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The chances are extremely small to none that she will be pulled aside. The security screening in the larger museums uses a combination of magnetometers, cameras and machine learning to allow most people without bags or laptops to just walk right on through without stopping. Anyone with a bag, suitcase, stroller or similar may be asked to open their bag. I don't know when I last saw a wand, but I can say that TSA security is way higher, because airplanes. Source: I go to the museums on a very regular basis.


I went to several of the museums when I had an implanted heart monitor, never once had an issue!


The Smithsonian guards are really kind - I went to college and grad school in the metro area and used to take study breaks and days off in the museums all the time (because free and interesting!) - I've passed out on the food court at Air and Space, I've used American History on school trip days to acclimate service dogs in training to utter chaos and screaming kids - I'm used to being made the center of a scene about medical crap that shouldn't be a problem but the Smithsonian only ever made it a problem once and all they did was talk to us quietly and call a supervisor to make a call and he was very knowledgeable and nice about it. There are plenty of people drunk on power in DC but the Smithsonian museums have always been pleasant.