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IDK where this is but that’s pretty much the BBQ story everywhere I’ve been in the PNW. Only good BBQ out here is home made.


People don’t want to hear it, but that’s true for a lot of southern cities too.


u/aChunkyChungus and u/preddevils6 are correct. About the only thing in life where I am a snob is BBQ. Once you have eaten at an excellent Texas style BBQ place a few times you are ruined. Most normal BBQ just won't cut it. It's why you order a multi-meat sandwich, put pickled red onions and dill pickle chips on it then soak it with whichever sauce is palatable. At least it's better than a crappy burger.


Yeah, in TN I have had 3-4 bbq places that are actually as good or better than homemade(all in Memphis). I didn’t realize what bbq was supposed to taste like til I made it myself. I’m sure there are plenty of decent places in other cities as I haven’t been everywhere, but if you go to any random bbq joint down here, it’s prob not going to be quality.


Is one of those the commissary in Germantown? That was my go to in Memphis.


Yes, and BBQ shop and cozy corner!


I'm going to slap your mama, and then, my mama...and then go get that Q.


Peg leg in nashville is good


Memphis is a BBQ Hotspot in Tennessee. East Tennessee is actually notable for not having much BBQ culture, which it's been suggested is because there were almost no slaves there due to bad farming conditions. I've always found it really cool how the ecology of a region can affect the food there in ways beyond just availability of ingredients.


Would also say Memphis has a wide selection of “pretty close to being as good as homemade” to choose from when a person is in a hurry as well. And it’s not comically overpriced, for the most part.


i like the BBQ Shop in Memphis but in general, I think Memphis BBQ sucks.


I’ve fucked myself by cooking a perfect steak once, now all others steaks pale in the remembrance of that one.


People in my city's FB page are raving about how amazing the Texas Roadhouse is that just opened. Seriously, dozens of posts the last few weeks with hundreds of replies each (the group has ~45k members). Each time I see one of the posts, I just sigh and feel sorry for those folks. You could *literally* cook a better steak at home for half the price. -_-


I only had the ribs there but they were as good as Applebee's and no where near worth the price. Best thing about Texas Roadhouse is the bread


Yup....we all strive for better results. I been doing brisket on and off for 20 years. Since I got my OKJ offset, it's been a struggle but I really upped my game with temp control and a turkey roaster. My last 4 briskets have been better than most restaurants...not top level like great BBQ places certainly but better than most. That pursuit of really good grilling/smoking is never ending but very enjoyable.


I did a sous vide steak with butter and rosemary in like 2016 and charred it heavenly. Shared it with my roommate and ruined every restaurant steak since. Smoked and charred some ribeyes last year for the Fourth that came close.


I BBQ pretty regularly. BBQ'd some porterhouse the other day, cause they were on sale. Both adult daughters: Dad, this is better than any restaurant I've ever eaten at. Yeah Dad, they are the best. Guess I'm not going out for steak anymore. It was just porterhouse. Gotta admit, they were pretty tasty. Life changing compliment that stuck.


Yep. Perfect medium rare is like chasing the dragon.


Man, last night I successfully reverse seared a marinated tritip like a roast, and this always reminds me to never buy a steak from a restaurant. I don't need to. Last night was buttery, melt in your mouth steak with some veggies, now I have steak sandwiches all weekend.


I thought I'd had good BBQ and then I had Lewis barbecue in Charleston and now the only good barbecue I have in Indiana comes from my backyard. I've never been to Texas but a Texas BBQ tour is on my bucket list. The funny thing is I went to Charleston once to have whole hog with my wife, we ended up having Lewis first and then whole hog from Rodney Scotts, and it was awesome don't get me wrong I'm not trying to disparage the whole state of South Carolina but it's just not Texas brisket. For anyone who doesn't know, Lewis BBQ is owned by John Lewis who was Aaron Franklin's partner when they opened Franklin's in 2010 in Austin. They make about the best damn brisket on the planet. So this is no shade at Rodney Scott whatsoever, it's just hard to compare to those two guys.


I practically nutted eating Aaron's brisket. You are right.


Is it heresy if I say that I enjoyed Micklethwait slightly more? Don't get me wrong, both Franklin and Micklethwait were absolutely fantastic when I visited a few weeks ago, but I think Micklethwait just had a nicer pepperiness to it, the turkey was nicer (at Franklin, they cut it with the grain and dunked them in tallow) and the jalapeño cheese grits were just an amazing side dish.


There's a spot in Fort Wayne that's decent if you don't have time to fire up the smoker.


La BBQ and interstellar are better - bbq game keeps improving


As a KC bbq snob. I completely agree.


The thing is that BBQ is binary. It's good or it isn't. There isn't a crappy version that's OK. Like there's from scratch home made mac and cheese, and there's the box kind, and both have their place. A fast food burger can be good as can a really nice one with hand made patties and full fixings. But BBQ? There's no blue box version of it. I guess there's the McRib, and maybe crock pot pulled pork, but once you fire up the smoker, you gotta hit it.


I'd rather have a cheap burger honestly..


But to be fair, not as good as a simple halfway decent burger either. I think Ron Swanson proved the power of simply grilling beef over a some charcoal.


This is exactly how my wife and I feel about ordering steaks at restaurants. Absolutely nothing about the process or expertise around cooking a proper steak makes me want to pay anywhere near what restaurants have the audacity of charging, and 9 times out of 10 I can make a better one in my own backyard for a fraction of the price.


The simple Montreal smoked meat at Schwartz's Deli in Montreal turned me on to that and pastrami. Probably one of two times a restaurant has served me good BBQ.


I couldn’t agree with this more. I’ve had both Arthur Bryant’s and Pecan Lodge, and everything else local is just kinda meh.


The building Franklin Barbecue moved into, the previous business was allegedly also doing barbecue, except they smoked only once a week and reheated all meals in the microwave.


I certainly wouldn't do it for a restaurant, but maybe hot take? I've reheated plenty of BBQ in the microwave without issue. Just gotta do it on really low power (like 50% or even lower) so it takes maybe 3 mins instead of 1, but it does about as well as reheating in the oven when doing it just for myself.


In my experience, it's the vast majority of BBQ restaurants nationwide. BBQ might be the most consistently disappointing restaurant food in the country.


This! It's hard to eat at a Mexican restaurant and be dissapointed but BBQ is it's opposite.


You take that back right now you goddam yankee /s


If there's not a line this is likely the case anywhere.


I’m a transplant. I married a southern man. He brought me home to his beautiful state.  We about had to Duke it out cuz the bbq sucks lol.


Yeah, there are definitely GREAT hot spots, but it’s not as widespread as folks like to think.


I never tasted smoke like I did the first time I made my own pulled pork.


Jack's BBQ in Seattle is (or was) great. Texas style.


Jack's is decent. Stan's is ok. Wood Shop BBQ is probably the best restaurant around at the moment, but my BBQ is better at home


Ranch House in Olympia has been good when I've gone but it's enough of a drive that I haven't gone often.


Agree re: Wood Shop. However the Wood Shop truck is awful.


I've tried Jack's several times and I find it's mediocre. Award winning Pete's BBQ in Kent is still the best in my book. Their BBQ is very consistent with quality, taste, and where else do you get soft serve for free?


Pete’s doesn’t even have real brisket slices


Jones Barbeque in West Seattle is pretty good, but I haven’t been able to get over there in a long, long while, it’s just too much of a trek from anything north of the ship canal.


Jacks is my favorite I’ve had here so far (still need to woodshop) but damn surging bbq prices plus surging Seattle restaurant prices makes me cry when I look at the menu.


I'm in Oregon. Food carts are the only exception. You can find food cart smokers run by people from other places. That's about it.


Podnah’s is good too, try them out sometime. 


Sounds like you need to get over to Grasslands in Hood River, friend.


I think I’ll just make some good food at home.


Grasslands is better. No matter how good you are. Some of the best in the biz anywhere


Jeff's Texas BBQ in Marysville, WA. Best BBQ in PNW IMHO.


You best believe next trip I take to Bellingham or whidbey I’m stopping


I believe This is located down the street from the wrenthem outlets in Massachusetts. Basically a hit or miss with the cooks. You were better off going to kinfolk located in Taunton. Every review will state its worth the drive no matter the distance


Bootleg BBQ in Westport MA is another very good BBQ place, if you're south of Boston.


You’re exactly right on both counts


Lived in Texas from 2003-18, in the PNW since. I've found passable BBQ in the PNW, but for \*most\* part, compared to some of the Central TX BBQ we enjoyed, it's lacking (and lousy for the price). It's lacking enough that for Christmas 2020 my wife bought me a smoker, and said she knew I could do better (and for the most part, I have, with a smattering of clunkers).


Go to Grasslands, it’s great.


Surprisingly there’s a hole in the wall place in North Bend, Buckshot Honey that’s pretty good. We were outlet shopping, wanted food, didn’t want the fast food junk across the street, found it by random chance driving through town.


I moved to PA from the St. Louis area. I never knew how good I had it.


Goldies in Vancouver, WA. I used to eat there when he started cooking out of a Texaco parking lot with a small offset. He has a brick and mortar spot now so I assume business is going well. The guy was from Texas. I think Houston, but I could totally be wrong. It was about 19 years ago, but I would hope he didn't change his method.


Unfortunately he closed recently. He wanted to retire and none of his kids wanted to take over. I live right down the road and used to go all the time. The food was consistently great.


That's a bummer, but for the best. If your heart isn't into any restaurant, but especially BBQ the product is gonna suffer.


Woodshop BBQ is amazing tho


Aw no. I just moved to Tacoma… 🤦‍♂️


What I wouldn't give for good barbecue here.


There's a few decent places - most of the ones I know are food trucks owned by other competitors.


We have two great places here in Central WA. Some of the only decent food around.


Please share!


Not sure where you're at in the PNW but Bob's BBQ in Tacoma is pretty legit. Zero frills place it'd be easy to miss if they didn't have the smoker set up right in front of the restaurant lol.


Wrentham, MA


Check out Grasslands BBQ in hood river, and Burn Unit BBQ (they do pop ups every now and then) - otherwise I commiserate, fellow PNWer


Porter’s in Kennewick and Richland is very good. They were on DD&D once.


It's Wampum Corner. It's right where OP's mom works nights most weekends.


Gabriel’s Fire in Mountlake Terrace, Wa for a variety. That guy knows his stuff. Pecos Pit Seattle for a solid bbq sandwich. Those are the only places I repeatedly went to.


Daddy D's in Woodland and Vancouver will change your mind on that.


I had to google the location. Looked them up out of curiosity, saw a picture of a “done” brisket full of un-rendered fat, that explains a lot about Massachusetts BBQ lol.


Sadly, a decent BBQ joint is a legendary Pokemon here in the Commonwealth. Though I wouldn’t go to Kansas City and expect a life-changing lobster roll or plate of fried clams.


BT’s Smokehouse in Sturbridge is the best BBQ I’ve had in New England. They’re BYOB, so just make sure you first stop by Treehouse, one of the best breweries on the planet (fight me). They’re about 15 minutes from each other.


Last time I was there I was very disappointed, hadn’t been in a few years and was super excited to be back in the area. It just wasn’t the same. his big thing was that it was all about the love of the what he was doing, now it just feels like the love is gone and it’s just a money printing machine.


Good perspective right here.


Goodstuff Smokehouse in Blackstone is my go to. It’s the best place around that I’ve found, by a long shot.


There's really no reason in this day and age for good food to be region specific. Seafood being maybe the only exception, but even that can be preserved and shipped quickly enough to be made well in most places. Everyone everywhere has the ability to learn how to make good BBQ, these restaurants just choose not to.


It's a function of popularity. The more people who enjoy something in an area, means more people that will learn to make it themselves, which means more people who will try to open restaurants, and then the more likely you are that the restaurants that survive are amazing. If, on the other hand, a food is relatively unpopular in an area, then you won't have many people trying to make it themselves, which means fewer restaurants open, and it's more likely that they all suck because there's no competition. Think of it like assembling a sports team - if I give you 10,000 random people to form a team from and I give the other guy 10 random people to form a team from, it's pretty obvious the team formed from 10,000 people will win.


Different regions grow/have access to different produce or different cuts of meat. It’s why east coast Mexican food isn’t amazing, because they don’t cut the meat in the cuts needed, and shipping can get expensive


Just moved out here, really hoping to find something acceptable even


If you go north of Boston, the Rusty Can in Byfield is very good


I actually live pretty nearby to Commonwealth BBQ, and they’re hit or miss. Some days are pretty good, some aren’t. OP seems to have gone on a miss day. If you’re in the Rt 1 corridor, Tuesdays at Bubbling Brook in Westwood there’s a BBQ food truck - Iron Hog. They do a brisket which made me feel feelings. Sarcastic Swine in Abington is pretty good too, or at least they were a few years ago when I worked not too far away. I’ve heard they went downhill, but they also make their own Alabama style white sauce which is pretty diesel.


Kin Folk in Taunton is pretty solid. I haven't had it but have heard good things about 2 Jerks in Raynham.


Upstate ny has some incredible spots tho


You clearly haven't been to Bobby Bambinos Famous Lobster Roll and Clam shack located right off KC Main St.


This place used to be really good. But they fell off the last 2 or 3 years. Really sad becuase a good spot is the rarest thing up here.


thanks for that tidbit; I remember hearing good things about them in the past. Guess I'll stick with BT's or home smoke


Well...our barbecue is the clam bake, so...


Fletcher's has been pretty solid. Used to be in Brooklyn before moving up to just outside of Springfield. Hometown BBQ in Brooklyn has always been my gold standard for the NE, but Bill smokes a pretty solid brisket.


I opened this knowing in my heart it was gonna be New England BBQ lol. Yeah…there’s not much here. Someone else mentioned B.T’s in Sturbridge. I’ve also heard Blue Ribbon is passable by someone from NC. Other than that it’s just your local backyard warriors.


Just being honest as someone from NC. It's just as heartbreaking here to go to the latest BBQ joint to open up and see that it's bad. Unfortunately it's too easy to open bad restaurants, and there are far too many people who've never had better so they don't complain.


Great Northern BBQ in Providence is very decent too if you're willing to drive. Always have mad respect for anyone smoking outdoors year round up here.


It used to be really good honestly.


The Rusty Can in Byfield is extremely good.


I don’t love everything they have, but Blue Ribbon has great burnt ends.


If you’re interested try BT’s in Sturbridge, it’s right next to Tree House as a bonus. BYOB


BT's gives you a ton of food and the quality is pretty solid. Not 5 star BBQ but a solid 4. It's also BYO so you can grab some beer from the place next door and enjoy it with your food. It gets busy on a Friday/Saturday night so I suggest ordering online ahead of time.


BTs is really good, went there with some buddies and it was great


Its a hike from Wrentham where this place is but for good BBQ in MA, The Rusty Can in Byfield is absolutely fantastic.


Probably done in the oven with liquid smoke and they still call it bbq there no smoke ring


There is a small smoke ring


Ah yes, the legendary smokehouses of > *checks notes* Wampum Corner.


lol - I tried them once with the same result. It’s amazing they’ve been around for so long - Mass needs BBQ help for sure. Try Chubb’s in Attleboro - they’re pretty good


Come to Denver. I'll show you worse. I used to live in FL (and hated it), but I could stop at any random guy selling BBQ out of the back of his truck in a random gas station parking lot and get better BBQ than I can here.


I don't understand how Colorado can fuck up Tex Mex and BBQ so badly. It's not like there are thousands of recipes online.


We can get decent Mexican food if you're willing to travel to the less white parts of town. Federal and Alameda area is usually solid. We have exactly 1 good option for Cuban food, and it's a small chain. I've found a few ok BBQ places, but like I said, they don't even come close to the old guy cooking in an old oil tank made into a smoker trailer. I miss that guy. And every little town in the middle of FL has at least one of those guys.


I was burned so many times in college and when I travelled back that I just don't even try lol, but I'm glad there are a few options.


I'm from Georgia, lived in FL & AL also. I know exactly what you mean. I'm now in Oregon, and these people don't know grilling from bbqing. I swear everywhere has dried out meat and ketchup sauces. I can't express how much I miss good spicy mustard sauces


This is💯correct, I moved to GJ two years ago from Oklahoma of all places and am beside myself at the lack of good bbq and Mexican food. My smoked meats are on point but I can’t cook Mexican food for shit.


With the amount of Texans in this state it pisses me off every single day that I cannot get proper BBQ here. It's absolutely insane. I literally make better bbq in my tiny pellet smoker than any restaurant BBQ I've ever had in this state.


It is truly is a mystery for the ages.


As a Texan moving to Colorado… I’m scared.


Land of stoners has the worst fucking food. How!?


To be honest, gentrification. Every restaurant tries to make shit fancy. They all want to put their own spin on things. And, weirdly, I think it's so they can make it cheaper while charging more. For instance, a Cuban sandwich is made on Cuban bread. But the few who make one around here use French bread. It's not the same thing! I've been to many places that don't press it. Then it's not a Cuban fucking sandwich! If you don't want to invest in a press, you can use a griddle and a fucking brick wrapped in foil. Unless you go to the hood, all of our Mexican food is swimming in sauce and cheese. It's just too much. It's worth a short drive to "rougher" parts of town for good, simple food. You're not going to get robbed. Don't be a dick, and don't flaunt your wealth, and you'll be fine. Learn how to order in Spanish, and they'll even be a little amused by you. There are a couple of bright spots. We have lots of good Vietnamese food. My problem is that I can't handle the spice. We also have a few good soul food places. But even their BBQ is ok at best. You're best to stick with the fried chicken and catfish.


Yeah, do not get BBQ in Wrentham. Crazy move


Man I would do horrible things for a Wrentham House of Pizza buff chick calzone right now, though.


Blue Ribbon used to be the exception to bad NE BBQ. I haven't had them in 10 years. Check out their 4 sites -https://blueribbonbbq.com/ I also do a way better job in my own smoker.


The burnt ends from Blue Ribbon got me into BBQ’ing and smoking on my own. They are so goddamn good.


For MA bbq I’m a fan of Goodstuff in Blackstone.


This needs to be further up this thread. Good spot.


Gross. That looks like dried out reheat.


I agree. It looks like it was cooked months ago, frozen, thawed, and cooked again to serve. 🤢


I’m going to tell you about some MA BBQ here. Smoke Shop - multi locations, family style option is where it’s at. Good all around, especially the sausage. Rusty Can - I’d call it dirty BBQ. Good cold beer. Q is always greasy, but it hits the spot. Sarcastic Swine - meh Fetch - best mac and cheese I have ever had in my life. Q is no joke either. BTs - I’ve never been. I was right near it with my son once and he said “I don’t like bbq, I don’t want to go there” I will carry that failure as a dad to my grave I’ve been to both the places in Taunton, but can’t remember which was which. They were good though!


You expected true southern BBQ in Massachusetts?


just did a KCBS event in may right down the street at the american legion from here, there's another in october as well. never ate there so can't give my comment on it but have had people say its good. But from what I understand as far as NE BBQ you should check out the smoke shop in boston, run by Andy Husbands guy was nominated to be in the BBQ HoF at the Royal last year.


I plan on taking the drive. Going to a concern 7/26 in Boston. Will stop by as the reviews and photos look great.


At least it was only $83. lol


Texas BBQ Company used to be in Northborough, their food was excellent but sadly closed.


They were actually pretty good. BTs in Sturbridge is the best in the state… and better than 90% of the BBQ places in the South.


I gave up on good BBQ in SoCal. Got 9.5lbs of pig ass on the smoker now.


Haha, Wrentham’s finest. I’ve had a couple decent experiences there. Absolutely mid at best.


Looks like freezer reheat meat from 5 years ago


Looks like shit. Gotta head south for bbq


You've never heard of legendary Massachusetts BBQ? Next thing you know, you'll say you've never had a fantastic lobster roll in Texas....


There’s so much bad “professional” bbq out there. Makes me want to quit my job and move to a spot where it’s scarce. But I know most restaurants fail so I’ll probably never go through with it. I would be embarrassed to serve this for free, can’t even imagine charging money for it.


Pro tip: if you get your phone wet you can put it in a ziplock bag with that brisket to dry it out.


That’s what you get for buying bbq in Massachusetts.


Wampum wampum


It looks, and I’m sure, tastes like sadness.


Huh. I pass this place all the time. Been around fir ages.


make sure you leave a review on google


Agreed. I've accidently made better brisket on a weber kettle.


Looks dry.....


That's up near the track yeah? Good to know not to stop there.


Best I’ve had in MA is Redbones in Cambridge. I don’t think I’d say it stands up to the south, but based on pics, it’s better than this spot.


Redbones was my spot in my mid 20s. my now wife and I would hang out at the upper bar all the time. Having said that their BBQ is not great. I think they got by for a while because there weren’t too many options. I do miss the nachos though, and the potato salad.


Hopefully it was expensive, at least. /s


If you want to be sick for a week go to double barrel barbecue in sedro wolly


I was going to say it can't be worse than the Lloyd's bbq that comes in a tub of chicken or pork but this looks like a close contender!


Once you get good at barbecue it's really hard to eat in most barbecue joints.


I’ve had a lot worse looking


Come to Wisconsin, and I’ll show you the worst barbecue I’ve had! Bob’s Bitchin BBQ 🤮 in Dodgeville, WI.


My local Rib (baby bed) chain would beg to differ.


Mmm Zombieque


My friend went to NC State for grad school and I went for a visit. She asked her local friends where to take me for bbq. We ended up at this place in the middle of nowhere called Parker’s roadside. As soon as we got into the car after her boyfriend said “that was disgusting right?” And we all broke down laughing because none of use wanted to be the first one to say anything. I love NC bbq too, but all the food was terrible.


Just looked it up this is in the middle of nowhere wrentham MA....makes sense.


Damn that meat has seen better days


it drives me crazy thinking about how so many truly terrible restaurants earn enough money to stay in business.


Massachusetts is one of those places where you are more likely to get something good smoked by a friend down the street then you are at a "barbecue" restaurant.


I am often disappointed in the BBQ joints I visit. Why waste all of that money on a huge disappointment. There used to be a decent bbq joint in our area. First time I was there in person. Second time, I placed an order to pick up for a pound of brisket plus sides. When I got home with my order and opened the container with the brisket, I knew right away that it wasn’t a pound. I weighed it and it was half a pound. I immediately called them to have the situation resolved and the person I spoke with told me to come in any time to pick up the rest of my order. A day or two later when I went to pick it up, the manager was damn near calling me a liar. Never went back again and they went out of business a few months later.


Looks like actual shit


I’ll through another plug for Goodstuff in Blackstone. Have ordered most of the menu by now and everything has been consistently good. Great whiskey selection as well.


Commonwealth makes me think KY. If you are in Kentucky, then you neeeeeed to hit up Red State BBQ. It's so good


Bbq sucks in MA. Ive enjoyed most of everything I’ve had in Maine tho


BTs has entered the chat.


Best barbecue in New England is Chester's BBQ in Groton Connecticut.


BTs is the best BBQ in MA and it’s not even close. Most places here are hot garbage.


Don't eat BBQ in the NE. Make your own.


Is that cardboard?


This is in 508 where I’m from. There probably aren’t 2 dozen good restaurants in the entire area code and they’re all in Worcester.


The fuck is that?!


There are only 2 places to get great BBQ in MA. My backyard and The Missing Link in Swansea.


Jacks BBQ is awesome


Oh no lol


After living in Memphis my entire life I won't even eat BBQ when I'm out of town unless it's KC or Texas. It's just asking for disappointment. As a side note I get a good chuckle when fast food places put a BBQ sandwich on the menu.


Athol, MA, for public safety.


I know this place! Been a long time since I was there. I remembered it only being ok. Its all outside seating so its only good to go there 5 months of the year


God damn, and I thought we had terrible BBQ up here in Canada.


Your fatal error was ordering BBQ in Massachusetts


I’ve had the opposite experience here. They are wicked good, pulled pork and brisket are great… maybe you had a bad batch or something


Looks better than the Lucille's I had the other Thanksgiving 😭


You can use that brisket as a paper towel.




Brisket look like bad beef tongue


Indeed that is sad. Very sad.


Hindsight BBQ in Waterbury, CT is good New England BBQ. Better than what BT’s has become IMO.


City BBQ out of Ohio. Brand new in my city, not in Ohio, with great reviews. Knew it was going to be bad before I got out with my to-go order because the sweet tea was trash. Even the sides weren't good.


Thats reheated crap


Looks trash


Was BBQ 4 days ago


Real hero putting local restaurants on blast on reddit Watch how many people flip on you when they realize you are doing what Portonoy does but without the donations or clout for places that are good