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Years 1 > Year 3 > Year 2


Okay thanks:b


In my opinion is 1 the best Year 2 absolutely not Season 7,8 are crap Year 3 is good but not so good as year 1


And Y4 has started well, I think Almaty has similar difficulty to Wisconsin.


I will probably wait with year 4 because at the time, there's not much content available, and who knows if the future content for that pass will be good?


I understand that, I originally wasn’t going to buy year 4, just because I still haven’t completed NC and Amur.


Okay I'll buy Y 1 now thanks:)


For me Year3 was the best of the years as an overall package. It has an assortment of excellent trucks including the FEMM, Derry Special, Big Kenny, the Mac, and a few others. None of the maps felt overly hateful. Its not about easy/hard so much as something like Amur making you take backways to get supplies to take those elsewhere to convert them to take them elsewhere to partially fix a bridge and maybe you do that 20 times and you might finally be able to use a road. Year3 cut down dramatically on that but still has plenty of deep mud, big hauls, and so on. It gets downplayed some as being "the easy year" but honestly I just enjoyed not having as much overt tedium in map design. Year2 is pretty questionable overall. Season5 in particular was pretty good with two good trucks too. Then the rest of it is much more "adventerous" with its mechanics, the farming season, and the race track season are both here. The farming season has the Step Pike which I actually like as a truck and I like how large/open it feels with all the fields but the farming aspects are just beyond unfortunate. So basically one really good season, one decent season, and two pretty questionable seasons with any super standout trucks (granted I like the Tatras/Step Pike but its not like they are top tier or anything). Year1 is the "hardest" of the passes. Lake Kovd is lots of snow, lots of ice (including breakable ice) lots of long distance stuff without supplies so you need to sort out fuel transport among other things its hard, bordering on tedium but really my definition of a "good hard" it also has the F750 which is an excellent "large healer scout". Yukon doesn't really have any great trucks and the map itself feels that it pushed that "difficulty" more towards tedium. If you really like the ANK38 it has solid upgrades for it, which is mostly an issue the game has thankfully moved beyond. Wisconsin is pretty unremarkable, this was the season that added logging all over the place which is nice but that logging exists even if you dont get this particular season. The trucks are mediocre and gas guzzlers even if you wanted to use them for funsies. The map itself isn't particularly hard or tedious its just nothing overly special imo. Finally Amur the supposed crown jewel of difficulty for SnowRunner but for me it puts tedium over actual difficulty. Its the map where you will spend half an hour to get some steel beams just to half repair a bridge when on every other map it takes 10 minutes to do the same (or feels like it). On the brightside it has the two excellent trucks with the Zikz605r long being considered "the best truck in the game" and some useful upgrades like the "kastom" engine which is a big upgrade for a lot of Russian small scouts. There is a lot to entice you to play Amur, but the map itself is also soul destroyingly slow/tedious. So my rankings would be Year3, Year1, Year2. Notably Almaty the first and only available season from Year4 so far has been pretty good. It has two excellent trucks, a nice map with more emphasis on rock traversal, and some nice "big hauls" that arn't just "heres a giant single tailer" but more so like "heres 9+ slots of cargo to move, get to it idiot" so its going to be multiple trips unless you try to gimmicky overload stuff and really also makes it nice for coop. Assuming Year4 maintains the quality from Year3/Almaty it probably going to compete with Year3 for me as being first/second place.


Okay thank verrry much for this detailed reply. I already heard it multiple times that Y 2 is kinda bad so it´s not gonna be this one for me ( kinda unfortunate that all the tatra trucks are in this dlc ). I´ll probably go for the first Year because I think the challenging environment sounds pretty cool to me. and it has the Zikz605r which I also really want to get. So again big thank you for your detailed overview:)


That's a pretty good breakdown. I'm glad in these more recent seasons they seem to have figured out that tedious =/= difficult or fun. I'm slogging through Amur now because I'm a masochist but tbh I don't know if I'll even bother with Belozersk.


I've been playing SR since day one, have all DLC and have an insane amount of time in to the game. I still don't have the Zikz 605r.


Year 3 I think. Good maps, variety and good trucks.


If you complete the basegame you know your way around. Year one will put that knowledge to the test. It is by far the hardest season. If you don’t play 8 hours a day you’ll probably have enough time till the next sale comes. I recommend to play the seasons in order cause playing year 2 with all the Overpowered year 3 trucks they dump on you, kinda takes some away.


Okay I will probably do it that way play Year 1 and then wait for the next sale to buy the next year thanks for your advice :)


Just buy them in order, but wait for a sale first


why not both? :P


Have also thought about that, but in germany we say "money doesn't grow on the trees"


well, how much are you gonna play? if you're gonna play more than 1h per dollar, then... that's a great deal. on the flip side, remember there will be more sales. so if you won't really play e.g. S2 until black friday, it may be worth waiting. i.e. that is the reason I just got the game and S1 -- if I like it, I'll get the rest by black friday/xmas.


I agree it is a great deal, and I do spend a lot of time playing this game, but as you already said, there will probably be more sales in the future where I can get another dlc.


Not sure if the deal is still going on but yeah the summer sale got me into this game, I bought year 1 and base game for super cheap. Put 120 hours on it since lmao and bought years 2 and 3.


yeah there is a bundle where you can get base game + Year 1 for 20 dollars ( or euros for me ) but I already have the base game and it would be cheaper for me to get the year 1 without the bundle