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The Redguard family at the lighthouse, that's sad AF, a whole family massacred by falmers and their darn bugs, it always saddens me to know that you always get late, when there's nothing left to save, all you can do is to kill all of the falmers and chaurus, and put the father's remains on the fire up the lighthouse


At least you get a good quest perk from it


10% more healing is quite the boon


Its Not only healing. Its Restauration +10% Thats too less to be called OP, but its on the Edge of it. +Restauration is Not only + healing. Its for example: +Damage against undead. Armor enchantments Wards Shrine Blessings


Hmmm, that’s better than I thought. I just started a “Paladin” build going down the Dawnguard quest line. Only level 5 at the moment, but Sailor’s Repose is on my to do list


Hint: do the Mara Quest too. But do Sailor Quest First. Paladin is fun to Play. Are you a Breton too?


Nah, Orsimer. I like the early +10 to Heavy Armor and their Berserker Rage


Ahh :) I Like the Tankines of a Breton even in Passive. Sadly the race-stats are nearly only cosmetic. A Wulf,skeever or mudcrap give you the +10 Armor very fast.


Berserker rage is based. Best race power in my experience


Oh wow I didn't know the mission gave that perk. I hate the mission so bad lol, but i might actually do it.


I think one of them was held in a pen too. Even more saddening.


The daughter was in the pen and was given a knife by her mother I believe, with the strong implication that she should use it on herself to escape the torture. The quest is incredibly dark.


And it gets darker as you see what happened, some of them agonizing with the chaurus poison, dying slowly, the daughter given the knife as an act of love, to give them a fast escape, rather than being butchered alive by them


It was the father, who was later eaten by a big chaurus.


Where is this location?


East of Dawnstar, right before reaching the glaciers at the north, you can see Alftand from there


Awesome thanks!


Just east from the Imperial Camp near Dawnstar. Ir can be seen from afar, atop of the glaciers overlooking the Sea of Ghosts.


Thank you!


I fucking hate that quest It's tragic af and really makes me think: Bethesda, how cold are you? Who the hell wrote this?


Bethesda writing has a vagueness and implication to it so you have to read between the lines (which it lets you do) that sometimes falls rlat This is peak writing, it's presented as bleak and sad from the outset with the between the lines part being how each family member died and the inclined realization chauruses eat people and falmer seem beyond redemption Now look at the creation of the Falmer and the Forgotten Vale guy recognizing an intelligence improvement in the falmer over time, and leave you wondering if there is room for redemption


What's the quest called? And how do you take the remains to the lighthouse, is it not a body but an optional quest item?


The remains you loot them from the giant chaurus at the end of the dungeon, and I don't remember the name of the quest


I am so glad you said that. I never knew what to do with the remains and when I tried to get rid of them it wouldn’t let me so I thought it was a glitch!


The giant mourning the dead mammoth near the southeast border of Eastmarch.


Personal favorite as well. I also liked the deathclaw egg mission from fallout 4 for similar reasons 


Northwest of the Corvega factory, you can find a raider mouring the loss of a friend. That is one person I can't bring myself to kill.


I remember that, but Doesn't he tall about her "doing a job" on her own? It's probably fucked what they did 


I can’t remember which one it is but the one where you unlock the farm player house once you complete it. The farmer thought his wife killed their son for her witchcraft, the wife thought he killed their son out of spite for thinking she was a witch, then they both ended up murdering each other when in truth their son had just wandered too far and been eaten by wolves and now his ghost just wants his parents’s spirits to be at rest. I can’t bring myself to renovate the kid’s room in that house, and always make sure to give his wooden sword to my son so that his spirit lives on.


Goldenhills Plantation


Where is that?


A little bit east of Rorikstead. It’s marked on the map with the icon for a farm, which it is, but when you first come across it, it’s abandoned. The mission gets triggered when you encounter a ghost in front of the farmhouse. Oh and apparently there’s a bug (because of course there is) where if your follower or your horse kills the ghost, instead of you, the mission won’t trigger correctly.


Awesome thanks 😊


Also it's from the creation club


I remember I spent 3 hours walking (yes, walking I did not know that there was even a run button back then) and navigating from whiterun to rorikstead just to find out that the quest was from the creation club and when I reached that area, there was nothing there.


It was a bit worse than that iirc. The son wanted to join the Legion when he was old enough, but his parents didn't want him to - his mum thought it was too dangerous and his dad wanted him to take over the farm. So wanting to prove that he's strong and a man, and wanting to get away from his parents fighting, he goes to the well he's been told to avoid because of wolves in order to kill one


Oh you’re right! I remember! And wasn’t the mother only making healing potions and the like in order to make some extra money because the farmer was too ashamed to admit to her that they weren’t making enough?


I have 200 hours on skyrim and i dont think i ever encountered this


That's cause I believe it's an anniversary edition expansion


Yeah that one kills me


Actually where the hell is the laboratory anyway?


The one the mother was using? I don’t remember it well but I think there’s a button in the basement hidden behind a book case or some barrels or something.


Sapphire from the Thieves Guild breaks my heart. In a non creepy way I would just adopt that woman and let her live peacefully out at Lakeview if I could, with my kids and wife that I never visit anyway.


But it kinda sorta has a happy ending if you talk to a certain someone in Solstheim


Someone who?


Glover Mallory. To elaborate further would spoil the quest.


I got it. I still have to retrieve that thing (I should start the Dragonborn questline again only to give him his thing and do the quest)


You don’t have to start the Dragonborn quest to go to solsthiem. You just pay 250 gold and the captain will take you. I have yet to start the main quest with the dragon attack on watch tower because I wanted the sleeveless thieves armor you get from glover Mallory when you get the bonemold recipe back 😄


That armor was awesome! Was there an amplifier to carry weight on that one?


Blackguard’s armor is amazing. Also, the glitch didn’t get fixed with giving sapphire her letter from Mallory’s basement. It still registers you have the letter and you can give sapphire a letter for the brilliant sapphire gem she gives you as a reward. I got like 8 of them 😆


Yup. +50


Adding Rune to this as well. Not as bad but him remembering nothing and just going by Rune because that's all that he had on him when he woke up is sad. I still wish there was a quest with him to figure out his backstory.


There's a brand new mod that adds one, at least on PC. I've been planning to do it soom myself. [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/120935](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/120935)


Welp, looks like I'm finally playing modded Skyrim


I always keep all the sapphires that I find and reverse pickpocket them into her pockets.


That is a really awesome idea! Love the heroic and thoughtful immersion of it! *stealing*


The quest to find Grosta's husband. She thinks he's been sneaking off to be with another woman, but the truth is much worse.


yes, it's the vaudeville minute of the game


If anyone is interested, I came across a mod for this quest: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/111435 Im on my "good guy" playthrough and I wish there were more of these save the little guy type quest mods.


I remember that sidequest of the two ghost lovers. The woman is still waiting for her lover and he died in a battle


Part of the Book of Love questline


Honestly if you get into the backstory dialogue, Serana was pretty badly indoctrinated and forced to be what she is.


'Forced' being a major understatement when you look into what Molag Bal is the god of and how Daughters of Coldharbour are made.


same as her mother


It is definitely depressing. Also makes it so much more ick when simps on here talk about her in inappropriate ways, just gives me the creepy shivers. Like you just KNOW they’re the kinds of boys who grow up to be on lists.


That whole SDA mod and the way people talk about it disgust me to my core.


Serana's story is pretty f'ed up. Makes me wanna smash a certain someones skull in


TESO made us whole in that regard.


what is ESO add that helped Serana? ohhhhhhhhh, you mean the big bad.


Install the VIGILANT mod, you get to cave you know who's head in.


I wish we got to kill Molag Bal in the most merciless way possible in the vanilla game


man i can’t remember what tiny town it’s next to when i go on today i’ll check it out, but you come across those two young lovers trying to run away together and they’re killed by a stupid saber tooth, reading the journals to see she had just run away to go be w her love and you come across their camp and the saber🥺


Do you mean the one near Old Hroldan Inn? It's pretty sad, similar to the body of a woman you find in a small pond north of the shrine of peryite. She just wanted to have a relaxing swim and the damned forsworn murdered her for nothing. That is the one thing that really made me hate them.


that’s exactly where they were!! ty friend i couldn’t remember for the life of me the name of that inn, i came across it by accident when running from markarth i think lol - and i haven’t came across her yet that’s so sad :((


THIS ONE omg I actually teared up. They were going to be so happy, and you find their little treasure trove they had saved. :(


i also totally teared up!! it was so sad! i honestly don’t love killing all the beasts in skyrim and wish they’d just leave me alone but i DOVE sword first for that saber to avenge them


The vampire quest in morthal the poor guy was forced to kill his wife and daughter


But he did not kill them... It was done by Laelette, vampire we kill near Helgi's (the kid) grave. Helgi herself told us this fact. It's amazing how over 150 people play the game but forgot such important detail. However it is the truth that Laelette went mad from being forced to do it.


And then Laelette went missing and her poor husband had no idea what happened to her. Turns out she got vampired by Alva.


Wow over 150 people have played this game? That’s a lot


I went to that lighthouse but couldn't find anything to start a quest, can anyone tell me what to do?


It's not a quest, you just read the journals as you go along.


With alternate start I spawned near there. Of course really under levelled and under equipped. But after I got some decent stuff I went back. I got lucky killing all those chaurus cause they're not very good climbers apparently. Lots of arrows were used in combination with flames.


I thought it was the one near Dawnstar but this is the one with the chaurus?


That lighthouse has the cult that used the gas that made everyone fall asleep and it’s where you get that mace/staff of corruption.


The orc at the college had me get a book from there, so maybe talk to him? It's been a while.


I thought that was the lighthouse near Dawnstar


Story behind Meeko's Shack is sweet and sad at the same time


I always try to meet Meeko when I have a home and adopted children, to try to trigger the event where the kids want to keep Meeko as their pet. That way, when you dismiss Meeko he goes home to a loving family instead of an empty shack.


Alternatively I wish you could bring Meeko to the blacksmith in Falkreath, since he wanted a dog but obviously couldn't keep Barbas.


Great solution. Shame the devs made him such an annoying follower.


Psst. There’s a mod that lets you bring Meeko to Lod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25246


The guard of whiterun, he took an arrow to the knee. No more adventures for him 😭😭😭


Yeah but you can make him happier with a belly full of mead. Easy fix.


But someone stole his sweet roll :'(


Good thing he has the authority to do something about it!


Yeah but his cousin is off fighting Dragon's, but he got guard duty.


Oh good. He’s not going to be dragon fodder as my Dark Elf DB pumps crossbow bolts into the dragon


He has all the mead, but still feels empty 💔


Yeah but he gave it up and is married?


It's alright; I conjured up a warm bed for him.


Narfi's sister Reyda hurt me


Katria from the Aetherium Forge quest. Betrayed, died in a freak accident, her life's work stolen. I wish I could resurrect her (and was fully expecting the quest to let me, huge disappointment). Nicest NPC I've met in Skyrim, and the most wronged.


There's a lot but I've always felt bad for poor Ciscero he wanted to be the listener so badly


Yeah, but his voice is so just so damn annoying!


It's not his fault tho. He saw his sanctuary getting destroyed while all friends perish. He became insane and was acting as clown for his last campaign so he totally became the clown


I thought he killed a jester, not acted like one, then he slowly just assumed that guys identity.


True story


Well maybe if he was Listener he'd be too busy listening to talk


You can spare his live if you want to.


Narfi. All he wants is to find his sister again and no matter what you do it ends poorly. The best outcome for him is if he never crosses your path at all and lives out his days as a broken, sad beggar living in a destroyed house.


Actually if you have anniversary edition with the farm, he's one of the NPCs you can hire as a farmhand, so you can give him somewhere to sleep and a job :) EDIT: Farmland to farm-hand lol


The lighthouse is sad and all but Forelhost is even sadder! What could be more sad than mummified children!


Ah, the Jonestown of Skyrim


I did Forelhost for the first time the other night and was not expecting that at all.


If you read the notes scattered throughout the ruin, you'll find even more horrifying story


There are several lovers camps you'll stumble across. There's one in Winterhold and another in the Reach that I can remember. The family in the lighthouse was tragic, as was the burned house in Morthal quest. I also remember the children in Forelhost.


I remember stumbling upon one in some mountain range (don't remember exactly where) but it was a Breton woman and a Bosmer man. They were running away to get married, made a camp to secretly propose, and died that night. I felt bad for them so I left the ring in the woman's pocket. I might be a klepto but I'm not heartless.


Seriously speaking, I consider the most tragic story of Jarl Elisif. Her tragedy unfolds right before the player's eyes if he thinks about her situation. She is a political figurehead who inherited the title from her dead husband with the support of a foreign military force. She is a good person, but does not understand politics, her opinion is easily manipulated, her own subordinates openly do not respect her, and with no small probability she will either be removed from her position even if the Imperial Legion wins in Skyrim and married to the Emperor’s protege, or sent away under house arrest for a long time.


I have always had a soft spot for Rune from the Thieves Guild. He was found as a young lad along the shores, amongst wreckage of a boat. The only belonging he had was a stone with a rune etched into its surface, but it has never been able to be transcribed as its origin is unfamiliar to anybody in Skyrim. He has spent his life trying to find his family, and where he had come from, but all his memories from before being found are blank. He has hired people to investigate his origins, with no prevail. I just wish he knew where to call home, and to reunite with his family. One of my favorite theories about Rune himself, is that his father was the wearer of the Gray Cowl. Which would explain how Rune's memories of the past were wiped clean, and why he cannot remember where he came from or who he was with.


I'm still so mad that we don't get to go on an adventure with him to figure out his backstory!! I want to have fun quests with my little rat den family dammit!!


Forelhost to me was definitely the saddest. Whole place went Jonestown and the one person who tried to protect the children wound up getting massacred.




Her and Lucia. I always, always adopt them both.


Sophie alone justifies the quest for the black hand


Do you mean the Brotherhood? I’m confused as to what Sofie has to do with it but maybe I haven’t played enough


Yes, the brotherhood, if you carry out your first assassination, you will be able to adopt children, having previously purchased accommodation, which is very easy in whiterun


Oh, of course! I totally forgot the connection between completing the first kill and unlocking adoption. Thanks!


Wait, maybe it was changed, but I was able to adopt as soon as I got a home. IIRC, that is just needed for the Honorhall Orphanage kids


The black hand? Who are they?


The black hand is the brotherhood. Idk what they have to do with sofie though


Sven and Faendal after you marry Camila Valerius.


i wanted to show her both the letters i didnt realize i could only pick one now faendal hates me in my main save


Meeko's Shack breaks my heart every time.


The dragonborn, saves the world and nobody cares


It’s either the lighthouse, or the woman that was r**ed and murdered in the reach.


Omg idk there was a story like that with a woman! I thought Sapphire was the only SA storyline. That’s f-ed up!


another is serana :(


Who in the world was r**ed and murdered in the reach??? 😳


The gay couple in solstheim. Poor guys, only gay people in the entire game, murdered. Well, heimskr's pretty gay for Talos but still.


This was my first thought!


If I had a dollar for every time the only canonically gay couple in a bethesda game was featured in a DLC set on an island and ended in tragedy, I'd have two dollars.


The Mournful Giant


Those two skeletons. One has their leg caught in a bear trap, and the other one stayed with them to the end. Breaks my heart every time.


i’m having trouble remembering exactly but i think the snow elves is what they were called. the ones that turned into falmer. that breaks my heart. esp when you get to meet one of the very last ones alive. i hate the falmer so so much but it’s still sad lol


It's the Dawnguard DLC main story.


Not the saddest but I haven’t seen it mentioned yet, the quest that takes places around Goldenhills Plantation. I won’t spoil but every stage of it is a gut punch, especially the ending.


Aside from that lighthouse: * The dead lovers in the shack/boat on Solstheim, whose story just gets worse and worse as you realize more of the details. They were both coming to find each other, both get murdered by forces other than the one the Dwemer machinery they thought was the real threat. * The lone alchemist who broke away from her cult's ideology and save the children of the Forelhost temple from an untimely sacrifice, but was murdered for her trouble without being able to save anyone. * The street orphans all have pretty awful stories; Sophie and Alesan hit my feels the hardest, but they're all really sad. * Inigo. Yeah, I know he's a mod. But he's a GOOD mod.


Side note: If u zoom in it looks like Gandalf is chilling by the fire at the top 🤣 but saddest story has gotta be Nazeem! He’s stuck in an infinite time loop of saying something snarky then getting shanked by the player and is too arrogant to realize his wrongdoing and break the cycle 🤣💀


The boy who was abandoned by his parents in the orphanage of Riften. This was before the Dragonborn let the intrusive thought win. Or the knight ghost in the old tavern in The Reach who's waiting for his buddy when he is dead and I am not his buddy.


i can only vaguely remember it but theres a tent somewhere along the coast and it belonged to a woman waiting for her lover to return to skyrim and her diary is just her slowly giving up hope because his ship was lost but she never left that tent in case the ship sailed in...


Narfi from Ivarstead. Go talk to the inn keeper about it before you start the dark brotherhood questline.


That family in the lighthouse near solitude you probably kill


What do you mean you probably kill?


This is one of the creepiest stories in the game.


Brand-shei has kind of a sad story with his lost parents. It also never sat well with me that in order to do thieves guild you have to send him to jail forever


you can just throw away the ring and still complete the quest without sending him to jail


But I’ve failed the pickpocket scenario before and the thieves guild still took me?


Killing the orc bard. I always feel awful doing it.


This is it — you’re there already. There’s a strong contender in Windhelm too, that I obviously won’t get into for reasons of spoilers. But that shit is sad and can get really dark by quest’s end.


Oh, right, the >! Shatter-Shields !< right?




I came looking for this one. Even the guards talk about the injustice of it. I will never do that specific added objective because they simply don’t deserve more pain.


It gets even darker actually:>! if you do the added objective the mother ends up killing herself too just because she cant bear the pain of it!<


Narfi. Poor Narfi.


Narfi. Ugh it kills me!


Aside from the lighthouse, I'd say the Snow Elves who weren't involved in the massacre of the Nords but got caught up in the revenge all the same. Some of your countrymen fuck over those newcomers to your lands and suddenly they're exterminating your entire race. You turn to one of your kin races, the Dwemer to help after they offer to take you in and give you shelter from the Nords... only to have them forcibly turn you into blind monstrosities that are a far cry from the noble race you once were. The Snow Elves involved in the slaughter of the Nord city, absolutely understand killing them in revenge. But their entire race got shafted hard by the Nords going full extermination on them and the Dwarves suckering them in with false promises of protection only to betray them and turn the entire race into mindless slaves.


Kaarthal(the 10th hold of Skyrim) and Saarthal(currently in ruins after elvens massacred all human population there)


Also that mine where two friends were looking for hold, and one dissapeared, and the other one left the place thinking his friend has abandoned him, then you find out the missing guy was actually buried in a collapsed tunnel with gold ore veins,


The guy that got crushed by a tree while mastrubating.




There is a guy that got crushed when a tree fell on his cabin. Inside the cabin is a copy of the lusty argonian maid and a statue of diabella.




Well... at least he died doing what he loved.... And he def had wood.


Not a character per se, but I think it’s horrifyingly tragic that according to one of the translated Falmer writings, their blindness was deliberately caused by the Dwemer with a poison at the beginning of their lives underground, not a natural symptom that evolved over ages living in the dark.


That one quest where you get to own a farm it's really sad the family turned on each other thinking one of them killed their son when In reality he had just wandered off and was killed. Really tragic that an other wise normal family turned on each other in such a violent way


The dragonborn not getting to the Cloud District very often


I’ve always been fond of the burnt corpse on the north coast, surrounded by fire. The idea of a student of the college that had to hide their sorcery and failed because no one was there to help has always felt tragic.


Tova Shatter-Shield. She was already depressed after her daughter Friga was killed by The Butcher, but if you kill Nilsine Shatter-Shield during the Dark Brotherhood questline you can find her later in her home dead with a suicide note explaining that she couldn't live with both of her daughters gone. The worst part is that you drove her to this because killing Nilsine is optional.


Somewhere near the College of Winterhold, at the beach below the collapsed cliffs, there are two skeletons. One of the skeletons has its leg caught in a bear trap, the other is sitting at the first one's side. Two lovers or friends, inseparable, even in death.


The little girl killed by the werewolf dude. Sindrig or something?


Honestly the explorer team looking for black reach in the tower of mzark, specifically jzarr, who was looking out and vouching for his worthless skooma addict brother, and ended up being murdered with a wood cutters axe, brother murder is depressing


Not in Skyrim the game, but in Skyrim in ESO is a quest called "Torn Asunder". Once I finished that quest I had to chill for a minute. I shed a tear, but I was close to crying like a baby.


This was one of the best gaming experiences of my life. Just going off beaten path with horse, then happen upon this isolated place with such mystery and atmosphere. Unforgettable


Not the saddest, but because you have shown the lighthouse, I'll instead talk about the woman in Hag's End. You can jump up and free her from the cage, and then loop around and she'll still be dead


Sapphire. If you ask her what made her angry, she tells you her backstory and it's really fucking sad and gut-wrenching.


Since no one mentioned it, ranmir in the winterhold inn. You can get a radiant quest from him after he tells you about his fiance Isabella, and then you find her with a note in I think hons fall cave at the entrance.


Meeko and his owner at Meekos shack


The saddest story/people? The players who are still waiting for Elder Scrolls 6


Sure the lighthouse is sad. But I would like to remind you of Meeko. Sorry.


I keep him with me always. Buddy needs to quiet down tho, always barkin.


I discovered this lighthouse while doing the Imperial quests recently, decided to enter for pure curiosity, never could've guess what waited for me inside, and it made so sad the more I advanced. The letter covered in blood and the rests of the father in the boss inventory was completely unexpected as I hoped to find at least one member of the family alive. It seems now that I have the mission to tell someone about what happened and I don't have the guts for it.


There is the one guy who has to lead every guild and advise and help every thane, then is responsible for saving the world.


Gathering the journals for Vekel “the man”, in the thieves guild. It takes you to the island to gather the books from the necromancer who kidnaps all the ladies in Dawnstar. I never feel bad for the necromancer, but reading his entries about how he chooses his victims, and how he traps their souls for “service” even after death is awful. The saddest story has to be from those ladies. I mean at least the family at Frostflow lighthouse got to die, not meaning to be too crass.


The couple that was mauled by the bear north of the Old Hrodan Inn. The woman is the daughter of a rich Markarth merchant. The man is a poor miner. They had decided to meet and elope to Riften. They even had some money saved and stashed in a tree stump. They were both killed by a bear. :(


The pregnant skeleton in labyrinthian


Meeko :(


Someone stole my sweet roll.


Hit the nail on the head with the image. Seriously man, Jesus. Sucks that they attached a great reward to it, always have to revisit it.