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Marrying Derkeethus was a good idea because he's an argonian. Even if he is also buggy as heck.


Would there be a way to get a mod that fixes his bugs? (Or am i able to get mods on ps4 at all??) I just wanna talk to him 😭


Probably the unofficial patch, which of course comes bundled with a bunch of gameplay changes. Specific PC mod at https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29336. Possibly fixes this bug. Don't know why it wouldn't. *Nope it doesn't fix this bug. SSEEdit shows no changes to AI packages.


It’s literally on UESP. 🤣 unless you play with the unofficial patch installed, he’s OUT, literally sprints away from you. lol


And that man can MOVE, can't he?


Hell yes, that boy could be an Olympic medalist


This is a common bug for Darkeethus. Best to just roleplay it as he ditched you after the wedding and start your revenge arc. Either that or reload a save before you married him.


Derkeethus is my forever husband in almost every playthrough, but I have to keep him as a follower to prevent him from wandering off once I find him in Darkwater Crossing after the wedding. I've heard that he often walks the roads between Riften and Darkwater Crossing, but sadly I'm terrible at working out the route.