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No jury would convict you, dude.


I love this. Im not even mad about the brisket after that comment


I'm not a fan of bark just because I have dry mouth issues, but to throw it away and microwave the meat... In some places the body would never be found and the cops wouldn't go looking


The body's with the bark.


The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak and spongy


Take em to the train station


I keep a cooler of angry rattlesnakes for just such an occasion.


Not in Texas anyways


That shit wouldn't even make it past the DA. "Sorry we don't have enough to go to trial. No charges."


But sir, I confess that I did it. We understand and we know it was purely in self defense. Case dismissed!


We were all there. The person in question was definitely the aggressor and your were just defending yourself.


Seriously doubt he would even be risking an arrest.


Literally same thing came to my mind


Why does this brisket have a wedding ring?


I would never share my BBQ with that person. I'll microwave them pizza rolls or something.


Hot Dogs. Chicken Lips and Pigs Ass is all they get from now on.


Make them some hot dog burnt ends


Just cut the hotdogs up, burn the piss out of them, then serve as is. No sauce, no seasoning, nothing. Tell them they're burnt ends.


NGL, that sounds delicious. The burnt parts of hot dogs are the best parts.


My buddy smoked a brisket for a bunch of us and I’m the only other one in the group who smokes meat. Everyone is putting their plates together and raving about how good the brisket is. To keep his ego in check I waited until things quieted down a bit and asked him for ketchup. The head snap and glare i got it return was totally worth it.


You also ask him to borrow tools you know he doesn't have in front of others, too, don't you?


Easy there Satan


I did something similar to my buddy who collected whiskeys. He bought out 3 bottles of $500+ each, and after he poured a glass (neat of course) I asked for some ice and sprite. The look was totally worth the joke


As a whiskey drinker, I’d punch you in the throat! Nice one.


No one needs enemies with friends like you


A true friend.


Excellent work https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leveling_mechanism


You really do need another friend who also smokes meat to keep you level headed. All my friends, for the most part, don’t BBQ and think everything I make is *amazing* but I need someone else to be actually honest lol


I don't, I am my own worst critic. Any compliments I get I assume is just people being nice as I can see/taste all the problems with it.


Also what I meant to say as well. I KNOW that my food isn’t really that good when people say it is, but I need someone else who knows what they are talking about to give me feedback to make it better.


I have that friend. He'll tell me if I'm being too critical or overly generous lol. It's pretty necessary. 


Needs a little tang! May I also have some salt?


"Can somebody pass the Heinz 57?"


That’s so evil. It’s hilarious.


WTF???? The closest I've ever come was when grandparent thought they were doing me a favor and took steel wool to my perfectly seasoned for years wok that I use all the time.


One time my wife's grandmother was wandering through the kitchen on Thanksgiving and grabbed the pot of potato water (from boiling them to make the mashed potatoes) that my MIL was keeping to make gravy from, and dumped it down the sink. My MIL saw it, and just slammed her hands down on the countertop. I thought I was about to witness a murder.


I've never heard of using potato water to make gravy. That's probably amazing. So much starch.


That's how they always do it at their house. It's awesome.


You’re gonna need to share the recipe, brother!


Following just in case he returns! 


always save it.....the starch binders are amazing 


The shame you must have felt because you disappointed her to that point. Mind blowing. She died a little inside that day.


I remember one time at work years ago this one lady walks in and starts telling a story to other people about how she was at a friend's place the other night and decide to help out by washing pots and pans for them after dinner and did that to a cast iron skillet and the friend freaked out on her. My co-worker is all pissy about it because she was just trying to help! I try to calmly explain how doing that killed the seasoning on the pan and now she's going to have to spend hours of work to fix that. My coworker didn't really have anything to say after that.


Reseasoning a pan might take a few hours but it’s like 5 min of actual work. It’s really not a big deal to put a new coat on.


Ok this is a serious What The Fuck?! Moment. . . Like grandparents should be the ones that know hte most about seasoning since they really had no other options much of the time. . . Like I could see some 20 something doing that because seasoning a pan isn’t the norm anymore.


Right? You'd expect a young person to do that, not someone who had been around the block like, 80 freaking times! haha The kicker is I didn't want them touching it either. Grandma just did it as a "thank you" .... lol "I noticed how dark it was, so I cleaned it for you" and my heart sank! lol


I had an ex gf throw my cast iron in the dishwasher once “to be more helpful”


that’s why she’s the ex, isn’t it 😂


One of the reasons




At least in your case, you can repair the damaged seasoning on the pan. But I feel the pain 😢


The owner of a well-known bbq place once gave me a little insight when I told him I ruined a brisket. He said to me, "dont worry about it. I've ruined thousands of briskets." Made me feel much better about what Ive done.


It was my first on my new smoker done about 5 butts


Did they do that to the whole brisket, or just what they were eating? I make food that I think is good and share it with people so that we can all enjoy together. If they don’t like exactly how I made something or have some sensitivities, and they eat it differently from the way I do, I don’t care. I want them to enjoy the food and enjoy the time together, not subject them to whatever “rules” I going to make up about how they should eat something. Sure, I’ll provide some suggestions for serving, but you don’t like bark? Cut it off. Really like some type of sauce on everything? Sauce it up. Whatever. Just don’t throw it away. That’s the only thing I actually get upset about. Eat what you take and try a smaller bit first if you aren’t sure you will like it. Take a full portion and throw half of it away? I’m gonna be pissed.


Yep whole brisket was debarked an shreded and put in microwave then refrigerated bullseye dumped on the massive pile bon apetite


That person would never be allowed in my home again. Who does that?


Well they can’t show up when dead…


How and why were they allowed to do that to the entire brisket?


I was helping with yardwork


Wait...you brought them a whole ass brisket AND were helping with yardwork?? And that was the way they treated your boy? OMG. You need a better friend. I'll give you a choice. You can either come over and help with my yard work and I'll cook brisket or you can bring over brisket and I'll have my wife do the yard work while we have dinner and drinks.


Maybe you just did a crappy job of raking leaves, and this was payback?


Very possible i wasnt really into raking the leaves


This starts to be on you. Protocol is, you pull the brisket, you store it in a cooler hidden somewhere, then when it is time, you remove it from the cooler and serve the food. You newb!!!


Oh...holy shit dude, my heart even sank after reading that and I didn't even cook it. I thought you were just talking about said person's individual serving. I'm so sorry. If you love them and they were apologetic, maybe a second chance is in order. But that sounds like an annoying in-law/family member...and I wouldn't blame you for never cooking for them again lol.


I built a 5850 sq ft house from footer to roof solo paid over $7500 in paperwork for engineers architect stamps etc… have a couple hundred thousand into it. Basically my legacy on 5 acres. same person has been telling the family im doing it all without a permit. Mentioned i was currently running the electric and they said arent you going to get a permit for that? All wide eyed like im some squatting meth head 🙄


It sounds like you need to cut ties with this monster. And you drove 2.5 hours to deal with this. Life’s too short. Time is finite.


Had to get some metal trim from a shop over state line then went on some backroads 😅


Keep him in his own state, they can have him… unless we are talking Missouri. Take him back then we don’t want him in Missouri.


1) As a man that barely survived a full kitchen remodel this winter - respect the HELL out of that kind of commitment. 2) Person in question can get absolutely fuuuhuhuhuhuuuuuuuuuucked lol. Terrible taste and sounds like someone you'd be better off without anyway.


Indefinitely made some grey hairs turn white 😅


I would rummage through the trash to retrieve the bark and go eat it in the garage


Went home and cooked a ny strip after a 2.5 drive. Still choochin


Im so sorry, dude. This made me go wide eyed when I read what happened. I once stayed up all night to make brisket for friends that were having their kids birthday party at noon the next day. I have a WSM that isn't modded really, so I had to stay up all night to control the temp. I chopped the point up for the party so kids could just make sandwiches. All the parents ate only the chopped brisket sandwiches and served their kids the same thing. Left all the sliced pieces from the flat. Just me and the dad of the birthday boy had the good stuff.


Thats exactly what i will do from now on. Thanks for the tip!


I have no words to express my anger, and I don't even know you or the idiot who did that. Get a restraining order against this monster immediately!


What the fuck! Who would do that


I cooked a Prime Rib a few years back. Mother in law and Father in law would not eat because it was pink. I went outside to the gas grill, put it on high, and greyed they hell of that thing. They enjoyed it, so that is good. But I was horrified. I feel ya.




Pretty sure that’s permission to BBQ your family member.


Low and slow, so they really suffer...


I have run into people before who think that fresh cracked black pepper is too spicy.  Seriously they would complain their mouth is on fire if there was a dash of Frank's in 2 scrambled eggs.  In that situation I could see that the SPG rub might be too much for them but I would never alter my cooking to suit them either.


Yep, I grew up under one of those. Pepper is too spicy, salt is too salty, and all fats are bad for you. So everything needs to be dry and tasteless.


Dutch people: "First time?"


I had a relative take a bunch of delicious barky brisket and not eat it and then throw it away because it tasted “too savoury”


Too savory? WTH, did they want it to be bland?


Not salty either, just savoury. There was plenty of point meat without a lot of bark, but they took pieces with lots of bark to just toss it away.


You should have diced it up and served it in a bowl of barbecue sauce soup, heavy on the molasses.




I work with a guy who's kind of like that. If something has too much flavor or texture, he doesn't like it. Yes I make fun of him constantly for that


Please tell us this is a shitpost


No just the backstory to tonight’s murder mystery


Either it is or OP is a complete idiot. They guy has a track record of malicious behavior yet OP drove 5 hours total and spent 15 hours cooking and doing yardwork? This 2 month old account is either a bot or a heavily boy assisted person karma farming to sell the account to advertisers later


Forest Gump had a good line for this type of person. I have the same issue with steak that all want cooked well done. I am freaking out thinking the steak is burnt just to have them all put back on the grill to finish off.


I have family members that only eat well done. Older people who grew up in a culture where blood is considered disgusting and inedible (for religious reasons). trying to explain that red meat isn’t red because of blood never works because again they’re old and unwilling to try new things. Anytime they I know they will be coming over for dinner and I plan to grill for them, I buy the cheapest grades of meat I can find. If it’s going to be cooked to well anyway, I won’t lose money or deliberately overcook something that would be way better (imo) cooked medium or under.


i dont buy them meat...... my dads like that with the whole blood and well done bs i spent good money on my step mom brother sister and i all eating tomohawks from a butcher lol he got nothing


>I have family members that only eat well done. Older people who grew up in a culture where blood is considered disgusting and inedible Do they know what comes out of cooked meat isn't blood?


I’ve tried explaining that and they don’t listen. They’re very set in their ways that anything red or pink in meat is blood.


I do the same on the cheap cuts.


Father in law was that way. His mom basically burned everything, so he basically grew to like it. We made progress with him, and he got to where he enjoyed a little pink in the middle.


It's funny, I grew up with my mom over cooking and burning things and so I thought I didn't like anything. And then I got to try what things should actually taste like and realized I like most things when done properly.


Yeah i think most older folks I know tend to be like this so I don’t give them any grief for it I’d rather they be comfortable eating what they like than try to convert them to what I feel is better. Just don’t bother spending a good grade/cut on them when I can avoid it since the end result would be almost exactly the same either way.


Heck, I never had anything other than well done until I was in high school. (Not expensive cuts either...didn't have the money) But I'm a rare to medium rare guy now. Kids are the same.


It's worth noting that is not just because they're old. I can guarantee you they were little kids throwing a tantrum if somebody put something in front of them that they haven't tried before And then we're young adults who just like to eat the same things over and over.


In my culture and where and when they grew up if they started up at all they’d catch a few smacks for being annoying as a kid. For them it’s the meat they grew up with always being super well cooked and without fat. They will avoid fat on their meats and the concept of wagyu beef for example disgusts them with all the fat in it. Any pink or red and they worry they’ll get sick if they eat it.


> In my culture and where and when they grew up if they started up at all they’d catch a few smacks for being annoying as a kid. In my house, not liking something just wasn't an available option. Not that we were forced to eat what we were served or that we were so poor we had to eat whatever we got, there was just no trepidation about whether or not we (the kids) were going to like something, we were just given it and told it was good.


What's the line? Lol


Stupid is as stupid does.


I know someone who wants their burgers and hotdogs burnt to a crisp. I'm lot talking black and extremely well done, like charred and mummified. I'm grilling these things and they hit what I'd consider 'well past done', and as I'm about to take them off, her husband walks over and says "eh, two more minutes". By the time I was done cooking the burger, it was about half it's original size and charcoal, the hotdog was like triple burnt, where it would burn, the 'skin' would flake off, and it would burn again. It looked like a burn victims dick.


Maybe its partly because im a control freak but NOBODY handles the meat I cook.


For real. No one handles my meat but my wife, and that’s only the meat that doesn’t go on the grill


Ketchup. Ketchup, man. Complained about the outside being burned, said red meant it was rare, then applied ketchup. They were asked politely to not waste my brisket. Unpolitely.


My dad takes my perfectly smoked meats I spent all day on, wraps them in a foil boat and puts them on his gas grill at 350°+ for another hour or so and then drowns them in sugary barbecue sauce. There is no end to my anger after that.


Not nearly as bad, but one time I spent maybe 10-12 hours smoking a brisket. Once it was finished I brought it in to rest. Had to use the bathroom and right after I close the door I hear my mom yell out that she's gonna cut for me. I never asked her. I was yelling midstream.


This is why when people ask "what should I make for a large group?" I would say predominantly burgers and dogs. Throw on a small brisket or butt for those that know but the reality is a lot of people just don't know what good is. I have a neighbor I love that has no real interest in cooking. He's a boomer and he can build cool shit and we bond on that. Food though? He did a pretty bad shrimp boil that I contributed to and his wife put all the food away after everyone made their first plate. I think the guy is from NY but where I'm from we leave that shit out for several rounds and no one has ever died. We did a margarita night and I made some homemade mix with fresh squeezed lime and Grand Marnier and brought decent tequila. He had store bought mix and cheap tequila and was like "let's mix it all together"and I was like "actually no." It's all good though. People invest their time in the things they value most, I don't judge.


I see but i also see 😜 sometimes it sucks knowing what good is like


Most definitely! Especially when everyone is like "this is really good!" and I'm thinking "this isn't good" and I have to make the decision to just nod and agree or risk looking like an elitist.


I would have needed to take a very long drive if that happened to me, there might be homicide. I had my sister-in-law dump ketchup (katsup?) all over a perfect ribeye once. She hasn't gotten another from me since!


2.5 hrs wrote the post drove to alabama from florida came back still a little hot 😅


For people like this: cook up a select grade brisket. The microwave won’t make the experience worse when the meat isn’t the best to begin with anyway.


Excellent point


whomever did that is absolutely not your friend, and if it's family there's no shame in cutting people off. from bbq and life


It felt like a stab in the back. And the arguement for why was their hands are sore from gardening so they didnt feel like messing with the bark.


fucking 10 ply


This. Combined with what you said about their comments about your house, this person is not your friend and is undermining you. They didn't want to let you have the win of providing a good meal for everyone, so they ruined it. I used to have a family member like this.


I had my wife's Uncle at big family gathering at my house go and open MY smoker and start taking out food for himself that wasn't done yet. Like sit the fuck down and wait till I serve the food before you start grabbing shit. Same person brings Tupperware containers to everyone else's events to pack up food and take it home


Yep eager morons taking over


This is not an accident. This is act of malice. Are you pressing charges??


I could see someone not familiar with smoked meats thinking the bark was char and should be removed. I remember seeing videos of brisket before I knew better and thinking they burned it to a crisp.


Pretty sure thats what happened


Years ago I smoked a brisket for a party at a friend’s house, a friend asked to cut it and he cut it like a damn cake. Another friend’s wife ordered pizza, made me feel like I wasted my time.


Lol heres your pie slice of brisket 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean if he just did that to the point and threw some sauce on it, you've got burnt ends 🤣


No, but we have had a brisket party night where we had a few too many drinks and I woke up to it put away with the fat cap bark completely cut off - my wife had it as a drunken night snack after I passed out. To say I was pissed when I woke up was an understatement lol.


One time girlfriend and i were headed east for a job interview and a buddy wanted to come since he never saw the beach. Brought a handle of yeager didnt think much of it. We each had a shot and went to bed. Woke up early to leave for job interview and buddy was passed out in the parking lot, hit his head on the front door lamp and broke the glass cut his head and dragged his head from wall to wall leaving a nice zombie like murder scene to clean up. Empty bottle on the couch boy drank a gallon of garbage to the face. Never under estimate the power of a moron!


I mean, there should be no food shaming or gatekeeping, but... completely disrespectful to do this. If you don't like the food you're being provided, don't eat it.


That was my gripe. They didnt want to ‘deal with’ the bark and they werent even hungry. They ‘thought’ they were helping out by ruining the entire point of smoking meat. My ny strip had more flavor than that debarks cold sauce garbage 🤮


Spent 16 hours smoking a brisket on a shitty home depot stick burner, so temp control consisted of sitting there the entire time and probably went through $100 in fuel alone. Rested for 6 hours wrapped in tallow. Sliced it up and asked my wife to put it in a big aluminum pan and put it in the fridge until dinner. Well she crammed it in the fuckin fridge. She comes home half buzzed from the winery. Slings the door open and 12 lbs of brisket fall over the floor. Never even got to try it.


Wtf, you sliced it up before putting it in the FRIDGE for dinner?? I mean, you ruined the brisket. You shouldn't get it COLD before serving. Just hot hold it until you're ready to serve, also don't slice it hours in advance, slice when serving! The surface oxidizes fast. I can't believe you'd hold it for 6 hours just to slice it... for the fridge... and put it in the fridge and ruin it... Slice it for people to enjoy, not the fridge to enjoy, no reason to slice it up hours before serving


Sheesh give me a break, it was my first one. It was a funny store, jesus dude


Haha, sorry I just immediately was like oh no!! Yeah, I definitely did some weird things for my first brisket too...


Lol no worries, that was my fault for researching everything I wanted to do on how to cook it, but not on the actual serving and holding parts.


5 second rule dog. If you didn't eat that it's on you


My wife puts sauce on EVERYTHING. The rule in our house is she has to at least try a bite or two without sauce AND I usually won't drastically alter my planned seasoning regime with her sauce use in mind. Now if I'm doing steaks or something I will go lighter on the seasoning for her and she tries a bite of my fully seasoned item. Even when she likes the seasoned product she still dumps A1 or bbq sauce on it and I'm OK with that now. Also fun when we go somewhere fancy and she asks for sauce Now for guests, I will try to accommodate their requests I like my meat medium rare so it's easy to either slice off something and overcook it for them or only choose items like steaks where I can plan everything to finish at everyone's preferred temp. You wanna nuke whatever I made? That's on you.


I LOVE meat. I love medium rare steak, I eat the rendered fat, the whole deal, but I will say, A1 is fucking tasty. I can’t bring myself to eat it on regular steak so I typically only have it with chicken fried cubed steak, but growing up it was a lifesaver when forced to eat my dad’s unseasoned and well done steak he would make.


I like A1 on a cheap steak for sure


I like A1 on a baked potato sometimes!


I'm a Heinz 57 guy myself, but I get exactly what you're saying. It's just freaking tasty, and sometimes I want just a touch of it here and there on things.


A1 on pork chops is amazing. I love the way it tastes, it's so expensive now though.


I love the taste of A1 although I don't usually put it on my steaks. I like brushing it on a cheap frozen burger patty, churches up the meat nicely


My wife is the same way and it drives me nuts. I know people say "Let them eat it how they want." Well, I just seasoned and cooked this meal perfectly for you to dump a bunch of slop on it so you can't even taste the meal. Yeah I'm pissed.


I love steak sauce!... On my burgers, which is the only place where that should go


Sounds possible from my parents house. Soemthing exactly that my dad would do. Probably wouldn’t even microwave it or he would then let it cool down.




I had only sliced a third of a brisket when people showed up. I slice portions throughout the dinner to keep it moist. I leave the knife there by the serving dish so people can help themselves if the presliced meat is gone. I came back not 5 minutes later to some random lady guest I've never seen before literally hacking the thing into random hunks like she had never politely cut up anything in her life. I lost my composure for a few seconds and ended up scaring her off. Later her and her husband and I were talking and I was telling them the process to smoke brisket and that I was up half the night. Then she understood why I reacted the way I did. For the record, all I said was, "Holy smokes, what are you doing? You can't do it like that!". So, it was not too bad before I caught myself from ranting any further. She murdered about half of what was left so not the end of the world.


That hurt just reading….


They'd be getting served some black eyed peas next, with the Goodbye Earl special seasoning.


Why are you letting others touch your brisket??


Those people are dead to me. 


Did they do it before or after you gave them the lecture on the difference between bark and being burnt? I mean, in either scenario they don't get invited to share in future brisket, they can just eat chicken. I will give it to my dog before I let a human desecrate my brisket.


Is your friend/family member a non-human entity (space alien)?


I don’t invite those people anymore.


"Big George! It's hawg killin' time!!"


My dad removed the bark on his slices 😔


My grandma asked to put her piece of tenderloin in the microwave


Why would you let the "friend" cut the brisket?


They showed enthusiasm over the long tedious process. Reminds me of tearing down a deck ripping new 2x2” from stock and cutting to length then fully sanding each one… then having “helpers” cut them 1/4” short over and over and over and over and every single spindle they screw in they manage to split and dont bother to replace. Like why tf am i ever building these people a deck 🤣


A tale as old as time.




The epiphany is my brother got them a nice pellet smoker (not that im a fan) 3 years ago and nothing edible ever came out of it. So i should have recognized enthusiam is not the same as appreciation. Will keep wood burning meats between others who appreciate the effort


I think this is covered under a lot of states’ stand your ground laws.


How old was the person in question? Did they try it without doing that/had they tried brisket previously? But no, I can’t say I’ve had that happen.


Sounds like the kind of person who’d stick the cast iron in the dishwasher.


Oh man, I've got a relative that always tries to grab "end pieces" then complain its over seasoned.


I'm from the South. No jury will convict if your defense is..."He just needed kill'n"


Just his serving, right? Not the whole thing? Right?


A friend of mine told me he went to some catered event and the guy cutting the brisket removed all the bark straight into the trash can and then proceeded to slice the brisket up. Fucking philistine


Hahaha this reminds me of the time my deceased former mother-in-law did to the turkey I smoked one thanksgiving. I went to wash my hands, came back, and she’d deskinned the bird.


In Texas that falls under the “He needed killin’ law”


I get we have an appreciation for me at but like you don't have to be a sociologist to know some people are just going to smother any meat they get in a cheap sauce they like. Which is why when I spend a lot of time and effort I don't give it to those people and get mad when they do what I know they're going to do, or I just give them a hamburger I spent 5 minutes on instead. If I invite a ton of people to eat from a public platter I just know that not every person is going to appreciate good smoked meat and if I wanna save some for the people who will I'd keep it separate. But like the fact is the common person who doesn't smoke meat isn't going to know the differences between their personal preference and well made stuff. It's just a part of being any kind of chef. You can make the most gourmet shit on earth to a perfect culinary standard, but some people are just going to put ketchup on it anyways because most people don't have a pallete that lines up with culinary standard.


Not a brisket, but I have a brother that did that with a ribeye. It was the last time I served him steak at my house.


I don’t care if you don’t smoke or understand briskets you don’t just rearrange some other persons dish without asking. What an asshole family member


Man I was just traveling and someone asked me about what foods are popular in Texas. I showed them the slideshow of the smoked brisket I did. They were so confused about the black burnt looking outside. They were like “…but that’s burnt! Nobody is going to like that!”


I made two pork shoulders over the weekend and my MIL went to shred them and started throwing the bark in the sink. We stopped her but she was about to ditch everything but the center meat.


I feel your pain, not smoking related, but I cooked my wife chilli and wedges yesterday and she put mayonnaise on it. Anyone know a good divorce lawyer?


I got one better than that. One of my Ex brother in laws (who still hangs around) did all of those things to my most excellent briskets and then wanted to know if I had a jar of gravy that he could put on it. I picked up his plate, threw it in the trash and told him that it was time for him to go. The family is still talking about it.


Given the question, I would go with option 2) you are super lucky.


I try to never touch another man's meat.


That guy is never invited to my house.


Pure fucking evil. Maim them, burn them, disown them. Pee on their ashes. Erase their lineage.


I’ve just had a grease fire in my electric and burnt it to a crisp, then I had that electric die while doing a full brisket and had to save via the oven. I have a Weber kettle now and was finally able to do a 12lb with success and can die a happy man


I'm making them buy me another one and they have to eat outside.


You should have taken it from them right out of the microwave, thrown it directly in the garbage (plate and all) and they have to leave.


Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong....you had a textbook case of Murphy's Law. Yikes!


Meh. As long as they leave my serving and others' servings alone, I am ok with them ruining their own meat.


They would be banned from my house. My father in law showed up for a cookout one time he was bringing the steaks. Turns out he trimmed every ounce of fat off of them before he brought them. I didn't even know what to say.


Get a rope.find a tall oak tree.


On the whole brisket or just his slice?


Sounds like my dad... SMH..


Did you educate them about brisket?


So let me get this straight, an ex-friend/disowned family member is a monster. You definitely need to shun them. You might want to check the laws in your state, it might fall under honor killings.