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Routine answer. We will see what is going to happen.


It may be a routine answer, but I think it is also very telling in what it didn't say. They are still trying to find a way to disassociate themselves from him.


I admit I did not watch Greenwood play enough so I'm genuinely asking here, let's say there's a Greenwood 2.0 who is the exact same player in terms of football skills and is not a scum, how well will he fit in ETH's United?


He was rated higher then Rashford. So I assume pretty good.


We would not have needed either a Ronaldo replacement or a Antony signing. He was great with both his feet and was very higly rated. Absolute PoS , hope he never gets to play again.


Greenwood was talented enough to be touted the next RVP whenever he took a shot you knew hed score. So yeah hed fit amazingly.


Unfortunately absolutely perfectly. Very young at the time of his arrest. Had sublime finishing and calmness. But he’s not welcome here. The evidence of abuse was overwhelming and sick.


Perfectly probably. Greenwood is (or more likely was) and incredibly, incredibly talented football player. 7 out of ten premier league athlete who could score from any angle with either foot and play anywhere across the forward line. The way he struck the ball was technically perfect and he had every single type of finish in his bag. he also had that little dribble when marked where you hesitate to make half a yard of space and then strike it goalwards like you saw from van persie and Aguero. In my opinion, as a prospect, he was the best British striker since Wayne Rooney and I was very high (still am a bit) on Dom Solanke.


Fits like a glove at no.9


He can score with both feet at any angle and at any place. Give him an inch and he can even strike a sweet volley in. He is much better than Rashford since Rashford only scores with his right foot and does not control his volleys as well as Greenwood. His weaknesses are his lack of teamwork and passing. Cavani and our opponents found out about this. Cavani would drop deep or go to the sides to draw defenders away and open space up for him. During OGS's disastrous last season, defenders just stood in front of him when he cut in because they knew CR7 would not open space for him and Greenwood would not pass to him. He can fit in anywhere on the front three, but we don't need him, we don't want him and we can spend another 50 million pounds to buy someone else.


Rashford has been scoring some goals (from close range) with his left foot recently. Just saying...


How much longer is on his contract?


This is going to be a shitshow


Literally a lose lose situation for Man U imo. Best case this was handled by law enforcement and now that it wasn’t they have such a tough task.


I think getting a rapist out of the club is a win in this shitty situation at least


Only thing we'd lose is money. Paying out his contract is what we would need to do to boot him from the club


A small price to pay imo


It's not even 8 million, it doesn't make a dent to United financials his wages are way lower than i thought, around 70k a week Phil Jones makes more


8 million dollars to rape a woman though. They should match his fee with a local womens shelter or something


Dear god I hope there’s some loophole or something where the contract can be void. That would be a hell of a severance caused by a serious and obvious crime.


The "loophole" is if he gets done for the crime. Otherwise you've got a contract with a guy who is clean in the eyes of the law.


In the US, you'll often see "morality clauses" that cover behavior that makes the club look bad by being associated with the player's actions. I'm not sure at all how they would word the clauses in these contracts.


It could be argued that he could have brought the club into disrepute. That's the only possible way I can think they could get rid of him


Not true, most professional contracts include misconduct/dismissal terms relating to internal policy/practises/expectations. I'm sure you will have seen "bringing the club into disrepute" type punishments regularly. He doesn't have to be guilty of a crime to be fired/terminated for gross misconduct which damages the club or assets related to it and it will be very hard for him to legally argue against that given the evidence out there. If all gross misconduct terminations were crimes then prisons would be overrun! That being said, I doubt he would care if he was terminated. He would probably appreciate a sharp exit so he can go play somewhere else for free then come back to the premier league as if it never happened in a few years. Everyone loves the rise of the phoenix. I wouldn't be surprised if he is sold abroad for cheap with a low buy back clause or something like that.


That’s a lovely idea


Ofc it is, because its not our money


8 million quid for a club like man United is nothing


This is a pure hypothetical question, but what would happen if they chose to not terminate his contract and eventually started to play him again? People keep saying that it would be a PR disaster, but money-wise how would it affect the club? Would they lose sponsorships?


I don’t see how United don’t lose sponsorships if they keep him. It would be a disaster surely. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but a Scottish club tried to sign someone who had a similar past and it went terribly for them. He’s got to go


I believe you're referring to David Goodwillie and Raith Rovers. Most of their sponsors withdrew and their women's team all quit over it.


That’s the one


Santos tried to sign Robinho not that long ago and they backtracked when sponsors started dropping left and right.


Knew there was something with him but couldn’t remember the full story




Ironic surname


The club is for sale, do we think the Glazers will actually give a shit about PR when it will cost them millions?


Bad PR won’t help with the prospect of selling the club, small price for them to pay to get their billions


I doubt it would even effect the sale. People have short memories, and any potential owner would be aware of that. It’s a club that’s currently in CL position that also has the most valuable brand in the Premier League. They’ll have an entire staff of PR reps working to drive home the fact that it happened during the last owners watch and frame the new management as a “fresh start”.


Now that you mention it, the new owners can get a PR boost by being the ones to terminate his contract.


No, because then he pockets 7-8 mil, and then goes and continues playing for someone else This cunt’s gonna end up better than before ffs


No fucking justice, he gets a lottery win to be told to go away and probably finds a club somewhere even if not in Europe in Saudi or Brazil or something like that. He will clearly still play


His life will never be the same again tbf. I mean, you're right, he will likely move to some non top 5 league country and continue playing and making good money but he'll basically be publicly ostracised in the UK. There is some justice in that. He will be facing consequences. Just not court mandated ones. I hope the girl is doing okay in all this mess. Her life will never be the same again either and that's the real tragedy here.


>I hope the girl is doing okay in all this mess. Her life will never be the same again either and that's the real tragedy here These are just rumours so take it with a grain of salt but allegedly they're back together and engaged. Idk if that's true but I know how people in abusive relationships struggle to leave so I'm worried for her


edited this because it looked absolutely wrong without the original context i quoted it from, but updated: she's an extremely typical victim that eats the trauma up because it's hard to admit to one-self when those close to you have done beyond horrible stuff. its incredibly difficult to get out because even at the best of times it hurts so much. in this case the power-dynamic is so incredibly off that she cant even be certain she'd be safe to break it off. and even then, the doubts will creep in. i feel extremely sorry for her. no one deserves this stuff.


Hmm I'm not entirely to sure what your point is, but it strikes me as very uncompassionate towards someone who appears to have been beaten and abused over a long period of time, unless I'm misunderstanding you?


oh yea true sorry. without the context that looks awful, but i agree with you. it was intended to be an example summary to second your description of the cycle of abuse. i should edit it oof :')


>Only thing we'd lose is money. Paying out his contract is what we would need to do to boot him from the club You're losing that money either way - you're either just buying him out or paying him his contract.


Definitely, but also there’s allegedly one playing for the team at the top of the league at the minute and it doesn’t get half the backlash


How public this situation is has definitely cause more backlash, and rightly so, but there’s definitely some for Partey, just not enough sadly.


Neither greenwood or partway should be touching a top flight field ever again.


Arsenal fans don't agree with this take.


A lose lose financially though.


True but I think we’ll manage financially anyways


You’d be better off sacking him and then battling it out legally as to why you did it.


If I was a lawyer at United I'd gladly do this case for free just so I can constantly bring up where he clearly admitted to rape.


He didn’t “admit” anything. If they’re going to use the leaked video, they’d need his GF to testify against him (which she likely won’t do)


For a criminal case, yes. Is the same true for a civil case, though? Genuinely asking.


Just anything to get him from the club at this point would be brilliant


You either pay a rapist out of his contract or get rapist back in your team. It is a lose lose situation.


i think in terms of potential sponsers and repurcusions from them him leaving is best for Man U. obviously though in terms of fan base there are parts of the world where they dont give a shit about abuse and so will hate the club for letting him go.


> obviously though in terms of fan base there are parts of the world where they dont give a shit about abuse and so will hate the club for letting him go. They'll stop caring once United qualify for the CL without him and a new striker gets bought in the summer. News cycle will move on But opposing fanbases will be chanting his name from now until the end of time calling him a rapist if he takes the pitch.


did arsenal or man city lose any sponsors over mendy or partey?


Man City don't seem to have any indication of bringing Mendy back and the Partey situation hasn't been resolved yet.


Hard to bring him back when he is in prison Given that if he actually gets found innocent on all the cases they will owe him every penny of his contract Partey needs to be charged


very different situations. Greenwood's is pretty much set in stone that he is guilty in the public's view.


is partey not? seems most people agree he most likely did it


Vast majority of people, even fans, don't know about. He's never been named in the press, Greenwood was.


yep very different situation. Partey it was his GF accusing him on twitter. Greenwood's was a literal video of it which is massively different.


Yeah 100%. United has a massive fan base from all over the world and not all of them are going to agree on what should happen. They're getting shit either way.


Honestly, everyone involved with the club has already moved on, they should just stay moved on. There's nothing but bad PR for what? a player that they were already looking for a new striker in the summer anyway? Who would probably need to take the rest of the year to get re-acclimated to ETH's system anyway? Just stay the current course and dont bring him back. Eat the rest of the 7.8m contract (3.9m/yr over the next 2 years) and move on. Not worth the headache


They're probably trying to find a legal way of cancelling his contract


Probably gonna have to pay him to fuck off


He'd still have to agree to that as he's in the clear legally. If he doesn't he's staying till his contract is up, or we sell him. We can't just give him a fee to fuck off. He has to want to mutually terminate. And he aint getting £75k a week elsewhere now


Surely he takes the cash and moves abroad to somewhere they don’t give a fuck about the accusations.


Greenwood to Al Nassr HERE WE GO


That's so realistic


Rapist FC


Fuck-Human-Rights-Especially-Women FC


Yeah it's a legal mess


Sell him, mutual termination, banished to train alone till 2025, or reintegrate into the team. I can't see Mason being OK with taking the money to leave unless another club is offering him a decent contract elsewhere. And that's not likely. I hate to say it but unless sponsors kick off or fans protest i can easily see us taking him back.


Fans and sponsors both will kick off if he's brought back. Not that sponsors care though


Fans can be incredibly fickle as we've seen with other footballers accused of these things. If he bangs goals in it's hideously but easily forgotten. Main thing IMO will be sponsors or key stakeholders not being happy with it.


There's no way he'll play even if you do keep him. He's going to get abuse ( from at least opposition fans, probably a good chunk of united fans) every single week, no way he can maintain a high enough level to start when people are calling him a rapist every where he turns


Alonso was called a murderer every week and no one gave a shit. Not the player not Chelsea. He was prosecuted and he still plays at the top. There was the whole sex tape thing in the euros with England players. They both played at the highest level. Ronaldo paid off allegations. Played top level. Partey has been alleged to have committed rape. Plays week in week out. Benzema and Ribery shagged a teenage prostitute in Paris. Benzema blackmailed and threatened to release a stolen sex tape of his former teammate. Fuck all happened to him. Still considered a world class superstar. Gazza battered Sheryl and he was still playing top flight football. Greenwood hasn’t even been found guilty of anything and is reportedly still in a relationship with the woman.


England one, what?


The entire Leicester team on their far east adventure.....


You underestimate humanity's ability to ignore atrocities


and a top class PR agency.


The majority of fans never cares as long as the player performs well.


> I can't see Mason being OK with taking the money to leave unless another club is offering him a decent contract elsewhere. And that's not likely. doesn't really matter surely if United make it clear he's not going to play for them again anyway. Either take the money now to not play and go away or take the money as the contract runs down to not play


Mason could be thinking, i'll stay and train on my £75k a week and maybe in 12 months they ask me back when it's not in the news. Just a theory. Once he leaves there's no way back so i doubt he bails unless we offer him a lot more than he'd stand to earn by sitting it out


The moment he comes back it would be a massive shitshow. The press would be on him, he wouldn't be able to avoid the media and public pressure.


It would not be a fun experience for him. Rightly so


> I can’t see Mason being OK with taking the money to leave unless another club is offering him a decent contract elsewhere. I don’t really see the logic here. If the club offered to pay out the entirety of his contract - all the wages owed - then the next contract won’t really matter.


Probably depends on the team offering him the contract. If he stays at United till 2025 there's still the chance he gets brought back in.




"Sell him" would probably be a bit hard. While he's a quality player, his reputation is already destroyed. Also, we don't know how fit he will be considering he probably doesn't train much during all these period.


Agreed, but with 4 months to the window to get fit, Greenwood on a free to someone might appeal. Not likely to be PL but someone might bite.


Somebody get Ricky on the phone.


How long is left on it?


I believe it runs until 2025.


His contract runs until 2025 with an optional year i think


Option is ours fortunately


Buy him out. Take your money and fuck off


Tbf I’m not sure what people expected this early?


People expect a decision so fast not knowing there are so many legal things to go through I bet he's been getting paid this entire time as well, which just shows you how good the contracts are, he wasn't charged with anything and the club can't cancel it


Yup, he was paid. Suspended with pay. Just couldn't train or play for the club


people want vigilante justice lol


People been watching too many Batman movies. Football Clubs don't work like that.


Something in the way hmmmmmmmm


What does that even mean? Football clubs fire anyone who makes them look bad, which is what people are asking of United. Never seen Batman do that.




The CPS dropping the charges only weeks before the trial isn't one of the 2 most likely outcomes tbh


The trial wasn't until November.


Apparently United didn't want to interfere with the criminal investigation, so didn't get involved and left it to the authorities. Now that the criminal investigation is over, he club can conduct their own investigation without worrying about getting in the way of the criminal investigation


Club statement: We will not be making a statement at this time.


>the club will now conduct its own process before determining next steps Does that read like they’ll do what the FA did with Terry when he was found not guilty in court? Or something else The press conference palace is just going to be ten hag reiterating that the club are doing their own process and no further statements given


I’d hope before the press conference they will ask for no questions about this shite to be asked because ten hag really shouldn’t have to speak on it with a club statement out


Oh I know and agree with you but journalists just don’t listen to that and repeatedly ask the same questions. Hopefully I’m wrong


Here’s hoping, for once, they just ask their stupid Harry maguire questions that are pointless so we can avoid the horrible


What FA did with Terry?


They did their own investigation where they had a lower level of certainty than the courts and banned him for several games. I’m not suggesting they can investigate and declare him a criminal but could the tapes be seen as bringing the club into disrepute?


Pretty much what you would expect at this stage. This is a headache I'm such United did not want, its very clear we've been planning ahead without him in consideration.


Plus after missing what a year? Most prospects who miss that much time usually lose a lot of potential. He might just not have the quality anymore godwilling.


Maybe not for a Premier league top 4 contending club but he has plenty of potential for abroad clubs


He has age on his side so he could be a superstar in many Asian leagues and after the public heat has died down he could comeback to a newly promoted or mid table Premier league club.


Appreciate all the United fans calling for his removal. I know it’s the bare minimum but maybe someday we can actually give a shit about women


United fans on reddit*


Just don't go on twitter.


Evergreen advice


Haven't been on twitter in years. Life is better without it, none of them are actual fans they're just arseholes.


Not like le classy reddit true fans.


The benefit to reddit is that the truly bad takes are usually downvoted by enough people to cancel out the morons upvoting them. You can still find them sorting by new or controversial, but not as easily. Twitter doesn't have that kind of control so when someone has a bad take, other morons like it and nobody can reduce the like total. Reddit is hardly great but compared to twitter and often instagram its night and day.


I'd argue that's actually Reddits biggest flaw. Creates echo chambers and pushes extremism. The_Donald took full advantage of this system remember. You'll usually get the real picture of something in a comment thread by going to controversial. I don't even use Twitter but just like the old days of using forums I like the idea of the unpopular voice being heard too, how can any real discussion get going if all counter points are bombarded to the bottom.


People on twitter don't actually have takes, they are just monkeys spamming 6 UCLs or Invincible or whatever the fuck at rival fans.


I've been avoiding it all day


There were United fans in twitter supporting him before his charges were dropped, can't imagine how bad it is now


Probably because it’s really hard to just drop him. They have to find a reason in contract to do it or just pay him out. I think we should just cut the losses.


They dropped the case? Those audios were some of the most grueling shit Ive heard, wtf?


It gets worse Reportedly, he broke his bail terms repeatedly and without consequence to contact the victim and her family. The key reason prosecution stopped was because she refused to testify. Allegedly (I can't find a source for this beyond tabloids and Twitter) the two are "back together" now


Wasn't there stuff about the woman's father supporting Greenwood and claiming he was a decent guy? This whole thing has been incredibly depressing.


what the actual fuck?!?!? Is this for real?


>The key reason prosecution stopped was because she refused to testify. Allegedly (I can't find a source for this beyond tabloids and Twitter) the two are "back together" now now that sounds sus


Tbf that is what the CPS said in their statement. They mentioned that their Key Witness (the GF) had withdrawn from the case and that 'New material' had come to light. ​ Its been well known that they've been back living together for months now, Greenwood broke the terms of his bail ages ago and people were wondering why he hadn't been arrested after it and chucked in jail. Considering the dad of the GF has been protecting Mason from the start, calling him a good kid, saying that the couple were soulmates and the audio clips/videos were 'released by mistake' on top of them getting back together, CPS cant exactly proceed. ​ All she has to say is that it was roleplay in the bedroom that got 'leaked' and the whole investigation is scuppered.


Not sure what people are expecting at this stage...give them time. They did these tiny statements with Ronaldo and the club played it out perfectly. Have faith they'll do the right thing and kick the cunt out.


Let's see the "no dickheads" policy in action then. Pay off his contract and cut losses, this is not something that should be pondered.


United is not doing anything right now. They want to finish strong this season and decide later on. Maybe Glazers even sell the club and let the "hot pottato" to the new owners.


Banish him to reserves, let the current contract play out. Small price to pay (his wages) but if Man United stand for anything he shouldnt be welcomed back into the fold. We all heard the tapes. It was appalling even if the courts dont think so.


You don't want a character like that with the younger lads tbf


True but you also dont want him in the first team either. You have to remember Manchester United, like all modern big clubs, are businesses first, football clubs second. Part of owning a business especially one with a massive following, is knowing that you are at the mercy of public opinion, backlash, etc. If im Joel Glazer I dont want Greenwoods name anywhere near my club for perceptions sake.


"We also saw the news. That is all"


idk if they can say anything at this moment


Wonder if that means doing a legal check on contract stuff and if they can't release then a PR check on if they can reintigrate in a way that'll save face. Hopefully they just find a way to bin him.


terminate the contract.


If only it was that easy. By court of law, he's free of all charges. The best you can do is hope someone buys him, come to a mutual agreement to terminate, or wait til his contract runs out and not renew.


i mean they can pay out his contract.


That would require greenwood agreeing to it, which is going to be a much longer process.


> That would require greenwood agreeing to it, which is going to be a much longer process. Does he have to agree if United pay out the full remaining amount of wages he's still entitled to? I thought that is only when you want to make a settlement for a lower amount that usually transpires between a disgruntled employer and employee.


Look at Chelsea and Danny Drinkwater. If a player doesn't want to leave he can stay till the last day on his contract.


And Manu can just suspend him until end of contract.


I think that's the most likely outcome. Or just training alone rather than suspended.


I don't think it's the same though, it was cheaper for Chelsea to keep Drinkwater since the teams he was loaned to probably paid some loan fees or part of his wages.


(Copied from my response to another comment) I’m no legal expert so I could be wrong, but it would seem like the possibility of an unilateral termination would be a case for FIFA to decide. First, he hasn’t been found guilty of anything so there’s no legal way in UK law to terminate him. So United is left with two options if they want Greenwood out: Mutual or unilateral termination. Mutual is easy, just negotiate with him to pay him out. Unilateral would require a ‘just cause’, as defined by the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP) in FIFA which essentially is a breach of contract, which from current developments there doesn’t seem to be any. The difference between having or not having a just cause is huge, as if there’s a just cause the sporting sanction and compensation could be the player’s responsibility, while the absence of one leads to those being the club’s responsibility. Either way the party which owes the compensation need to pay upwards the total amount of the remaining contract. So by my understanding, if United fuck up here they’ll not only need to pay Greenwood’s remaining contract, but also face potential sporting sanctions (transfer ban). Source.No idea about the accuracy but it’s just what I get from the situation, could be totally wrong and it comes slapping me back, which would be welcome in this case. To answer your question specifically, it would seem like they cannot just do that. Payment is locked upwards for the whole contract, but sporting sanction is a possibility.




The club is probably taking legal advice on what would happen in a civil lawsuit if they terminated him.


This isn't accurate... in the slightest. United can do two things. 1. Buyout his contract. Essentially, they would have to pay him to fuck off. 2. They may have a morality or disrepute clause that allows them to terminate the contract with no penalty. This would cause a separate legal case where the standard of proof is different (beyond reasonable doubt vs. balance of probabilities). It would be much easier for them to find Greenwood guilty than ik a criminal case... but whether or not they could might depend on whether or not the victim would testify in Greenwood's defence.


Would it be even legal for Greenwood to be fired now that he's "innocent"?


fired no. pay off his contract yes.


Of which he has to agree to.


I’ll be at a complete loss for words if he steps on a football pitch again, imagine what message that would send out to people as well as women who have had equally shocking things done to them




I think that a majority of fans won’t be happy with this, hopefully. If he ever shows up at old Trafford I really hope he’ll get a deserved reception from the crowd


United already bought Ronaldo


I actually find that man u has done everything right here? Own investigation etc,


If they are going to keep it, at least I hope United fans and rival fans to give the Zouma treatment


Tbf I won't compare the two of them. Kicking a cat and sexual abusing your partner are two different ball parks.


Consider it noted.


what a damn mess. hopefully united can just pay the rest of his contract and get him out of the club. i doubt they have the means to terminate his deal


>*we heard the news* >*we having a meeting*


Didn’t they sack Ronaldo for basically breaching contract and disrespecting club?


Ronaldo clearly wanted that done and would have had no issue getting his contract terminated. Pretty sure Greenwood could sue them because he’s technically done nothing wrong in the eyes of the court.


Yeah but I wonder is there some kind of clause within their contracts regarding detriment to the club? Ultimately you’re right though charges were dropped.


As long as opposing fans boo him, I don't blame any club for allowing him to play if they are willing to deal with the bad PR. Although I sure as hell wouldn't wanna be team mates with someone who had evidence like that released, even if they were my best mate before it came out. In a perfect world he wouldn't be allowed to play pro football or have a luxurious life. But simply put clubs don't have any reason to treat him as anything other than an innocent man (even though we all know that aint the case).


Look thoroughly for a way to cancel his contract, if not possible, pay him the fuck out of the club


Just sell him to a club in Russia, they’ll be happy to have him. They have supposed murderers playing there, alleged rapists is not even news to them.


> They have supposed murderers playing there just out of curiosity, who are you referring to?


Quincy Promes


Just because the court didn’t find him guilty, doesn’t mean he didn’t do it. He clearly hit the girl and was abusive to her, we’ve all heard the recording and saw the pictures. Can’t see United giving him a game again, purely because of the fact it’s Man United, the most recognisable sports brand in the world. He’ll definitely get a contract in the lower leagues or abroad now that he’s been found not guilty though.


Should have terminated his contract on morality grounds immediately when this happened. He should never play for the club again.


It's the best they can do for now. If he were to return there would be a huge uproar at first, boos at every ground and then it will eventually fizzle out.


If he was smart, he'd take the money and restart his career with another league. Also drop the girl and her dad.


I mean, I get there's legal stuff involved in cancelling his contract, but they could still say that he will never play for the team again while they work his contract out.


Funnily enough I think there's legal stuff in any sort of public statement saying that. Probably opens a court case for discrimination and breach of contract from Mason's side if they say it publically. I've no legal knowledge though, so just basing this on several unfair dismissal claims which have been in the news before.


"We will not make a statement until we determine whether bringing Greenwood back would be enough of a public relations disaster to cancel any sporting gains of bringing him back."