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I don't think I had legitimate rage quit moments. For me it's more like "Aight. I'm done for today."


Most of the time, when I come back to the game the next day, I can get the truck going without any assistance. Just a fresh start without frustration is all I need.


For me it's Ussually whenever I manage to spill some cargo in the most stupid way possible and the nearest crane is across the cicatrix maledictum.


Me whenever I decide to gas it over those rocks in that off-camber section. I ask myself why I make these choices.




This. Exactly this


And it’s usually late at night already lol. I’ll play for two or three hours late a night and finally screw up something big time and be like “ okay I’m done for the night”.


Right. Same here. I'm like "I gotta go to work in the morning anyway". That makes it all better🙂


Never rage quit, but plenty of moments that have me feelin like the 'Ight Imma Head Out' Spongebob meme


Same here


Its been less of a rage quit, more like a "sigh" quit after flipping a truck.


Right? Those sighs when your rig tips over, comically slow, after driving a winched together b train of logs super carefully for like an hour and a half? Might be some of the deepest breathes I've ever taken


Driving the rigs separately and not-as-carefully would have taken only 30min. 😅


Oh it’s not so terrible. It just gives you another activity to accomplish. Find your nearest vehicle and launch a rescue mission to flip it back.


The first time may be manageable, but if it happens again it may be hard to live with it.


True. Or if you flip your rescue vehicle too


I was in a session with my brother and he flipped a truck in the quarry in Smithville dam so he brought in another truck to rescue it which flipped over. So I headed over to help him and flipped myself, then got another truck to flip us all over. Managed to get one or two trucks back upright then flipped the second truck I brought in. It was just a comedy of errors and we were laughing until our sides hurt. But those moments where you get stuck in a stupid place or you run out of fuel just before the gas station is just annoying.


Oh I know this well. Especially when I was still learning the game, I ended up in bad positions that wasted hours of time quite often.


I think as long as you can have fun then it's worth it. It's when it becomes a job or a chore that it changes.


Every time my rig tips over with logs or in a remote location that already took me a half hour to get to.


See, this game taught me not to rage quit or rage at all for that matter. It basically changes nothing, I will tip that truck again, I will get stuck again, I will get damage from that effing pebble on the road again…. I learned to embrace my mistakes…


Too many times to count.


I don't think I have actually quit the game but I have a few times just swapped task/contract or swapped map


2 TV screens, 3 controllers... and a wife. ... 🥳🥳🥳 Just sayin ... 🤣


I’ve done it many times especially when truck tipped with logs on


I don't so much "rage quit" as I do "rage abandon my tipped over truck and start a new contract with a different truck until I get conveniently close enough to rescue the other truck".


Rage Alt+F4 and restart mostly. Though I did break a keyboard in Amur


I ment to say "have" in the title sorry


You are forgiven


*insert rage filled comment here*


Many times, last remembered quit was Cargo from the Ship. I then got the Rockgrinder and found out it was useless, like all light scouts. I tend to rage quit, play Mudrunner. Spend about a week on Mudrunner, then maybe...maybe try snowrunner again. Light scouts are fucking pointless in Snowrunner, yet Mudrunner you can conquer a whole map with them.


No rage, just cold hard disappointment towards a pebble that flipped my truck.


Probably when I have spent many hours attempting to complete something and the same choppy area keeps forcing me to start over


Not really rage quitting, but there are some situations i just laid down my Steam Deck or my Switch and made a break. Last time i played was 2 days ago on zherbai quarries map where i had to deliver slate blocks to the Airport but my trailer flipped like 5 Times, on the last attempt my whole truck flipped too. That was the moment I realized my truck had enough and me too.


I only rage quit competitive games. Snow Runner is peaceful. No one is tea bagging you in Snow Runner.


Most my mistakes is because of me, so dont see point in raging, its still very relaxing game, and mostly it do quiet opposite. (assuming that i dont rage quit in general)


Two or three times maybe, amounts to a calculated ‘Right, I’ve had enough but I know I’ll be back. For now I urgently need to do anything else’ 😆


1 good one. I’ve stopped for the day but one cliff in Michigan has about 6 logs just down the edge from a nearly year hiatus. I’m in Alaska now and only get one about 1x a week lol


Never. If it gets too frustrating I just switch to a backup avoz 7 and do it again but slower.


I did like 30 minutes ago, new map trying to unlock the big truck, had the oversized cargo about 100 feet from where it needs to be and I flipped. Wouldn’t call it a rage quit so much as taking a break bc I don’t want to deal with that work rn


Never rage quit but definitely took a breather. Funny thing about this game. You can almost always solve your problem if you take a minute to think about it. Take a break, turn off the engine, walk around, and come back to it. Just like life.


I’ve lost count, but I would say definitely less than 50, almost certainly less than 40, most likely less than 30, less than 20 now I’m not sure. But that was in the early days before I fully understood the game, now I’m a bit more chilled if I go over. I’m also including when I’ve suddenly lost sound or I’ve taken a screenshot and the screen shrunk as a result.




The first time I played SR I got to Amur and then rage quit. That was a couple of years ago. I picked the game up again about six months ago and I do every map from the base game to DLC's, but avoid Amur alltogether. This way I don't have to rage quit again. Simple and fun times.


Never rage quit, but at least 50 of my ~300 hours were just me staring blankly at the screen from across my room




I'm not as quick to anger as I used to be, but I have rage quit alot with this game. From stupid little things such as a glitch ir bug, to the repeated attempts to cross a certain path on a map and failing with multiple trucks


I am a patient person, and if there's something this game teaches you is to be patient. I've experienced fuck-ups where it was clearly my fault: I was tired, and it was definitely time to call it a day and go to bed. But on a couple of occasions (one in Amur, one in Don) I *did* rage-quit because when a mission is already taking a lot of your time, and everything goes to shit when you're 99% done due to a glitch in the game, well, I just can't keep my cool anymore.


I’ve never rage quit. The only time I actually abandoned a contract was “Cargo from the Ship” in Michigan. I tipped a massive shipping container in the off camber trail that goes around the rocks like 20 yards away from the loading zone. Then I brought a big crane truck in to get it and tipped that. I left the wreckage there for a while and decided to recover and start fresh with a different strategy (which worked well!).


A lot


I never quit out of frustration. I find the game relaxing even when I flip a truck. It's like I've been given an extra task to complete and that's good.


A couple of times only, I think, back when I first started playing. Now, I just blame myself when things go bad because, well, I'm the correct person to blame and so I will mildly irritated quit now on occassion.




I ragequit very often (thank ADD for that) and having 1080 hours at SR, i've lost count. Usually when i accidentally piledrive my truck into a concrete barrier while exiting some warehouse, break 100 points worth of suspension, motor and fuel tank with a bursted tire for compliments.


More like annoyed. I just don’t understand why the scouts are seemingly weightless. Easy to topple and roll over. same goes to some of the trucks. just a rant.


One true rage quit, and two slowly building rage induced quit. The proper rage quit was after spending my first 4 hours on Urska river achieving exactly nothing. I shelved the game for a few weeks, maybe a month. Other times where a succession of failures due to bugs, like trying to switch a farming trailer in Glades, being sent to the moon, trying again and landing on the crane truck that I had brought especially for that knowing I'd go to the moon again, then moving to a different map and getting my truck destroyed by an invisible root in the mud, then tipping over for no apparent reason, then finally deciding that fuck this, I'll play something else or maybe just walk the dor or *anything*, really, but inflicting this upon myself \^\^'


As others have said, I have never rage quit. More just "Well I was going to quit soon away. Let's start fresh tomorrow boys"


A lot. I’m at the point where every time I roll over, even if it’s my fault, the game gets shut down and I play something else


Most of the time if I’m home alone I’ll scream something or punch my chair over or if I’m not most I’ll do is slam my fist on my desk or just ahh yes very cool


fifty, sixty times maybe? Too many. Lack of skill+bugged mods = brain meltdown


Rarely do I rage quit, but I did yesterday. Flipped my Western star twin steer, completely loaded with cement, on a mountain in NC. I brought my Kodiak crane truck out after I flipped it back over with another truck, and loaded the cement back on it. Flipped it again in the EXACT SAME SPOT


Like, per hour?


Way back when I first got Snowrunner I kept tipping at the same spot on Smithville dam. I rage quit by hitting the power button on my PC. When I loaded up the game a week later I learned that the game saves periodically. It loaded up at the point just before I flipped. If the game throws absolute bullshit at me now I open task manager and end task. I've actually learned more of how the game works now so I haven't done that in ages though.


Never. I have sigh quitted though, many times. Truck falls in river: "Sigh\* I'm off to bed then...


every time my truck tips, gets stuck or has a seizure because of the game's bugs, wonky physics, etc. if its my own fault, i still may quit, but i do it properly and come back later to rescue my truck


It's a bell curve from when I started playing to now, at its height it was probably multiple times a day, usually involving logging missions and the DLCs absoloute bullshit "more-mud-per-mud Mud/snow to artificially increase playtime". Now I mess about with mod trucks, and QoL mods (like proper logging trailers, and trailers without those stupid front dollies), really makes the cross country struggle way more enjoyable.


i remember one specific moment on duncan bay, one of the first missions you need to do, where you need one consumable, one service spare parts box, and one small log load. not even anything difficult. had a truck on the main road ready to go with everything except the small logs, obviously needed another guy for that. but the small log truck kept flipping over, as they do. wasn’t a huge deal though, winch the truck back up, and pick up the logs. but there’s this one hill, and it so happened that the last time i watched it flip, all the logs slid down the hill into the woods. i took a deep breath, closed the game, and did something else. i’d say that’s the closest i’ve got to a rage quit.


I only have about 15 hours into the game. I have rage quit at least 5 times already.


Once. I was trying to restack my trailer to put a mission vehicle on there and it tipped over. While trying to gather everything up again I flipped my truck. That's the moment I just left and finished it the next day.


Rarely for me. Now that I’ve finally reached the point where I fully understand the game and all its nuances, it’s mostly a relaxing experience. I’m usually able to keep myself out of trouble. Yesterday I decided to try a swampy shortcut hauling a couple pallets of wood planks. I knew I might get stuck so I “tested the waters” in a strategic spot where there were plenty of trees to winch out with if I needed to. I got stuck pretty quickly but the trees got me out. Strategy and pre planning counts for a lot in this game. I’m sure that day will come again though as I get further in the game.


I wouldn’t say rage quit but enough for me to put the controller down for the day, after I drove the garage in Alaska in white river I’m pretty sure that’s the map the one with the plane, and drove it to the last map and got right near my destination and it flipped over, reset did it again and same thing happened I was heated


10 times.


I've been reset 13 times, only ever ragequit 2 times if I recall. Had a mission that kept giving me grief for awhile and eventually, even with 6 trucks tryna do the dam thing said fuck it 🤣


The lock icon for travel points is so small and hard to see I just didn’t think it existed for some time, so in Maine I had like 4 trucks of logs going to another map, took me 45 minutes to get all set up and drive over there only for it not to be accessible yet. I haven’t played since


I play on PC and there was one time I straight up launched Task Manager and force-quit the game. 😂 Drove the P16 + trailer off a bridge and knew it would be a huge mess.


My last time was less than a hour ago driving and thru L randomly flips so I reset drive down the road again get to the part where it flipped drove slowly and when I got about 50m away I flipped again just ALT F4 and walked away lol


Lose a load I quit and reload the loaded load or after three times I take the F and pull out recovery truck


If I feel like I'm going to rage quit in that game I'm just going to go off and get one of my own trucks really really stuck and take my frustration on getting that truck unstuck lol I mean it seems to work really well for me you might have to try it if you're having issues.


Probably every 5 seconds trying to haul the superheavy semi trailer around Amur with the Boar.


More than hours played actually lucky that in hour you can still rage quit 3600 times


I rage quit 2 years ago and haven't gone back 💀 I want to play it on PS5 to see if it improved but I'm scared 😅


I quit in Alaska because I dumped my load and didn't feel like dealing with it right then. I play on PS5 and I guess I quit the game before the auto save so when I logged back in it was as if it never happened.


I dont see any reasons to rage-quit, i might be annoyed and say ok i've played enough today


At least 8 times


like 36 times




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Dozens. Usually after flipping the rescue truck. Or the 1st truck 3x. 🛑


As much as I really hate to say it. all the time it's probably why I'll never actually finish the story mode to the game


I turn it off right away when something bad happens. Hopefully it doesn’t save. When I reload a day later the badness hasn’t happened yet and I continue on. Idk if that’s rage quit.


I haven't rage quit, just said fuck it and come back an hour later or the next day, either being tired and needing sleep or tired of sitting on my ass


Ironically, I usually end up playing longer when I screw up badly. Like if it's late and I doze off and crash, I usually make myself wake up enough to fix it before I stop for the night. The one exception was when I took the bad way to Island Lake. I was towing a second truck in case of issues. Managed to flip both in that mud pit before the infamous corner. So I brought the Kodiak with the heavy crane to try to fix it. After getting there and flipping the Kodiak within 30 seconds, I decided it was the next day's problem.


To be fair I never rage quit SnowRunner. My gaming time is generally limited these days to weekend evenings once everyone else has fucked off to bed (work and family etc.) This is also the time I tend to consume alcohol and I'm never an angry drunk but I get to a point where I'm tipping everything over or getting stuck progressively sooner and sooner, even on roads or areas I've been through several times. So I just have to hold my hands up, laugh at myself for getting slowly worse and worse and go, fuck it, I'm too drunk. So I have drunk quit, a fair few times.


When you have a big roll over and spill a bunch of cargo or have spent the last 30 minutes driving down the wrong undiscovered road, yep that's enough for today


I broke 2 desks in 2 maps


I've been playing this game since day 1 and I've never finished it or played all the maps. In fact, just 2 months ago is when I first drove the Zikz 605R. Does that answer your question?


I have over 2800 hours in the game... do you really think I counted each time I rage quit?🤣 Hundreds, if not thousands of times!