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I get them all for Oblivion Walker then put them in a drawer in my house.


I wish they would introduce Faith system, in which we either choose Aedra or Daedra (or in case of Dunmers Reclamations faith). By praying, donating gold, doing special quests unlocked by our faith levels we would gain perks. It could be simply implemented by using skill tree mechanic and changing it's name to Faith. As for me, except for paladin/good/healer/opposing Daedra (for example Boethiah & Molag Bal do not like each other) or Aedra faith I just grabbed them all. So for example when I roleplayed faithful Dunmer servant of the New Tribunal I did hate House of Troubles.


As with all things, there's a mod for that.


What's it called?


I use [Wintersun](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22506), personally. There's also [Gods and Worship](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45011) which I have not tried.


I use the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod, so I'm collecting them to safeguard in Deepholm, and to display the replicas in my museum.


My character's personal goal is to have as many daedra/aedra/others to have a right to my soul When she dies it's gonna cause a multiversal war to figure out who gets her So I'm trying to get every daedra artifact and become the champion of every daedra


That’s clever


Also kills self with soul trapping spoon for the Ideal Masters to join the auction


1. Throw it into the cold sea. 2. Use it at the Atronach Forge to send it back to Oblivion. There was also some unfinished content in the game: the Vigilants of Stendarr might approach you and demand that you give up an artifact or die.


You can use them in the Atronach Forge!? I'll be honest, I've never used it.


My roleplaying characters all have a time limit: I'll play through all the content that *fits the character* then call it done and switch to a more ~~psychopathic~~ generalist run until I get bored of the game again.


I Use them


Put them in a chest at home and forget about them.


I sell them. Most of them aren’t more lethal than what you can make / enchant/ poison anyway.


One of my favorite play throughs was a secret SYNOD agent who was tasked with finding as many Daedric artifacts as possible and keeping them from falling in the wrong hands. Destroying didn’t count because a destroyed artifact is believed to just reappear at a later age. Since it’s for the greater good it means whatever it takes; theft, murder, betrayal, cannibalism, and try to leave no witnesses. I roleplayed that myrwatch was a powerful magic sanctuary only he was given the key to enter to store them all. Felt dumb to have Azura’s star in a display case and not on my person but hey can’t risk dying and it falling into the wrong hands


Think I jusf found my next playthrough


I went illusion magic/backstab no follower, didn’t start the dragons until my character ran out of things to do. I tried to stumble upon the artifacts as organically as possible. When none were presented he just explored, or helped people thinking he could buy favors in the future. Eventually he got married and had kids to put up more of a “front” but by the end he questioned SYNOD motives and liked his life in Skyrim.


I display them.


For my mage build what I did is I basically made him a collector of daedric artifacts as a hobby, he’s sort of a morally grey character in a sense of he only kills and steals when absolutely necessary, and his philosophy on daedric weapons and artifacts is that no mortal shall possess these weapons so I’ll take all that I can find and keep them locked away, oh and he also sasses the daedric princes whenever he can 😂😂


I feel any artifact is safer guarded by the Dragonborn than floating around for some other victim to claim.


Except now they simply target your own place for all the artifacts. What's your security when you aren't there?


Houscarl as a steward, Mjoll as my wife and a crap ton of pets...I can barely get through the entryway of Lakeview Manor with all the pets, I'd be suprised if some grunts could do it.


And if you put them in Lakeview Manor, and also build Windstad and become Thane of Morthal, you get an extra housecarl about half the time.


I've yet to see my stewards take care of much. I come home and bandits have already killed my horse and cow and my steward only joins the fight after I do. Or I get home and my steward tells me there have been scratching noises from the cellar. Then go down there and kill the skeevers!! Why else do I have a steward?