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From the "Bugs" section on the page at [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:A\_New\_Source\_of\_Stalhrim#Bugs:](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:A_New_Source_of_Stalhrim#Bugs:) If you talk to the two Skaal villagers discussing the disappearance of the village blacksmith before they have finished talking, you will be unable to interact with the male villager, Deor Woodcutter, thus making the quest unattainable. There are more bugs on the page at the link above. Also, the same bug as above and more bugs can be found in the Bugs section on the page at https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/A\_New\_Source\_of\_Stalhrim#Bugs. You have my sympathy. Because of a bug in March of the Dead that only affects the Switch, I can't kill General Falx Carius. As a result, I will never be able to get a house on [Solstheim](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Solstheim). It's really inconvenient.


Oh damn. Very sorry. Yeah, it really sucks that certain bugs never got fixed after all these years.


For me it won’t start even after I’ve rescued him and he’s back in the village until I defeat Miraak, but idk if it’s supposed to work like that or not


I beat miraaks ass lol. But it still won't start. Really sucks tbh


There’s a infinite source of stahlrim on top of one the mountains a named location


OK. That's cool, but I still need to do that actual quest so I can do the next one. Very frustrating lol