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Nooooice.. that’s where I wanna be. I got so wrapped up in a 100% completion run that I burnt myself out on the game. Now that that’s mostly done, next character is just going to do *nothing*. But that will probably be in months if not a year. I just want to fish, mine ore, and make jewelry. Leave the fate of the World to someone else.


I'm trying to do a mix of both--not rush through the main storyline(s) but still make progress on them in increments while doing the cozy gaming stuff as I please. It's a much more enjoyable play-through!


2. Enchant (with sneak) the jewelry you make, for more money and xp.


Good idea. I found leveling enchanting and conjuration tedious last time, though. Do you have any tips?


Get the banish enchant, it’s gives good money & xp. Conjugation you can soul trap a dead body repeatedly if you’re okay with cheesing it, or just use lots of summons/bound weapons if not.


1. Acquire *Azura's Star* (or *The Black Star* if you don't have a **Mod** preventing it holding *White Souls*). 1. Enchant a *Bow* with *(Fiery) Soul Trap*. 2. *Conjure Ash Guardian*, without a *Heart Stone* in your *Inventory*. 3. Kill it with the enchanted *Bow*. 4. Recharge the *Bow* with the *Soul* from the *Ash Guardian*. 5. Goto #2. Admittedly this takes ~98 *Ash Guardians* to get from *Enchanting 15* to *Enchanting 100*...


Duplicate grand soul gems with Faendal when you reach Whiterun. It’s a glitch, it’s there to be exploited. Exploit it. Take joy in the glitches and exploits, they are bizarre and ridiculous and endlessly amusing!


Thanks, I didn’t know about this one!


Oh, okay! Thanks. I’ll keep an eye out for it. I will probably do the cheat to get started, too. Long explanation, but I tend to favor a mix of cheating and not cheating. Like, I will console command in whatever I need to get my character where they would realistically be at that point in their life and career. So it doesn’t feel like they were just isekai’d into Skyrim. Like clothes, robes, a weapon, armor, whatever. But after the set up is done it’s all by my own effort.


1. . 2. Buying *Iron Ore* & using *Transmute* is also valid, as it should never cost you more than 7g, & you can buy far more than you can mine (I mean, yes, if you know where you can mine probably a couple of hundred, but then you have wait 10 in-game days for outdoor veins to respawn & 30 for most interior ones).


True! I have a mod that unlocks the ore veins tho. So I’m just spending an in game week slowly transmuting 100 iron ore into gold ores and trying to get set up with soul trapping and finding out what enchantment to buy for gold rings and necklaces. I already soul trapped the mud crabs by Whiterun.


*Conjure Ash Guardian* (cast it without a *Heart Stone* in your *Inventory* 'cos otherwise it's wasted) & you can farm *Magicka*-to-*Greater Souls* so long as you have a way to trap them.


Soul trap a dead chicken to level up conjuration to 100 and you can get master spells from each of the magic teachers at the college of winterhold.


Thanks, I didn’t know that!


Elemental fury. I usually play with fully enchanted gear, but this playthrough I’m using windshear which the game considers unenchanted, so I decided to try elemental fury for the first time and it’s so fun. Great with two handed or dual wielding


Cool I haven’t used that one yet. I’ll put it on the shopping list!


I'm gonna start stealing women's clothing while they sleep... lmfao. I need to raise my pickpockets somehow!!!