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Not many details in the article. Basically just he says it was consensual, she said it wasn’t. Doesn’t really mention the second woman. How does the Japanese legal system usually handle sexual assault cases?


>How does the Japanese legal system usually handle sexual assault cases? If the accused is famous? [Sometimes the victim has to investigate their own rape.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2024/01/21/film/shiori-ito-sundance-film-metoo/)


What!? That's crazy!


Happens plenty in Western countries as well.


Ah, I guess we found the 1% in Japan’s 99% conviction rate


He was convicted. Also, that stat is misleading. It doesn’t mean prosecutors are guaranteed to win, it just means that prosecutors only prosecute cases they’re sure the _will_ win.


This is a dumb comment. US has a higher conviction rate than Japan if measured in Japan’s way.




iPhones sold in Japan produce a loud shutter sound when you take a picture.


“Modern societies” still have a lot of problems, the west included. It is easy to blame religion and culture for bad things, but it is deeper than that.


What a thing to say casually lol


Japanese legal system overall prosecute only if they have a slam dunk case. The women would need a messages or voice recordings of him confessing (assuming they could use those during court) to start with questioning, let alone a trial.  That's why they have something like 97% conviction rate, no investigation for hard to prove cases. So no chance anything happens. 


werent the Ace Attorney games about how hard it is to be a defense lawyer in Japan?


Not only does Phoenix have to prove his client’s innocence, he has to find the actual perpetrator!


Yeah, that seems to be the problem. These are really tricky cases, as sometimes it just ends up being he said she said. With Japan’s typical “slam dunk” only cases, it probably is the reason why only 4% of women come forward there. (From the other comments article) Surely there would be cctv cameras, witnesses around to help her/his case though.  Hopefully they make the right decision 


Same in America for overall crimes. 96% of cases brought to court end in a conviction, only 4% walk free. Although this number is lower for sexual assault cases, the vast majority aren't investigated. They take your complaint, sometimes call someone in for questioning, and that's it. Unless you have a recording or confession, fat chance anything happens


They really are a mess of explanations from overseas. In Japan, there are sexual consent laws. Sexual consent laws should only exist in some developed countries in the West, such as Sweden and Norway. No voice is needed for that proof.


>he says it was consensual, she said it wasn’t. We call that the Kobe Bryant special


Isn’t the kobe special actually even worse? Basically “I thought it was consensual, but know you probably thought it wasn’t”.




Aaah yes that’s it, couldn’t remember the phrasing


The generational shift from "no means no" to the expectation of positive consent is so fucking weird to think about in hindsight.  Edit: I guess the kids here don't remember the era of "why didn't you say no" being the trope. Movies and TV were full of men pushing women in ways that would feel predatory today, and the women had to fend them off. In hindsight it's really weird that was considered normal. 


Need to sign a disclosure first, or else you're getting your ass in court, if you actually famous and worth the hassle


> I also want to make it clear that I do not question the motives of this young woman. No money has been paid to this woman. She has agreed that this statement will not be used against me in the civil case. Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter. His actual statement. It was lawyer drafted and approved obviously. No way he'd speak off the cuff here.


Everybody get what they deserve. Kobe got his death🤷‍♂️


What the fuck


Not sure if it applies to sexual assault, but I recall it’s incredibly biased against the accuser. Rape is only classified as vaginal penetration, meaning anal or oral doesn’t count and the victim had to show they physically fought back against the rape or else it’s taken as implied consent. It’s really fucked up.


The universe heard him and French national team in the same sentence and less than a week later he's linked to heinous shit.


That the magic of the Macron touch, similar to Midas except everything he and his close circle touch turns into a shitshow


The merde touch


Yeah surely he's eligible to play for us now


yes it’s a bad and serious accusation. but it is just an accusation. don’t shame the alleged victims, don’t glorify the accused. wait to see how it unfolds.




I choose to be angry and belligerent. Towards who and why has not been determined and does not need to be


You guys weren't acting the same for Antony.


i very much was. the only player who doesn’t get my overwhelming neutrality is mason greenwood. 👍


This was mostly towards the sub as a lot of people continue to call him an abuser and rapist without any proof just because he isn't a good footballer .Great that you were not doing it sorry for including you in the conversation .


Wtf is wrong with you? Did you not know that reasonable takes are not allowed here


How is this exact same two comment string in every single one of these posts about an alleged SA Like genuinely almost word for word "don't judge until facts!" Followed by "what's wrong with you??? We only do unreasonable takes here"


Every. Single. Time. And both comments are always heavily upvoted


i wonder how they don’t get tired of repeating the same things over and over again that they didn’t come up with. absolute tools.


Victim complex




Because its Better than people overreacting and making shit conclusions


Men that think that fake SA claims are roughly an equivalent problem to actual SA


Not sure how losing a giant chunk of your life and having your reputation destroyed while getting rejected by everyone you know plus the mental damage for something you never did isn't roughly equivalent.


OH NO! Not losing reputation! Trying to equivocate between one of the worst things that can happen to a person with "losing reputation" is repugnant. You are disgusting Edit: you edited to add "mental damage" which furthers my point. Minimizing the damage done by sexual assault to equivocate it with the damage done by false accusations is a horrible thing to do


It’s rather ironic that you’ve minimised that comment to just about “losing reputation” and not the deeper point. You lose your career, family, friends etc. Anybody with common sense & a backbone would 1000% agree that someone who’s proven to have SA someone/ have knowledge about it, should be held accountable to the law regardless of their social status, background etc. Furthermore, you’re not wrong, the system does fail many people which is the sad truth about a variety of crimes. But please don’t act like some people aren’t tarnishing reputations & livelihoods as a form of get back or revenge.


"losing reputation" I was quoting the person directly. I was responding to them. > You lose your career, family, friends etc. Victims of sexual assault often lose things things to plus they're victims of sexual assault. It's not a tit for tat, it's systemic and attacking victims >But please don’t act like some people aren’t tarnishing reputations & livelihoods as a form of get back or revenge. Extremely few compared to the relative concern shown in these threads. People are so disconnected from the impact of sexual assault they are significantly more concerned for the wellbeing of alleged perpetrators in the face of "false accusations" which any research would tell you are exceptionally rare


I know what you were responding to, but it’s confusing to see you shove the fact someone loses a variety of things under the carpet based on a “false claim” as if it’s irrelevant. Again, if found guilty they should be tried & handed the proper sentence. And again, I agree the system is highly flawed as such the sad truth is many victims don’t get the justice they truly deserve. It’s pathetic to see a judicial system which is so flawed but if we’re to be honest I doubt it’ll ever change to truly reflect what it should be. But rubbishing the problems those who’ve had their SA accusations thrown at them, when they’ve done nothing wrong is odd to me. I’ll leave it here, I won’t respond anymore as I respect that SA is a very serious accusation so I hope the correct verdict is given if it goes any further than the current situation.


Most sexual assaulters aren't "found guilty" because the system doesn't work. Don't see the relevance of that here. >to see you shove the fact someone loses a variety of things under the carpet ? I don't understand what you are saying > But rubbishing the problems those who’ve had their SA accusations thrown at them, when they’ve done nothing wrong is odd to me. I'm not doing that. I'm saying that people give them too much attention compared to the real issue which is sexual assault and a system that ignores sexual assault.


Holy shit, the responses and downvotes you're getting are fucking insane. Really shows you how little progress has been made.


It's a circlejerk. Unfortunate but it is what it is


They literally went off on a tirade minimizing an important component of difficult situations, even though the person was nothing but logical and respectful. Fuck progress if allowing hysterical virtue signallers to act out their mental illness is progress lol


I'm not seeking to maximise an aspect of a serious issue (fake SA claims) like so many in threads like these. If that's "minimizing an issue" so be it. Fake claims are so rare they should barely be regarded at all. Just because someone doesn't get prosecuted ("guilty") doesn't mean it didn't happen especially in a legal area as lenient as SA.


This has been reddit for about a decade, in regards to anything, in any thread. >Common Response >Facetious/ironic comment Funnily enough I don't think my comment is anything new either. But on large subs it's been like this for a long time which is why I generally use this site for things I have at least some interest in.




Too late, my pitchfork is already on fire


Mate this is Reddit. Everyone's gonna grab them pitchforks and burn everything to the ground.


as evidenced by the fact this comment is heavily upvoted


Yeah, it's like we're not on the forum that ruined people's lives while playing detective in the Boston Bombings terror attack. No, not this site.


b-but how will I get updoots and let people know I’m a super nice moral person if I don’t immediately start jumping to conslusions


I honestly read it as Junji Ito, the manga author😭


Same, then I saw this was r/soccer and went "hmm wait a minute!"


I got shocked bro. But then i saw a football image


Thats why Didier Deschamps hasnt called him up for the french national team.


Alright Reddit, let’s wait before we start praying on another player’s life to be ruined. Is it possible he committed what he’s accused of? Absolutely Is it also possible that these accusations are false? Absolutely


Also worth mentioning that an accused party being found not guilty doesn't necessarily mean that the accusation is false


Then what the fuck is accused supposed to do, to change the way society sees him? Your comment implies that he is guilty no matter what


their comment implies the legal system is falliable, which is absolutely a true statement. think about OJ Simpson. the legal system is not a decider of public opinion, it decides legal punishment. this may come as a surprise to you but if you have read the details of the case you are allowed to disagree with the verdict.




sentences are about punishment, what on earth has that got to do with whether someone’s done it or not? especially if they are declared innocent, which is the scenario we are talking about - there’s not going to be ANY paperwork for sentencing - because he hasn’t been sentenced. regardless sentencing isn’t the important part for judging the case for yourself (why would the extent of the punishment influence your judgement?), the actual contents of the case are - which are more often than not public apart from a few exceptions. i have no clue what your point is.


Go on living life as an upstanding person. My view is that anyone, especially if they’re rich and famous can fall victim to baseless accusations, but if they’re genuinely on the up and up it’s extremely unlikely for multiple people to step forward just because of a false accusation. If they’re someone like cosby or Weinstein and it opens up a floodgate of victims then the allegations are probably true.


weren’t several of the accusers in the Mendy case found to be lying/conspiring?


It was like, 1 out of 12. It's ridiculous to use this to somehow discredit the other 11 or 10 or whatever actual number. We all know that there are some no moral gold digger out there, but when you get 10 women independantly claiming the same thing, a thing that is quite common (sadly) i mean come on.


Wouldnt surprise me a couple accusers smelling the sweet scent of a couple millions worth in a settlement


Except, these guys will never be the same again. This shit even happens to regular guys if they cross paths with the wrong crazy psychopath. Imagine going through the stress of being accused of something like this…it will destroy your life. The accuser will usually get away unscathed, while you are marked for life.


Two sides to that coin. A victim could see their abuser found not guilty, and society will see them as a liar. People will think what they want to think


>Also worth mentioning that an accused party being found not guilty doesn't necessarily mean that the accusation is false Also worth mentioning that an accused party being found guilty doesn't necessarily mean that the accusation is true.


Why does this comment only ever show up when there's SA and not any other crime?


Hey that's not *entirely* true. It also comes up for domestic abuse.


Because it's harder to prove, one way or another, and because tend to try to get justice other ways, more so than for other crimes.


I wonder if there's a connection between "it's harder to prove" and "try(ing) to get justice in other ways" No, it's the women who are wrong


Of course there's a connection. And yes, sometimes women are wrong, and as long as you can't tell which one's are beyond any reasonable doubt, then I don't think the mob justice is beneficial for anyone.


This "mob justice" you refer to only exists because the legal system does not function when it comes to crimes against women. Be angry at the system and not the people trying to right a wrong


>This "mob justice" you refer to only exists because the legal system does not function when it comes to crimes against women. Well that's not true. It doesn't work as well as it should for sexual assault. >Be angry at the system Sure. >and not the people trying to right a wrong They aren't though. If not, they wouldn't be going at it that way. They want someone to punish, not for things to get better.


"that's not true" Very convincing argument 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 > They want someone to punish If the legal system worked through this wouldn't be a problem


>that's not true" Very convincing argument It's the same as your argument, to be fair. >If the legal system worked through this wouldn't be a problem Yes, but it doesn't. Doesn't mean we have to create more victims.


You really don't have to look very hard for instances of the system completely failing women. The burden of proof is on you >Doesn't mean we have to create more victims Wild to say this when actual victims rarely get the justice they deserve. The system is churning out victims and the second they push back they are in the wrong.


Innocent until proven guilty But also I've never been accused of standing over a women recovering from consciousness lmao


Neither have I. Not that hard, is it?


Sir, this is the internet. It doesn't work that way. It's Guilty until proven innocent and even then, we still don't know 


Idk why you're downvoted. That's exactly how it works here. Look at the Mendy case for a perfect example.


First 5 downvotes for Barca flair, after that it's the hivemind.


It's funny because it's the opposite, look at Mendy, and greenwood, to see how common it is for abuser to get away with it. Can't blame people to then have no trust in the system if it's failing them again and again. Look at the statistic between the estimated number of abuser and the number of conviction.


I specifically didn't include Greenwood in my comment because that case was exceptionally unusual in that we the public actually witnessed the abuse happening. However in most cases, it's a he said - she said situation in which we do not know definitely either way. I've seen the statistics you mentioned. The issue with those estimates is that they remove the cases that were proven to be false accusations and assume the rest were true and that the accused "got away with it". However, as is the case with proving sexual abuse happened, it is also very difficult to prove the other way that accusations were indeed false. The reason I brought up Mendy was that in his case, some of the accusations were demonstrably proven to be false in court (not just dismissed due to lack of evidence). So we know for sure that some of the accusers were lying, and we don't know either way about the rest of the accusers. Yet you still constantly see Mendy being labeled as an abuser, with everyone assuming he was guilty and just "got away with it because of his amazing legal team", as you have so nicely demonstrated.


Because he is an abuser. 1 person lying doesn't mean the other 10 were. I mean come on there isn't a cabal of women getting together to lie about footballer rapind them, and if there were we would see WAY MORE stuff. Truth is abuse and rape is way more common than is confortable to think about.


So you've never slept in the same bed as a woman and woke up first?


I'm still praying for Mason Greenwood's life to be ruined.


It is ruined by the standard of what his life could be. Losing 2 years of development at his age is crucial to his career. Still, his life will be better than 99% of Earth population


"Alright Reddit" literally everyone here agrees with you


Now do the likelihood of each in percentages instead of "absolutely".


Asking for reddit to wait and hear from all parties and let all the details come out before making assumptions, you won’t find that shit here


No sir. We are judge, jury AND executioner, and won't have it any other way!




Please stop


pretty uncool


This is exactly my thought to this. We don’t know the accusation is true or not, however it sounds true he had sex with a drunken girl. He is a popular footballer (at least in Japan), also a married guy. Whether he is guilty or not, it’s uncool.


Seems like y'all haven't learnt anything, this sub is always absolutely sure of guilt


Truet me, if you think it’s bad here- check out some celebrity gossip subs. On another level 


The NFL subreddit was frothing at the mouth when that kicker from the Bills got accused a few years ago. Then when he was found innocent that same energy was not there


We're the accusations proved to be false, or was he found innocent? Big difference when it comes to sex crimes


From what I understand there is a pretty good indication that they were false, as the district attorney found that he left eh party 30 minutes before the alleged incident occurred. Araiza sued the woman for defamation and they eventually agreed to drop the suits against each other (Araiza retains the right to sue her lawyer, however).


popculturechat is insane. Actually not mentally well.


I suggest you dont peek over at DeuxMoi. To this day, people over there still think Amber Heard was telling the truth...


r/hockey and related subs are going through the same shit right now too lol.


Look at the gossip subs like fauxmoi and pop culture chat , they are far worse in this regard.


Junya Ito is out of the Asia Cup, and the JFA has decided to pull him just in case Ito's mental health is not so good and it is not clear if the accusations against Ito are true. Also, it turns out that Ito has filed a criminal complaint of false accusations against the two women. https://www.nikkansports.com/soccer/japan/news/202402010001257.html


Ito filed criminal charges against the two women for filing false complaints. https://www.nikkansports.com/soccer/japan/news/202402010000463.html


Even if he's guilty he's not gonna be punished. He's a rich public figure of course he'll get away with everything 




Yeah, I'll wait for evidence, proof, and a conviction before I formulate an opinion on this. Been fooled too many times before with false accusations pursuing monetary compensation or fame.


Feel very bad for the women (assuming it is true). Gender violence is a huge problem in East Asian countries like Japan/SK (understated reason for their low birth rates imo). Hope she can get the justice she desires, though I doubt it given how difficult assault/rape is to prove even in "Western" countries.


Why is this being downvoted? Gender violence in East Asia is very much true. Like, there are news of women get beaten up in public happened simply because they turned down the men's sexual advances.


> Why is this being downvoted? Probably because they're linking it to low birth rates, which just comes off as colonial-era racist nonsense about non-white men and countries given that roughly half of European country birth rates are the same as or even lower than Japan's.


Cuz he's assuming the accused party is guilty when he says things like "hope she gets the justice she desires."


Cause feminism bad.


Did you guys react the same way when Ronaldo and Neymar were accused of rape by women? Huh?




Time to sign for the glory glory man utd




would love to know what kind of real life person not only autopilots to thinking this but is compelled to write it out on the Internet. Like are you well-adjusted? Do you have a girlfriend/wife? I can probably guess the last one tbf. 


I, too, would love to know what kind of real life person not only autopilots to thinking **this** but is compelled to write it out on the Internet. Like are you well-adjusted? Do you have a girlfriend/wife? I can probably guess the last one tbf. 


Someone who has compassion for victims of sexual violence, I guess you're one of the other guys. 


Another Man United bound


Junya itoooooooo LETS GOOOOOO


Too much hentai


Junya Ito asked these girls “ Do you like me? Or Kaoru Mitoma better? at dinner after friendly match. His agent invited them for friendly match with Peru. The girls said no first Cuz it’s not related to their work. (these girls are actress/model) So his agent invited model agency president as well. Junya Ito brought money to settle and NDA last month which pissed these girls…