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Captain’s clothes, redguard, and Dunmer outfits all have pants!! (I had the same issue)


Miner’s clothes, misc. robes (especially college robes), captain’s clothes or any of the pirate/boat clothing stuff. I feel your pain, my current playthrough is a female character and sometimes I don’t wanna wear armor but hate how the casual clothing is just long dresses for female characters.


There's Thalmor gloves, Cicero's gloves, and shrouded hand wraps, too. As for clothes, I can think of College robes and mourner's clothes from Radiant Raiment. Also, I think the cultist robes and dunmer clothes are nice looking. With the Anniversary edition, you can get the two robes from Arcane Accessories and the Saturalia clothes. The robes from Necromatic Grimoire do cover boots, I think, but the hoods are cool!


mourner's clothes female variant is a dress


Idk if it counts because they're robes but you can get the outfit neloth wears by following his quests. And idk if you can still get them but the robes the temple priests in raven rock wear are also pretty cool there's also the cultist outfit


Go to Radient Raiment in Solitude and browse through the options. Quick save, attack merchant and quick load and check again to see if there are different options.


I think the Tavern Clothes dress shows shoes. (Kill Mogul or get them from the dead wench in Liar’s Lair) As for glove like things, I really like the vampire gauntlets or the ancient Nord ones.




That’s a mod?




they specifically stated in the title they can't use mods though-?


Hi. At last. I found the thread. Look i found oyt that sheogorath clothes are tye same. https://preview.redd.it/4bmfx08c34ad1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35df75970b691bc524b8844c921e0ef95d496b07 Pants and a shirt. Not the prettiest, but are clothes and they are the same for females