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I feel sad for the team that this has overshadowed their efforts and victory. They deserve the attention for their play. Screw Rubiales - go display your machismo somewhere else.


They won a World Cup, and they got rid of one of the most foul figures in Spanish sports. I'd count it as a double Femini win


Definitely a win in that sense. Though, the truest of wins would have been the kiss never happening and Rubiales never having ascended to this position in the first place - especially with what is coming out on how much of a misogynist turd he has always been.


I despise it too that it took something absurdly shitty like this to expose him. But if planning an orgy, grabbing his nuts next to a minor and telling a female colleague to "get down on your knees" and "what colour underwear are you wearing" wasn't enough to take him down, this was a necessary evil. Something that Tamara Ramos said stood out to me. About why she didn't speak up sooner: "Because I think that the people **will** believe me now."


If the recent history of the RFEF has taught us anything, is that his successor will be an honourable and sincere person who will fulfill his task with integrity and will always have the best interests of Spanish football at heart.


Ah, beautiful foresight from Booby McTitties.


Is that Tebas’ music?


One who's spent the past couple of years undermining the team with his undying support of Jorge Vilda after a bunch of his squad's players tried to have him removed. This squad was missing players because they were purposely excluded by Rubiales and Vilda, something that has caused tension with the players who did go. Remember, there were visible moments of players refusing to celebrate with Vidla and his staff during tournament. This makes the fact Rubiales tried to get Hermoso to defuse the situation and publicly endorse the RFEF statement exonerating him extra bonkers. B


Don't forget Vilda contacting Jenni's parents several times to pressure them to pressure her to help Rubiales out. Like, how brazenly shitty can Vilda be? He's already disliked by most, if not all of the women in the NT pool; he's been publicly asked to fix numerous systemic issues by his players who he then began feuding with publicly; and then after witnessing his boss sexually assault one of his players, rather than come to her aid and defend her, does the literal opposite and asks her to help save her assaulter's reputation instead. His role in this fiasco needs to be amplified more so that he's forced to resign as well.


The answer is easy, he's panicking because he's gonna lose the man who's been protecting him. When the shit hit the fan with the players who refused to be called up because of his actions, it was Rubiales who stood firmly behind him and threw the full force of the FREF against the players, basically saying they had to apologize to Vilda or face the consequences. He knows that if Rubiales is removed *ALL* the shit he's done is gonna be exposed and he's gonna be out of a job.


Oh yeah, I know why he was carrying water for Rubiales despite the overwhelming evidence that the entire world was fuming over. It's still amazing this doofus couldn't read the room and at least attempt to be a decent human being. I just want the media to also include him with Rubiales since he obviously knew Jenni was not okay with the kiss and chose to help Rubiales. That makes him complicit.


They are already going after him, they have video where it appears he touched a female colleague inappropriately. If Rubiales quits tomorrow like the press is saying, Vileda's head will probably roll too.


On the other hand is amazing how a kiss ended his career before firing the coach of the national team 3 days before the World Cup, all his shady deals that included organizing the super cup in Saudi Arabia with the help of one of the players that played in the same cup, blackmailing the Spanish government, rambling about people putting drugs in his car and grabbing his dick in front of the underage princess of Spain.


Why didnt the last one cause a scandal? It seems pretty weird to do that, surely someone has noticed and wrote it down. Im sorry the royals didnt have the power to remove him.


Mainly because it was during the same match he kissed the female players. So he was under so much pressure by every TV station and politicians already that the media didn’t even need to bring that out as much to pressure the federation to sack him. And the image didn’t got a post on Reddit so that also explains why this sub doesn’t talk about that.


Wtf you mean he grabbed his dick? Like was he touching himself? What a fucking weirdo. Or was he like fixing his balls or something and hoped nobody would notice


He was doing the “suck this” gesture to the English players in front of the 15 years old princess during the match.


Uf. Yeah that’s not good. Also very childish to do that after you win.




It did get a post on r/soccer, but it might've been taken down? I just have a link to the gif and can't access the full thread on mobile. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frieag35fyhjb1.gif&xpromo_edp=enabled


because this was a massive international shitshow. I barely remember a few of those things being mentioned here and there but this is another level ... and like most people Im not from spain nor follow that local drama too much.


The Pique deal with Rubiales over the Spanish SuperCup in Arabia got a ton of coverage here, well all of those got coverage minus his balls grabbing in front of royals because that also happened in the final. It was all an international shitshows but people suffer from short term memory for scandals so people like Rubiales feel invencible because of that.


Where is here? I mostly follow south american football and maybe the UCL and my NT. I barely remember those things. following your local FA political shitshow is cumbersome, following EVERY FA political shitshow is an impossible. I dont expect people here to know 3 scandals of chiqui tapia without googling, but if he was doing what rubiales did it would be an international scandal


In this sub, I don’t know if Rubiales deals got coverage in mainstream Australia or other countries media, so I can only speak about this sub.


Too many cunts making it about themaelves


Good, fuck that knockoff Johnny sins


Johnny Sins kisses with consent


Ladies ask for his consent


Men too...


Consent in the porn industry is a very grey topic. I wouldn't count on this being the absolute truth. Edit: To all the people downvoting this: please read up on the rampant sexual abuse, coercion and trafficking in the porn industry.


I'm not some great porn defender, but at the levels in which Mr. Sins operates, they very much are getting consent of a non-grey variety, otherwise they'd be in prison.


I just see zabaleta lol


Juanito Pecados


**Fvck, put another star on Spanish badge.**




ovting yovrself as not trve there brvv




Shout out to all the weirdos on here supporting him when this originally broke 👍


Just a kiss bro, she was practically asking for it by having lips on her face. /s


you don't understand bro, in spain its totally normal to full mouth kiss your employees, damn wokies getting mad over nothing


In defense of some commenters, I don't think many people would have had "the Spanish FA will fake a statement by Jenni to cover their asses" on the bingo card. I personally thought it was super creepy, but let it go when the statement was released. We only found out about the fake statement later.


I was always suspicious of that statement but I definitely did not think they would go so far as to completely fabricate a statement in her name. Did they think she would just go along with it???


Yeah, they did, as evidenced by Vilda calling Jenni's parents to pressure her into saving Rubiales's ass. Honorable, stand-up actions by the head coach, to desperately try to help his boss over his sexually assaulted player. Is it any wonder why his players hate him?


I reckon the real reason they hate him is that he's sexually assaulted or harassed at least one of them




Yeah I thought they might have pressured her to release it but I would've never imagined that they would just fake it. They probably panicked and thought they could convince her later.


That is the worst part to me. The straight up faked a statement by her. That is very telling of their attitude towards women. Everyone involved in faking that statement should be fired.


Yeah, but the absolute scorn and derision many of said commenters were demonstrating, towards people who had taken Hermoso at he word in the initial footage... Mean they lose the benefit of the doubt, for me. I also don't think, regardless of the Spanish FA's statement, that such a gesture in that context is considered normal in Spain... so the insistence otherwise was always disingenuous


Wait they faked the statement by her??


Also she's gay, so it doesn't matter /s


Yeah you could do anything to gay people, they are chill they don't mind. /s


If you don't want to be kissed don't be so kissable. Jeez.


I hate that you put the /s there but on the other hand you had no choice


Thank you for adding /s to your comment. When l first saw this, l was horrified. How could anybody say something so stupid? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. l even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as l was about to hit send, l saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense Your comment was sarcasm! l immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your comment. Thank you.


I know you feel great about that comment, but I just got downvoted for other comment on him, just because I didn't write that little /s at the end of my comment. So it is definitely necessary on the internet.


one middleground i occasionally like is adding it in spoilertags. but yes, as the "discussions" after on the original threads unfortunately showed, the /s really is necessary. blame the shitty people for that one


But why would you type jokes or sarcasm in the first place if you're too cowardly to commit to it. If you're thinking of explicitly pointing out that you don't actually mean what you say in your comment, it would be better to just scratch that comment and say what you really mean.


good point. I would argue the irony can often make it easier to process by just making the thing lighter and less dreary to handle, but there's definitely a line that's very often and easily overstepped. thank you, it's a good reminder that it's ok to sometimes take a step back and think before doing


Muh internet points


Lol, great assumption to take from that. It is not about points or votes, it's about people taking the comment for something it's not intended for, hence downvoting. But as long as people just take things out of context like you, it really is a losing battle.


There's always going to be one guy not getting the sarcasm and reply, you tell him that he's an idiot everyone will be on your side and will downvote the pther guy happened millions of times


"He was just overcome with maximal effusion due to seeing his dreams come true". Okay bro well he's effusioned himself out of a job


…For now. Men like this always tend to slime their way back through the shadows until enough time has passed for them to show their face again. And it sucks.


Oh and since of them were bizarrely insisting that Americans were the only ones making a big deal out of this, let me say that you’re welcome, Spanish football. /clear and obvious s, I hope


"This is normal in Spanish culture, nobody in Spain is outraged about this" except literally every media outlet, the government, the opposition, everyone on social media, the players' union, the player herself, etc.


I had one saying there are videos of Jenni kissing her brother. I was like wtf is wrong with you dude, what does that have to do with this and why are you looking up videos of her kissing her brother? And it was totally unrelated because I was responding to another comment asking if kissing on the lips is a social norm in Latin American countries which it's not.


I would disregard all of their opinions after defending this nonsense.


The thumbs up killed me lmao




Read the topics from the first couple of days here and keep a vomit bag ready.


Hopefully in the near future we can also get rid of Tebas and Medina Cantalejo


Keep going I’m almost there


I will celebrate that like a treble


Tebas to became President of RFEF now.


>Luis Rubiales to resign this Friday ~~after kiss with~~ after sexually assaulting Jenni Hermoso Fixed the headline. Downplaying incidents like this just shows how seriously sexual assault is taken.


I totally agree with you. It’s definitely sexual assault. And I may be totally talking out my ass here… But, isn’t sexual assault technically a “charge” so in order to report on it you have to put “allegedly” in front of it? A kiss is not a charge so you don’t have to put allegedly in front of it. Again I agree with you just wondering.


Reddit is no court room so you don't have to use juridical words. Moreover, the sexual assault happend live, in front of cameras so... It's not really allegedly...


Sorry, I’m not talking about here on Reddit. Obviously, yes. It is very clear that he sexually assaulted her. I was more speculating about the choice of words in the article.


Oh sorry. I guess it could apply to the article indeed but it still not a court room so i guess they can skip it just might be considered as diffamation maybe ?


Agreed, i guess in article they would need to do that


Although in a lot of other articles I’ve read about this, they’ve been calling it a “forced kiss”. That definitely removes all the ambiguity as to whether or not it was consensual. That def could have been used here. Lol


I'm going to ask this legitimately, I'm on the same train, but I'm with some questions about the word sexual. A forced kiss is considered "sexual" assault? Not just assault or harassment?


This should be in the top or pinned by the mods


exactly. more over "kiss WITH". no, the kiss was not WITH her, it was forced on to her.


Seriously, what in the Officer Involved Shooting is this? We're doing passive voice for sexual assault too now?




The media is fucking shit




[Here](https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-informed/types-of-sexual-violence/what-is-sexual-assault/) is an English link. It falls under what we would translate as "sexual assault" in my country as well. And Spain has pretty progressive laws (at least new laws in recent years) so I would be surprised if this wasn't at least in the bigger umbrella of nonconsensual acts.


Thank you very much, Luis Rubiales's PR team.


kissing someone without consent isn’t considered SA?




Quit your bullshitting. I live in Spain and yes it is considered SA here. Kissing on the lips is explicitly stated as reserved between romantic partners.




Any person (the alleged offender) who without the consent of another person (the alleged victim) and knowing that the alleged victim does not consent, intentionally: sexually touches the alleged victim, or incites the alleged victim to sexually touch the alleged offender, or incites a third person to sexually touch the alleged victim, or incites the alleged victim to sexually touch a third person, is guilty of an offence. Examples of Sexual Touching include: Intentionally touching a woman’s breast through her clothing without her consent. Kissing a person when it is clear the kiss is unwanted. Intentionally rubbing your groin against another person; for example, while standing on a crowded train. Source: https://www.armstronglegal.com.au/criminal-law/nsw/offences/sexual/sexual-touching/ I strongly suspect that a similar thing is in Spain, but I can't speak spanish so I would not find this as easily.


Good news.


To commemorate his whole damn downfall taking place in Australia, I feel like this Aussie classic is appropriate for Rubiales. "Am I ever gonna see your face again?" "No way! Get fucked! Fuck off!"


1. Surely she doesn't have to go through with it again so he'll resign. 2. Call it what it is sexual assault you cowards.


Flush twice after this piece of shit, good riddance


This title makes it sound consensual.


Built Jenni a statue at RFEF headquarters and at the football museum


Jenni Hermoso is MVP taking one for the team...this guy has been an absolute shitstain on the federation..glad he's fucking off.


Tebas needs to kiss someone too


He already has 50 reasons to resign. We don't want someone to get assaulted.


it started with a kiss, how did it end up like this


One kiss is all it takes... To ruin your career


Good fucking riddance


The headline makes it sound consensual


But I was told here that it’s completely fine and normal and that people don’t understand the culture?


Thank fuck for that, my god what a horrible horrible dude. Is that coach gone too? He fucking abused those women too, insane they were still able to win the world cup, really shows their strength


I can't see Vilda staying now. He was Rubiales' protegé.


Yeah, I think he is gone too. It's still a hard decision to make since he just won the WC. If he gets sacked and the next coach doesn't maintain or improve the results... A lot of questions would be asked.


There's actually a realistic scenario where Vilda was waiting a couple of days after the celebrations to announce his resignation and leave on a high note, but now he can't because Rubiales disturbed the whole thing and if he resigns after Rubiales, everyone will think it's because of that lol.


Judging from his words, it didn't seem like that was going to be the case. I have tried to find his press conference but since it's all flooded with Rubiales news, it's really hard to find it now.


I definitely read somewhere before it all exploded that he was thinking about resigning and leaving his spot for Montse Tomé. I’ve also heard from people that have insider information that he had thought about it even before the final.


He should be after he tried to pressure Jenni's parents to get her to agree with the bullshit public statement. How can he look those women in the eyes, much less coach them, after he decided to help save his gross boss's reputation over defending one of his players.


They won the WC with a whole crock of shit going on behind the scenes, major props to them


Can you elaborate a bit on what they've done in the past?


15 players resigned some time ago in order to get Vida fired. Publicly (as far as I know) they said it was for coaching / tactical reasons, but a lot of people now interpret as that he was doing inappropriate things. As far as I know there is no basis for that since there hasn't been accusations, but the gif of him with his hand on the boob of a female staff member when holding her back didn't help.


> Is that coach gone too? He fucking abused those women too This is not true. At least with the knowledge we have today.


Fucked up it took him sexually assaulting someone on World Wide TV for this to happen. And it still took almost a week after it happened.


As reported by Isaac Fouto, the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Luis Rubiales, will resign this Friday after all the pressures after his kiss to Jenni Hermoso at the medal ceremony last Sunday. As reported by Isaac Fouto this Thursday morning, by his own will Rubiales was not thinking of resigning, but seeing that some of the Territoriales were going to ask for his head, and those who were not planning to go to the Assembly because they do not support him, he has ended up giving in and this Friday he will say goodbye to his post as president of the Federation. In addition, FIFA has opened a case against him for his behavior in the final of the Women's World Cup. Among the possible temporary replacements until these new elections are convened would be that of Pablo Lozano, president of the Andalusian Football Federation. He is a man of great strength and who in the past was Secretary General of the socialist youth of Cordoba.


Do we really think he's just going to disappear? Or is this just a smokescreen being used before he takes up an equally well rewarded role within the organisation once the heat dies down?


No guys, you just don’t understand, it’s Spanish culture to sexually assault someone 🥺🥺


Sexually assault? Let’s not throw around words we don’t understand shit for brains.


Wrongly titled , makes it sound like she consented it. Actually accurate title would be LUIS RUBIALES RESIGNS AFTER FORCEFULLY KISSING JENNI HERMOSO And glad the idiot is leaving, ffs


Tebas Rubiales! Good riddance.




Like the good ol' boys say, don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya


Stupid moron...way to spoil the victory with this nonsense, big guy


I'll believe it when I see it.


Dude was coked out of his mind at that final.


“With” is not the right word.


Still howling over the amount of people who when this story broke were all like: 'It's just cultural, he's Spanish!' Like my fucking guys, have you ever set foot in Spain?


"After kiss with" is a shit translation and implies it was reciprocated. Simply "after sexually harassing" would be better.


"kiss with" is a bad choice of words. More like "forcing kiss onto"


What is actually going to be interesting is seeing who his replacement will be


Mason Greenwood




I can do it. I'm not Spanish, but im Hispanic and I won't sexually harrass anyone.


That's what Rubiales said too


What is your stance on time wasting?


Don't like it


Por Dios, he's the most qualified candidate we've ever seen.


Maybe Casillas' name will be thrown out there again but if he gets elected we will be no better than with Rubiales


Casillas is not the best person to be the president of the RFEF, it is known that he is not the "smartest" person


And he also kissed a woman on live TV after a WC win…except of course that she was his girlfriend and it was him who had just won the WC. Not sure it was altogether consensual, though…




"with" is an awkward way to say it. he sexually harassed her. he didn't merely "have a kiss" with her


Good. Fuck off weirdo


How are so many governing bodies in this sport controlled by incompent weirdos. I can't wait until the day that someone figures out how to get rid of them all...


It takes a weirdo to run for a high seat.


Yeah. That makes sense. Most logical people keep to themselves.


Sorry but most things are run by successful weirdos. You just see these ones because sport puts them in the public eye.


Oh, I know. It's the fact that they are in the public eye, which makes it surprising to me. Everyone can see how often they fuck people over and nothing changes.


Best news


you love to see it


Why the wait?


Rubiales is absolutely awful and I’m very happy he’s resigning. Not the first time he’s been under pressure either, a whole catalogue of ridiculous behaviour. But as a big futsal fan this is even better news. What he’s done to the LNFS (Liga Nacional de Fútbol Sala) is awful and hopefully his successor can support the sport instead of trying to destroy it.


Sex / getting handsy brings down another dude who just couldn't control himself. SMH When will these Muppets learn


after "kiss with Jenni Hermoso" - that's a way to put it.


If that's what he was doing in front of the cameras then I wonder what kind of mess he was making behind the scenes 🤔


He just said he is not resigning. Live. The audacity


I don't think we should be calling it a kiss. Should be reworded to sexual assault because calling it a kiss is an injustice to what Hermoso has had to deal with, the embarassment to the federation, the nation, to football in general, and to the women's national team who have had to endure this ridiculous situation take all the spotlight away from a huge crowning achievement and a first for their team.


Well, there's still half a Friday left for him to change his mind.


What I understood from the title: he's gonna resign after he kisses her again on Friday.


What can't these women do? Winning despite their incompetent coach and now kicking out Rubiales(who did half of the job tbf). They are going down in the history books.


Was the coach incompetent? Surely winning the World Cup can’t be done by an incompetent coach, with the B team?


Maybe incompetent isn't the right choice of words, but the atmosphere between him and his players has been tense and a fair amount of people say that the team won the World Cup inspite of him, rather than because of him. Kind of like France under Raymond Domenech in 2006(didn't win the final but still).


Irene Paredes, one of the ones that supported the 15 and returned shortly before the WC, talking about Vilda: > "He is a close person who knows us very well and always tries to transmit us a lot of tranquility because he trusts us a lot." Vilda, talking about the team: > "At the beginning it was a group of players, then it became a team and now we are a family" We can obviously disregard Vilda's words because he is not an impartial party here, but Irene Paredes (who lost the captaincy of the national team after this whole issue) is a bit telling. Do not believe everything you read on the press or let an isolated video make up your mind about something. The reality is that we don't actually know what the current players think of Vilda, but there's not a single hint that tells us that they have a problem with him.


His incompetence was the main complaint by Las 15 (in addition to weird, inappropriately intrusive rules e.g. no locking doors). If you look at his history and the history of the women's team, it's not hard to see why. 2009 - Vilda hired (by his dad, head of women's section of RFEF) to be women's U17 head coach and U19 assistant coach. Prior experience coaching at any level: none. Prior experience as a pro player: none. 2015 - After a disappointing WC (group stage exit), the whole squad wrote a public letter demanding the coach, Ignacio Quereda, be fired. Reasons included an inadequate training camp, badly planned travel arrangements to Canada causing them to be tired/jet lagged, inadequate technical/video analysis leading to little preparation for their opponents, and other systemic issues. RFEF replaced Quereda by promoting Jorge Vilda, whose only experience, again, was in this same problematic system under the coach who just resigned. What outside experience with other systems did Vilda have to reform what was a clearly inadequate structure? Promoting him when the demand was for fresh eyes and a system overhaul seems like a pretty big "fuck you lol." 2018 - Rubiales wins the election to lead RFEF. 2022 - After a disappointing Euros, 15 players wrote a public letter complaining about literally the same issues from 7 years prior. Same inadequate infrastructure, similarly incompetent coach and staff, similar lack of technical analysis/preparation compared to their club teams. Except this time with the support of Rubiales, Vilda defiantly stays and accuses the women of blackmail and being unpatriotic, insists if he has to do it without them, he will! Like somehow the Seleccion is his personal company and if he has to fire everyone and start fresh, by God, he will! Vilda's entire career has been in this inadequate system. He's purely a product of it, without any outside experience to know what works and change what doesn't. This is corroborated by the 2022 team having the same issues as the 2015 team! A good coach gets his players to outperform their talent and expectations with good tactics and the buy-in of his players to his system. Spain has been one of the most talented squads in the world for at least the last 4 years and they've been underperforming the whole time. Just compare their performance with Barcelona Femeni's results (yes, Barca has non-Spanish stars, but the squad is deep with Spanish backups and the international stars have had injuries and the backups slot in without missing a beat). Spain's style is not a sign of a good coach. Even this WC, they got demolished by Japan 4-0 to finish 2nd in their group, then played defensive possession games and relied on individual heroics in the knockout rounds. That doesn't scream tactical brilliance from the coach. Even if he's not incompetent, a coach's relationship with their squad is crucial, especially in a national team context where they only meet sporadically. There's tons of coaches out there, certainly many better and more experienced than Jorge Vilda. Why keep him (other than nepo reasons)?


Good riddance


“Kiss with” implies consent which there wasn’t. But good, fuck this guy!


I wasnt expecting this.. Finally some progress being made, now hope his replacement isnt just another man who think he is above the law.


Should be thrown in jail


Great. Javier Tebas next please.


I've never heard about this guy until the kissing incident from the WC. From what I have seen on this reddit, he is a terrible person. It has got to feel amazing to finally get rid of someone like that. And this is what did him in, because it garnered the attention of the American media.


What a scumbag


“Kiss with” “Violation of”




When is Jorge Vilda getting sacked


~~fucked around~~ found out


Good. Vilda is next 💀


A tomar por culo el calvo


if it was "only" the kiss, would he have survived it?


One kiss is all it takes


Why is he kissing her on Friday again? He has to go by Thursday


One kiss is all it takes


🎶One kiss is all it takes🎶


It was only a kiss. How did it end up like this? /s


Rubiales resigning, plus Greenwood fired. Could this be the right timeline?