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They switched the channel after that 1 minute goal from Foden. So, NO.


Yeah. I literally didn’t watch a second.


Second you say!


Got ‘em!


Hahaha love it




Makes sense. I didn't see a second of your game either other than the goals they put on the split screen. Why would you be a watching another team play when your team is playing.


Exactly. Unless you have a second screen while still being able to watch your own game, you have to be incredibly tinpot to focus on the other team’s potential loss than your own team’s potential win. The commentators share the live scores from time to time anyway


Pretty optimistic from West Ham supporters to think anyone would watch their games without a gun to their head


We stopped watching after Foden's first tbf


But now you are watching.


every london club uniting against arsenal is nasty work


They kinda did during arsenal vs bayern munich also


Which is hilarious, because that helped ensure the league didn’t get a fifth champions league spot. But, there are a lot of dumb people out there.


Pretty sure they don’t care as long as it means arsenal doesn’t win the champions league


Which would change things for 1 team? So why would the other 18 cheer for them when it changes nothing to their season?


> every london club uniting against arsenal is nasty work It's basically the default mentality, I don't know why anyone is surprised by this. Everyone London club would unite against you, would unite against Spurs, etc. It's not nasty work, it's status quo, if you ask me.


They have done many times. God the 2021 CL was nerve wracking knowing half of London was itching for us to lose.


Half? More like 90%


This guy gets it.


That's why I love Arsenal


Always rated Milan


It kinda baffles me that people want to see City win just to spite their rivals. City sucks the fun out of football.


I’m in my 30’s, born and raised in North East London. The amount of City fans I’ve met in my day to day life I can count on my fingers, so when they win the league I’m indifferent. Literally couldn’t care less about them, they are of no consequence to me. Arsenal, West Ham and to lesser extent Chelsea fan’s on the other hand I have to tolerate every day. So there’s nothing to be baffled about, I don’t have to listen to City fans bragging non stop


It feels like nobody cares if City wins because their only "rivals" are United purely on the fact they're from the same City. London clubs will roll over for City in spite of other London clubs. Outside of London they will always go against the team with the loudest fans. You'll never see City fans so for everyone other than United its just a void title that takes it away from their rivals.


Even United fans aren't that fussed when city win, and in a race between city and Liverpool would take a city win over Liverpool




Helps a little that most of them aren't allowed on social media yet tbf.


As much as I love to shit on arsenal fans, having gone through what they are feeling right now multiple times in the last few years, I can totally empathize with them. It's not a good feeling. But they've every right to be proud of their team; been excellent whole season


This feels like shite already even knowing our chance is pretty slim before the game today. Really can't imagine how yall feel after getting 97 points and still not winning the league ( or when Villa 2- 0 last season).


97 points sounds crazy. I remember calling them sore losers when they were calling the radio wanting a trophy for second place Me sorry looking back


Exactly. I was giving them stick too, but that's because there is genuine rivalry and respect for them. This is just empty noise as the slavers buy another trinket to add to their irrelevance.


I imagine the hate from tin pot teams is mostly because it's the only way anyone cares about them at the end of the season. No other reason to care about spurs or West ham at the end of the season.


drunk shame instinctive fine dull touch melodic quickest encourage depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Hey fuck off with that shit. Least they are proper football clubs. Dont be shitting on teams like that. Coming from a liverpool fan. Would rather see Everton win the league than city at this point.


Yeah, it certainly feels fucking awful, but agreed. Arsenal have a lot to be proud of this season


atleast it was not a out of the world comeback this time. man city just ended their hopes on 15 mins


I’m a really much more at peace with it than I thought. For me I wrote it off internally after the Spurs game, and I’m very very excited for the team’s growth. UCL again next year, watching Timber get into the flow again, having Rice and Havertz potentially exceeding expectations even more. Can’t wait! Curious how your summer business will go as well. Imagine a Salah rotation or replacement if he leaves would be top priority, and not sure what the Nuñez situation is now?


>For me I wrote it off internally after the Spurs game For me it was the 0-2 loss to Villa. I knew City wasn't going to lose any games until the end. That's where we botched the league if you ask me.


I don't view it as a botch. Losses happen, and Villa is a strong team. However, the defeats to Fulham and West Ham were embarrassing. That Newcastle game was just plain horrible.


The Fulham defeat was embarrassing. The West Ham was a weird one because we statistically dominated but just didn’t have a cutting edge. For me, that West Ham game showed that a striker like Eddie simply ain’t gonna cut it at Arsenal. Obviously the loss wasn’t all on him by any stretch, but still. It’s not that he’s bad, rather that he can’t give us what we need up top.


Look at it this way, for City winning has become so monotonous and intrascendental that they are still talking about Arsenal after winning. I don’t see many city fans cheering the win more than taking a piss at the other teams, that is how they get the kick.


>I don’t see many city fans Well, yeah...


City won the title and within 10 minutes everyone had switched over to watching Klopp's farewell or laughing at Arsenal's stadium walk. It's genuinely embarrassing that during a title celebration the West Ham away fans are leading a chant against Declan Rice (one of their greatest ever players) and the City fans are joining in. The league is so dead.


City fans so spoilt they can't even just enjoy winning have to make it about another team they literally have no historic rivalry with (not that most city fans know that and prob think Liverpool are their biggest rivaly). We had most wins ever, 11th highest PL total ever all real life arsenal fans I know are gutted but so happy with where we are and feel no shame loosing to literally a state funded cheating team.


Yeah I’m not even gutted. Man City have been the favourites since December. I’m proud of the team and the result.


It's always fun when the whole season everybody is saying it's a known fact that City will win the league, and that they will have it wrapped up in may. But when a club takes them to the final day to challenge them, everbody still likes to shit on the club challenging. (Besides Liverpool fans, they have been cool).


There was a massive post in the Chelsea subreddit with hundreds of comments laughing at Arsenal for ‘bottling it’. (Reddit pushed the post to me for some reason). It was a google map screenshot of a bottle shop. I get that it’s a funny joke but it’s just not true to say Arsenal bottled it. Their form last few months has been immense. They lost it but they didn’t bottle it.


The only shitty part is when you win the last 2 titles after City's get vacated, you don't get the satisfaction of the title hoist


All of us runners-up may end up with a few extra trophies in our cabinets if the 115 charges (and more for the more recent years) get handled correctly. But they'd all feel hollow


Ole PL title we will be there


Can't forget the only two managers who will actually come back and demand full celebrations in Mourinho and Rodgers


I love how every club just didnt want Arsenal to win and just doesnt really care that City won


Difficult to really give a shit about City.


It's like some NPC team.


It's like the house winning at Vegas


Amazing analogy


Wow spot on


Their locker room celebrating looked like it was pulled straight from EAFC


Or all of them hoisting the trophy after. Programmed cut-scene vibes.


Kyle Walker's dance was uhhhh interesting


it’s like a ghost racer with a really great time thats impossible to beat even though it has rubber banding built in midway through the race


So accurate lol


That's the best description I've heard in a while


It feels a bit like playing Mario Kart with friends and the CPU winning lol


Unless that CPU is Wario, then you all celebrate as if you won.


If no one chose Wario, we all deserve to lose




Yeah I totally get why people just don’t care about city at this stage.


Yeah City barelly have any fans even online so them winning is like a faint sound in the wind. Comes quicky and goes just as fast without having sort of impact. As oposed to Arsenal/United/Chelsea/Liverpool etc... where you would hear about it to no end.


Basically this lol, only people who care are United fans and even they don’t seem too invested


i feel like united fans would rather city win than liverpool


Yeah obviously. Liverpool winning would actually mean something. With city it’s just a nation state buying titles and sportswashing, and everyone knows it.


Even most United fans seem to prefer City winning to us which is pretty telling


The only time most United fans would have a difficult decision would be if Arsenal and Liverpool were fighting for the title. United might be city’s rival, but city are United’s 3rd choice rival. Whoever upthread said city winning is like the house winning in a casino. Spot on. No one really hates city. They may hate the procession that they’ve made the league. But they’re not an offensive club and everyone knows it’s happened because they threw money at the problem until the landed the greatest manager, with basically an unlimited budget and a willingness to break every financial rule going.


> and a willingness to break every financial rule going. This kinda makes it offensive lol, to me anyway. I hate this crap, it goes against everything sport and competition is meant to be. The fact everyone has grown numb to it is so annoying. I'd rather have the actual drama and emotion and the narratives from literally any other team winning. That's what following football is about at the end of the day.


That’s what football *was* about. It’s not been like that for 30+ years at the top level. Sad. But true


i truly dont understand this thread. multiple comments and thousands of upvotes saying we dont actually care about the financial doping ruining the entire sport????? at least in the spurs thread last week people were ripping everyone apart for having the small team mentality to throw just to spite arsenal. but here its just nothing but weird vibes. i feel like ive either taken crazy pills or this is a bunch of paid actors


I think it’s more people dislike the financial doping but don’t care that City won because in many people’s minds it not a legitimate title.


I think people have pretty much given up on anything being done. The PL are shit scared of sanctioning them, because there's so much at stake. Look at how massive a hard-on they had to dock points from Everton and Forest this season. Both almost relegated as a result. Even Leicester coming back are starting the season with negative points. Feels a bit like beating up the small, weak kid because you don't want to step to the big, bad bully.


>Whoever upthread said city winning is like the house winning in a casino. Spot on. No one really hates city. They may hate the procession that they’ve made the league. I've always said this. Pick literally any other team to be in City's place, and people would hate them just as much. City isn't hated because they're City, but because of what they represent.


Think most United fans view anything won by City as irrelevant- hard to take any club with 115 charges seriously isn't it


Yeah, if Liverpool won the treble and then four in a row the season after, I’d be going absolutely mental, but with City, while I don’t enjoy seeing it, I’m not really that arsed


It’s like the title being voided, just like theirs will be in a few years.


That will never happen. These 115 charges are a stain they want to make go away. They’ll get a ‘big’ financial penalty for lying about their books and maybe some form of suspended sentence or something that impacts their recruitment and the league will move on. 0% chance city get a points deduction large enough to send them down or have titles retroactively removed.


In a positive way it's insane seeing how irrelevant City have became from a sentiment perspective. Whilst the charges may not stick fans are fully eyes open to the bullshit that got them there. They spent years wanting to be United, the trophies didn't get United there being revered, respected and ultimately held above all did and realistically now City just aren't.


City winning is a bye year for every other club. Literally nobody cares or takes them serious


Yes, its not difficult to understand. If your team isn't winning you don't want your mates team winning And barely anyone has any City supporting mates


And also everyone knows City are just cheats. So it doesn’t really matter.


This. The trophy is vacated yet again


Won a treble with a whimper lol


Literally the least celebrated treble I've ever seen. In my time watching football (from the 90s) I've lived through 7 times trebles have been won, City's last year was easily the least exciting or talked about.


No way did I want City to win it over Arsenal


I was thinking best case scenario is City win and then the 115 charges roll in and revoke all their trophies. Relegated to National League North, or have to play cricket instead


You guys might be the only other fan base that felt that way due to what you all went through a few years back


Except for the members of r/soccer


Most members of this sub can’t find Manchester on a map


I know it's somewhere in Gibraltar. They have Manchester 92 FC so there must be one


Still better geography knowledge than grealish


Low bar


Hell, I would bet even Grealish can’t find Manchester on a map


American here, isn't Manchester in Massachusetts? I saw Manchester by the Sea one time so I'm pretty sure I'm an expert on its geographical location


Dumby. Manchester is in Connecticut.


*points at Saudi Arabia* it’s somewhere around there


They don't know any irl Arsenal fans


Actually, arsenal fans i met irl are usually pretty cool. It's usually the online ones who tend to be insufferable


Most online football fans are insufferable, Arsenal don’t have the monopoly on that at all


Have you been on this sub long? Literally every fanbase is insufferable online.


what? ARsenal are easily one of the most supported teams in the world. They're also super over represented outside of England because they're the "choose a club" sweet spot. They're good enough that you could win. But they're not so big that you're automatically labeled a glory supporter. Further, they're in London so a trip to England could potentially get you to a game.


I was the same when it was Liverpool tbf. Logically you know it's "better for football" or whatever to have someone other than City win it, but the thought of having to deal with fans you know irl being annoying as fuck is too much lol


I legit think it’s advantage to city because they have fewer rivalries and therefore fewer heated games.


I don’t know, I defo wanted City to lose. I think the fact so many other supporters of top teams want Arsenal to lose just shows they don’t give a shit about the soul of football, because how on Earth can anyone who isn’t a fan be happy with City winning it again this year.


I've never given a single shit about City as long as they aren't playing us. I know no City fans so there's no bantering from their fans when they're on top.


Some people really think r/soccer is similar to irl match going fans lmao. The past few weeks really show


the last few weeks has proved to me that most of this sub doesnt even know basic shit about football culture


it's a hobby they picked up and might later put down, it's not something that forms part of their cultural education and context from day one.


Spent a pointless couple of hours arguing about this, what I learned is that american teams are too spread out to have proper hatred for each other so unlikely to grow up next to a fan of a different team. It's really shocking how different Reddit fans are from irl fans, extreme differences in opinion, kind of sad really as hating your rival team to the bitter end is a massive and important part of football all over the world


People here saying spurs fans weren’t real fans if they didn’t want to beat city really showed that the attitudes here are night and day to match going fans


Not only did I defend spurs fans in those threads but I got downvoted so an L on both fronts for me


Yup even some of the self righteous wanking in this thread is ridiculous. Arsenal and Chelsea fans were understandably dancing on our graves under Poch when we finished 2nd and lost the CL final. To suddenly turn around and say “if you’re a real fan you only focus on your own team winning” is absolutely bullshit.


I cant even imagine thinking of rooting for a rival lol.


Notice how City have no rivals so it makes it even easier for them to win titles


And no one to rival the 115 criminal charges against them, the type that got Everton deducted points....


>And no one to rival the 115 criminal charges against them Chelsea. I feel like there is a generation of kids now who are growing up not knowing about what Abramovich to Chelsea. He set the blueprint for the likes of Newcastle, Man City and PSG.


Dont forget the Italians. You're giving Roman way too much credit.


Yeah i don’t like this but daddy Berlusconi was the OG of just buying the best players in the world.


Teams were literally cheering them on while playing them.


That’s a title celebration? Weak as fuck


Wait till the parade. They'll just pop a ton of blue flares pretending that it's an atmosphere whilst all following the City employee's instructions over the speaker like NPCs.


I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw. Not just any celebration - four league titles in a row - historic stuff. And they cheer with the opposition about the team in second. The jokes write themselves.


I respect the hate tbh, but city are winning their fourth league in a row and are spending time clowning on arsenal instead. Says everything


Loser mentality from West Ham fans or something


Kudus scored a banger for the fans. Everybody went home happy.


That Kudus lad is alright isn't he


Fucking monster he is


I see what you did there, and it did get a good chuckle.


Moyes fuming or something


Tbh I feel for Arsenal fans. I know the feeling all too well. You lot want to grab a drink or something?


I don't feel too bad tbh, disappointed of course but we got 89 points there's still a lot of room for improvement and points left on the table. The future looks bright, I'm proud of the players and I love the club, manager and players again after hating them for years, it's a nice feeling.


Always find it odd, when in victory, you first think of other teams


Seems even more strange coming from west ham.


Embarrassing that over the past near decade, so many fans have twerked for City just to avoid Liverpool and Arsenal winning. It may be just the fans, but that bleeds on to the field through the energy of the fans.


I think it’s because if a team other than city wins it, it means they did something really well. It’s a lot easier to accept City winning it given their amazing manager, players and cheat code finances. I won’t lie, it’s mainly just about banter but I feel for Liverpool fans and what they went through now because I understand it, and I did previously laugh at them but if anything I respect what Liverpool have done now even more. They really should have more league titles if it wasn’t for City.


You see it in the games. Listening to opposition fans when they are 1-0 down vs. City compared to Arsenal. No one gives a shit to comeback on City, but fans will push their players to die on field for the badge just to scrape a point off Arsenal or Liverpool.


Liverpool, United, and Arsenal will always occupy a different stratosphere for the fans. You can't buy the sentiment those clubs hold in England. Besides that, City don't have many fans, so nobody cares about going into work in the morning after another City title. I've met 1 City fan outside of Manchester in my life.


True. It just tough to swallow that league of fans can essentially will City to a title bc they hate Liverpool that much.


Imagine a 97pt season after how well you've played this year, and not winning the league.


Most fans are content with City winning rather than a rival club for obvious reasons. City have a much smaller fanbase than most other clubs, its mostly very young people that follow them. Im 25 and Ive only known 1-2 genuine city supporters my entire life. On the flip side I have known hundreds of United/Liverpool/Arsenal/Chelsea supporters. Even smaller clubs like Villa/Newcastle/Westham I know a lot more who support them than City. If a big club like United/Liverpool etc wins it you will never hear the end of it from your friends, but noone really gives a shite if City win because noone knows any City supporters.


You say that now but generations of city fans are being made


Yeah that's what people don't understand. City was never a big club before and what they are trying to achieve is make themselves a big club and I think everyone can agree they succeeded and in a few years we will have an entire generation of city fans. In fact what city did is what clubs like psg, Newcastle, and rb lebzig are trying to achieve to. City is just the beginning, we are going to see more and more super team funded by corruption and loads of money


Exactly. No cares to beat City. Some household harbor generational trauma of ass beatings by Liverpool and Arsenal.


Congrats to West Ham and Spurs on their achievements of not beating City.


This is some Stockholm syndrome thing for sure, from a lot of PL teams. City dominates their league, buys their best players because of unlimited money, makes the league less entertaining, cheats them over and over by not complying to the financial rules that the rest of teams have to comply to... Yet when another team finds themselves in a title fight with City, majority of other English flairs (and fans at the stadiums) still roots for City somehow. I cannot wrap my head around it honestly.


If Alavés or something suddenly got bought by an oil tycoon, bought up the best players and manager and started challenging for LaLiga, would you root for Barcelona or Atletico to win it if they were in a title race with Alavés? Most Madrid fans would think fuck those two


The fucking IRONY of a madrid flair saying that...


The cucking that goes on for 115 FC is quite honestly embarrassing


Everywhere I go I keep seeing about these mythical awful Arsenal fans, but I am yet to see any deranged stuff from them, unlike every thread having 15 top upvoted comments about them. I have no doubt they exist, but at this point the ones complaining about them outnumber these fans 100 to 1 from the looks of every thread.


AFTV did wonders for our reputation. Gather the most stupid people who say dumb shit and use them for views.


I’m an Arsenal supporter and I’ve never watched AFTV. But I’ve never been one for punditry if you want to call it that.


Do not call AFTV punditry, it's a sesh pit of the most extreme and delusional sections of the fanbase. There's a big difference.


AFTV pretty much exists for the rival fans to hate watch than actual arsenal fans.


I remember seeing something saying they have 2 or 3 times as many views when arsenal got spanked compared to when we win. This was during wengers time so it may have changed since but that doesn't surprise me.


And for some reason, the wider (stupid) internet believes that reflex *all* Arsenal fans.


AFTV is rarely ever a point of discussion amongst Gunners in my last 20 years. I guess only rival fans use their shit for meme material.


It just cast a lingering negative image. Nowadays it's irrelevant as we are good.


We have a massive online fanbase and after years in the wilderness are excited about our team again. You can always find a few idiots in every large fanbase but these fringe opinions are held up as being representative of all Arsenal fans. Us winning a title could not be written off the same way it can be with City, so that’s why they’re preferred, but this line about our fanbase is regularly rolled.


I saw an Arsenal fan at a grocery store in Highbury yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Cadbury Crème Eggs in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the packages and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each package and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Lmao the best copypasta ever imo, doesn’t matter who it’s about, always makes me laugh


There's a couple just under this comment 😂


Different fan bases are having a very hard time accepting that Arsenal are good again. They had no problems with our fans during banter years


> They had no problems with our fans during banter years What? Everyone took the piss out of your fans during the banter years


City really had a final run in of teams who's fanbases actively wanted arsenal to lose 


Westhamchester City 🫶


Yes West Ham we watched you lose what’s your point?


Congrats to arsenal winning the 2023/24 premier league season in 4 years time


Everyone(London team fans) liked that


Hilarious how many fans hate Arsenal. No other club gets this much abuse for coming up short.


Spurs get a lot tbh as well. I say this as a arsenal fan


not really, its just because it happened to be Arsenal this time, same would happen for Spurs, United, Liverpool, Chelsea, you get the idea.


Worst league in the world.


Son west ham never planned on beating Man city all along?


Hey Nobody is watching you, guys Everybody just switched to Klopp's farewell


Take it as a compliment, no one cares about city


City are a cancer on football and everyone who twerks for them is pathetic lol


lol we're so back teams happy to lose to spite us it's hilarious


“Haha Man City beat you! They beat us too but still!”


Honestly it’s hilarious watching other clubs get on their knees for 115


Everyone uniting against Arsenal


As it should be because they are proper.


If Arsenal ever do win the league we as fans are going to be so insufferable to everyone else for this type of shit lol.


There is less plastic in the ocean.


First Tottenham, now Westham. I don't even like Arsenal, but how much of a loser mentality do you have to have as a club to celebrate your team losing?


I don’t think I’ve ever met a citeh fan in the flesh. All the online fans act like melts though


West ham fans 🤝 spurs fans


How'd they round up that many extras for the field rush?


City is destroying the whole league competitiveness and all the teams get behind them to keep winning. You get what you deserve I guess lol.


Rent-free in the heads of 115 charges