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He is taking this game to his death bed


When I saw it in r/gunners I thought it was a troll account posted it😂


Same, I thought either that or someone was posting it from when we played them recently. Man's just gone and done it again. He knows.


I imagine he definitely keeps bringing it up in their inner circles too. Like can you imagine what frustration Radcliffe goes through when he's evaluating his job, and contemplating his future there, then ten Hag's whole argument circle back to *that Garnacho offside against Arsenal eh?* for the 5th zillions time. I genuinely think they're fed up with it rather than finding it hilarious like us fans lol


That game is his sleep paralysis demon. Gonna cause generational trauma within the Ten Hag bloodline.


They should run a brain MRI on the poor man, cause this speech is perseverative in a very concerning way. Serious talk, the amount of time he's referred back to it in a completely irrelevant way, this could very well be a sign of some temporal lesion.


I enjoy the dunking on Ten Hag but let’s calm down, it’s completely normal to refer to things that marked you and that game was one of the best of the season, maybe he brings it up too much but that’s not a big deal. I mean this as a person of course, as a manager he should probably move on.


Never heard him talk about that game


He really needs to let go of that Arsenal game to be honest.


Especially since the offside call was objectively correct. Yeah, it's tight as fuck and is near infinitesimal in terms of how offside he is but... he is offside. Let it go, man. He said this was the turning point for your season, I feel like that's because he spent the whole season not focusing on anyone else but just this game.


Agreed. It was as tight as it gets but he was offside. 


The penalty that wasn't with Hojlund and Gabriel is the thing I'd be whinging about personally. Although even then, it was *months* ago. At some point you really do need to move on.


The one where Højlund gets Gabriel in an arm lock and they both go down? What about the Havertz penalty called on-field that VAR overturned despite there being contact from AWB and Casemiro? Pretty sure that was the most egregious incident in that game but he always seems to forget about it.


That's the one. Would have been soft but it's in the "seen them given" category. The point is though, banging on about a game that happened way back in September is a bit weird and imo doesn't really help. Yeah, a point or three would have been nice but it's not the reason our season unraveled for so long. We've had more than enough time to make up for it.


For sure. Every team has been denied “seen them given” penalties by GW37. It’s wild he still brings it up. Well, every team except one has been denied them..


Gabriel was clearly impeding Højlund with both arms around him, you see those fouls given outside the box every weekend. Havertz was falling before the contact he initiated was made, that’s why it was overturned. Not the first or last dive he attempted this season.


>both arms around him Well, you need to watch the incident again because you've clearly imagined that. There is one arm out to block his way which Højlund locks into his armpit and tumbles bringing them both down. Incidents where both players are grappling are never given as pens. The Havertz incident however was given on-field, then the normal process is if there is no contact it's a clear and obvious error and VAR can overturn. But for some reason VAR decided there is contact but it is "minimal" despite clipping his foot so it was overturned. This goes against all other usage of VAR and was a ridiculous decision.


I just rewatched the hojlund incident and no hojlund didn't even get his arm up on Gabriel until he wrapped his near his stomach and hojlund grabs Gabriel's arm which brings both down the only point i agree is about both grappling


He also throws his leg across Højlund and doesn't get the ball.


There was an angle that showed Gabriel's head was further forward than the part they drew the lines on, so maybe that's why. Whether that angle was even correct I don't remember.


>He said this was the turning point for your season He's just grasping at straws. We were rubbish before that game and we were rubbish after it.


Also even if United score it I doubt they hold on for the win. It also doesn't fix the terrible way they played in general or the injury issues.


I think when it's that tight the call can't be objectively correct because the contact with the ball when the pass is made is not instantaneous and the VAR is relying on a non-continuous video feed. If the frames of the video had lined up differently, VAR may have decided he was onside.


Tbf, Klopp couldn't get over "that fucking Palace game" 8 years ago and then he went on a mad run of winning 13 out of 14 games against them. Sometimes hate wins.


Erik just needs to go on on 13 match win run against Arsenal to match that


Mimimum 2 matches a year. That's 6.5 years more of Ten Hag.


I will love it, and I think I deserve it


I think he has to be doing this on purpose at this point. For what reason? Who knows


It would be funny if he’s in on the joke and is bringing it up on purpose


God damn, that man is really stuck on that game isn't he? Erik is basically Ryan Gosling from the papyrus SNL skit, only instead of the papyrus font, he sees the emirates font everywhere he goes.


[Arteta right now](https://media0.giphy.com/media/3o6Mb70Ep5TLmwferS/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952clapxaqsb7z71vrosfodp4yo9vqpydsu5d9mu76s&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Mate will never forget this game lol


He has to be taking the piss


😂😂 i love that he doesn't let it go


It's such a random thing to get stuck on though. United have actually been hard done by VAR in like 3 other matches this season and the Arsenal match wasn't one of them.


I rate that amount of bitterness


it's relatable tbh


Should've brought it up in his speak last night


Drink a shot every time Ten Hag mentions the Arsenal away game.


Alcohol poisoning..


I hope he keeps this up his whole career, he's managing in Saudi 20 years from now talking about the same Arsenal game in every press conference


20 years? Could be 3 years lol


Ah yes, the turning point of the season, GW4


even if they’d fluked a win in that game, they’ve fluked loads of wins in games this season im really not sure why he thinks this would suddenly not make his team tactically ancient or his players not all slow and weak lol


I actually rate it, hope he always brings it up It's hilarious.


That game is his moby dick




He’s talking about the Garnacho offside goal




It might’ve been late in the game but he’s definitely talking about Garnachos offside, that was right at the end of the 90




Can't be thinking he's won the game off a penalty decision vs when we actually had the ball in the net


For the love of God! Surely he’s doing a bit.


This guy


He should be more focused on finding Dalot after Jesus sent him back to B.C.


Insert Bill Murray Groundhog Day GIF.


Does this man know that in football you're supposed to shoot more goals than the opponent? "We played better." "We should've won." "IF we would've win our season would turn out better." - My brother in Christ, no one fucking cares if you played better or that you ALMOST win or bs like that. In football you either win or you don't, shut up about this nonsense already. You're not winning, so you should work on that instead of talking about hypothetical fantasy scenarios and what should've beens. There's this saying in my country that goes: If my grandfather would be born as a woman, he would've been my grandmother instead. Ifs don't matter, neither whether or not you think you played better or deserved to win. Football's not a wishlist. You either do win or you don't win. This is an embarrassing mentality from a top coach.


The gang loses to Brighton


At this point you've got to admire the commitment




United has lived rent free in the head of Arsenal fans for decades, its only fair


Manchester United? Lol. It’s been over a decade since that team in Manchester was relevant to us


Double that time that Arsenal were relevant to United


This is a post of the Manchester United manager talking about Arsenal for no reason, 6 months after losing to them. Arsenal are relevant not only to the fans of Man U but the manager, at this exact moment lol


Yes. Like I said, only took yous 20 years to be relevant again Edit: and still have in fact not even won anything substantial... We should continue to hold our horses


What are you even saying? We are relevant now, man united haven’t been relevant in a decade. That’s not double. And we ran with you in the late 2000s, like two season before you last won the league. How do you bring up the past while also not knowing it? Lol


You have not won anything of note to be honest. If you did you would be relevant.


lol you right, we probably won’t be discussed at all on championship Sunday


Arsenal 'running' with United by finishing 2nd or 3rd the odd season is like me saying Ole, Jose and Ten Hag have been relevant by 'running' with city by finishing 2nd or 3rd many times. Just not true is it.


Not a single United manager you just named finished within 10 points of city lol. You are as delusional as your manager is


Calm down fella, no need to get personal. Good luck on Sunday


This is actually embarrassing, pull yourself together


At this rate, this game will be spoken of in his obituary


Does he have anyone in his life to tell him to let go Eric you are making a joke out of yourself now?


A lot of managers have come to a team and failed but I’ve never seen someone be this much of a little bitch about it


Bro needs to move on. The game was in September of the previous calendar year. Garnacho was offsides. It happens. I'd hate to be an ex girlfriend of his. She once said she loves me and now she doesn't. Could have been a turning point of my life.


how many times has he mentioned that arsenal game now? has to be around 10 or more right?




This guy definitely wakes up screaming in the middle of the night because of that offside




if i had a penny for every time EtH mentioned that Arsenal game....


Is this real or a troll. Does he realise it was offside by a decent margin?


He should bring it up at every interview now


He already does.


ngl a lot of his recent actions look like he is selling a dream or something


I rate the bitterness but give it a rest man


Our bald fraud is being petty & i love it.


This is trolling by this point


Complete delusion. I love it.


87th minute being one goal up might as well be halftime with this team.


Arsenal delenda est


My brother in Christ, there was the entire season afterwards to turn it around. How are you still on that?


At this point I just think he's into the memes lol


You'd swear the result was robbery. Arsenal fully deserved that win.


Does he ever shut the fuck up about it. Christ.


The only thing worse than rabid and chronically online Arsenal fans clinging onto this inconsequential decision is ten Hag still mentioning this inconsequential decision and proving that their rabid and chronically online fanbase was actually right. Ten Hag should really let this go.


We did say he wouldn't let it go and people called us arsenal fans paranoid. Lol, he literally won't stop


How is this game transfixed in his mind so? Do you know what I remember about this game? Arsenal basically just letting United have the ball, confident in United's inability to do anything with it. Sure, they did concede and had to rescue the match but for the most part that match demonstrated "yep, this is not actually an overly risky thing to do".


That was last weeks game, not the earlier one.


No, it was both of them.


The one where we had 55% possession and 2.3xG vs 0.9? We didn’t let them have the ball, they tried passing it around their own half before going long. We passed it around their box and tried pressing them high.


At this point I kind of respect it lmao…


Yeah even as an Arsenal fan, I don't really want him to stop. It makes me chuckle. He's a mean meme creating machine.


The 4-3 defeat to Chelsea was their turning point. Just in a different way…


I don't know, this guy hasn't shut the fuck up about the Arsenal game ever since it happened. It's now reached the point where even United fans are making jokes about it now. Guy is full-on obsessed with this game. I legit think we'll hear him talking about this for probably the next few years.


If he banged on about that it would atleast make more sense 2 very soft pens and added time that got pulled out of the refs arse


A game where United were genuinely fucked over, rather than this one where they weren't.


Arsenal badges do be concerned with the internals at other clubs at the moment. I wonder why..

