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You're missing out. Once you get high enough on the block perk tree you can get shield bashes that disarm people. It is so satisfying to leave a Draugr Deathlord attempting to slap you to death.


Maybe? I prefer to just annihilate them. I tried to get into block at the beginning of this current playthrough. It's pretty hard for me to pay close attention to what sort of an attack is about to happen and time the block precisely, especially when you're fighting in so many dark places. And besides, this character isn't investing in stamina. It's definitely its own kind of play style and I hope to actually get into a run where it is really all about sword and board.


The whole "kill cam" mechanic ruins of occasionally. I'll time the shield bash so that it interrupts power attacks, but then when the power attack has been deemed enough to one shot kill me, the kill cam will take over and leave me without the option to interrupt the attack, which is a bummer.


Doesn't it still affect blocking with a sword though? I was very surprised to see block that high.


Dual wield or archery ftw. Honestly never blocked anything since my very 1st helgen tutorial lol


Dual wield block mod tho. Why not both?


I don't understand the appeal of dual-wielding tbh. There's nothing to do except mash the buttons.


My understanding is dual wielding swords in real life is all Hollywood for effect because it looks pretty badass but in practice it's very ineffective. That's just what I recall reading I may be wrong about that.


This is correct, my brother does HEMA and he says basically the only historical application of duel wielding was some variant of sword \+ dagger where the dagger is a parrying/offhand weapon. It's too hard to coordinate using two swords, try it and see. You'll end up using one as a shitty shield.


This. Maintaining balance and momentum of 2 heavy weights while remaining fluid in motion and able to respond to your opponents attempts to kill you is not really viable. Hollywood has shown us many beautiful moves one can pull off with prop swords and choreography, but IRL, it just doesn't work.


Pickpocket. If I'm not a thief trying to get all of Delvin's quests, I just don't bother with it.


Much like Enchanting, Pickpocket levels up very fast early on, which can be either a good thing or [a bad thing](https://i.imgur.com/8M1cj3Q.jpg).


Enchanting provides a benefit, pickpocket provides... more useless gems. Yeah, some people like it, I get bored of it and doesn't provide my characters any benefit that I can see. I'm already richer than Potema, why do I need more jools?


This is why static encounter zone mods are so great.


Hmm, interesting concept. I like the idea of trying to explore a place, realizing you're vastly outmatched, and having to come back later.


Draugr Murderboss Deathking?! I was hoping for Draugr Mega-Eviscerator Schwarzenegger Captain America!


I specifically use every skill, some more than others though, obviously. I chose pickpocket as my least used.


This just in: people only like Destruction magic. More at 12.


I have a lot of respect for the Restoration school. Skyrim could use more healers.


Restoration is a PERFECTLY valid school of magic, don't you agree?


I use SPERG and Ordinator perk overhauls and honestly, restoration is fuck OP as hell. I still have no clue what alteration even does though.


Alteration in Ordinator can massively buff your followers. Something like +40% attack damage, +40% to crit, and +40% resist magic, so long as you stay above 75% health. As you well know, with the restoration perk Warrior's Flame, you can easily stay above 75% health, and when it hits your followers, they get even more buffed. EDIT: Once I entered a cave and then went to the kitchen to do something, got distracted, and when I went back to my game, I had forgotten to press escape to pause it. All the draugr in the cave were dead due to the Warrior's Flame slowly chipping away at each of their health over time. OP, indeed.


Probably Bribe/Intimidate. I mean, theyre just so uncommonly used, and the rewards are minimal.


Conjuration is the only one I don't really bother using, the only exception being Soul Trap. Every other one I've used to a significant extent on a playthrough. Now if we're talking about skills I don't put perks into, it'd be lockpicking, restoration, pickpocket (aside from the carry weight bonus), as well as conjuration.


Conjuration is almost manditory on legendary play throughs if you're not going sneak focused characters. They scale up with the enemies they fight on an even level with the scaling on legendary.


sometime I'm going to do a lockpicking build out of sheer masochism


Wow. What would the worst build look like? Lockpicking, speech, pickpocket?


Maxing out those three would probably be the worst use of around 30 perks, yeah. And only level up stamina. Sometime I might try this as a very city\-based thief who has to sprint away from combat situations, just for giggles.


My most under-used skills are Alchemy, Conjuration and Illusion. I realize all of these skills can be useful, but I've just never bothered with them.


When you play as a full mage, you get real acquainted with those skills. Beyond that, they help the other major play-styles, but are never required.


Amazed at how many people skip alchemy. That's free money you are throwing away guys.


Why get free money when you can wrest it from the cold undead hands of a deathlord?


But what if I want to wrest every single red septim from every single living AND unliving thing in Skyrim? Mere draugrs alone cannot sate my hunger.


Trust me: Deathlords do not have alchemy money.


But in the end you are selling plants in a bottle. I did not ascend High Hrothgar to become a glorified flower girl!


The only thing I wrest from them is their sweet ebony weapons.


It really is. That was one rather broken area of the game was walking from one hold to the next, grabbing all ingredients in your path, and then selling potions to the merchants and quickly depleting all of their gold.


It's not like money is otherwise hard to come by.


In the amounts you need to save up to pay trainers for 5 skills every level, it starts getting there.


Every corpse in Skyrim has gold. No point.


Prowler's Profit more than makes up for it.


Two-handed weapons and heavy armor. Because I always play the same character, re-making him again and again, and he's a stealthy mage who can sometimes use a bow.


Or a stealthy archer who sometimes uses magic(my character).


Or a stealthy warrior who sometimes uses a bow and restoration? (my character)


I only use conjuration for soul trap and bound weapons. I never cared for summoning or necromancy. It's powerful, but I don't like my battles being fought for me. I've tried getting into alchemy as it has benefits for pretty much every build, but it gets tedious and boring. Pickpocket is fun and levels quickly, but I get bored with it once it becomes too easy. Lockpicking is by far the worst skill in game. Speech is mostly useless and it takes forever to level. Illusion is alright, but I never felt the need to use it. As you can tell I'm not much of a stealth guy. I usually play warriors or mages. Playing a stealth character in Oblivion was much more rewarding imo. In Skyrim, sneak is overpowered and it makes the games extremely easy even on legendary. The rest of the stealth skills have bad perks.


I rarely use pickpocketing, but eventually use most of the rest. On one playthrough, I made it a point to get all of them to 100, which was a grind.


Illusion is often too easy...unless it is only used with a scroll. Finding scrolls become interesting. The scholar , who only uses scrolls, uses illusion to avoid to fight or the spell "call to arms" on the mercenary and riekling.


Im surprised by Block being so high on the list. I have a sword and shield Orc warrior and the only thing about it i dont like is the slow time perk. I like to interrupt power strikes in real time. I chose speech , it takes awhile to level unless you pay. The barter type perks are nice but if someone needs intimidating my axe speaks for itself and i usually have plenty of gold...


Illusion and Alteration are actually insanely strong; the first one can basically make any enemy just stand there doing nothing waiting for you to hit him, or have him run in terror also doing nothing even why you hit him. Alteration, on the other hand, can directly paralyze an enemy if your skill is high enough. The magic cost is huge compared to illusion, though. But paralyzing an enemy for 10 seconds usually equals to just killing him. Although most story bosses do are inmune to this effects, the vast majority of enemies are not and they really are game-changing.


Lockpicking and speech. Fuckin jokes.


Lockpicking. It's utterly useless imo, unless for roleplaying purposes. You can get thousands of lockpicks, so wasting 100 on a master lock is only a matter of patience and time (and the 3 coins in the chest are hardly worth it anyway). With mods you can also just smash locks, so the skill tree is useless, as is putting perk points in it.


What even IS alteration?


Turning iron into gold.