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the iron-to-gold-get-rich school


I love that alchemy is a thing, yet you still need magic to turn iron to gold


Well, alchemy in the game is more just potion crafting than the common classical definition of alchemy.


Well, in order to change iron to gold your literally need to work at an atomic level, so magic seems the only plausible way to achieve something like that in the world of Skyrim. Mixing iron ore with random plants and ingredients isn't gonna cut it


Random plants and ingedients can enable you to breathe underwater, and make you literally invisible. If they can do that, shuffling a couple of protons around doesn't seem too bad...


Maybe, but to make that change you need a lot of energy. And since magic, or mana, is pretty much an energy source, it seems more plausible then the mix of ingredients


Nah. Illusion. Don't actually need money, just other people to think you have it.


Restoration. It's the only school of magic I use in every playthrough, plus Colette needs a friend


Wait, you can actually use restoration magic? It’s not just there to drain your magic when your health is low?


Yeah restoration is especially valuable when on survival mode where your health doesn't regenerate on its own, because at that point your only other option is to carry a shit ton of potions which is costly.


Probably restoration. Based on what we know about magical mishaps, restoration is probably the safest to learn. The drawbacks of the other schools are: 1. Destruction (obvious) 2. Conjuration (Daedra can trick you see "A Tragedy in Black") 3. Alteration (has a spell to drain your life force) 4. Illusion (shape shifting and other potential mishaps) Overall I think Restoration is the safest and also has the most obvious utility for somebody that doesn't want to leave a city or the college.


GTFO everyone knows it’s not a valid school of magic.


Counteragument: its not a valid school of magic.


I see you’ve referenced a work when discussing Conjuration, however you have not cited it in the proper style as required by this assignment. Please correct this or I will have to consider this plagiarism.


Conjuration. Now hush. I'm trying to get this Ash Guardian spell to work...........


You need a rock. Not just any rock. But a good rock. One of them fancy rocks you can only get at select department stores. Yeaaaaah once you get yourself one of them pearly pretty rocks you'll be up to your taters in ash guardians


The only time I would actually consider "general studies" as a major


Restoration. It's a perfectly valid school of magic, after all


Happy cake day, fellow Restoration enthusiast!


Thank you :)


Don't let anyone tell you otherwise


In the real world it would certainly be. I wonder if there'd still be the thought that Restoration magic isn't really a valid school of magic lol


I just want to see what it looks like inside


Fair enough


I’m a firefighter so I think restoration would be the most suitable for me


Damn that’s valid af


You can start so many more fires with destro though. No one wants to fight the guy flinging fireballs so as a firefighter it just makes sense.


Destruction would let you blast streams of ice and wind out of your palms, though. Prolly pretty handy for putting out fires since it puts out Flame Atronachs!


Yeah except destruction mages usually always go overboard and are obsessed with learning more, the agur of dunlain was a destruction mage who literally destroyed his own essence, I don’t want turn bad or become too bold


I would be in the experimental wing of the conjuration building, thinking up new varieties of atronach. Wouldn't it be handy to conjure up a cheese wheel vendor mid-battle?


Yeah, most magic in real life questions lead you to healing magic. Blowing stuff up and summoning beasts and monsters aren't that useful to the average person, and if you do find them useful, you'll probably be killed quickly. Illusion could be up there as well though, but it would be work. With restoration, I could keep myself and my loved well, and travel and be miracle worker if I wanted.


cock magic


Woah now, that’s super dangerous (I’m pretty sure it’s also illegal)


Still working on that Cock Rune


Still working on that Cock Rune


Destruction because I believe in revenge.


Any particular branch?


Tbf this guy sounds like he taking all the perks in destruction. He got plans


Restoration. I do like my dremora lords, don't get me wrong, but irl that would get messy and I prefer helping people


100% restoration. Imagine the things you could do for the world with healing powers that have no negative side effects. Mend broken bones, save intensive care patients, mothers and babies struggling during childbirth, the list goes on. If I wanted to it would be a great source of income, but I don't think I would charge. Just get by within my means and go to places in the world where I am needed most


Probably Restoration (because it’s totally a valid school!) for practicality reasonings but Alteration for the lolz. Then I could buy a shit tonne of iron ore, transmute it a few times and sell it as gold. Done deal. Easy as pie, I’m rich.


Everyone has that idea, everyone buys silver supply stays the same but demand goes up so price goes up, then everyone sells the gold, supply goes up but demand stays the same so price goes down, alteration will quickly balance with a few thousand people making a few thousand dollars


Conjuration but I'd just do regular old sleight of hand magic tricks with cards and shit and call it conjuration


...Wouldn't that just be Illusion?


Realistically, Restoration or Illusion would probably be the best. Fantasy indulgence would be Destruction, because I would shoot lightning at everything lol. Conjuration and Alteration could go either way, though instant weapons or transmuting would be very helpful


Alteration and restoration double major. I want to become an indestructible brick


Definitely Illusion.




Illusion for mind control and making myself invisible


Alteration 100% !


Alteration just for water breathing


Illusion. Bending the minds of others to your will would be insanely powerful irl.


If this were the Morrowind sub I'd choose alteration because of levitate lol. But for skyrim probably destruction 🙂


Restoration. So i could become a priest. It seems like a safe and fullfilling job.


It would be conjureation with illusion following close second while in game conjureation is used in combat mostly in theroy there's no end to what could be created through it if one was truly sufficiently trained. I wish they had put more into the majick system then they did and most mods are really hard for me to balance with my chosen setup.


Depends if I lived in Skyrim world or the real world. In Skyrim, probably just plain old destruction. In the real world, restoration - I would become a fucking millonaire doctor.


Skyrim treats Alchemy as a Thief Skill rather than a Mage skill, but in the lore it *is* still magic, and in previous games, namely Oblivion, it's a skill of the pre-made Mage class. So my choice would be Alchemy. Potions to heal wounds, cure illnesses, or act as performance enhancers by increasing stamina or your skill with a given profession? Poisons for pest control are also incredibly useful in both a medieval setting as well as any setting where the rodents are the size of a small dog, such as in Skyrim! It's like horticulture, chemistry and cooking all rolled into one but with a magical twist! I love it!


That’s actually a really cool idea


Stamina potions are great for those "special problems".... at least, so I discretely hear....


Conjuration, if I can just get my hands on the bodies of the most powerful dead warriors in the area. No one can stop me. Eventually I’ll have an army waiting in the cold expanses of Skyrim. Next step is have em go south and wreck some small villages for all their goodies. Then it’s all of Skyrim that will become my army. If it’s suddenly cannon irl? Idk man prolly alteration seems good to have physical defence buffs to make my skin like steel and my friends too. I could be a stuntman or somthing and not get hurt. Or a lot of other crazy stuff alteration can do.


2 thrall limit


Alteration 100%


Conjuration. I like leaving the house with minimal equipment but I still have things and backup as well. I wouldn’t get too involved with the summoning great scary beasts part as much.


The branch of dropout


Illusion is probably the coolest. But Restoration and Destruction are probably really helpful. I think Alteration has telekinesis? And that's like really fucking cool but I'd definitely main on Illusion


Restoration seems most useful. This is a land of ice, dragons, thieves, assassins, war and history of bloodshed.


Well it IS a perfectly valid school of magic


I always respected the school of Restoration. Skyrim would need more healers.


Not to mention the benefit of wards! How can they continually overlook wards! It's baffling!


Enchanting so I can enchant equipment to use all the magic.


I want to unravel the mysteries of Aetherius


Illusion. Invisibility when you don't want to be seen, muffle when you don't want to be heard, charms to buddy up to millionaires/secure work promotions, fear spells will keep you safe in nature/rougher places, fury spells combined with all the above would keep you safe in a military/espionage setting. In a school based around mental manipulation one would assume you can manage memory manipulation and/or jedi mind tricks. That is to say nothing of the utility of a clairvoyance spell in finding lost/stolen items or missing people. Maybe a minor in restoration/alteration. Can't hurt to know how to magically armour yourself, circumvent locks, absorb the magics of others or cure yourself of minor injuries/ward against more dangerous spells until you can Calm/Fear your assailant. Have to assume if the College is real, so are all the other variations of mage so safety will be key




Conjuration or illusion for sure!


Two handed axe


if you’re taking the college and putting it into our modern world and setting….destruction with a minor in restoration. bad guys will choose destruction most of the time, and I think I’d fight crime in that world. I’d need destruction to take them out and restoration to heal myself and cast wards


Restoration seems the most useful for day-to-day life. That or maybe Transmutation. The ability to turn Iron into Silver and then into Gold sounds very useful.


Everyone studies alteration and the price difference between iron and gold shrinks faster than ever before


That is true. Hm. Would Destruction have any practical uses? I can see a skilled Destruction mage being able to clear farmable land quickly without starting a massive fire. Ash makes the soil more fertile to allow for a better crop yield the following season?


Restoration. Doctors make bank.


Probably restoration, since it would be so convenient to not be sick or injured




I'm planning on going to college for nursing so... Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!




Restauration is Dangerous too. There is a entity from a Restauration mishap. I guess i Stick to Alteration.




Either Conjuration or Destruction. Conjuration and Restoration are the branches I mostly use in the game, but I'm more into summoning and destroying than healing.


I really want to zap Lightning out of my fingers but probably Conjuration. Summoning an Army to protect me while Stabbing my foes with Conjured weapons


Restoration so I can scare off all the dead people that keep interrupting me every time I loot their crypts.


Everyone overlooks the beautiful simplicity and absolute power the "I'm rubber and you're glue" spell.


Illusion for sure. I have urgent needs of a way to magically calm angry women


Hear me out, though . . . Wouldn't it be handy to conjure up a calmer version of said woman? Consequently, I think of this when I conjure my flame atronach. Is there a mellowed version of Cindy? Was she a spriggan who just lost her cool and needed to take it out on somebody? I feel like there is room for lore here. . .


Not restoration. It’s not a valid school of magic.