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I have found that more black pepper gives me more/better bark and surprisingly enough it doesnt have a great deal of pepper or spicy flavors when its done


Yeah--black pepper really mellows out in a smoke or a braise. Same in this recipe, which uses a ton of black pepper, and it all braises so nicely. This recipe would be dynamite on a pellet smoker, IMO. Just a subtle hint of oak or hickory flavor would take this from great to showstopping. Chef John's Peposo: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qmt9rup6\_I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qmt9rup6_I)


That looks fantastic but what temp would you do in a pellet smoker and you couldn’t cover it right?


I would just smoke the beef on low at like 200 for a bit and then put it in the braising liquid on the stove.


I’ll take look at this, thanks for sharing


Interesting. I’ll definitely be seasoning more next time and it’s good it isn’t spicy because a lot of the family doesn’t like spice. I’ll eat the sucker with habaneros lol


Be generous with the bark seasoning. You want a lot of it. First time I did it I thought a good sprinkle was enough. You want to look like almost overdid it.


Yeah that’s what I did, sprinkle. I’ll try and overdo it next time lol


Yeah most of the meat you eat will have zero seasoning so you basically want to coat the outside to make up for it


i go crazy on the salt and pepper but remember you're only coating the outside, and most of the meat will be unseasoned so it balances out. Look at how little actual bark there is on each slice.


Best advice I ever got from a master at making brisket. Season the fuck out of it until You can’t see the meat until it settles in


If you don't want it as peppery and more sweet you can also use brown sugar in your rub.


16 mesh black pepper. Do the pepper first, then your salt and other Seasonings. Salt is smaller than the pepper so it will fall between the pepper.


... You should be using kosher salt, not table salt.




The family needs to grow tastebuds, but remember, you slice pretty thin, so even a thick layer of seasoning doesn't make it overwhelming.


Smoke your chiles on the side :). Or better yet, slice a few open, clean them out, and fill with your favorite cheese then smoke them ;)


if you look how louie mueller bbq season their brisket, thats how thick it can be


I go hog wild on the salt and pepper because yes, for every slice there's (hopefully) a band of heavy seasoning around it, but when you look at how much unseasoned meat is in the inside it actually becomes normal seasoning.


This is definitely true. I think Cooks Illustrated had a peppered filet mignon recipe where you toast the peppercorns a lot before grinding and putting them on the filet (before cooking). The same thing happens with a long smoke—pepper mellows nicely. Don’t hold back.


Have you noticed better bark with brown sugar or sugars in general? I personally like a crispy bark but obviously when you wrap it goes away. I use the mission BBQ red rub because it’s easy and pretty neutral for all palates.


I smoke brisket professionally (anywhere from 1.2k-1.8k lbs a week) and we exclusively use a rub which is 7 parts brown sugar to seasoning and LOTS of it. It is great for getting a thick crusty bark and we add even more on top of our burnt ends before finishing. I have not been in the industry long so I'm not sure how common practice this is, but obviously my restaurant is very high volume.


Coarse ground black pepper works better for me than cracked pepper. And I mean stupendously coarse. There’s a term for that grind in the restaurant industry but I have forgotten it.


Don’t wrap until you like the way the bark looks. Once you wrap, I wouldn’t unwrap it to spritz. Just let it finish.


I would definitely wrap for that


I start the cook bbq sauced and wrapped then spritz the wrap. unwrap then sauce again then wrap and spritz the wrap then finish off at 475 for 15 hours.


Was making a joke because it looks like a ladies special place


If they had old great rewards and not the greedy piss-off buttons, that would be a (poor mans gold medal I don't seem to know how to give anymore.)


I don't even wrap my briskets, but I use an electric Smokin Tex that keeps a lot of humidity in anyhow.


I just wrap mine when I do the hold in the cooler.


This is the way


You can also do that wrap where you leave the top uncovered


I should call her…


Everything reminds me of her


This evening


Who…. Nancy Reagan?




The fact that this is now widely known makes me just a lil' happier... Good Ol' Nancy... She was the BEST...


Wonderful woman. We're all very fond of her. Very free spirited.


Brant can't watch.


Or he has to pay $100


I'm gonna go find a cash machine.






[Dennis: You’re a stone cold fox Margaret and I want you I want you in me. Margaret McPoyle: 😋](http://i.imgur.com/07tWWP5.gif)


Excuse me sir did you drop something


Only my monster condom


For your magnum dong?


Who are we calling lol?


Oh now I get it 😂


Are we supposed to believe that wasn’t on purpose


I legit sent this to family and friends in a text and never saw it 😂




I literally came here to comment that lol


Good ol’ gAshley


When r/DontPutYourDickInThat meets r/MildlyVagina


Looks ready to settle down


“I always thought you were cute”




Winner of the whole post


Legit made me laugh out loud. That is some funny shit man


Fuck I scrolled back up, turned my head sideways, chuckled, yep brisketussy.


It needs a lot more seasoning. A good mix of fine & coarse salt & pepper with whatever other seasonings you want will help with the bark. Leave it alone and don't open the lid for at least 6-8 hours and you should be nearing the bark you want


Still looks damn tasty


Be glass half full. Perfect smoke ring.


Delicious meat flaps


That was my first thought. Looks like it needed a little more work to make it juicy but nice flaps nonetheless.


1. Get a meat thermometer. Thermoworks has worked the best for me. They have a dual model that has a temp probe for the smoker grate as well. 2. 225 is my go to temp for starting a smoke 3. Wrap in foil or paper when the meat stalls out and kick it up to 275. My go to rub for brisket is salt and pepper.


What does “stall out” mean?


u/Qualekk is correct and here's more context if you're interested in getting all science-y. [https://www.smokedbbqsource.com/the-bbq-stall-explained-how-to-beat-it/](https://www.smokedbbqsource.com/the-bbq-stall-explained-how-to-beat-it/) When a big mass of meat heats up, around 150-160\*F it starts undergoing "evaporative cooling" where the ambient temperature inside the smoker is evaporating the moisture on the surface of the meat. And when moisture evaporates off a surface, the heat energy is taken with the vapor & taken from the surface where it was. This is why sweating on a hot day does actually cool you off. For meat, it means that the actual temp of the brisket isn't changing much at all until the meat stops sweating--aka, dries out. So you need to wrap the meat up in foil, sometimes called a [Texas Crutch](https://heygrillhey.com/texas-crutch-brisket/), and turn your bake into a braise. When the hot vapor doesn't have anywhere to take the heat energy it's grabbing from the surfaces, the meat will start rising in temperature again. Same as if you did a 5 mile run wearing a trash bag—you'd stop the sweat mechanism from working properly and increase your thermal strain.


This is an excellent explanation


The stall refers to when the brisket reaches around 165-175. At that point, lots of water starts steaming out, preventing temperature increases for a couple hours until most of that moisture is gone. People will often wrap at that point to help speed up the process of getting out of the stall (assuming the bark is good!).


When the temp doesn't climb for an extended period of time




Meat will stall at a certain temperature (I think around 165 usually but don’t quote me) as it hits a point where evaporation of moisture on the meat creates a cooling effect. You need to cook through this stall as the moisture burns off and fat renders, etc. before it starts climbing back up towards the final temps you want. Some folks wrap their meat in foil or butcher paper and some don’t. It’s a personal preference, but does probably shorten up the cook time. It’s still good to be happy with the bark you have on the meat before you wrap it though - because that basically stops the bark from forming further and any major smoke ring development.


Stall is when the product starts sweating out some of its internal moisture. Internal temp goes from rising steadily to a dead stop. Usually around 150-165f is where it'll start. Some people choose to wrap immediately in an attempt to speed up the cook to reach their end temp around 195-205. Others, choose to ride the stall period and let it slowly rise past to reach their desired bark/fat render. They either wrap from 170 onwards or run unwrapped till probe tender.


🐈 looks worn out




Looks like beef jerky texture


What was the inside temp? It looks a little well done.


It actually looks under done to me, its not fully rendered and turned juicy.


I never got the inside past 180. That’s what was confusing me


Smoking it at 185 for too long dried out the moisture, and then you didn’t get it hot enough for the fat in the middle to render. I like to pull at 195 and it’ll hit about 200-203 in the cooler. You also went a bit light on the seasoning, the seasoning contributes to bark quite a bit.


That uhhhh looks uhhh... BRB I gotta go to the bathroom


That brisket needs to calm down a bit.


I think bark is overrated. If the meat is tender, juicy, and flavorful I don’t care if there is a dark strip of beef jerky on the exterior.


Bark shouldnt have the texture of jerky


Bark isn’t hard it’s just seasoning a slice of brisket is tender through out


Bark is definitely not overrated




Agreed 100%


I’ve always felt the same way, if I can get it tender, moist, and a great bark, great. Not sacrificing the first two for the latter. Not really sure why this would be downvoted. I don’t cook for IG followers to see me in my cool black gloves stroking my child like ego with likes and comments. The inside of the meat is way more important than bark if the cook isn’t going perfect. Don’t worry, I’m sure Traeger is working on a fleshlight attachment. Probably will work with your app too… Edit: I’ll just double down to piss y’all off even more. Using a Traeger is the same as sitting a crockpot outside and dumping liquid smoke on it. Also, everyone loves what you’ve cooked, until they had what was cooked by your buddy with an offset. Which is the same guy your wife told you not to worry about..


I agree on brisket especially with basic/bland TX rubs... but now on pork that's a whole different animal (I'll take the incidental pun lol)


Everything reminds me of her…


You don’t even explain what you did…how is anyone supposed to give feedback?


Sorry. I smoked it overnight at 185. Next morning when I woke up I wrapped it in butcher paper after about 10 hours I think. Turned it up to 225. It stalled for a very long time. I think because it was cold outside. I ended up smoking it for 16 hours total. I unwrapped it and sprayed it with a mixture of apple cider vinegar, orange juice, and beef broth a few times after I raised the temp


Don’t apologize to redditors lol


This should be a badge


That's too low, and your smoker could be off temperature which would make it worse. You need to stick to 225 and consider turning it up higher much later on. You have bald looking spots on your meat, and bark is mostly seasoning and juices drying and sticking to the outside. Stick to kosher salt, coarse pepper ( coarse, not fine), and some garlic. I lay it on fairly thick. Watch Harry Soo, the brisket champ, season his briskets. I'd stay away from odd stuff in your spritz. If done wrong, you're gonna make the outside taste like a pot roast. Just do apple cider on just the dry parts and leave the rest alone till it looks good


I agree 100%. I use only pepper, kosher salt, and garlic. Also, I use mustard as the binder. Normally don’t ever spritz (in my opinion this only serves to “weaken” the bark making it soggy. Also, find that the brisket naturally releases juices or fat, thus negating any additional moisture. If wrapped too early, or spritzed too much I’ve found that the bark never really forms.


imo, too low for starters. I go 225 the whole way. I also use a lot more rub, especially black pepper, which helps with the bark. I dont spray or wrap mine but I also rarely trim much and leave the fat side up so it just renders and in doing so bastes the meat. My bark isnt as good as some on here so im sure you'll get better advice but that is what stands out to me.


What reason was it at 185 for? I know some pellet smokers have a super smoke setting that range from 165-185 just to help with bark, but I wouldn’t do that for more than 4 hours, and definitely not for 10 hours. It definitely wasn’t cooked yet at just 185, you wrapped way too early. You technically just baked it for most of the cook. I usually just go 225 from the get-go and sometimes don’t even wrap at all. Once the bark looks the way you want, then wrap it, regardless of if you’re before, at, or after the stall. Once it’s wrapped, don’t unwrap it until after it’s pulled and rested in a cooler. In my opinion, you’re doing more harm unwrapping it and basting it then you are just leaving it as is. Briskets have so much fat to render, there’s no need for beef broth or juice after the wrap.


Wow. Thank you. This is the best advice I’ve gotten. Will try this next time


185 is way too low you need the temp higher to caramelize things. https://cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/29926/what-temperature-does-the-maillard-reaction-occur


That's a pretty informative article, I looked up some scientific literature a whole back that had some maillard reaction kinetic curves, and came to the conclusion that some where around 250-260F seemed like a sweet spot for bbq. I started running my pellet smoker at 250F and that seemed to help. Another point to consider that I don't see mentioned, air pressure and altitude will also probably play a role as well.


What kind of smoker? 185 is waaaaay too low. Needs to be 225 F minimum. You could even increase it to 250. That would be fine.


What did you season with?


Salt, pepper, kinders buttery steakhouse seasoning


Kinders butter is too greasy


How much pepper did you use? At those temps. You should have gotten bark. Pepper is key. Doesn’t look like you used much?


Yeah I’m sure I used way under the needed amount. And I didn’t use course pepper either


I think your temp was fine. If you are using a pellet smoker. Start at 185 to get a lot of smoke then go to 225 until you hit the stall. Use coarse pepper and salt only next time. 2 to 1 ratio. Start at 185 or 225. Again I start at 185 because I have a pellet smoker and then crank to 225. Once the brisket gets to stall. Around 160 to 170 degrees. Wrap it in foil and crank that bitch up to 275 and ride it to 200. Remove and let the temp slowly cool to 155 / 160. Edit: ps the pepper helps pull in smoke.


Good shit my friend. I will be trying this out


185F is way, way too low, that's why it stalled for so long. I go for abiut 125° so that's what like, 250F or so. Its also why your bark looks more like jerky. That's around the temp I smoke jerky at.


I smoke during the winter in upstate NY and I just bought a fiberglass welding blanket (Harbor freight $22) to wrap my smoker. It seems to help me keep the temperature more consistent, especially on windy/snowy winter days.


This was the formula for my best brisket: Season 24 hours before you’re going to put it on. Leave wrapped tightly in foil. Start at 225. Leave at 225. Never wrap. Never spray. Last one I did went on at 9:30 pm and was resting by about 3 the next afternoon.


185° is a low starting point. That's pretty much a cold smoke temp, no?


185 overnight is going to have a lot of the meat in the danger zone (40-140) for well over 4 hours. If you want extra smoke, add a smoke tube, but keep the temp at 225+. 250-275 is even perfectly fine for a brisket. It can handle it just fine.


Ah, don't go under 225.


185? Bloody hell. Why on earth did you smoke it sooooo low? And then turn around and wrap it?!?


Definitely looks like he smoked that 🐈


You have bark there, it’s centered around the pepper flakes. You need WAY more rub on there.


Did you wear black gloves and squeeze it when you cut into it?


Looks WAYYYY better than my first attempt. 🫡 Don’t be discouraged. I got some good tips from a few members here and need to give it another go.




Boy that briskussy lookin kinda right 👀


Thatta boy


Drunk friend here. Still looking good


Thanks my friend


I'd hit that.


The Briskussy


I think I dated her


languid file humorous sink cow market special dinosaurs merciful bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like maybe it was done at too low a temp. Shoot for 250-275 next time and you will get the burnt meteorite look you are hoping for.


Looks good 👊🏼 😎


Thanks bro


I prefer to split the point and flat before smoking. I started with them attached years ago and would split and wrap flat when it hit about 165, season the naked portions, point back on unwrapped until 185 and sauce/cube for burnt ends. I never liked the fat texture that’s between the cuts, they’re two cuts that cook differently, and burnt ends are delicious if you do them right. Just my 2 cents though. Based on your picture I’d season more heavily, (did you use a binder? I usually just use a light coat of vegetable oil if anything.) and/or let it dry brine for at least a few hours before putting it on. Most of all, practice makes perfect!


Good smoke ring though


If it tastes good then the bark is worse than its bite


It really looks bone dry. Probably overcooked to point it boiled out all the moisture. Resting for a good while is important too. Always use a properly calibrated probe thermometer. And I tend to wrap at around 160-170 with butcher paper or foil. When the probe goes in like butter, it’s ready.


Hey man, how’d it taste? As long as the answer is good, fuck yes! You succeeded. Have a great night my friend 😁. Edit: I should say as long as it tastes good AND you didn’t squeeze your meat to show the juices… you succeeded!


Dryer than Margaret Thatcher's pussy (and it looks like it too!)


My method. Make a home made seasoning. Change it up occasionally. Always use paprika and black pepper. Bind and season WELL at least 2 hours before she hits the smoker. Let rest uncovered in the fridge whilst waiting for the smoke bath Keep the temp as close to 200-225 as possible while smoking DO NOT WRAP UNTIL YOU LIKE YOUR BARK!!!


Try Hot n Fast method, works like a charm for me. I know it sounds crazy but once you see all the big competition guys using it, it makes you wonder why it’s good enough for them and not us?




Was having trouble finding a written recipe but here’s a video of Myron Mixon’s masterclass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbldRzp_WoEi believe he also sold a book/recipe that was called power cooking or power something like that Edit: it’s called Power Cooking and here’s a written recipe for his Brisket https://furiousgrill.com/myron-mixon-brisket/


I’ll be danged. I made a mistake on a side smoker with a brisket. I put it too close to smoke box and it flared for like 45 minutes or an hour. I thought it was ruined. I moved it and took it off at the correct temp but hours “too early”. One of my best briskets ever. ( admittedly I’m no pitmaster) I guess I stumbled into hot n fast.


Nope. Overcooked. Looks like Clark Griswold’s turkey. Don’t let that get you down. Most people f the first one. Lower heat, wrap.


Let me guess... pellet grill?


Pellet grill?


Stop cooking your briskets fat side down. How many times must this be repeated?


A lot of it has to do with the steer. Some cattle taste better than others no matter what you do


Season more heavily. If you are spritzing, spritz less.


Y’all’s… y’all keep butchering your own language it’s funny as hell


I’d eat it


what did you season with?


Mostly just whispering "be yummy" to it.


Looks over trimmed


There was very low fat on this whole thing. I barely trimmed it. But I’ll look at that next time


Once I'm starting to get color, and the surface looks like it's kinda sorta getting a bit dry-ish, I start to spritz (50/50 mix of apple cider vinegar and apple juice) once every 45 minutes. I don't wrap until the fat is clearly starting to render. I check this by pressing in on the fat. Once it doesn't bounce back, and my finger leaves an indention after just a light press, I'll wrap. By then, a bark has started to form, and the internal temp is around 160°-165°


Cure for bad bark (on a rectec pellet smoker Anyhow). Brown Sugar and paprika. I add about 2-3x brown sugar more than Kosher salt. Add some paprika in. Don't forget the pepper. Some good eating.


Beautiful. Definitely worthy of a NSFW tag. Thought I was on the wrong Reddit for a sec




Your knife wasn’t sharp enough


I think ive met this shiela


She’s a total babe


One thing I recently tested which may have helped my bark formation was dry brining the brisket with salt and pepper overnight.


The outter lips around the smoke ring came out nice.


Whatever you do, r/DontPutYourDickInThat


What did you cook this on?


Got some A1?


May not have the bark… but how was the bite?


Whoa, I had to check which sub this was. r/dontputyourdickinit.


Looks pretty good. How’s it taste?


What did you use as a binder?


Not the briskussy..lol


A lot more coarse ground black pepper. Don’t wrap until you see the bark has set. Also best to get a fattier brisket with a bit more intramuscular fat.


Use a binder and season the shit out of it. If you think it's too much seasoning, use more.


Looks good. Might be a bit over.


Yum, yum, yum.


Montreal steak and meat church holy cow


Hey man, how’d it taste? As long as the answer is good, fuck yes! You succeeded. Have a great night my friend 😁


But did he SQUEEZE IT?!??


Wrap it in peach paper at the stall


More course ground pepper.


Use a lot more black pepper. Using any type of electric smoker the bark will never be offset bark that you see on the Internet, but using the right type of rub and smoking to feel and not temp will give you much better results. Not bad though for your first attempt. Keep it up.


If you didn't do a solid brine before seasoning and smoking I would consider a 24 hour brine first. Helps with bark and the pictures makes the middle look way to dry. Brine could help with both


More seasoning. I like to include pepper, paprika, cumin, brown sugar and more. Add a binder to the meat and rub it down and let sit for at least an hour (24 is perfect).


Low and slow. I go around 200 8-10hrs depending on size of the brisket over night and then increase to 250 to get me to around 170 on the probe in the morning. Wrap around 170 depending on the bark you have at that point. I’ve had really good luck probing around 190-195. When the probe feels like butter going in and out in 3-4 spots; it’s ready to pull and rest in a cooler with towels.




What kind of smoker? I always found with my old electric vault smoker, despite the food coming out tasting good, I just couldn’t get the same bark consistency that my friends with wood/pellet/offset smokers could get. But ultimately, did it taste good? All that matters.


Mmm, briscuits ‘n’ gravy




Needs more seasoning. At least 1 million more seasonings. It should basically look like you rolled it in rub. Use the right salt and pepper though or it will be too intense (ie - don’t use table salt). Also - what wood are you using? Dat smoke ring though. You have this sucker raw on the smoker for the whole cook?


Where's the fat cap? If you trimmed all the fat off you'll have a hard time forming bark as well IMO. I use coarse salt, coarse pepper, not as heavy as you might think, and leave 1/4" of fat where possible. I've never had one look like this honestly. I smoke between 225F and 300F and wrap when the fat cap is completely rendered to my liking, which typically occurs between 165F and 180F. I then take it in to finish in the oven until it probes like soft butter. Usually around 203-208F internal. Temps are just guidelines. I've always had a pleasing bark. My only faults come in the way of poor overheat management, I've been known to overcook the leading edge from time to time, still edible, just a little overcooked. I like the change in texture so I allow myself to be a little lazy lol


Putting a thick layer of mustard. Then covering with black pepper or other seasoning will help with that bark. But that is a solid smoke ring. I bet it still tastes awesome.


Cook time, method all that would be helpful. Did you do it in the oven?


It’s pretty over. I’d say from the render in the fat seam, that you got it too hot, and it went too long. Not knowing your method, can’t comment on your bark, but can tell you it’s under seasoned. Try a rub of yellow mustard, then your rub, at least 6-12 hours before going on the smoker. Spray it with apple Cider vinegar as needed, and after about 8 hrs, wrap in butcher paper with a healthy amount of tallow on the brisket, cook until it hits 180, and pull it. Open the paper but do not remove as you will rewrap it after the rest. Hit it with the tallow again when you re-wrap after about an hour and keep in a 150 degree oven until serving.