at archery which is my go to build


Nords Cathay Raaht Tiger form Khajiit High Elves


Nord only because of Elder Kings nostalgia


What Argonian lore?! *The lusty Argonian maid*?! I prefer Bretons, 'cause I'm Breton.


Dirrty litlle kajiit. Sneak thief archer stabby dr charisma


OG lore Nords (worship of the non-Imperialized gods: Shor, Kyne, Stuhn, etc) and Dunmer. Both have very cool lore and both participate in my favorite Tamrielic pastime: racism.




Orc! A bunch of hard fightin’, hard fartin’, ugly ugly sons of-


Wow, no love for the Redguards??? What is wrong with you people! 🙄


Orc Fire Spellsword. Great against mages and with the attack buffs (and dragonsbane) excellent against dragons (especially Alduin, killed him in like 3 hits)


Orc. Orc kill good with dual wielding + Berserker Rage. Honestly, I'm just impatient. I don't have time for dodging or sneak attacks or whatever. I just want to run at 'em and show 'em who's boss.


1: Khajiit. Brawler. Enough said. 2: Argonians: Oblivion lore, kicked Mehrunes Dagon's butt right back through the gates. Can't get much cooler than that.


Argonians are just all around badass as fuck, are resistant to disease AND can breathe under water Every playthrough of Skyrim I’ve ever done my dragonborn was always an argonian


Dark elfs are the only race, follow the sixth house and the tribe unmourned


Khajiit. Cats are cute, plus I like being stealthy and eating raw food without getting sick


Khajiit because hehe kitty


Falmer (Snow Elf) in Skyrim. Once I learned of them and their history, I was hooked. And there is something about saving Skyrim (the Falmer homeland) and those damnable Nords from their own bad choices that seems poetic in a way. In ES:Oblivion I alternated between Bosmer, Khajiit, and Redguard. In ES:Morrowind, I played Bosmers.


Redguard bc fuck y'all




This one plays as a khajiit most often, and does not have wares if you have coin.


Anything but boring ass Humans.


Didn’t see what sub this was at first. Almost replied with the wrong answer.


Nord. Why? Cause I’m raci-


love me some lusty argonian maids


Argonian for the win! Love them


Bretons all the way