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Chaos and absorb life is more damage and chaos paralyse is most effective. You can find the hammer on solstheim clearing out the fort which has chaos enchant.


I just don’t feel like using soul trap spell, unless there’s another way besides that and the enchantment, because I would like to use paralysis


I would recommend getting a crossbow with soultrap and using it when you want harvest souls. Using soul trap on every enemy through an enchantment will waste a lot of good soul gems on small souls


What if I’m using the black star?


If you're only carrying the black star, then there's even less reason to soul trap everything


If I’m not soul trapping then how would I refill the black star?


It can only hold one soul, so unless you are killing one enemy and then using the soul, it's a waste of an enchantment slot to have soul trap. I'm just pointing out that soul trap is a specialist enchantment. If you want to harvest souls for enchanting, using a specialised range weapon with soul trap is preferable.


Alright I’ll give the crossbow a shot then, thank you for the help. Like I said though, I’ve never gotten into enchanting and alchemy until now, so I never knew how it works. Will the black star work on any level/soul trap crossbow work on any level enemy? Or is it skill based?


There are different soul gems for different souls. Only the black star is reusable, and I think it can only hold black souls. All the others, you need to have a soul gem big enough or bigger to catch a soul. If you don't have the crossbow yet, a bow is fine. But crossbow is great as its drawn ready to fire. You can whip it out, shoot a target and then melee them down before the soul trap ends


Would an off-hand dagger with soul trap work as well? Just curious.


If you don't want to use soul trap, just go buy filled soul gems from mages and general goods merchants.


If you want to get it higher then you need to use both Alchemy and enchanting and make progressively better crafting gear. I have an article on it here: [https://www.skyrimaebuilds.com/crafting\_gear.php](https://www.skyrimaebuilds.com/crafting_gear.php) You can also use Sallow Regent Black Book,, Ahzidal's Genius (wear 4 pieces of Ahzidals gear) or be a Necromage Vampire but if your sword 1 hit kills everything with the 40k damage it does then you'll get bored playing quickly. As mentioned absorbs work better with elemental damage as if you put the element first your augmented perks apply the bonus to the absorb as well. They also get boosted by Fortify Destruction potions at the same time as the element. Depending upon your build there are lots of possible combination you could do. Some are more practical than others and some are just for roleplay. For example I did a Witchhunter build with Absorb Magicka and Damage Magicka on the Crossbow and then used a Lingering Damage Magicka poison. I also did a dual wield build with Absorb Health and Absorb Stamina that absorbed 350 health and over 400 stamina on a dual wield power attack meaning that as long as it was in combat it was indestructable.


I don’t want anything to be too overpowered, if I make just the crafting gear, what damage and armor am I looking at?


Your looking at 80% damage reduction for any armour. Weapons that do about 1000ish damage with 4 x 75% Fortify Archery, One-handed or Two-handed, which is about 4 hits to kill a Draugr Deathlord on legendary difficulty. *Armour Enchants* Schools of Magic are 46% magicka reduction Resist Magic is 37% and the elements are 69% unperked from enchanting or 86% perked. Health, Stamina, Magicka are 115 points Health and Stamina Regen is 57% Magicka Regen is 115% Block, Sneak, Pickpocket, Lockpicking are 75% Light and Heavy armour are 46 points *Weapon Enchants* Absorb Health - 37 points Absorb Magicka or Stamina - 46 points Element damage - 46 enchanting perk = 57 or 2 Augments = 69 or both = 85 Chaos Damage - unsure as it's bugged and Fire and Frost only do 10 points of damage and shock does the displayed amount. The multipliers on the elements stack though so it does typically boost the damage to that over a single element. Turn Undead - Level 57. Fear - Level 46 Paralyse - 25% for 9 seconds. (Alchemy is 100% for 43 seconds)


Never played legendary, but that would be fun, are these stats broken or just good endgame for legendary?


It's tough to play all the way through as 3 wolves can mean death and two can be a problem if you are not careful when you leave Helgen. You need to focus on crafting skills early and pick and choose where you go and what quests you do. Followers help a lot as do conjured minions. You can obviously start on an easier difficulty and then adjust it higher once you have crafted gear. Getting your crafting skills high quick is usually my priority. Edit: They are good for legendary but a bit broken for low difficulty settings.


Yeah that’s what I’m working on, I’m mid 50s right now with Teldryn as my companion, so I think once I get crafting done (smithing is 100) I’ll be fine?


On lower game difficulties I would not use the Fortify Smithing potion on the weapon and don't use all 4 of the Fortify Archery, One-Handed or Two-Handed you can place. It can be useful on pure mage builds to use the Sallow Regent Black Book, in the process of making crafting gear, as that takes the Fortify School of Magic enchants to over 50% so 2 are needed for no magicka cost instead of 3.


Custom chaos enchants are bugged and even the unofficial patch doesn't fix it. The number that shows for a made/custom chaos enchant, is for shock damage only. The Fire and Frost damage stay at 10 no matter how large the enchant is made. [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Chaos\_Damage#Bugs](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Chaos_Damage#Bugs) With how Chaos works and some attacks would have no enchant damage, or only fire and frost enchant damage, its actually better to use a regular Shock Damage enchant that works all the time, rather than a Chaos Enchant and its chance of high shock damage. If you want an "Ultimate Chaos" weapon that isn't bugged (huge difference in their performance), they are most common to purchase from Baldor Iron-Shaper in Skaal Village. You'll need to be character lvl43 for them to appear in the shop, but all the weapons are Stahlrim and "of Ultimate Chaos" is the literal enchant descriptor. Even on Legendary difficulty, these store bought weapons are unbelievably powerful.


That’s actually exactly what I’m looking for, but can you add enchants to store bought enchanted gear? I’d really like a paralysis effect as well


An already enchanted weapon can't be enchanted again, but a frost enchant with a paralysis enchant would be mighty fine on a Stahlrim weapon IMO. (or apply paralysis poisons to a store bought Ultimate Chaos weapon)


Not sure if I’m misunderstanding your comment and the wiki, but is it bugged visually to where it only says it’s less damage or is it actually less damage?


Its not a visual bug. If you make a chaos enchant and see the damage number, that applies to shock only - chaos enchants are random - meaning a weapon swing can have 1, 2 or all 3 elements damaging, or none of the elements damaging. (chaos = chance) If you put a Shock Damage enchant on a weapon, it will apply the damage every swing - if you put a chaos damage enchant on a weapon, it will apply shock (the only damage that isn't 10) on only some swings. (and I tell you right now, 10 swings in a row with no shock damage rolling at all, sucks a lot)


Did want to mention about bought Stahlrim Ultimate Chaos weapons, there's still a chance of a swing having no enchant/extra damage.... but with the Augmented Fire/Frost/Shock perks, the weapon will do over 100 of each element, not counting the physical damage. When luck happens and all 3 elements hit, not only is it a massive chunk of damage, but the target will likely be slowed by the frost enchant, set on fire by the fire enchant, and drained by the shock enchant.


Well, how’s your alchemy doing? Cause you’re gonna need that for an “ultimate” weapon


Going to work on alchemy and enchanting next in general, I was just wondering since I’ve never really bothered to do either


Alchemy, smithing, and enchanting all go hand in hand. You get those to 100 and there’s not a whole lot you can’t do! (Although personally I do resto loop everything, so my version of an “ultimate chaos” weapon would have a base damage of at least 600 and the chaos and fiery soul trap enchantments would be excessive. 🤣)


This title was misleading. I do not find this question to be enchanting.


The second “paragraph” is literally asking about disenchanting gear with a certain enchant on it, but enchanting another piece of gear with that enchant and the skill level that takes to get the higher % of enchant


Well sure, it's a question about enchanting, but I didn't find it to be an enchanting (v) question. I will not apologize for semantic humor.


I’m sorry I misread your comment 😂 good one