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>'Hey, should I buy some crack?' ~Person walking into crack house


Things I wish I would have known before I started playing. If you’re prone to addiction, do not download!


Yeah I know it’s odd to ask this in a Skyrim community, but like I imagine these guys the experts and most of them can avoid being biased, worst case I’m out less than 20$


It'll be the best "money to entertainment hours" ratio you'll ever come across again in your lifetime.


buy, give it a try, if u don't like it refund the game


Buy it. Play through it without mods once. Then go get mods. Especially the ones that add content like project AHO.


Do you think I could use mods to improve graphics? Or is there no point?


Yes just find a mod order on a reddit you like tho to prevent crashes


Definitely! With some know-how, patience and research — your game could look like it was released this year. The possibilities are almost endless!


Should I I get the special edition or the anniversary edition?


I recommend AE. Some would say otherwise but that's their choice




Yes but say goodbye to the outside world, friends, family, work, food, money, basically just life in general. Enjoy!


100% accurate. Make wise choices.


No, don't buy it, swallow a potion of Fortify Pickpocket and steal it from a guard. Then kill a chicken on your way out of town.


I hope to one day understand this reference


Hard save early and often, especially if you do the above :)




You wouldn’t see a large community of Skyrim lovers if it was trash! 😊 If you enjoy RPG style games, definitely worth it. It’s aged well even after 13 years.


$17 is a great deal for a game you can spend hundreds of hours in. It is quite dated yes, and it shows. But still holds its own even today. I would not hold out for ES6, it is going to be a long long long long time before we get it.


Just give it a try, the storylines are still some of the best, the combat is ok now, especially with breath of the wild existing, but somehow very fun Try it


I mean I rather enjoyed breath of the wild’s combat


Cause it's exceptional. Skyrim doesn't compare, but it won't disappoint either. You'll have fun with Skyrim


Hell yes! You will have the bet of times!


Despite it's age, the gameplay is enjoyable, the setting is pretty memorable, and Skyrim is perhaps Bethesda's most popular game, even almost 13 years after its original release. >I heard that a new game is in development, but that could mean 5 months to 5 years, so I probably can’t just get the new one The next game in the franchise just recently started actual development, so it's very likely going to be a few years before it gets released. And based on the general long-term opinions of Starfield, Bethesda's most recent title, it's very unlikely that The Elder Scrolls VI won't be near as good as Skyrim is.


I just recently picked it up for the first time and have been enjoying my run through it. I didn't really focus much on the roleplay aspect of it, I just charged into. each mission wanting to swing a battleaxe. However, on my next playthrough I'll take some advice from this subreddit and maybe try to really develop a character with a story. Buy it! You'll enjoy it once you get rolling with the quests.


To be fair, it’s completely overwhelming on the first crack. You’re guided into quests but have no pressure to start or complete them, except to advance to the next one. There are so many aspects that you’re going to *love* it. 


Oh boy… I really really wish that I were you. The first experience of going in the unknown world of Skyrim is mesmerizing. You’ll have a canonic playthrough filling the dreams of your inner child wishing to be a powerful hero killing dragons wandering in woods dealing with creatures and PERFECT music and landscapes. I really envy you. And regard your question, I do not recommend you to buy it.


My head hurts


Just plain sarcasm. It really is a canonic event on your life. Also try out the mods there are a few that improve gameplay experience. For ex if you think “ oh I really wish that had X feature” search it, its probably on nexus website already


I recently started playing, 100% a must buy 👍


I'd be surprised if anyone on this dedicated Skyrim subreddit responds with "No" as a serious answer.


Yeah but maybe I’ll get a few “Only if __”s and “Be aware of ____” stuff like that, like apparently the combat isn’t great


There’s mods to overhaul that !


The only issue you'll have with combat is if you're used to games where you can lock on to targets. You can't do that here in vanilla. Not sure about mods as I play on the switch.


I'm playing the game for the first time, without mods. Combat is definitely the worst part, but it gets less annoying the more you progress. Beside that it's a very relaxing game, very pleasant to play. I don't know.. feels nostalgic someway. Install some mods if you can (consoles have great mods too) and give it a try.


I’m sorry, What? Do bears shit in the woods?


I don’t know, *do bears shit in the woods?*


Buy Skyrim and add Loverslab mods


Buy? No ,get addicted? Yes


I paid $20 for this game four years ago, and I'm still playing it today, and will be playing again tomorrow. Best $20 I ever spend on entertainment.


You can get it at microsoft store for much less (probably), or buy xbox gamepass for a month, for 5$ and give it a try for a month


Yes, but no mods, please, for the love of Azura