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I've never killed Nazeem. He never really pissed me off even before he became a meme. Plus I don't like killing named NPCs that make the city feel even emptier than they already are. That's why as a vampire I only drain unnamed guards as they respawn


The cloud district thing is irritating but I've also never killed him. I didn't know you could. I am a proper thief in Skyrim but apparently not the murderer I thought. Gotta up that game. Who else is killable, I mean.


You never went on a rampage for no reason? I attempt to burn down Markarth at least once per playthrough


I accidentally went on a rampage in Whiterun because I couldn't figure out how to stop being a werewolf.


I do that to every city mostly at the end of a fun. It's fun fighting off 20 guards at one time as you fus ro da them off a ledge


>I attempt to burn down Markarth Lucky for them, everything's made of stone. Even the beds.


I prefer to fistfight Nazeem as part of my first companions quest


This is the way. Why kill him when you can just give me a good, public whooping. Death is fleeting, shame is permanent


I’ve NEVER gotten that quest. In all my years of playing and restarting, I’ve never been able to legally kick his ass


I like the Better Vampires mod and its significant customizability, so I only feed on bandits or similar in the wild as a “good” vampire. Best them in battle and then feed when they go down into the “beaten” state.


Pretty much what i do to as a vampire except i only feed on civilians when in blood starved mode who never have a high disposition of the player anyway.


Ive never *killed* Nazeem, it i do have multiple fines for casting Frenzy on him tho :)


The only NPC i awlays kill is that asshat that just says "I work for Belethor" and just happens to ALWAYS be chopping wood when I need to make arrows. Seriously, fuck that guy.


Your comment sums up the majority of my feelings towards killing NPCs like Nazeem. I too, have never killed Nazeem.


I use mods to populate the heck out of the cities, roads, civil war, etc. Extended encounters also adds some great action and make the world feel more inhabited. Also helps a ton with being a vampire.


Stealth Archer was my first build. I was young, and that X2 damage was very nice, and not having to actually fight most enemies. Then I found Warhammers... Haven't went back to stealth Archer, it seems so slow compared to how I play now As for the question, I haven't decorated a house, or finished the Stones of Barenziah quest. It just doesn't seem worth it to me


I busted my ass finding all those fucking stones and for what? Some power that helps me find extra gems in containers? That's IT? I was so mad.


The point, without any sarcasm, is the world you discover along the way. It's a mechanic whose sole purpose is to get you to cover every hold and many dungeons looking for the complete set.


I appreciate that perspective.


I want to finish it just for the extra carry weight I'll gain when they are out of my inventory.


Don't quest items (like the stones) weigh nothing? Or is it not a true quest item?


They don't add weight to you since they're quest items.


perhaps the real treasure is the adventure you had on your way


TBF, it is a huge increase in finding gems. Like multiple gems in every single container. Completing that quest does make you insanely rich, if you weren't already.


Yeah I went through that place amound montierre is at right after I got the crown and I found 6 flawless diamonds before I even got to the guy since all the dead draugr in front of his door count as containers, that’s not even adding all the sapphires and rubies and emeralds I found too


This can be helpful if you have the ordinatior mod, and get the park in enchanting that lets you sacrifice a flawless gem for 25%boost to the enchantment. (Per piece type.)


This is it. Why would i want to crawl around and take an hour per dungeon when i can sprint into action and slap bitches.


I like to hear the dialogue of the thugs inside the dungeons since I’m a sucker for lore.


Believe it or not you miss a lot of conversations when you shoot first ask questions later


Stones of Barenziah is only worthwhile if you’ve installed the mod which adds quest markers for each stone, and you collect the stones passively. The reward for getting all of them is so underwhelming that it’s not worth actively seeking them especially without quest markers.


The only reward is getting the quest completion and removing it from my quest list


thats why you never pick up any unusual gems in the first place


OCD will not allow this. I've tried for a decade man, I just can't 😂


yeah, im honestly the same way. i literally have to take every single coin from every enemy body or i will rip my hair out


If I see a salt pile.... I'm addicted to Skyrim salt.


I know the locations without markers 😂


fragile violet wipe ad hoc party books ring fear joke wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That sounds fun. Just finished it in my current play through. I have had to start doing it early so I don’t start picking them up random since I memorized the order from the Fandom wiki. I was happy when they patched the Thalmor Embassy stone so it can be picked up before that part of the story line. Also helps if you don’t have any examined before you have them all so they don’t stack individually in your inventory.


complete cautious lunchroom stocking far-flung panicky fearless rhythm humor piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like my, I think 5th playthrough I tried to do stealth archer cause I heard how OP it was but it just felt too slow.


I finished the stone quest just bc I was sick of having all of the stones in my inventory lol


> Then I found Warhammers... The Dawnguard Rune hammer is one of my favorite weapons in the game, if not my overall favorite. The longhammer is also pretty great if you have the warhammer perks.


Every Elder Scrolls game I've played, my first character is a heavy armored Nord who specializes in two handed weapons. Magic is pretty and bows are nice and all, but nothing beats smashing some skulls up close and personal. Took me a while to even try a mage or archery based character. My current character is a light armored Argonian alchemist who specializes in one handed weapons coated in personally made poisons in one hand and restoration magic in the other. He's a bit squishy in a fight, but I'm having fun with him.


I was the complete opposite started with a Warhammer until I picked up a bow for the first time. Though currently I am running through with no weapons at all just my Khajiit's claws


The prowler's profit perk is worth it, definitely. The problem is that you'll get more gems than you can find metal to make things with them, even if you go iron mining. You learn to hate the things.


I never take long in dungeons and I play stealth archer almost every playthrough you just need to have your archery and sneak way up and you can pretty much one shot kill everything idk I've always liked the sneaky approach but to each their own!


Every playthrough after my first, I deliberately avoided picking up the gems so it didn't start a quest and didn't sit in my inventory. I am majorly ocd when it comes to items in my inventory or the amount of quests I have open.


I don't mind having a ton of quests active. I just hate having a ton of quest items. (Side note, I wish there was a chest specifically made to hold Quest items that get bugged into your inventory.)


As a stealthy archer, I have to admit: those Warhammers are pretty damn cool too! 😎


I won't lie, seeing all the new crossbows, arrows, bolts and armor, I think I might have to make a Stealth Archer character.


never killed nazeem


You mustn't get to visit the Cloud district very often.


The guy is an asshole, sure, but I think we can agree that alone isn’t a good reason to murder someone. There should at least be some money in it for us… Edit: some typos


Or at least be able to get his farm, in some way, for doing so.


Same but today he hired thugs to kill me. I seek vengeance now.


Now you have a reason.


Restoration loop or any exploit of any kind. Seems like I see a lot of people using exploits or asking how they can glitch to the Dawnstar chest etc etc. it’s just never appealed to me as I don’t understand how it makes things fun. I mean running around with a 40000+ damage weapon might be fun for a while I guess


It removes inventory management for me. I only used it to enchant some boots with a crazy carry weight boost. Now I can take all the things like the filthy Riekling I am.


This is honestly exactly why I just play in God mode now. I've got tons of mods that added so much new crap to pick up that my goblin brain doesn't even care if it's useless


innate chunky flag weather cow sip quicksand voiceless panicky fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My favorite is one that adds one point to health/stamina/magicka for every level of a skill in those categories- and half a pound carry weight for every skill level period. It’s not quite god mode, but it really reduces the amount of effort needed for planning most builds by a lot so I can just play


If you are on PC it's a simple as ~ player.modav carryweight x


Let me recommend my personal favorite, the Expedition Necklace. It allows you to make a necklace that increases your carry weight by 9,000 pounds. But wait! There's more! Because if you're wearing the necklace, and you disable the mod, you now have that extra carry weight bonus permanently. Then you can enable the mod again, make another necklace, and do it again. I currently have an 18,000 pound permanent carry weight bonus. I haven't even come close to my weight limit. And I'm That guy who has every factions armor in his inventory in case he has to do a mission for them.


I've played through the game so many times it doesn't matter to me. This is my first time playing with a huge pre-made mod pack so I'm just enjoying exploring the new quests and finding all the fun new things. I god mode just makes it less frustrating on me.


Carry weight cheats are the only ones I've seen a lot of people use. I wouldn't be surprised if future Bethesda games add in additional carryweight into the difficulty options.


player.modav carryweight 100


I did this with an invincibility mod that also gave unlimited carry weight but i got lazy and never emptied it out… it got bad


you can become pretty broken OP even without the resto loop, anyway


The key is to make powerful gear, the best in the game even, but not so OP that you one-shot every possible enemy on any possible difficulty.


You can do this without exploits, and if you're going to exploit, then why not go overboard? I've never ever used the restoration loop because it's just stupid. I remember when I was 11 and used cheats to play Starcraft and then later Warcraft III. Skyrim's restoration loop is the same thing and people who don't realize this are funny. I really don't know why and when people normalized cheating in single-player games - I think it started with GTA: Vice City - but it's pretty lame.


I really sympathize with this one, but can't claim it, I used quite a few of these exploits when I first started playing. I've come to regret it, though. Kind of shooting an interesting mechanic in the peak, isn't it?


Yeah I dont get the point when theres a mod for anything like that.


never had cicero as a follower, outside of my first playthrough a lot of people like him, but i just find him annoying.


Oh god, I hate Cicero. Skyrim was the first game I ever played because my boyfriend introduced it to me. Obviously I killed Cicero after giving the option at the end of his questline. And my boyfriend actually got a little mad about it.


I think I speak for many when I say Cicero is charming because he was right. He was the only Dark Brotherhood Assassin in Skyrim who stuck to the tenets and did right by the night mother. The reason the dark brotherhood in Skyrim had fallen on hard times was because of Astrid turning the branch into a band of common mercenaries with an edgy personality.


That'd be me. He was very annoying and I could barely stand listening to him, but when he first talked to the DB I was like, "Whoa. Hang on. He's right!" He became much more interesting to me then, and so did the DB. You just knew there was going to be a showdown or something!


It’s rare that I have so gleefully killed an NPC in any game than when I finally got to kill Cicero.


I kill him every time.


I do too, to the point where I never knew he could be a follower until recent years


I would single handedly murder Cicero if given the option to save Astrid. Idk why I’ve always liked Astrid even though she betrayed us.


I will never know what happens if he is allowed to live lol and same here. I think I found out within the last year that he could be a follower. But again, I'll never know what that's like.


Yep! After dozens of playthroughs I finally decided, “what if I *didn’t* kill him, just this once?” And then upon finding out he can be a follower I decided to just roll back a save and kill him instead. I do love Cicero but from a roleplay aspect, I fucking hate that guy


I always killed him but in my most recent playthrough i decided to switch it up and have him as a follower. I would actually like him if he shut the fuck up. Like make him comment once every 20 mins of gameplay maybe, not every 60 seconds


The Spectral Assassin does the same damn thing. Like Mr. Lachance, I’m trying to relax and fish here. Could you shush for a few minutes, please?


Spectral Assassin is a certified yapperrr


I’ve got Serana following me currently and the times I’ve Fus Roh Da’d her ass off the nearest cliff edge because she keeps repeating the same damn phrase 😅


*walks out of a cave* “Oh, look, a cave. I wonder what’s inside.” …>:(


"where'd you come from?"


*loud asf icicle noises*


After my first playthrough i always went on the penitus occulatus route


I can't play a stealth archer. I've tried many times but can't get past an hour because I'm completely bored. But I have no problem with archery if I slap on some heavy armor and just tank my way through a dungeon with the zephyr bow or a crossbow. My followers are NOT pack mules. They get treated like a real person. They get full sets of armor and nice weapons, not just random pieces of crap I can't be bothered to carry myself. I play almost exclusively on survival mode so if I give them anything to carry, it's extra food or a camp kit or two for our trip. Anything else, I carry myself...if it's too heavy, something gets left behind.


I never killed a chicken.


Zelda already taught me this lesson lol


Almost had to post this myself!


I've never gone on a quicksave murder spree because an NPC slighted me. Some of yall have one hell of a hair trigger.


Play with mods, mostly because I've only ever played on my old 360.


I mod a lot now, but I used to only play Skyrim on the PS3. It's certainly not as essential as someone people make it seem.


I still play vanilla on PC sometimes. First played on PS3, so many bugs on PS3. I own too many copies of Skyrim. It’s a problem.


Vanilla is an extremely fun game. The mods didn't make the game, just enhance them


PC gamer here, I’ve never played with mods myself. 3 runs for a total of 250 hours. I’d go look at screenshots of graphic mods and changes to map, etc.. it’s not Skyrim to me. Maybe I’m missing out, maybe I’m not. Whatever, still one of the best games ever made


> 3 runs for a total of 250 hours. No wonder though. At only 250 hours you've barely played the game. And yes, you are 100,000% missing out on a metric fuckton of good shit. QoL mods e.g. Live Another Life, gameplay overhauls, new lands mods like Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, restored content like Open Civil War, there is so much stuff to play around with.


I've never done a stealthy archer either, seems a bit boring to me


Don’t judge a book by its cover!! Trust me when I say it is fun but you will understand how broken it is after you get a decent bow with the sneak perk upgrade


it can be fun and also just funny when you fire an arrow into an enemy, cast invisibility, then they say "guess it was nothing" as there's an arrow in their neck.


My favorite is when you're in a darker area like a cave and they're literally pushing you from walking into you and they're like "is somebody there?"


I love crazy kill cam shots. Like it gets so epic and intense only to show mh arrow harmlessly whizzing past the ignorant bandit or completely missing the dragon I was aiming for and killing some poor rabbit instead


Never in my life have I killed an entire city of people, in the thousand of hours of playing. I hear people always talk about quicksaving before wiping out the citizens of Whiterun, never in my life have I ever felt the need or desire to do it. People talk about it though as if it’s some rite of passage, as if everyone who’s played it for long enough does it eventually. It’s very strange to me.


I do it to test new spells from mods


I've never done this on purpose. If a scrap starts by accident, though, I've been known to see it through to death or victory. Or if things go south with the Forsworn Conspiracy.


I might kill the guards, but never the named people. I massacred the Whiterun guards in a playthrough because I had a ZERO gold bounty for some reason


Agreed. Never killed a person who didn’t ask for it much less a village. When a dragon comes in and kills villagers, I’ll literally reload so I can try and keep them alive.




I had Uthgerd as a follower for the first time this playthrough. She was great until she turned on me for no discernible reason. I went to talk to her, and she just shouted “NEVER SHOULD’VE CONE HERE!” She got off one swing of her weapon before Jenassa & Lydia just cut her down.


As a character she is nice because she was a bit more fleshed out compared to other followers. As a follower she is awful. Her combat abilities are garbage and she is constantly raising corpses. I wanted to loot that thank you. No the chicken will not help in combat.


The first time Serana raised a chicken in my playthrough I turned around after killing the last random Forsworn to see a zombie chicken running at me and then dying at my feet. Couldn't even tell my spouse why I was laughing so hard for a minute or so.


Same. I honestly found her annoying. Plus she suddenly gains knowledge of things at the plot relevant times. “Mom had a theory about the soul cairn” Five minutes later she’s a college level expert with three thesis papers on the soul cairn.


I mean i do recruit uthgerd… but then kill her for that sweet steel plate armour.


It’s ironic you say that because she’s one of the first people I kill off rip just because she has 3/4’s of the 12th best heavy armor in the game


Same boat, but instead of Uthgerd, it's Teldryn Sero. I start the game with a straight shot to windhelm to catch a ship to Raven Rock, grabbing the necessary gold on the way. Worth it every time.


Never leveled restoration or alteration. Rarely do the companions questline.


Once you figure out how to do it it's pretty easy. Restoration took the longest for me because I'm a dumbass. I kept summoning a new zombie for every time I cast turn undead on them because I didn't realize you could just spam it on the same one.


for alteration, just enchant stuff for spell cost reduction to 100% After that, spam magelight to 40, then either use telekinesis and fast travel while holding it or go to the Blue Palace and hold Detect Life. And once you get to 65, Paralyze spam is faster than Detect Life.


I’ve never finished the main story line. Only have gotten as far as needing to trap the dragon in dragons reach. And I’ve put hundreds of hours into this game.


I finished the main story last night, this is in the xbox 360 version that I had since before launch because I had a friend who worked at a game shop.


Congratulations! Mundus will sleep a bit easier tonight.


I’ve never even made much progress in the main storyline, I think, and I’ve easily put in 600+ hours since my first play through. I usually get at least 150 hours in before I even select which side I’m on so that I don’t disrupt any other questlines


Same. I drove 2 hours to get the game at midnight release, when I had class the next morning. I have multiple hundreds of hours in this game across multiple characters, on 360 and PC. Never finished it.


I thought I was the only one! I have never completed the main story either despite hundreds of hours into this game too. I’m playing again with the intention to see Sovengarde.


The only magic I use is healing, and other stuff to level, detect life, transmute. I'm a baller, I need the taste of blood splatter on my lips.


Killing cicero seems to be popular. I can never donit. Hes too fun.


Also never done a stealth archer build, I find it super tedious and boring. Gimme destruction magic in one hand and a baller weapon in the other, go in guns (or hands?) blazing!


When Skyrim came out or at least at the beginning there were a lot of memes about killing the chicken and then having all the city guards chasing you. So when I finally got the game years later I did not want to kill a chicken and I never did.


The main storyline.. but I have like a thousand hours


Never played a vampire


i always end up being a werewolf but honestly not remembering when i became one


IMO, vanilla vampires doesn't even worth it outside of RP. Like... You have +25% on illusion spells and potions, and that's it. Vampiric Drain sucks (pun intended).


Never joined the dark brotherhood and don't plan to.


I had a play through that was dedicated to dark brotherhood but I was not happy when we got to the point of killing the Jarl at her wedding, after that I never went back to that character. When my main one got kidnapped by Astrid, I killed everyone in the shack and just left. Meriketh is an orc warrior, she’d just treat Astrid like any other bandit, so that’s how I rp’d it. Stay true to what your character would do or how you wanna play, that’s what is so great about Skyrim :)


> when we got to the point of killing the Jarl at her wedding You don't kill the Jarl, she's just a rich noble.


Same, I just don't do evil builds. But I should try it, my friend says it's one of the best questlines in the game.


Missing out! Shadowmere is the best




Never fought the ebony warrior mainly cuz I don’t tend to grind for levels and I don’t often stick with a character long enough to get to level 80


Never had Serena as a follower outside of the quests which required her. I always ran back to Freya straight afterwards


I have never started playing the game twelve years after release and then post a picture of Angi's Camp and asked, "Hey, has anyone ever seen this?" /s/


I almost never hear guards saying "I used to be an adventurer like you..."


Never done a fortify restoration loop (only just figured out that one of my mods patched it anyway)


Modded my game. I’m on Switch.


I've never given a single fuck about getting trophies by having to slog through all of the potentially game-breaking bugs in VanillaRim. And I've been playing Skyrim since its release... RiP my old Xbox 360 slim... Skyrim-induced ring of death lol. It really surprises me when I see posts of people who have painstakingly toiled away getting every trophy, and then openly saying things like "now I can have fun playing the game with mods!!" Like... why didn't you do that from the get-go if that's what you wanted to do? Who are you playing the game for if not yourself?


I don’t mind Nazeem. Talk to him once then ignore him the rest of the game. Much less have I have killed him.


Yeah, I just don’t find him THAT annoying. Same with Heimskr, to me he’s just a reskin of that screamy Anvil preacher in Oblivion.


Heimskr is the one I really don’t understand. It’s not different than any other town — street evangelists have always set up shop on the public square.


i'm doing a playthrough with bound weapons only + magic and healing with light armor. little bit of archery when appropriate (mostly dragons) allows me to have some stealth if I want but not be reliant on it while not giving myself game breaking weapons with enchantments.


Planning on doing this for a Thalmor playthrough


yeah the mod collection i have has the bound weapon expanded or w/e mod that essentially gives every weapon its bound counterpart


I’m currently doing a heavy armor conjuration build. Bow, Battleaxe and sword situation dependent with skeletal followers with skill perks


I’ve never done a pure mage build. I like some magic like Restoration & conjuration. But magic is pretty underwhelming plus I just love weapons


I’m finally doing a non-stealth archer build and it’s amazing how much quicker going through the dungeons are now. I love it actually. As for your question, I’ve never used a shield or the block skill at ALL, and I’ve never done a pure warrior build (two-handed, one-handed, block). I’m always either a mage, a spellsword, or a stealth archer character. I think I tried a shield once in 2012 and never picked one up again.


I have yet to murder Mr Nazeem, or any of the Riverwood chickens. I have also never married Lydia or any of the other housecarls, it just feels kind of weird to marry someone if it's not 100% clear whether they would feel free to refuse.


I can’t do the Stealth Archer either, it’s just too slow for my taste plus I overplayed the archetype in Oblivion. I’d much rather play a warrior or a mage, though grabbing a crossbow and using it in open combat is fun as hell.


I’ve never played enough on one character to get to fight the ebony warrior. There’s always been something in the way that stopped me, like life changes, boredom, or just buying the game again on a new platform…


I've never done Dawnguard as a vampire. Harkon is just a douchebag, I've never really desired it


Never obeyed Delphine's command to kill Paarthurnax - so the entire "Blades" quest stuff is utterly unexplored to we. Couldn't kill Delphine for stealing the temple that was bound to the DragonBorn's blood, so just left those two sitting on their asses in the mist, for all time, helpless to achieve anything because no one else will do what she wants either - a prison of her own making.


Wouldn't it be funny if you could just seal those morons back in? Good luck getting that seal unstuck again without me!


I've never played the DLC, and I've played since launch. I only got the special addition a few months ago and that was the first time I played anything other than the original 2011 version. Am currently doing the dawngaurd quest line.


I never do a stealth-archer *build*, it just kinda happens. I have to force myself to not make those choices.


> **What are some things that seem pretty ubiquitous in the player base that you've never done?** I've never been to the Cloud District. Oh what am I saying?


Probably a very unpopular opinion, but mods, including the CC content. From everything I’ve seen, they tend to be immersion-breaking, subpar writing, and implement some overpowered or unbalanced spells and weapons. I’m a purist, and I guess I just prefer to play the game the developers intended. (Downvotes on the left.)


The answer to this will always be yes and no and also that's fair My rebuttal to mods are "cheating" or "change the game too much" is simply what mods are, community created content. This means yes you'll find mods that turn Alduin into Thomas the tank engine and mods that make mud crabs zoidbergs but then there's your massive projects made from some of most passionate fans of the game and put dlc sized if not larger amounts of effort and work into 1 mod TLDR your wrong but only because finding the mods that aren't like that means sifting through thousands of pieces of content ANYONE could've made and it's totally 110% fair to not want to do that


For me it’s probably my starter weapon, not iron or steel or orcish or whatever, bound until I gain access to ebony


I’ve dabbled in the ways of the stealth archer but never to its full potential. I always get bored with it by like level 20. Also I have only ever beaten the main quest with warrior builds.


I hadn’t ever leveled restoration or put points into it. Yesterday I looked at that skill tree for my mage and some of the perks are insane


I just learned this year you can take carriages across the map. That you don't have to run to Markarth every time.


I'm so sorry...


I have never done the Dark Brotherhood


I find Vanilla Serana to be rather annoying (shut up about the weather!) and I also think Ebony looks cooler than Daedric.


To be fair, that style of archery is as valid as stealth archer. I dunno what you’d call it though, warrior archer? Aggro archer?


Never got married


Never used Hjerim once as a home. I just can't warm (lol) to Windhelm at all. It's just a cold, ugly, bleak city. I get its importance to the story (Ulfric) and the history behind it, but I honestly try and spend the least amount of time there possible. I see Morthal 5x more than Windhelm and Morthal is depressing too lol


I spend more time in Windhelm than anywhere else, lol. Sorry, Bethesda, should’ve made Tullius hotter or something. 😂 But I’ve never used *any* of the vanilla player homes. They’re all just too much space for me, since I’m not interested in spouses/kids/displaying stuff. I have a couple of mods for really small houses that make more sense for single people.


Any exploits


I’ve never used any mods. I’ve found the vanilla game to be endlessly replayable and I guess I have some weird purist streak in me where I don’t want to taint the experience. I’d also probably just get way too carried away with the mods way too quickly haha


I hate playing as a Mage in any game but especially Skyrim. I like magic, i just dont like being a magic user, just super boring gameplay to me


Nowdays don’t commit to stealth at all. I just let it slowly/naturally build kinda on its own. However, I keep just enough stealth stats to navigate certain places when needed. Also fuck spring traps


I'm gonna have to try this tank archer


Never actually killed a chicken in riverwood.


I only just recently started killing passive and friendly npcs. In all my past games I’ve always avoided killing anyone who might have even the most minor of significance to the game but uhh now I’ve got a few empty shops and a bugged mission


I don't think I've ever been inside that lighthouse. You know the one.


I don’t fuck with the war. Sorry, do I want to go with the racists who are in power, or the racists who are overthrowing them? Neither, thanks. I'll just go spelunking and kill draugr.


I like playing a war archer and great sword


Sounds awesome.


I've never made it through the initial cave without using the Sneak buff exploit. By the time I did my first playthrough I'd already seen others do it, and can never resist. My most recent playthrough was the first time I've used Two Handed as my main fighting style, despite the Ebony Blade being one of my favorite weapons in the game as far as lore/concept. I still used Sneak. I only did The Companions on my most recent playthrough. I wish I'd known it negates your weight limit. I only did the Dawnguard quest once, didn't get very far. I don't end up in Morthal in most playthroughs, or Solitude until the DB quest. I only visit Windhelm to get to Solstheim, so I don't even technically need to go into the city. I didn't even know about the murder mystery there until a few years ago. I tried the Civil War quest line exactly once. Forgot I'd started it, then used Whiterun as a fast travel point for something, and it said I'd fled the battlefield. Never tried it again. I've never gotten far enough with a character to fight the Ebony Warrior. All of that being said, I almost always finish all of the (fun) Solstheim quests, I've never not done the Winterhold questline even when I'm not mage-focused (let's face it, most people Stealth-Archer their way through it anyway), and do more than half of the Daedric quests on every playthrough.


Same. And back in the day before Skyrim had a hundred re-releases I never tried to exploit the game with the Restoration loop because I wanted to naturally play it I guess. But I started a play through recently and gave it a try and it’s so fun ngl lol


I have never killed a dragon.


There is no such thing for me I've done at least 1 run of every playstyle and the only school of magic I usually avoid is illusion but one of my most successful playthroughs ever is an illusion mage so it's not like i hate it it just doesn't do much utility unless you specify in it and obviously silent casting is helpful


I've never done a mage build or two handed, always stealth archer/one handed spellsword. The two handed feels too clumsy for me, not fast enough attacks, mage I've just never felt drawn to 🤷‍♀️