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A spanish football player speaking out on racism and not making a total fool of himself? How rare. Good on you Ramos


What 4 ucls does to a mf.


4 UCLs, a rocket wife, 4 little adorable kids, €50,000,000 in the bank, somehow a world champion horse, and knowing he’s a hero in the capital for the rest of his life. Might as well speak his mind he already has it all lol


I wasn’t sure it’d be enough but now that you’ve mentioned the horse, fair enough


Oh I thought Ramos was the world champion horse


He is.


What exactly is a rocket wife, though?


Rocket husband and rocket wife were titles given out by Rocket League Devs Psyonix to couples that met in game and went on to get married. The couple would have to get in contact with Psyonix, who would then verify their past matches etc.


Thank you for the clarification


I mean, his seed would garner quite the stud fee. I’m sorry. Let me go throw up now.




World Cup and two euros probably helps too


Probably not as much as the horse.


Think he’s earned a bit more than two in his career tbf


More than two horses?


Jokic punching air rn


What’s a “rocket” wife? Stem major wife lol? 


Just give her a quick google and you’ll see what I mean


She plasticky though


Like a rocket?


Rockets have plastic?


also gypsy background and probably has been in those situation one time or another


Didn't do it to Carvajal apparently


He also called for people who yell racist things to be banned from stadiums. > **¿España racista?:** "No va por ahí. \[...\] Luego están los casos de quienes entran en los estadios a desahogarse, que no deben entrar a los estadios más. [**https://www.marca.com/futbol/seleccion/2024/03/25/6601786fe2704e79188b45d5.html**](https://www.marca.com/futbol/seleccion/2024/03/25/6601786fe2704e79188b45d5.html) It was a similar message, but since he also included his personal experience (and that is a no-no given his skin color), the rest of his message was "lost".


"What actually being a good person who thinks racism is wrong" does to a mf.


What an idiotic comment


What not understanding a joke does to a mf


Never thought I'd see Sergio Ramos, of all people, being the most level-headed person in the room lol


He usually sounds and behaves great outside of pitch.


Almost every shithouser is class off the pitch




Diego Costa too


Also Richarlison


Where my boy Rüdiger at?


Maupay too


Pepe as well. He is genuinely a nice and well-spoken person off the pitch.




I hope you're not talking about Felipe Melo


Probably what he is reffering to https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1bpq97y/zach_lowy_felipe_melo_on_robinho_and_dani_alves/


I wonder what Deyverson is like off the pitch




Vidal’s class off the pitch?


No, it was meant as a counter-example. An idiot in the pitch, a drunk-driving piece of shit off it.


Ah yeah that makes sense, shame that you got downvoted before that explanation


Also is (or was) a UNICEF ambassador iirc.


I always knew it when he had the emo cut back in the mid oughts


It’s almost as if your on-pitch actions don’t translate into the person you are in real life. Don’t let the reddit hobbyist psychologists see this tho


El Capitan 👌🏽


El Capitano


Check his passport, he can’t really be Spanish can he


Ramos is an equal opportunity assaulter on the pitch. He doesn't see color.


Will never forget when he stepped on Cristiano's face in a match versus Portugal. It was horrible and funny at the same time.


Or that time he made Messi's ankle swell to the size of a football


They were both playing at PSG.


Just a Spanish Pepe


Dani Rojas


The inclusive shithouse we need


I miss him so much


He is the greatest defender in our history, certainly the best I have seen.


Only red.


I think he definitely used to assault more on the pitch when he sees the blue and maroon colours. Maybe the red and white too. He's a good lad though. Liverpool fans may disagree.


That was my first thought as well. He doesn’t discriminate breaking legs. Any color or shape leg will do.


He was talking about those who are bringing up racism, not the racists themselves./s


“I hate racism, all Spaniards are the same”


If you want to know what he really thinks about other races take a look at his friends. https://i.imgur.com/bI7wqxi.jpeg


I know you’re saying that as joke, but you saying that, suggest that all Spaniards are racists. Which is xenophobic. And I’m not even Spanish


Oh yeah I know, but I saw an opportunity for the joke, and I wasn’t gonna pass that up. I have no idea what it’s actually like in Spain.


Genuinely not trying to start shit, but would you have taken it as a joke if it was about African Americans?


What exactly about them is the joke alluding to matters I guess, but I would likely still take it as a joke. I’m not black though, I’m Hispanic, and I make jokes about us all the time


Any negative generalization towards Hispanic Americans. Doesn’t have to get specific And my bad for assuming African American, it was based on the Ghana flag in your profile.


If it was said in a joking manner then absolutely I’d take it as a joke, probably find it funny if it was a good one. To be fair, it can be hard to tell with some jokes, I see poorly executed ones on here all the time that just make the author seem racist, xenophobic etc


Like yours? Would the chants against Vini be more acceptable if they were funny?


The Vini chants aren’t jokes, and I don’t actually believe all Spaniards are racist


I agree that they’re not jokes, but that’s what a lot of the racists defending it say. That they intended them as humor or “banter” to rile up an opponent, and that they don’t actually believe in racism. Doesn’t make it any less blatantly racist. I also just said that their case was obviously much worse, but you seem to have skipped that part


Damn, I thought my joke was pretty good :(


The people making monkey noises at Vinicius think they’re hilarious too, everyone is a comedian in their own eyes. I’m obviously not drawing a direct comparison, theirs is worse, and I definitely expected the downvotes, I just wondered where do you draw the line with negative stereotypes.


Just say black people not every black peoples are african americans how racist are you?


He has a flag of the following countries in his bio: Ghana, United States of America. You’re calling me a racist for assuming someone with an African and an American flag is African American?




If you think Catalans are any less xenophobic…




Google Isabel Diaz Ayuso first and have a rethink. Madrid votes for literal fascists.


There are as many racists in Catalonia than the rest of Spain, especially in football stadiums. EDIT: to the cowardly person with poor reading comprehension skills who responded with irrelevant diatribe generalizing the citizens of Madrid and immediately blocking me so I can’t respond—I am literally a Real Madrid socio and as left leaning as you can be so great job there. What does Madrid have to do with this exactly? Again, just so you understand—there are racists in Catalonia just like there are racists in Madrid, Andalusia and the entirety of Spain. Catalans are not paragons of anti-racism—in fact, they are no different from other Spaniards. You have to be a naive fool to believe otherwise. There are plenty of famous examples of racism there. Just to give you one: Roberto Carlos was famously subject to racist insults and banners at the Camp Nou and after lamenting publicly that “he had never experienced racism as intense as this anywhere”, a Catalan midfielder by the name of **Pep Guardiola** completely dismissed the racism by saying Roberto Carlos “talks too much” and “doesn’t know Barcelona fans”. That was Pep Guardiola, probably the most famous Catalan in the sport right now. Again, you have to be a fool to think Catalans are any less racist overall than other Spaniards, which include people from Madrid btw.


Google Isabel Diaz Ayuso first and have a rethink. Madrid votes for literal fascists.


The state of this sub. Apparently it's okay to judge a whole country by the actions of their worst people. As if racist shitbags don't exist in every country. Saying Spanish football is pathetic and shameful for not banning racists is a very true statement, but the amount of xenophobia on this sub is awful, and entirely counter-productive for people who claim to be against racism.


Take it easy mate, it’s a joke. And I’m American, believe me I know how each country has its racists. If you wanna be mad you can debate the people genuinely arguing that all of Spain tolerates racism. I don’t partake in that conversation because I have no idea what it’s like over there.


I'm sorry that I used your comment specifically, but I wanted to highlight the fact that there have been tons of people on here unironically labelling a whole country as racist because of the behaviour of braindead morons who use football as an outlet for their disgusting behaviour. As a white Spaniard, I have no right to really say whether life as a person of colour in Spain is difficult or not, so that's not the point I'm trying to make. The issue is people of other nationalities (often Brits, let's be honest) acting like so many other countries have issues that they don't. It's wilful ignorance and arrogance, and it's shown with the number of downvotes, but no replies, that a comment like mine gets. Fine, you're joking, but the fact that making a joke like this feels easy or light-hearted enough for you to make in the first place (and then tell me that I shouldn't take it so hard) just shows how accepted it is right now to label whole countries based on the actions of their worst people.


The first Spanish football person in a while to have the correct take on racism


Real captain not like that coward Carajval


What did he say?


I have many poc friends, they haven't told me that they have faced racist abuse. Spain is not a racist country. -slightly simplified version


That’s such a simplified version that it’s completely misleading. He said he grew up in a diverse area where there was a lot of different people fully integrated and he doesn’t believe Spain is a racist country. Are there racists in Spain? Yes, does that make the whole country racist? Doubtful


> That’s such a simplified version that it’s completely misleading. It boils down to the same issue. People only look at their own very limited experiences and falsely conclude that it applies everywhere else. > Are there racists in Spain? Yes, does that make the whole country racist? Doubtful At the same time, practically nothing is being done to stamp out the root cause of the problem.


The idea of labeling a whole country racist is so much more nuanced than just looking at instances at some football matches. If we can use specific instances of racism and label a whole country racist as a result, literally every country is racist. The issue here is the consequences these fans face. I believe La Liga said they can’t do more because the Spanish laws aren’t set up to allow it, so it sounds like there needs to be laws around going after those specific racists and increasing the penalties. It’s too easy to just say a country is racist without any deeper analysis.


> If we can use specific instances of racism and label a whole country racist as a result, literally every country is racist. Yes, every country has some kind of racism going on. That is practically unavoidable. However, when people in positions of power are neglecting to do something about it when it's clearly an issue then they just perpetuate the problem. What used to be an incident becomes a recurring thing and normalized behavior.


Completely agree. I’m not close enough to Spanish politics to understand the timelines around passing proactive laws to go after these people or if they are even considering any such laws. If they are or not, I think we are all smart enough to understand governments in this day and age are not always reflective of the people. My original position was that it’s not fair to go after players like Carvajal whose experience growing up in Spain was such that he doesn’t believe Spain as a whole is racist. Again, it’s more nuanced and you have 14 yr olds here coming out with their pitchforks if they feel every player doesn’t toe the line that Spain is racist as a whole.


Ramos isn’t really saying that Spain’s a country of racists is he? He’s denouncing it and calling for further action and look at how many people are praising him contrary to what you claim Carvajal is also the captain of the team, him downplaying the issue by using the diversity card as one of the club’s most prominent figures isn’t a good look no matter how much nuance is added EDIT - didn’t he also vote for VOX?


Nothing is being done by the RFEF to take the problem seriously and respond to it effectively. The fact that this comment by Ramos is so exceptional when in England it would be a normal captain’s comment speaks volumes for how little Spain recognises its problems


[This is the thread about what he said](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/qIfS9VfLWn)


Similar to what Vini said and Ramos said (Spain is not a racist country and the people who go to stadiums to yell racist stuff should have their entry barred ("que no deben entrar a los estadios más"), but he also included his personal experience. And in the topic of racism, including your personal experience as a white person is a no-no.


Translation: “Say dumb racist shit and I’ll two foot you”


“~~Say dumb racist shit~~ and I’ll two foot you”


Nah, he said he doesn't mind the skin color, he will two foot you regardless.


lawful evil


"White leg, black leg, makes no difference to me, I break them all."


My goat


How is it Ramos that's the first one in Spain saying sensible things? Go off, king.


Based Ramos doesn't see colour when he wants to end someone's career


Has seen his share of red and yellow, now he is sick of colors. Understandable.


My captain always


Based from Ramos


All Races are equal in Sergio Ramos's eyes, He doesn't discriminate while putting you in a hospital


Auto loss if your fans do racist shit.


How strange a Spanish football player to be this sensible.


Ramos has been so likeable in the last 4 years


Weird how that works


Honestly it is kinda weird how some of the biggest cunts on the pitch come off very well spoken off it. Richarlison, Ramos and Pepe come to mind


They leave it for/on the pitch I guess. Even Suarez and Costa have been said to be very calm and cool off the pitch.


Vardy too.


I’m surprised no one mentioned Emi Martinez yet lol


Nah, he's been shown to be a racist off the pitch.


I stand corrected then. I've only really known of him since Leicester won the title.


Considering the Evra situation Id guess that Suarez is not that great of a person off the pitch. But that was years ago so who knows.


I suppose biting people as well but who knows how the brain works.


If someone gave you a choice that you’d be one of if not the best player in your position of your generation but the trade off would be you gain a reputation as a fucking twat you’d take that deal in a heartbeat tbf


Pepe has been great for the past decade. Dude chilled out after his first few years at Real but people still remember him for his earlier days.


I find him very dislikable especially after the senseless claims against the referee in the world cup


No. He intentionally injured Dovbyk after the hattrick in the Girona-Sevilla game. Fuck Ramos.


First time I’ve seen a Spanish footballer say something reasonable about Racism. Take a bow Ramos


r/fuckramos hardest hit


Ramos is like Spanish Bull, only color he sees is RED 🐂


Based Ramos only color he sees is red


Love you capi, fucking finally a rational take not loaded with tons of underhanded racism 😭


Don’t make me like Sergio Ramos.


The irony of separating fans in the name of inclusion. Jokes aside, good on him. Don't make me like Ramos now after all these years.


Separating the fans is different, because violence during an emotional match is different compared to racism. The racist chant will still occur whether you separate them or not. The only way is to ban the whole section and fine the stadium/team if they keep letting racists back into their stadium.


Fuck Ramos. But he's right.


Ramos redemption arc is real.


Fucking Carvajal should learn something wearing an armband


When I thought I couldn’t admire this man even more. Cunt on the field and respectable off it, the way it should be.


but what if they said racist insults because the player danced while celebrating???????


You'll never be him carvajal


Real leader of men


Finally a spaniard with a good opinion about this topic


Nice to see an influential Spaniard taking the issue seriously. The bar really is on the floor.


Common Ramos win


My captain, forever and always.


*gasp* its almost like not all Spanish ppl are racyst! This cannot be, I must be dreaming.


USA points at Mexico….


This is why I love Ramos. Great person.




We need more captains to speak out this clearly. Well done Ramos!


True captain, was really disappointed by Carvajal denying racism problem in Spain


Ramos was also one of the ones who unequivocally opposed Rubiales’ behaviour towards Jenni Hermoso at the World Cup. Carajval was rubbish on that issue too.


Only colour Ramos sees is red 🐐


Rare Ramos W


Extremely common Ramos W


Racism is really bad in soccer. Let’s try and get it out of soccer.


Stamford Bridge will be really empty then


Yet somehow still louder than the Etihad


Says the guy who elbowed an Arab in the face, just to win a measly trophy. Just joking, of course.


Secret elbow no jutsu


He's finally done something I can admire. Fair play to him. I don't think Spain is in the top 5 most racist countries in Europe, and they're fucking racist. Well done Sergio. Call that shit out


So... should we separate from the racists or not .... /s