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This is easily one of the greatest premier league campaigns by a striker. That man did it all and played some of the best football I've ever seen


i watched every game this season of him playing. easily one of the most entertaining players to watch, he was just that good.


The best by far, I genuinely think it was the best by a considerable distance. He didn't take a single penalty, Liverpool had 12 that season, if he takes all the penalties and let's say scored 10 of them + plays the 5 games that he missed and let's say scores 4 goals in them. He could have easily had 45 goals in the league


He was so good i was defending all his questionable tendencies (ai biting) like a freakin lawyer... its just a little nibble bro chill


Not one of, it is the greatest


I feel like suarez’s legacy won’t match what he actually did in the game. Idk, he’s one of the best 9s of the last 50 years but it doesn’t feel that way if that makes any sense? Like he’s still playing yet I haven’t heard from him in years


The three biting incidents and the World Cup handball in addition to his shithousery has made him pretty hated and I think that’s enough to distracts from his playing career. But I could be wrong tho


and the racism. Liverpool were really on one with those T-Shirts


Irony how Cavani who played for MU later used the same word, and was also charged the same way.


Didn't Cavani say in an endearing way as a thank you to someone, then apologising afterwards. While Suarez said it in an aggressive way directed at a black player, then refuse to shake that players hand the next time they played eachother?


Also picked at Evra's skin while saying. You can tell by Evra's reaction it was clearly used as a racial slur


There's such a thing as context. Cavani wasn't. Suarez going up to an opposition black player and just calling him negro, is. But go ahead, keep defending it


Lol, what's a hypocrite. They all said it. I am not racially abuse you, because I means well.




I thought Suárez was supposed to have said negrito multiple times to Evra?


Lol, Suarez never said "Porque eres negro'". In fact we know that because this sentence is grammatically incorrect in Uruguay anyway (which use Spanish differently than those in Spain).


That world cup sacrifice was insane, my favorite moment of his He did everything he could to save his country and it paid off, anyone would've done that in his place




”Robbed” grow up. He took a massive gamble and blame Gyan for not scoring.


Especially after a non-existent foul that lead to the situation and offisides not given in the same play.


Then it can still be robbed? He took away a 100% goal by using his hands and it paid off for him indeed. Doong that he also robbed the opponent of going through


It can only be seen as robbery because Asamoah Gyan did not score..? Regardless of pressure, why does he get off scot-free? It’s not like Suarez didn’t give them the chance. Suarez taketh, Suarez giveth. I respect the hussle.


Also if he did score it would be a robbery. He gets no criticism as missing a penalty in a high pressure game. Suarez takes a 100% and gives a 99% chance, or lower. The point is that theyre not equal chances. Sure respect Suarez all you want, but you shouldnt be surprised that people think negatively about Suarez due to this action


I can understand it being viewed negatively if you prefer the outcome of the match to be different but it isn't 'robbery' or 'cheating' because he was punished with a red card for his actions as per the laws of the game. If anything people saying the punishment doesn't fit the actions would be a flaw with the laws of the game regarding a situation like that rather than Suarez.


I dont understand your point. Isnt an actual real life robbery or cheating also punished as per the law of a country?


This comment truly hurts my head, what fucking gamble? He decided to cheat to give his country a chance. Yeah no pressure on that penalty at all.


I would have done the same. The handball at the WC was a genius play by him. He basically sacrificed himself. Doesn't matter if it's against Ghana or against Argentina or Germany.


Right but then own the cheating element of it.


He made a blatant foul to give his country a chance, like tackling the last man attacking from behind knowing very well you'll get sent off.


At least sometimes with that there's a desperate attempt at the ball, this just isn't something that's in the game.


Fouls are very much in the game. Less than honorable tactics are always in the game. Tackling from behind, knowingly getting a yellow to miss a match, purposefully setting yourself up to get tackled inside or near the box, using your arms to stop a shot etc. To me cheating is diving or using your hand to score (maradona and others) because youre actually trying to cheat the ref.


He was trying to cheat the ref too, he just got caught. Most of those things have an element common to the game though. For me using hands is worse than diving, with diving players often think contact is coming.


I dont know how thats trying to cheat the ref to you. Sure he mightve hoped the ref (somehow) didnt see it or mightve hoped to get a yellow instead of a red. But the move itself wasnt made in the specific purpose of tricking the ref into giving you an undeserved advantadge, like diving.


Cheat? He made an action against the rules and he GOT punished for it. Cheating would be if he would've got away with it. I hate his antics and biting and still think he should have been banned from football for a longer period, but that was not cheating.


So it's not cheating if you get caught? How does that make any sense? The act is the cheating bit.


Seems like your problem is not with football, but with the definition of cheating within the game


I don't have the issue, it's cheating and you didn't really answer why it isn't just cos he got caught.


Does every foul to you is cheating ? Because it sure sounds like it In every single match, players are giving intended fouls to stop a counter-attack, are they cheating too ? He made a foul to save his country, paid the price with a red card, and Ghana wasn't able to score, Suarez took a gamble and won, that's all Gyan (the guy who missed the penalty) said he would've done the exact same thing had he been in Suarez's place


There's no element of it that's a gamble. Handling the ball on purpose has no element common to the game. People saying they would have cheated too, doesn't mean it's not cheating. You could ask a bunch of players would they dive to win a big game and they would also say yes but I think I would be getting a lot less pushing back on calling that cheating.


> Handling the ball on purpose has no element common to the game. > > He made a blatant foul and he got punished for it, again, HOW is that cheating, is every foul cheating to you ? Diving is extremely different, you do cheat in the hope of getting a foul that wasn't real to begin with (like the Ghana player did when he got that free kick that lead to Suarez's handball)


It’s not cheating, he didn’t fool anyone, he did a legal move that’s punisheable with a red card. Getting a red card in an appropriate situation doesn’t make you a cheat. Do you consider getting two yellows (and then red) for stopping two dangerous counters to also be cheating?


Some things are part of the game. You can't ever legally try to handle the ball. You can't use someone else's ability to see it to change the nature of the act, it's the intent that matters.


”Cheated” lmao he took a gamble in the last minute by taking a blatant red. It paid off.


What gamble, exactly what element of it was gambling? He stopped a last minute goal by cheating by handling the ball on the line. If he didn't do that they lose, there's no gamble.


He gambled by red carding himself, giving him no chance to play in the semifinal if they went through, he could barely watch the penalty, then they missed it and he is seen as a robber. We would not be having this conversation if Gyan did score.


But what was the actual downside that makes it a gamble? If he doesn't handle it, it's a goal and they are out So either way he won't be in a semi. I would be calling him a cheat either way, as it's the act that's cheating, it's just that it would have failed. Gyan hit the woodwork with the most pressure penalty you could imagine but he still had the balls to step up in the shootout.


>But what was the actual downside that makes it a gamble? Getting sent off and missing the next match, if Uruguay advances. He turned a 0/100 situation into a 50/50 situation. (Or 77/33 or whatever the odds are in a penalty kick.) >If he doesn't handle it, it's a goal and they are out >So either way he won't be in a semi. He took one for the team. If he doesn't stop the ball, they're out. If he stops the ball, they still have a chance.


Is a last man foul to deny a one on one cheating?


Depends on the challenge.


How did he cheat? By giving away a penalty?


Famously using your hands isn't allowed, he decided to cheat to prevent a goal. Henry and Maradona club.


He was penalized for using his hand, tactical red card 😆


Cos he cheated.


It's a foul, not being a cheat. He gave away a pen and was red carded. I don't see the similarity with Maradona or Henry, what Suarez did was giving the most sensible pen and paying for it according to rules of the game. You can say you're sad about how he saved Uruguay by making the foul to give them a chance, but to call that cheating is obviously wrong.


Why not they all committed an act that had nothing to do with the game and they all benefited from doing so. He didn't own up to it either.


Why would he own up to it? He paid the price by being sent off and giving away a penalty. It's not his fault Gyan missed the penalty.


Probably my favourite incident regarding Suarez and I am a Liverpool fan. What a legend he is for that. Whole country should adore him


Same. Yes it’s a shame the pen wasn’t converted, but what an ass. I guess he wAnTed iT MoRe


i loved him for the shithousery though(not condoning the biting though, that was awful). his antics are part of the package. i am just happy at having been able to watch what he did at liverpool.


Honestly, it's the Barca move that does that. He went on to form one of the most legendary trios and won a bunch of trophies, but the trade off is that your achievements become Messi's achievements and that's an inescapable shadow


I don't think its necessarily the Barca move but the fact he played in the same era. Almost every great goalscorer in the last 10-15 years has been overshadowed by Messi and Ronaldo. Lewandowski is in a similar boat.


Yeah I feel like messi and neymar are more fondly remembered, and that subsequently hurts him. I forgot the numbers but I know he had an insane scoring record in the ucl for them


he is 100% one of the best strikers ive ever watched. he was the type of player that if he got the ball in a goal scoring position you could bet your life he would score. he was just a natural.


He’s 37 and left Europe 2 years ago. Also since he joined Inter Miami he had been talked about a lot again, not sure how you haven’t heard about him for years? To me he feels like the best pure striker I’ve ever seen play (so excluding Messi and Ronaldo) and his legacy will absolutely match that.


I think that's partly just because he's a fairly private guy and doesn't have a public profile the way a lot of the other big players have. It's also because he's been overshadowed by Messi. If he stayed with us he would have been an all time legend.


In England at least he was doing this at the same time as Aguero was being similarly ridiculous and actually winning leagues too. He's one of those players you just dread watching your team come up against though.


Yet he scored 30+ goals and Liverpool 100+ goals. This was one of the most exiting season for Liverpool fans, SSS along with Coutinho were acting like they could score 5 goals every game


No penalties either. And the suspensions (yeah he was a shit dude)....best prem season for a 9 for me easy.


He could have gotten close to 50 if he took penalties and wasn’t suspended at the start of the season.


What an incredible player when he was in his prime.


Gawd damn.  I still think that ranks as the best season by an individual player in the PL.  Stats were surely insane but it was also everything else.  He had the "bulldog like approach" of Tevez, the output of prime Henry, and could do literally fucking everything. What a fucking player


Stats would have been even better had he been Liverpool's penalty taker. I think Gerrard scored around 10 penalties that season, missing one when he hit the post in Old Trafford. If he didn't miss, he would have scored a hattrick with penalty kicks.


Stats would also be better if, bar a few players, that team was not so poor. He and Gerrard absolutely dragged the team where it didn't belong in the title fight.


Can’t ignore Sturridge like that.


Yeah, I'd give Sturridge a lot of credit too, though. Liverpool lacked depth and top players from multiple positions. Hendo, Sterling and Coutinho were making their breakthroughs but were still young and not in their primes. Mignolet was pretty inconsistent and shaky at times and so was the entire backline. There were no players on the bench who could make a difference when they were subbed in. Victor Moses and Joe Allen were mediocre, Aspas struggled... The whole squad was pretty mediocre apart from SAS and Gerrard. Gerrard struggled defensively as a regista too, but his distribution was great.


Also if Clattenberg hadn't bottled giving a stone waller late on which would have been the 4th of the game


Surely not scoring against any of the top 6 cant put you in the best season category


Scored against Spurs (6th) and Everton (5th).


He was unbelievable in most of those games, goals aren't everything


I don't like Saurez as a person, but as a player... God damn, one of the best talents we've had in the PL in the last 20 years for sure.


That attempt vs arsenal is 100% the greatest PL goal ever if it goes in


The De Gea one was an excellent save tho idk if you can count that as a miss, same case with another one. Rest all strikes are so fucking good.


Still a miss. And a great save


If that one against Arsenal went it in It would have been his best ever goal


>It would have ~~been his~~ **THE** best ever goal


When I was a kid I wanted to be like Liverpool Suarez. When I had those insane day dreams of playing professionally, like a lot of you guys did, I didn’t image dribbling past everyone like Messi, or dribbling like Ronaldo, I day dreamed about hitting the fuck out of balls and scoring like Suarez lol


And biting people?


i knew he'd become great, he cost me so many points in fantasy that season.....


Most of those misses hit the post.They were not like Martinez taking a penalty or Sterling taking a free kick


That's what I thought it would be, even though the post is missing the target look how close he was too more but then they throw is a normal miss. Although comparing it to a Haaland miss highlight reel would be fun.


Best player I’ve ever seen a Liverpool shirt


Even his misses i like watching more than the goals of many players


Quite incredible that his miss compilation can be just as entertaining as someone's goal compilation. He's unbelievable.


The fact that he wasn't even in the Balon D'or top 10 tells you everything about that award. Suarez that season was easily the third best player in the world.


If you don't win titles and don't even compete in Europe, you're not going to place well in the Ballon d'Or ranking. It is what it is!


That season he was THE best player in the world


Yeah that winning things and international tournaments play a role and that it you have his history and bite another person at the WC you will find it hard to get votes.


The audaciousness of some of those efforts (and some that went in) is just outrageous. What a season he had.


He was really a man on a mission during that season.


God he was so good


God, I hated that buck-toothed bastard. He was, in my opinion, the best striker on the planet that season.


You could have just wrote, “Luis Suarez’s crossbar challenge from the 2013/14 PL season”. Cuz that’s what this is! Man was on fire that season! 🙌


what a player man. I was more obsessed with FIFA career mode back then and made Suarez my main transfer signing and starting striker. fast forward to summer of 2014, I was disappointed to see him sign for Barca instead of for us though I know now his wife's family had some pull. easily one of my favorite strikers ever even if he played for our rivals.


Top 3 striker of all time hands down.


Those “highlights” remind me of Nunez. Posts, posts, posts


Difference is Suarez is way way more clinical than Nunez


Suarez was far from clinical in his first two (or 1.5 as he joined in January) seasons.


Shame Gerrard slipped a wee bit


With the worst background song which is a cover of an original! This version is vile


I have to be honest. I can't stand Suarez, the biting, the whining, the diving, the handball and the racism, probably the player I dislike the most after #11. But setting those issues aside, Suarez in 13/14 is the best player I have ever seen. He was Messi and Ronaldo level this season and the following years at Barcelona. He was world class by every definition. Whenever Liverpool fans are trying to say Salah is better than Ronaldo in the Prem, or Hazard or Henry or Rooney or whatever, I can't help but wonder why they would ever say Salah, at his best, was better than Suarez. He could walk on water this season, and it came off the back of that racism issue where everyone thought he was gone. The fact that he had the gall to not shake Evra's hand still makes me shake my head, but he was world class nonetheless.


All that effort and quality negated by a single slip.


Still hilarious to this day


Stupid Gerard denied this genius. Gerrard is way overrated . It was heart wrenching to see this guy cry. Eventually epl fans and English media made him a meme and joke for the match bans and biting incidents .however this serial champion proved himself by consistent performances and getting the approval of Messi (I think ibra and dembele all don’t have respect from Messi ) . And even went on to play a starring role in atletico la Liga winning campaign


Reads like one of those Nigerian footy Facebook rants.


😂😂 fifa children are out in force today.


Damn the media they made him bite and be racist, damn them. Also Gerrard being called overrated is just an awful take.


Tell Me honestly. Who in the world is not racist ? Or has a racial bias ? Trump is awful and he had 48% of the popular vote. 80 of Gazans are supporting Hamas. I think terrorist has a large racist fundamentals. The main political party in Malaysia primarily projects againsts other races in a highly multicultural country. And it garners lots of votes.


Bro is an actual weirdo


Well that's certainly one way to go. I think many people aren't racist but ofc some do exist.


Many people tried to cancel him cos he was too open or frank about his nonsensical attitude. But that’s his personal problem right. Who cares about it unless it’s a proven crime (I am not sure racism is a crime). He eventually proved himself in his trade. People who should be cancelled in football are Roy keane(I like him though ) and Joey Barton cos they genuinely just wanna harm others. Henry should be cancelled for committing a crime in football and denying Ireland and not admitting to it all(atleast suarez got penalised correctly for the stupid handball… but then a. gyan sucks ). You can make a mockery of suarez all you want and some memes were funny. But you cant belittle him or play mind games with him. It just made him stronger . I think he had a great career and I am happy that I got to watch him play in his prime for Liverpool


Well it can be a crime and it also doesn't have to be to be wrong. So Henry is worse cos the ref didn't see it? Suarez didn't admit it either and it's the act that's the issue.


Henry is shit. But I like a lot of imperfect people. Henry ,suarez,terry , giggs,cr7,Wayne bridge ,overbo,trump,napolean ,lee kuan yew,Oscar Schindler ,Paul kagame,tiger woods,mj,rothschilds,mbs,lance armstrong . I can’t dislike them or discredit them cos you wanna cancel them for your own moral implications .


what is this take bro cmon. the fact that people in power have a racist stance makes it right? what the fuck are yapping about man? slavery was legal in the usa in the 1800s and those in power promoted segregation even after it was abolished because it suited their goals and people voted for them, because the majority of voters was racist. does that make it right in your eyes? everyone in medieval europe saw women as subhuman, does that make it right in your eyes? you're fucking embarassing yourself with these braindead takes. the fact that people with fucked up policies and beliefs get voted doesnt justify them, it only proves that the majority of voters has the same fucked up beliefs.


So you wanna cancel suarez or cancel all racists ?!? Come on you can always choose to be sad and angry cos something in the world are different to your opinion.


>So you wanna cancel suarez or cancel all racists yes?????? people should be held accountable for their actions. why are you trying to justify racism? do you not agree that its an absolutely evil thing? have you ever actually thought about racism and actually tried to picture what it would be like to be a victim of racism? >cos something in the world are different to your opinion. it has nothing to do with my opinion. racism is inherently evil and a bad thing, there is no discussion there my guy. segregation as a result of racism ruined lives of innocent people, thousands upon thousands of lives, that is a fact of history. you cant justify racism by calling it a cultural trait. i dont think you understand the scope and severity of racism. people killed others for no reason other than the color of their skin, and they still do today. if thats not something to be angry about i dont know what the fuck is. and im not talking exclusively about people getting killed. if you think hating someone based on their race, not employing someone exclusively based on their race, having a lower salary exclusively based on race, harassing people exclusively based on their race etc etc, if you think those things are not inherently wrong then there is something extremely fucked up with you my friend