• By -


Boxing off house to sell it, and the previous owners just keep leaving shitty grenades. The final room the attached coal shed/utility room and it's single brick thick, it took over a week for plaster to dry and I painted it but moisture just keeps coming through the brick I'm at the final stage once this room is painted and tidied, but this is dragging forever. Think I need to wipe off all of the indoor paint and just go over with masonry and hope for the best.


Rishi Sunak should be stripped of his melanin and tolerance to spices for saying Britain has never been on the wrong side of history. You know that's a ridiculous statement to make about any country expect maybe some micronations. BUT TO SAY THAT ABOUT BRITAIN, and as an ethnically Indian man.


Oh yeah fuck him for life. What a factually incorrect thing to say.


> and as an ethnically Indian man. He's not a man. He's the cute little pet of the oligarchy. Britain has more often than not been on the "wrong side of history". But it will surely win him a few votes if I know the British right, though I'm guessing they're gonna go with the other pet in the next election.


Lingard almost got sent off in his kleague debut lmao


[Happy Saturday](https://youtu.be/rss-82XRbKE?si=i6dlEXZHlKMTvjKI). Really been enjoying their new album




> And lastly are their any teams left not like this?  We're owned by Tony Bloom who is a childhood fan (his uncle? was also on the board for a long long time). He has repeatedly said that Brighton are going to be a family owned club. But none of that would have mattered to most if Tony wasn' the genius he is. If we were shite, most people would be very excited if Big Money came around. Any club that gets taken over by big money are going to lose a set of fans (sometimes for political reasons but mainly because they get bored of watching a team they can't relate to)... but they're going to gain a whole lot more. Thats the nature of... gold. Football has a lot of sketchy owners indeed. Lots of criminals. Easy to do money laundry. Many naive people to trick. But its pretty much a requirement. Even our Tony is a shady man. He runs Starlizard, which is some sort of data analysis company that helps billionaires make bets on the Asian markets where there is no transparency, where you can make enormous bets you can't do on eg Bet365, and importantly where you can play on fixed games. In the perfect world Tony probably shouldn't own a footie club. But he's the best among the worst, and indeed a local and true fan of the club.


Gambling is a sin I'm afraid. Please don't check my comment history.


Not a sin necessarily but humans can't cope with it, kind of like how we can't cope with heroin. Not the main issue here though. The main issue is that when teams like Stoke, Brentford and Brighton (to mention a couple) that are owned by gamblers or betting companies, it threatens the integrity of the game.


The rank hypocrisy of being sponsored by betting firms whist being banned from betting is lovely too. Should just ban all adverts like we did with ciggys as a minimum.


Whats the ownership of crystal palace like? 


Half good half really not good.  We have quite a roller coaster of events over the recent past where we nearly went bankrupt got bought by a fan led consortium then some things have happened since then. We have one owner who is Palace through and through and others who are part of a multi club ownership model that really doesn't sit well with the fans. 


Yeah, and the existence of protest clubs like FC United of Manchester or AFC Liverpool are evidence of that. The lower down the pyramid the more likely you’ll have fan owned clubs (Wimbledon and Bury) or owners who care more than most (wrexham)


Really hyped for SMT V: Vengeance to come. 


Just got home from work, there was a big crisis so it was all hands on deck tonight. Currently 4am here, been at the office since 8am. Normally I don’t mind working late, I hate my life so it’s a nice distraction on a Friday night. But today I’m disappointed that I didn’t get to celebrate saint davids day. I miss Wales


Has anyone here ever been convicted of a crime


Yeah, I got caught with a little bit too much mdma a long while back but fortunately got off as it was my first offense.


A few times for naughty tinctures when I was younger. 


Three times. If you're not convicted every five to ten years, you're not living life as you should.


Got caught with class As. Only a fine luckily


When I was a teenager yeah but I've since had the records spent/expunged


If killing people is a crime, put me in jail




I’ve been taking finasteride 3x a week for the last 5 months and decided to stop it just to see if there’s a difference. Anyone who says that this drug has no side effects is coping


I've been taking it every day for a lot longer than that and haven't noticed any. Any more sensitivity and my wife will have grounds for divorce tbh


A DHT blocker would bring about changes. It's common sense. You don't need to know biology or science to understand how inhibiting T will affect your body.


Fuck me, I think I’ll go gently into that good night and just grow my beard out. I have shit genes so it’s on the way for me


Out of curiosity as a bald fella, what were they?


Nothing crazy but my dick was working at 70% and it was way less sensitive. I didn’t think it was that bad until I got off it


It's been very depressing living in Florida these last few years.


Why’s the sunshine and beach state so depressing


Friendly reminder that Memphis Depay shilled NFT's. He had a discord link on his twitter for a while and I snooped around, found some messages by him (like 5 messages in total) and it was one of the cringiest shit I had ever seen. Got banned for not shilling along, but thankfully [I still have a video, so we won't forget](https://streamable.com/gw3ue5) He's gonna be the all time top scorer for the Dutch NT, I'll never respect him


So did John terry. Stop putting footballers on pedestal of high intelligence


The idea of professional footballers having their own Discord server is something I can't comprehend lmao, I wonder when clubs will move onto focusing on shit like that in addition to Twitter and Instagram


United already have a Discord server with NFTs and stuff, with occasional AMAs from team members and different levels of "perks" for supporters.


I’ve been talking to this girl and we have caught feelings for each other wtf do I do I’ve never got this far before


this is a sign that the joe gomez goal is coming


Just saw Kung Fu Panda is coming back, and damn Jack Black is an old man. School of Rock was 21 years ago.


Kung Fu Panda AND Shrek. Wouldn't be hyped about a th installment of a movie typically. But Puss in Boots 2 got me hyped. I have loved Dreamworks movies since Spirit, I hope they can keep delivering.


Drunk AMA Fuck it


If you were on death row, what would your last meal be? No restrictions




Type "Marco Reus in an Union Berlin kit" with your eyes closed


Favourite book you've ever read?


Lord of the rings


Best beer?


Beer is shite


Least favourite Premier League club? What are you drinking? Can I have your credit card number?


Man United Yega Bombs Fuck off


How's life going mate? What's the biggest thing you're pursuing in life at the moment?


Fuck all


Better than the Gary Lineker AMA tbh. What's you drink?


JD whiskey mostly


The Club World Cup... how does a team qualify for the "Host team" spot in the CWC? Aside from the 4 Concacaf *possible* Qualifiers, the USA gets to send one team directly to the 2025 CWC. Is there an official method on how that team will be selected?


just restarted reading the fellowship of the ring again after a long time , it feels so good to snuggle under the bedsheets and enjoy some tolkien


It's beautifully written.


Watched "There Will be Blood" for the first time and thought it was decent. An entertaining watch for the most part, but thought it didn't offer much beyond the main character and its performance, so I don't think it is a movie I'll be rewatching in the foreseeable future. It's also one of those movies where people don't really act like real people, especially the kid that goes def and suddenly acts like he hasn't got a thought in his head. A bit too one-note for my liking, but still a good movie that should be watched.


I'd say leave it a while and watch again I really didn't like it that much when I first watched it, there will be boring, but watched it several years later again and appreciated it more


I didn't find it boring at all, I liked it overall, just didn't think it was this amazing movie that I will be rewatching time and time again.


AHH fair one


I've had 3 showers today, I'm possible the cleanest man in history. Also, nothing more cathartic than playing old records you forgot about whilst doing a shit job, like cleaning the kitchen in the evening.


It's derby day cunts :)


My older sister found out her best friend and I used to bang, a long time ago. She is now for some reason upset, as if it's some sort of betrayal. I'm just not seeing it from her perspective to be honest.


It's illogical but I get it ig. You didn't tell her for a reason right?


Well, more precisely I had no reason to tell her.


They used to bang too


Anybody buying reddit shares?


I don’t live in the states but have a PO Box. Will that be enough you think?


Probably not. A PO box isn't proof of residency.


Figured as much. If I have relatives who live there could I use them perhaps?


They could buy, but it would be their stock. They could gift it to you though.


I’ll look into that, cheers.


Seems like more paperwork than I am used to for a transaction the size of one share, which is all I would buy as a lark.


I wish I could, Aussie resident though so can't use the invite. It feels like it's free money, will drop shortly after and then bounce like basically every lsrge media company.


Maybe. The Facebook IPO still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Like sure, its value is up more than 10x now, 12 years later, but right after it came out it dropped 50% and didn't recover until a year later. EDIT: >Be a current U.S. resident That's a no from me, then.


Randomly tuned in to the indoor track and field world championships and there's a guy named Henrik Larsson running in the 60m final. Thought I was tripping. Edit: he got 5th, not bad for a 52 year old


There's a 60m race?


Just indoor iirc


I never used to be able to smile very well. Like it would always have Arnie in T2 vibes when I tried to give a genuine one. Since having a child I look at photos of us and I'm just glowing, I can sit here and give the most shining headlight beam you've ever seen.  Weird side effect of fatherhood. 


Cut my beard and left my mustache and now everyone is calling me Freddie Mercury


Do they also call you Mr Fahrenheit?


Not yet, but before this I got Jared Leto with a beard


You must be pretty hot then. 


I mean, my friend from my earlier post called me gorgeous couple of weeks ago 😎 But real talk, I grew up obese and lost it, still obese per BMI, and I’d like to lose like 60 more pounds. I probably have some serious body image issues because of it. If I show people I talk to currently a picture from high school, they don’t believe it’s me.


Nice. I'm trying to shift a few maybe more than a few lbs at the mo. Working from home is making it hard I literally work in the kitchen ffs


Do you have a workout plan or anything in place?


Nah not really just trying to run as much as I can. Did 86km in January, only did 30km last month but I'm gonna smash it out this month, got a 5km in earlier. My problem is the food though, need to have more discipline.


Impressive running! I wish I could get that in. I’m the same with food, especially bread.


Going to the gym is just a vehicle to justify eating so much bread.


Me everyday I gym


Haha I just hoofed a bit of peanut butter on a baguette for no reason...


Good taste, but bad choice for losing weight


Hate how refs don’t give yellow cards for time wasting until it’s too late in the championship! Clamped down on it loads at the beginning of season and then just bowed down to the teams! Also, when did defenders start getting these cheap free kicks for falling over in the defensive third


Favourite browser game?


Tribal wars


Fancy pants adventures


Adventure roleplay with GPT 4.


Lemonade Stand


Ooh that one takes me back! Nostalgia is through the roof right now


I dunno about favorite but just a couple months ago I fired up the ol' Sinjid: Shadow of the Warrior for nostalgia's sake.


Chaos Faction, babyyy


Did anyone listen to the new schoolboy q album


Just learned that the account of the guy who weekly reminded us that Thatcher is dead got suspended. It makes me fear that Thatcher is actually back.


That was the most tedious running joke in the free talk Friday threads.


Nothing a quick piss on her grave can't do to ensure her state of decay




Rest happy. She's still dead.


Will you bear the torch and bring FTF the good news?


Hi, my second cousin was killed yesterday, her child is with her uncle we don't know where the father is or if he is alive. I have not talked with them but my mom used to, I feel useless and can't speak out because it might cause me job and it will be all for nothing.


That's horrific man. Hope you're doing as well as you can be right now.


I am ok, thanks for asking, it hasn't effected me that much as I never met them, but I am frustrated in general.




Been putting off doing something for two weeks that has cost me countless hours of sleep in worry. I've resolved to sit down and do it now and it's going fine. This is a constant problem where I put off something, I lose sleep and stress for days and then I do it and it's not so bad.


It's never so bad. I used to be like this too but since having a kid I've tried to be someone who approaches problems head on.  Doesn't always work but I think it's been a positive development in my life.


I just watched a pretty [funny video](https://www.tiktok.com/@claux.7/video/7219345492163955973?_r=1&_t=8kJcnok4cJK) (in Spanish), I don't know if it's true but it's funny. Context, Chile and Argentina, both under dictatorships at the time, came very close to start a war in the late 70s, and Chile had a lot fewer military resources. So they started building fake tanks off wood, cardboard and scrap metal, and carried them in trucks around the conflict zone, so Argentine spies would watch from a distance and assume Chilean forces were much stronger. According to this clip, there were around 9 fakes per actual, functional tank. Ultimately it wasn't this what dissuaded the Argentine regime from attacking -they moved onto the Malvinas conflict later, and between the defeat, the Pope's mediation and the end of their dictatorship, it never came to be-, but supposedly it still caught them by surprise and confused them about the real size of Chile's firepower.


Damn didn't realise the Pope was all up international politics like that. 


It was all a ruse to install Bergoglio


John Paul II was quite involved in international politics, yes. He was unusually "young" for a Pope (58) when elected, and actually quite athletic until his later assassination attempt, so he took the chance to travel a lot and get involved in world affairs. His tenure was pretty much the second half of the Cold War too.


I think I'd make a good Pope. I don't believe in god but I do look good in a hat. Wonder how you get into it


I think you just put it on top of your head like any other hat


Me and my wife have been throughly enjoyed a new Italian serie called Dostoevskij which is about a detective who becomes obsessed with tracking down the serial killer "Dostoyevsky". “Dostoyevsky” has a habit of leaving letters next to his victims' bodies. These letters describes their last moments narrated in a nihilistic manner like a troubled individual from Dostoyevsky’s pieces.


This sounds right up my alley. Thanks for sharing


I was looking for something new to watch, I'll check it out.


Glad to hear that!


I'm gonna check this out


Glad you to hear that!


Last summer I went out with this girl a couple of times, never really sure if it was as friends or a date (which I guess probably means as friends). Nothing came of it as she was moving at the end of the summer. Later in the year, I accepted a job offer in the city that she moved to. Reached out to see if she wanted to go out again and got ghosted. Last week she texts me asking if I want to grab a bite. We are going out tomorrow. Not sure what to think of it


Know your worth king. You should be in the starting XI not the bench


Sounds like you have a date.


Really into Pokémon Nuzlockes recently, they are great fun, and there's some neat youtube content on it.


One of my favorite ROM hacks is crystal legacy. Basically “fixing” the game with little tweaks to make it more enjoyable. Watch the YouTube video, yellow legacy will be out soon also


Hell fucking yea bro, Pokemon Nuzlockes are the best video game content on YouTube


Dating really is awful isn't it


I find it a bit draining. Online dating apps seem like the only place to meet people and yet none of my mates or family met their partner through an app, it's always through university (living together or mate of mates) or through work.


They lying


I know where my friends and family met their partners though.


Honestly I think I should just begin doing cold approaches more. It's scary but it should get easier the more I do it.


Yeah I find the apps super draining but I'm not trying to date anyone at work because that could be potentially problematic and my friends are either in relationships or also on the apps, I've met some friends of friends but nothing's really come out of that so it's back to Hinge for now (Bumble and Tinder have been absolutely useless for me).


You've not seen my parents' marriage, evidently 😶


Im so tired of arbitrary stats that people love to push. They never even question where these numbers come from or how the makers get these random figures from. It's just so silly


i sometimes don't understand that reading and presenting data is the skill until i encounter those lol




Just came out of the theatre. Dune 2 was fucking great. Better than the first. The ending was just as anticlimactic as in part one. But that's easy to forgive because unlike part one, part two fills out its long runtime with way more storylines and action. I felt exhausted and out of breath in a good way after it was over. An epic sci-fi saga that actually lives up to that description for once.


Have you read the book? I’m only asking because i’ve been planning to watch both parts but don’t know if I should read it first or not


Nope. I was also planning to read them before watching the films but I decided against it after I heard some people say that it could be more enjoyable to do it the other way around. So I thought I'd try that out. I'm planning to read them before part 3 comes out.


Ok that’s fair I may end up doing the same then. Thanks


>!I thought the ending was quite conclusive tbh. He becomes the emperor by force and becomes a tyrant. The next part of the story takes place a decade+ after!<


>!Hm, I dunno. It felt pretty open ended to me tbh. I understood that he ascended the throne and became the emperor but it didn't feel like he became a tyrant. I haven't read the books, so maybe that's why I didn't clock that. I thought his relationship with Chani was the main focus in that ending. Him betraying her, her not bowing down to him and leaving him. They also mentioned the coming of a holy war with the houses refusing to accept Paul as their emperor and Paul ordering an attack on them(?) Plus, the way Rautha was played up as this great antagonist to Paul for like a good chunk of the film, only to be killed by him in a lame knife fight...that only added to how anticlimactic it all felt.!<


>!Maybe it's because I've read them, but the war for his ascension to the throne with all those houses and his tight rule afterwards brings about a lot of death.!< >!I liked the knife fight at the end, felt more personal that if it was during the large action sequence!<


My sister finished her career in Foreign languages with a speciality in translation and interpretation, applied for a job, they called her today and told her that she would receive texts translated from French to Spanish via chatGPT and DeepL and do proofread and editing. The salary is decent, but she was borderline offended because they would use those websites to make the translations lmao.


What empire/nation from anytime in history could field the best team Anytime from anywhere in the world is it the Romans with all the best from Italy France Germany Belgium Spain Britain and more. Maybe pick something more modern and take the British Empire and be able to take incredible players from Africa and Asia Bonus points for smaller or more obscure empires


Whatever indigenous culture that created the first version of the game but were eradicated before the West got its way


I give you the Habsburg kingdom of Charles V.  Encompassing: Spain and all its colonies, the Low countries, parts of France and most of Italy, all of Austria-Hungary, Switzerland, and all of Germany. Beat that combined XI


As you didn't specify sport the answer is the British Empire cricket team.


It's Spain and its not close, an Argentinian, Brazilian and Spaniard 11 with Cristiano or Eusébio shits on everyone.


Brazil would be Portuguese no?


We were part of the spanish crown for 60 years


I think the Roman Empire might have it beat tbh. Doesn't get Argentina or Brazil, which weakens the attack a bit, but being able to draw from all the major European nations (though only the West and South of Germany, crucially including modern day Munich) means that defence is going to be incredible


A defense like Zanetti/Puyol/Pasarella/Roberto Carlos is nothing to sneer at


Probably Spain: they have prime Messi and Maradona


Must be the Roman empire, the British empire didn’t cover as much of the footballing world. Spain have much of south america but don’t get Brazil. Roman empire you could pretty much make an all time european xi


British Empire would have to play itself at rugby and cricket.


That’s pretty much how those sports are now but France join in for Rugby


>the British empire didn’t cover as much of the footballing world It's curious that most of the former British colonies adopted (or adapted) multiple British ball sports except association football


It's because the people running those places did not export football. Football as a codified game was primarily for the working classes. Rugby and cricket were the sports of the upper classes who took it with them to the colonies.


That explains it. Conversely football arrived to Latin America mostly through British sailors and merchants.


But as our American cousins keep saying if America cared about football they’d dominate it, so if we have the Empire calling the shots we should have the full unshackled American power.


Floating crosses in to Shaq as the target man we’d have been unstoppable


The Spaniards had us for 60 years, they get Eusebio and Cris plus brazil.


Spanish Empire’s a good shout: Spain, Morocco and a large swathe of Latin America.


On Wednesday, I went to see James Blunt. He's been the first singer I became a fan of when I was about 9 and "You're beautiful" was released. I prefer others now as my music taste has evolved but you never forget your "first love". Whether it's romance, sport, music, etc. The crowd was average at best as I felt like many came to please their wives/gfs. Some came with relatives such as dad with his teenage daughter. I sang as many songs as I could and it was magical. Disappointing thing: when the concert ended, they put random songs and they put "Country road". What a big surprise when I noticed I'm the only one rocking that song. I assumed it was popular even in France.


So far in the past week or so you've got Ratcliffe being a rapist sympathiser and potentially allowing Greenwood back, Barcelona reinstating Dani Alves' legend status, and New Zealand playing a rapist in a test match. Thought sport was trying to improve in that kinda aspect, especially 2 sports where there has been a clear push to improve the women's game and bring it into the public more. I don't understand why it's so hard to just not support rapists in sport?


been laid off for 2.5 weeks now and having quite a difficult time with it. the job market is fucked


Welcome to the future, friend.


thanks, i hate it here




An update from [previous](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1axw17j/free_talk_friday/krtixak/?sort=top) [posts](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1as46re/free_talk_friday/kqpyeoj/?sort=top) about a touchy friend, turns out she doesn’t have a boyfriend and they broke up sometime last year. I feel slightly less bad about potentially crossing a line. Also, I saw Marcel the Shell with Shoes On. Great piece of cinema with a lot of heart. Definitely recommend it and it’s on Netflix.


Had some abominable paneer tikka masala the other day, makes me feel better about the quality of the stuff I cook at home. Paneer was one step off from being fossilized dry and it wasn't even basmati rice lmao Another food related thing - Brits: it's a meme here that chinese takeout in the UK is essentially like chips with gravy/stir fry..... How much do people *actually* order this lol


The local Chinese place to me has the best fucking chips I've ever had in my life. Pretty mad cos the Chinese food is fucking horrible. 


I've never seen anyone get chips when getting a Chinese takeaway but i'm sure it happens, ultimately not everyone is comfortable experimenting with different foods and chips are so easy to make so often an option on menus. Normally under an English section on the menu.


Probably less than you'd think but more than nothing. Like chineses will do half rice/half chips and curry sauce as a cheap thing for the school kids at lunch or after school, and if you're doing a proper takeaway you might throw in some chips on the order cos why not, but I've not met many people where you're only getting chips and a half chicken or something.


Chinese takeaway is like a subgenre of chinese food here, there are restaurants and some takeaways that will do more authentic style food but there’s a lot of takeaways that dofried rice chips and chicken balls that people pour curry sauce over, idk about gravy that might be pushing it even for us. It’s not something I get but it’s not uncommon


Think it's 7 years this month since me and wife started dating, 3y married and now 5mo babies My wife was and is about 2-3 leagues above me and I'm still often puzzled how this happened. I'm absolutely shamelessly in love with her like I was from day 1. Think we're doing alright


That's so sweet! I'm usually pessimistic about married life in general (blame my parents) so stories like this make me happy.


The dream. As someone feeling hopeless about my dating life, any advice?


As someone who has actually zero ability to flirt and never used Tinder or similar ever, i think vague advice isn't really useful? You can ask anything you feel like, let's see from then