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Disappointed to read that it was a headbutt that knocked Roy through some doors, rather than a headbutt that penetrated doors before connecting with Roy.


I was imagining some kind of headbutt that created a force pulse which went through the door into the hallway and hit Keane who never saw it coming


Like some cool Matrix effect eh? Hit the door so hard people behind the door fall


The powers of Rick the Door Technician never cease to amaze.


Like in ghost of Tsushima when you can assassinate enemies through paper doors lol


Just did the mission last night where you do that for the first time. Did not expect it to be so metal!


I’ve been playing through that, too, with the new pc version, it’s amazing!




I was expecting to read that Keane had a disagreement with Zidane behind closed doors


Takes a ‘proper’ hard man to end a fellow professional’s career on the pitch with a deliberate stamp worthy of a GBH charge if it were to have happened outside ‘Spoons on a Friday night. It’s always been noticeable that Keano only gets ‘itchy’ about two things - Saipan and the (senior) Haaland leg-break. The witty/jokey veneer disappears completely, then, and that stare/tone of voice hoves into view.


> end a fellow professional’s career Haaland played twice in the next 2 weeks and retired with an injury to the other knee... Keane is still a twat for trying to hurt him but everyone's known that wasn't what ended Haaland career for years. He'd been playing injured for ages at that point




He didn't end Haalands career though, this information is easily available.


Haaland played for his country a couple of days later. He wasn't injured, his career wasn't ended. When he did retire, it was an injury to the other knee. All in all, good comment!


All that to not know it was not Keane that caused the injury to end his career


so close, yet so far


Also takes about 5 minutes to look online and know he didn't end his career with that tackle but keep on being a dolt.


> It’s always been noticeable that Keano only gets ‘itchy’ about two things There's more than that to be honest, apart from football issues like celebrations, or swapping jerseys or 50 million other things. He gets pissy about Ferguson a lot, funny to watch in the overlap, he hates how Neville always says 'the boss' when talking about Fergie.


saw [this tweet]( https://x.com/tburrows16/status/1795791379701838047?s=46&t=tvUsa2U422FNl2Em-ALCuA) earlier > Keane - who gave his profession as ‘pundit, allegedly’ lmao


Keane and Mourinho are the greatest comedians in worlds football.


Keane's unnecessarily extra delivery of ["Baby"](https://youtu.be/7WEArVDyJxM?si=0kMkUVN3FiysOD9X) in this clip shows his impeccable comedic timing.


knew what it was, watched it anyway, was as amused this time as I have been the other dozen times I watched it


Keane and Jose covering the Euros, both shit talking United and not talking about the game at all. I'd pay for that.


Keane, Jose and Slavan Bilic is the dream team.


The line between comedic genius and bitter old man is a fine one but these two ride it harder than anyone else in football


It’s what makes pubs so great.


He’s absolutely hilarious, he’s the best part on the overlap.


"most overrated things are parties, smiling and, fireworks" 😂


Former Manchester United midfielder Roy Keane has told a court he was left “in shock” after being allegedly “headbutted” through doors during a Premier League football match. Scott Law, 43, of Waltham Abbey, Essex, has pleaded not guilty to a charge of common assault. The assault by beating charge relates to an incident at Emirates Stadium on September 3 last year, following Arsenal’s 3-1 victory over Manchester United, where ex-Ireland international Keane was working as a pundit. The 52-year-old told Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday that the incident happened when he and fellow Sky Sports pundit Micah Richards were walking down for the final match analysis. “There was lots of noise and shouting, as you would expect at a football match,” he said. “I was just walking and, before I knew it, I was hit. I felt the contact and fell back through some doors. “I was absolutely not expecting it. The only way I can describe it is that I was in shock. I didn’t expect it to happen, not when I was in my workplace.” Footage was posted on social media of Mr Richards stepping in to calm an apparent confrontation. On this, Mr Keane told the court: “Micah then gets hold of someone. He was just trying to get a grip of him and make sure he didn’t run off. “I was saying ‘Call the police’. For about 15 or 20 seconds Micah was holding him up against a wall (to stop) him getting away.” Law then fled the scene after Mr Richards lost his grip, the court heard, before the two pundits headed pitch-side to give their post-match analysis. Mr Keane added: “We missed the final two goals but that was the least of my worries.” He claims to have suffered bruising on his chest and arms as a result of the incident. A video played to the court showed Law, an Arsenal fan, turning to the Sky Sports broadcast box after VAR ruled out a goal for Manchester United. He then appeared to leave his seat before making his way to the club level, where he crossed paths with Mr Keane. According to the prosecution, Law then made his way to a life area where he delivered a “forceful headbutt” to Keane’s chest. The defendant then fled the scene but was arrested the following day, it was said. Law told officers in a prepared statement that Keane had “approached him in an aggressive manner” which caused him to throw his head back in self-defence. But Simon Jones KC, prosecuting, said: “Self-defence has no place in this case and there is simply no justification for the defendant’s violence. (He was) clearly the aggressor and his claims of moving to a pre-emptive stroke lack credibility.” The trial continues and is expected to conclude on Friday.




What a fucking mug trying to claim he didn’t do it even now as well


Can you explain?




But why male models?


Good on Micah for taking up for his pal and trying to hold the guy for the police


>Richards stepping in to calm an apparent confrontation. Lmao if you saw the video then Micah looks like he's gonna kill the dude who hit Roy. Not that he was physically aggressive. He was just too damn pissed and it's scary to see. Micah is a true bro.


Didn't he say something like "You're crazy that's Roy Keane"


[For anyone interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/UlM03QW2PV) he sounds pretty exasperated, as you’d expect if your mate’s just been nutted


Not the way I’d want to be wrapped up by Big Meeks’ arms, personally


I wouldn’t mind it. Man seems like a phenomenal hugger.


Anyone else getting '404 Page not found'?


Seems to have changed for some reason, try [this one](https://www.independent.ie/world-news/britain/roy-keane-in-shock-after-being-allegedly-headbutted-through-doors-court-told/a1049360276.html)




Should have used VAR to see if the header crossed the line.


I think Keano falls too easily there, sure there's contact but no foul for me


The ref had a clear view and still got it wrong, more proof of the incompetence and corruption of PGMOL


Sounds like a Yakuza cutscene tbh


When I read doors, my immediate thought was that he was head butted with such force that it sent him flying through a hallway


VAR cannot confirm the 'through doors' claims. Officials are confused whether the contact was direct or if the door had some role in it


Not a clear and obvious error


The glass was transparent so it was clear…


It’s obviously wrong to headbutt it anyone. But there’s a bit of me that’s a tiny bit impressed by anyone brave enough to headbutt Roy fucking Keane. It’s like the Newcastle fan who punched a police horse. It was obviously completely the wrong thing to do, but if you ignore that then you can’t help but be impressed by how he committed to the thing he was trying to achieve!


There’s nothing impressive about a sucker headbutt. Had he gotten Keane’s attention, then gone for the headbutt, I’d be different.


I don't think he's particularly hard. He was a thug but that's not the same as being a genuine hardman.


I didn't say hard, I said brave. If you're *not* particularly hard then choosing to go and headbutt Roy Keane is even more brave/stupid! (Or did you mean the guy who punched a horse?)


You said you'd have to be brave to attack Roy Keane so I was assuming you're saying that he (Keane) is a hardman.


Oh sorry, I misread your comment. I see what you mean now!


Even if you don't ignore it it's hard not to be impressed.


Not so hard now, Roy?


He is 52 years old, weird comment


And? Why does age matter. Guy who did it is 43, not like he’s half Keane’s age. Tyson is 60 and about to fight someone way younger and faster


Roy Keane was an aggressive footballer 25 years ago. Mike Tyson was a heavyweight boxer still fighting. Jesus Christ hahahaha


He’s a player who played for you and has always shown admiration for Celtic. Why would you be a dick about him?


Because he is, demonstrably, not so hard now


Probably has a stronger erection than yours


That's ... not a thing people normally worry about. Everything going ok at home, pal?


You said he wasn’t hard, I said he’s likely harder than you.


You’d shit your pants in front of him


Was this the thing with Micah Richards backing him up?


Does anyone on Reddit read the articles for fucks sake. Yes. It was.




Fake tough guy Roy Keane




You support his kind of violence, huh?

