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Played out of position all tournament in a winning side, I'd have been stressed too!


If he scored in the final with that header …


In the same documentary he said he is glad that he didn't score the winning goal. Because he didn't want that media attention of being the "hero".


Hast du einen Link? Kenne die Doku noch nicht




Küsschen geht raus


Hab keinen Link aber -> ARD Mediathek


Link zur ersten Folge: https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/Y3JpZDovL2Rhc2Vyc3RlLmRlL3dpci13ZWx0bWVpc3Rlci8yMDI0LTA1LTI1XzIyLTMwLU1FU1o Der Teil mit dem fast-Tor von Höwedes ist in der letzten Folge glaub ich.


>If he scored in the final The amount of times I've thought this same thing...


Rumor has it that Kramer still isn’t sure where he’s at to this day lol


Ey, Kramer, while still an active player, has also been working as a pundit on German TV since 2018 and he’s fucking fantastic at it. Christoph Kramer, Per Mertesacker, Patrick Owomoyela and Sandro Wagner are insanely great TV pundits. Sadly Wagner doesn’t do it atm, but the others do and it’s fantastic!


Löw was a real baller at forcing his players out of position. It's still a miracle Mustafi got injured so Löw was forced to play the defense the way literally everybody but himself thought was the best.


best example to silent those "you think you know better than the coach" motherfuckers. yeah....sometimes the coach is obviously wrong. i think it was more on lahm tho, because he badly wanted to play as a CDM, when it was obvious that it would be better for the team if he plays as rightback. during the documentary i thought to myself "wow what a captain lol"


> i think it was more on lahm tho, because he badly wanted to play as a CDM What playing under Pep does to a mf


>sometimes the coach is obviously wrong. Of course, but let's not lie to ourselves and think that the opinion of random amateurs on the internet with zero credentials is worth anything.


of course not, only i am right


And i think he was the only player that played in every match ? Or atleast 90min in every match ? Something like that


Neuer and Lahm too, but that was kinda expected. Can't say the same about Höwedes, he wasn't even sure he was gonna make it into the squad for the world cup


He even talked about wanting to be subbed in the France game I think. But the Löw didn't want to take him off.


Also sat in a car with a rally driver, which crashed into bystanders and -killed- injured a person, just before the wc started


No one was killed, though. One victim was severely injured and is in need of long term care to this day. Mercedes, responsible for the race and the safety of it, allegedly paid an enourmous compensation to the victim.


I started balding in my late teens. And it definitely hurts. Affects your confidence massively. Don't think I've ever fully accepted it tbh lol and it's been 8 years. Now for a footballer with a lot of cameras on him, it must be worse.


Agreed. It’s underestimated how much it destroys your confidence. I hated it and yet a day would barely go by without my boss reminding me and laughing at me


Your boss is cunt.


You'd be shocked how incredibly common it is for bald men to hear stuff about it. Genuinely the most accepted form of body shaming. Big reason why it hurts the confidence, no one will ever let you forget it.


Every facebook ad I saw about hair transplants etc (I looked it up once or twice as I have a bit of a receding hairline) and it's just all laughing reactions with cunts tagging their bald mates.


I’m middle aged but I hear about it regularly from family and friends. Very common joke to be made.


I got one of those systems a few years ago and haven't looked back. Yeah, it's a fancy word for a "wig" but i've never met anyone who wasn't absolutely astounded when I told them. A few people I know that aren't my friends seem to define me by it, but I already know they're cunts so it doesn't bother me. [Before and after if anyone is interested](https://imgur.com/a/y3IKoOG)


Fuck those people lol they don't matter. Imagine being miserable enough to care for someone else personal life like that lol.


Body shaming men's just the accepted norm.  Whether its being bald, being short, dick size, weight, facial hair coverage etc.  It's all deemed fair game and often used to invalidate more than just the physical traits but to cast aspersions on his character and demeanor.


So are a lot of people here with all the bald jokes


A guy in my office came in one day having shaved his hair off. I asked what was with the new look. He says "my hairline was going back so thought I better just bite the bullet..". I said to him "looks good, really suits you" and he grinned like a loveable idiot.


That’s cool. A lot of people can pull it off and fair play to them. Unfortunately my head is like a cone 😭🤣


In my experience as someone who has been shaving my head willingly since my late teens, you need to be in good shape and have above average confidence and style and then being bald will no longer be a disadvantage at all. It can in fact help to draw attention to your other positive qualities. If any of those other things are really lacking however, very few women will pay attention to you. Of course, some women (especially <25) won't like it no matter what, but that's true for almost any style you choose. And on the other hand, you have plenty others who find it a big plus since you it makes you look more "masculine" so play into that image and you are golden. Never try to force yourself into having to appeal to everyone, that's an impossible task. Find another way to feel confident about your looks and then present your shiny bald head to the world with pride.


All this pro baldness talk is very rich from a man who specifically slays bald dragons


I'm sure it'll look good on you too. People don't care about head shape. Losing your hair means there's one less distraction diverting attention from the beauty, handsomeness, uniqueness, symmetry, mysteriousness (or whatever other positive quality) of your face.


A lot of us don’t have the fortune to look like Pep or Zidane though. We look more like Rooney


Its funny isn't it. I don't think about anyone elses baldness even a little, unless I knew them previously when they had hair. When I look at myself in the mirror my receding hairline all I see and the prospect of shaving it all off gives me anxiety. Now that im older I do notice guys in their 50s and 60s with great hair and feel pretty intense envy.


As someone who was losing their hair in his early 20's and has had it shaved off since I was 24 most guys do like fine bald IMO. If not completely bald, a lot better than hanging on to, and trying to style receding/balding hair.


I am in my early 20s and people don't miss a chance to remind me of my receding hairline. It's tough.


I've been shaving my head for 15+ years and I still miss my hair.


I have commented here multiple times questioning the fascination within football of always having to mention that one specific trait. 'bald fraud' for pep. United fans refer to ETH as 'our bald Manager'. It seems to be a free pass to make comments about being bald. When you wouldn't for other physical attributes. I have a full head of hair but I have a good friend who was super upset by going bald and it reframed it for me massively.


You’re a good friend bro


Do you still work with that awful boss?


He retired two years ago. He was nice in every other aspect but he wouldn’t get the hint that it actually hurt my feelings


Yeah, unfortunately, some people don't get it.


Same. My hair started thinning when I was 16 and my hairline was visibly receding by the time I was 20. I could literally feel the difference in how people treated me because balding is awkward/ugly. Having hair is nice, and being bald can work but the transition stages are absolutely brutal.


He looks absolutely fine, even when it was thinning out, and I'm sure you look fine too. Body positivity should include hair.


Hahah thanks. Appreciate the positivity. But you know how every male model has like long hair and everything. When you grow up and you lose your hair quite early, you shave it. Then you realise that your look will be the exact same xD Like, you can't experiment like you would with different hairstyles. That just affects you a lot especially if it happens when you're quite young.


Respect to you


Hats! I've shaved my head since I was about 22. I have so many hats, not cos I'm ashamed of my hairline - but because I can wear whatever hat I want, whenever I want without it messing up my hair. I love it


I partly wear them because my scalp burns without them. You're right, though being able to rock a hat anywhere with no threat to how it's affected your hair is a definite bonus, and gives an fun extra wardrobe option for most occasions.


Body positivity should really focus on people dealing with what largely can't be changed. You know, hair loss, scars, deformities, injuries, forms of disability etc. Instead, we all know who the main proponents of it are.


fat people who can't stop eating?


but they've tried everything and nothings ever worked


For me it felt terrible until I realized I can grow a great beard and my head looks alright shaved. Now I love it, I'd probably shave even if I had full hair. Focus on your strengths lol.


I started losing mine at 16, I'd completely agree with you it's not something you fully come to terms with likewise it's been 8 years now and I just shave it down to a zero with a razor. I personally like the look, my friends say it suits me which is reassuring but the amount it hits your confidence is a lot, as you say for a footballer in the public eye I can't imagine how tough it must be.


Same. I started balding at 19. I'm 25 now and temples are heavily pushed back and losing a lot of hair on top of the head. It's affected my confidence severely and has kept me out of the dating market since.


I'm 29 and have been shaving my head fully bald since I was like 21 or something. It's obviously not the same for everyone, some look better than others, but you would be surprised at how many women don't care that much (the majority I would say) or how many actually like the look. It's a turn off for some women, but that's the same with anything. You can't control the fact that you are bald, but you can control everything else. You can hit the gym, dress well, keep a well groomed beard (or have it shaved, that can also look good). And as cliche as it is, your personality and confidence really is the most important. And I don't necessarily mean confidence in the douchebag fuckboy way, but just being confident in your own skin.


You should still date. Plenty of bald men get women. Just don’t try to hide it and own it and I am sure you will find plenty of people willing to give you a chance. Confidence is much more important.


this is the key. confidence. And also finding someone who doesn't care (plenty of those tbf).


Go on r/tressless and read the about. Luckily there are options today to prevent further balding.


I don't quite get that, though. I see bald people, even younger ones, and they look perfectly fine or even great.


could be culture or being surrounded by assholes. I went bald early but kinda enjoyed it as I had been shaving my head for a while. Plus the Indian side of the family sounded nuts about hair (going so far as to care for it more than actual health of people) and that kinda made me not care at all.


I started balding in my early twenties and bit the bullet a couple years ago and just shaved it. I wear a lot of hats


I shaved it all off at 26. It did so much to get my confidence back. Bald > balding.


Full quote/video transcript: >Höwedes: I'm playing in the biggest tournament of my life. I even get to play in the biggest sporting event there is. And then I see myself walking around with a half bald head. I just lost a lot of hair due to the stress I already had during the preparations, due to the 'will I make it into the final squad, or won't I?'. Because of the rain, that became really visible during the game against the USA. That really hurt me because I've always really liked my hair. >Löw: I didn't know anything about it. I didn't notice it because I obviously don't always look at a player's hairstyle during a tournament. >Schweinsteiger: Of course you could see it a bit, that it won't be too much longer, that there's a bit of hair there. But yea... >Mertesacker: There are things like, I might throw up just before the game or I might get an urge to gag or his hair might fall out. Everyone has their own things that they keep to themselves a bit. >Höwedes: You don't make a big deal of it like: "Hey guys! I've lost my hair, what do you say?" That would be crazy. Because it's obviously a sensitive subject and I didn't want to talk about it with everyone. I became a professional footballer, I earned decent money, I was allowed to be part of a World Cup squad. Nevertheless, I have sensitivities, problems that I have to deal with, which are only natural and human. Whether someone else understands that I feel this way or not, I didn't care. Because I simply wasn't ready to go bald in my mid 20s. (Clip is from a recent documentary series about the Germany team that won the 2014 World Cup. Players and managers reminisce about their adventure in Brazil. The series consists of 4 half-hour episodes. If you're in Germany, all episodes are available online in the ARD Mediathek. People outside of Germany can access it with a VPN. But it's all in German, no english subtitles.)


> You don't make a big deal of it like: "Hey guys! I've lost my hair, what do you say?" That would be crazy. Because it's obviously a sensitive subject and I didn't want to talk about it with everyone. Maybe it's a cultural thing. That's absolutely common in at least some countries. To joke about it, or point it out, especially yourself. Obviously others may not joke about someone if they look really afflicted and are super sensitive to it, but yeah, I guess it's just different.


Germans can't even joke about things that are universally funny though


People joke about balding. Yet it is absolutely crippling for a lot of folk. It’s mental torture. Not only do you start to hate the way you look you get lovely people bald shaming continuously 😭


It's funny how it's usually the close family that think it's their duty to remind you of that constantly. As if you chose to go bald, or you weren't noticing it in the mirror daily for the past 5 years...


Ikr. Some even say it with a tone of disapproval. Like, thanks for noticing, yes I am feeling gutted and depressed about it aswell! Do you like to kick a man when he’s down, or will you perhaps ‘be kind’ which you bang on about on Facebook every day?


I have a sister in law that likes to poke fun at it. She’s a nice kid and we’re close so I know she’s joking, but I’ll hit her with the “wow stop body shaming me” and she will say “I’m not calling you fat” so I point out the correlation of many people can change being fat but I can’t change being bald. She usually doesn’t know what to do after that.


I shaved my head recently and it’s been tough. Can’t be made better by being an Arsenal supporter.


Let’s just say I had good preparation for the banter era


Fair now I’m in my personal banter era and so is my club


Once you’ve been through it you can handle anything 👊👍😂


I feel that brother


Not to make light of this but did find the sudden cut to Joachim Low and his bountiful mop quite amusing 


And then cut to Schweinsteiger and Mertesacker with their immaculate hairline


Exactly, i dont know what the hell they were saying but i imagined all 3 of them saying “i don’t know what he is talking about, i played football as well and have great hear” Anyways hair loss sucks bro


Mop hair folks have it easy




Also the first frame with his hand by his mouth, he’s can’t let his booger addiction go


At least his hands were outside his pants


Honestly, since shaving my head and then breaking up with my girlfriend, it's been a wild ride. It does hurt because many women like hair, TV portrayal of bald/balding people is always the villain or the creepy dude, and well, in general it just sucks for confidence. It's taken me 3 years to 'accept' it and it's still not at 100%. The problem is not that I think I am ugly, I actually think I look good bald, and I love my face and jawline. It's the perception from society and women that really takes a toll. It's an interesting experience. I also decided that, as much as I think it would boost my confidence a bit more and possibly make it easier with women, I do NOT want to get a hair transplant. I feel as though I wouldn't actually be dealing with my insecurity and gaining actual confidence in myself. I would just simply be putting a bandaid and repressing my emotions. Again, it's been a wild ride and only recently (last two/three months) has there been a massive energy shift in my confidence and also the energy I receive from people around me, women too! Edit: I shaved my head completely when I was 35. I started to really dread seeing the top of my head around 30ish. I am now 38. I also just wanted to say that the right girl for you won't care if you're bald or not. Yes it stings when you're attracted to someone and, it's possible that they are not attracted to you because you're bald, but remember you have your tastes too! Confidence is a huge factor, know your worth kings!


I got lucky, I'm both balding and have a weak chin lol (also can't grow a beard). It's like my parents chose to fuse the worst aspects of their DNA


This is the time to focus on the positive aspects of yourself and build those up!


I'm surprised you had problems at 35, my experience was it didnt really make much of a difference to my dating life in either direction, I would have thought its only a massive factor if you're bald at like 20


I think more than anything it impacted my confidence, which was the biggest issue


True. As long as you have enough money no woman cares if you’re bald.


Agree. Girls are the biggest factor for me. I don't mind going bald as I already am in my early 20s. I just want to not get bald until marriage. Girls rarely find bald dudes attractive.


As a bald guy who shaved it all off at 25, it looks WAY worse when you are hanging on to thinning hair. Women do not find that attractive. Women like strong, decisive men. Just go in one day and shave it all off. Problem solved. Best to get out in front of it- only then can you start to move forward. It’s funny now- all my friends would constantly rag on me for being bald. Now about half of them are thinning or have a bald spot in the back. They are going through what I did, just 10 years later. I don’t make fun of them though because I know how it feels 😔


Can I ask a stupid question? How do you shave it all off? What's your routine like? I want to have a really short buzzcut but I'm scared of doing it my myself and messing up.


I bought a really nice Wahl electric razor and use no guard. I just run it over my head two times In the morning like 3 times a week. It gives a close enough shave to where it looks clean


Thanks for this. Do you use a mirror? Also, do you have hair on your shoulders or your neck? Do you try and remove those too?


I do use a mirror, yes. I shave as much as I can from the back of my neck and my wife will clean up the rest if needed I wear collared shirts at work so it doesn’t have to be too low. Since I’m married, I don’t really care about going out in public and having a little hair on my neck if wearing a crew neck shirt or something


Thanks for this lol. Everytime I try to search online for this, there's like minimal descriptions of what people actually do so yeah, had to ask.


All good man. The first time I went to a barber and had them shave it all off because I was nervous to do it myself. Figured if someone else did it, it would be a lot better. From then on I just bought high end clippers and did it myself. It’s nothing to worry about just go over it a few times if needed and don’t press too hard. The clippers will do the work. Take a few photos with your phone to check for missed spots if you want


You're a better man than I.  Few of my mates were tossers, now I enjoy returning the favour to those idiots. 


I wouldn't say rarely but it is a factor, just how we all have our personal tastes. Honestly try not to be too hard on yourself and start to focus on the things you can change. Also, maybe you DO want to change this, unlike me, which is always a possibility


That was the hardest part for me. Had so start shaving my head at 22 which really affected my dating. Wish I had gotten another few years out of my hair so I didn't have to look mid-thirties in my early-twenties.


I wish balding was something that was spoken about more. My hair loss hasn't been particularly aggressive, I started losing my hair when I was 19 and it's only now that I'm in my thirties where it's getting bad.  I spent all of that time in ignorance, not knowing there exists preventative medications, which I'm now using. If you're reading this, have seen your hair loss starting and know that it will bother you, don't delay seeking medical treatment.


I should also add that if you're someone who is putting off doing anything about it with the idea of getting a transplant later down the line, reconsider this reasoning.   A hair transplant moves hair from your 'donor' region at the back and sides, which for people with typical aga is much less sensitive to DHT, to the crown, mid-section or front of the scalp. These hairs, as they are very likely less DHT-sensitive, will probably last forever. The rest of your hair behind the transplanted follicles, however, will not. For this reason, you will have to be on finasteride/dutasteride post-op anyway.  Further, you only have a limited number of follicles that can be taken from the donor region. It's much better to start fin/dut early and potentially save yourself a few thousand follicles and £s. This could change in the future, as there are small scale trials being conducted using verteporfin (already FDA approved for age related macular degeneration, theorised to work in the scalp by preventing signalling that triggers scar tissue to form in damaged tissue) to prevent scar tissue formation in the donor region following extraction, potentially greatly increasing the donor stock.


Damn you know a lot of stuff. Are you a dermatologist?


No, I did my degree in politics, philosophy and economics. I've just read a lot of studies about this. Always consult with a trained medical professional before starting any kind of treatment.


What are you using and are you experiencing any side-effects? I’m starting to thin from the crown and i’d like to target the issue early but i’m quite hesitant due to possible side-effects


Statistically speaking the chances of side effects are low but if you’re already thinking of the side effects then maybe you could get them. The mind is funny that way. You should see a dermatologist. You could start with minoxidil solution or foam once a day or with a minoxidil pill. Also asking people if they got side effects is like asking people if they got hit by a car when they walked out of their house that day. They are they and you are you. You won’t know until you try. Check out The Hair Loss Show on YT


This is less for you, as you seem to know what you're talking about, and more for others new to all of this. Minoxidil does nothing to mitigate what causes hairs to miniaturise, namely dermal sheathing caused by dihydrotestosterone. Without taking something that inhibits the paracrine production of DHT in the scalp, minoxidil will at best mask the inevitable for a time.  For the best results one could achieve with currently available medication, it is advisable to take finasteride and use minoxidil as an adjunct therapy. I personally don't use minoxidil, at least not yet.


Those are long-term medications though, as soon as u stop u lose everything


So? The day you stop brushing your teeth is the day rot starts to set in.


Finasteride daily at a dose of 1mg. I'm not experiencing any side effects. If it is something that is bothering you, and it is androgenic alopecia you have, I strongly recommend starting finasteride.  If you are one of the roughly 2% of people who experience side effects, they either go away with continued use or by ceasing taking it.


How do you go about finding out if it's androgenic alopecia that you have? Blood works? I can't get a diagnosis for ADHD let alone that. I'm starting to recede from around the temples but the back/crown is holding in there, no idea if finasteride would work for that.


A dermatologist would be able to diagnose it, though it is by far the most common cause of hair loss. I didn't bother seeing one, as my father had it, and my pattern of loss followed his.  It would be advisable to have blood tests done to rule out significant nutrients or hormone deficiencies that could be causing hair loss, though these are very rare and as I said before, AGA is by far the most common cause. It could also be telogen effluvium, which is caused by significant stress (such as having had a major surgery). Finasteride's efficacy varies person to person. Some lucky people see good regrowth of hair loss along their hair line (I think I am in this group as I am seeing some hair growth where there hadn't been any for years, though I've only been taking it for a little over two months). The majority will see their hair loss completely halted, fewer people will experience a slow down of it and even fewer will not see any benefit. As a rule, it is more rare to experience regrowth along the hairline than it is at the crown. This is why it's important to start treatment as soon as possible.


What age are you? It's normal to go back a little bit around your late teens early 20s. Finasteride helps all hair loss and chances are if you are a male it's male pattern baldness if you are losing hair.


Realistically mate it's going to be a rare case where it isn't down to male pattern baldness, if you notice that a fuck ton of hair is coming out you're losing it especially if it runs in the family. May just have the Henry Cavill if you're lucky though.


As far as I know, there is no way to get an official diagnosis. The only way is to check your family history and your hair loss history (like how long you have been noticing an increased rate of hair fall).


The bald by choice guys have a great skull shape I’ve noticed which makes it easy to go for that cut. Like Nigel De Jong


Freddie Ljunberg also


Ljunberg isn't bald through choice. That magnificent red stripe is long gone


[His hairline was receding decades ago](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjM4MDk3NTQtNGY1ZC00ODY3LWEyMWUtOTQzMGJlYTU0MzFkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_.jpg) [Now he's bald](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-z6JjF1TJ0Ie1Dq5-IjMXOJ8BbQBURLBsMkHFKHxkK19lnqsEz5d95zwIozg-nX-xr_xuvRUHHeekvEI)


He had insecurities which is genuine, but he did the best thing..Lift the world cup! So many players would love to be in his position


while playing out of position throughout the entire tournament, no less!


Amazing feat!


Yeah but you know how it is when we see pictures or videos of ourselves. We tend to focus on the imperfections that bother us like looking at it with a magnifying glass. When your job is public and you have a ton of cameras on you, it must feel like shit


It's probably worse considering he was the only one bald in that team if I remember correctly


Who was the last bald guy? Jancker? HW4 maybe? 


Christian Pander or maybe Fabian Ernst, but they weren’t as bald as Jancker


Heiko Westermann, Robert Enke, Oliver Neuville, Holger Badstuber and Kevin Großkreutz were all balding


turkish hairlines approaching brother


He did have a hair transplant. Idk if this video is before that or if it didn't work in the end.




Men should get more help for balding, its such a moronic take when people say just shave it all off and own that shit. Many guys myself included wouldn't suit having a bald head.


'just shave it off' and they're saying it to someone who looks like Yakub


Yeah, I am 21 and balding hard but the problem is that I would straight up look like a neo nazi if I shave my hair. Am saving up money for a transplant


Don't forget to consult a dermatologist now! Find the cause of the hair fall and try to save as much hair as possible now. Transplant won't help much if you're only left with hair on the sides.


Do what suits you (whether that’s a transplant or whatever) but I promise you, as you get older it gets so much easier. Started losing my hair at 23, shaved it late 20’s - it’s the type of thing that feels like a big deal when you’re younger but when you get older you’ll stop giving a shit as you get settled and comfortable with who you are.


I think the difference is the number of bald people you see around at your age. I'm almost bald mid 20s and no one my age is bald. Whereas when you're mid 30s a lot more people are bald or balding so it's a bit easier to accept


Have you looked into either of the anti hairline medications (finasteride/minoxidil) preserve what you have?  I know some people don't like the idea of taking a pill forever, but they'll put you on finasteride after a hair transplant so you'll have to take it anyway if you go that route.


I am currently using Minoxidil tincture. I am actually the opposite, if there was a magic pill that would get my hair to regrow I'd gladly take 5 of them a day. Thing is, money isn't even an issue for me regarding the hair transplant, the problem is that most doctors won't do one for someone my age (I am 21) usually you have to wait till at least 26 or something like that.


You need to take finasteride as well to halt your hair-loss. Minoxidil isn’t helping you in that regard.


There's no magic solution though. Either acceptance, try to delay it with medication (which while doesn't happen to everyone, can have nasty side effects) or transplant which can be expensive.


I am doing dermarolling with minoxidil (spray only) taking finasteride orally, fortunately I've still got much of my hair still. I only take fin to stop losing what I have derma+minoxidil really helps to promote new hair growth. For anyone in the UK I used Oxford online pharmacy to order my finasteride I believe you can also get minoxidil.


Been doing the same for about a year and it’s not done much of anything. It’s preserving where I was so I suppose that’s better than losing lore, but that combo hasn’t been restorative at all and that’s okay.


For a footballer like him, I don't understand why he wouldn't go for a transplant quite frankly.


Yeah when it cut to him talking about it I was shocked, like ffs you've got the money to pay a top doctor not some shitty £2k Turkey transplant and yet you let it get worse and worse over 10 years


I went bald in high school and I'm 5'6, not a beast of a man like Howedes lol


Nah! He was a warrior on field, I specifically remember his amazing tackle against Giroud in Euros.


[Brilliant tackle ](https://youtu.be/rV8VcI_A934?si=g-cQ3c7t0W2D9en4)


This man... it still makes me proud as a Schalke Fan that this absolute club icon played every single minute of that world cup


Going bald at mid 20s, that shit just not fair


He has male pattern hair loss. Stress wasn't the true reason he lost his hair. It's genetics.


He was going to go bald anyway, yes, but stress and other factors can speed things up badly.


Yep. People can say it’s stress, bad eating habits, drinking, lack of exercise or whatever. The real reason is Male Patttern Baldness.


Good to see someone especially a football speak on this, something similar happened to Will Smallbone at Southampton he was fine had a big injury and the stress of it all triggered a severe hair loss to which he lost it all.


GOAT LB Höwedes


I'd trade my hair for a world cup tbh


Zidane did, but apparently you can only make that trade once.


Has he seen Rob Holding? I get that people don't like to go bald (wouldn't like so myself) but thank god turkey has a solution for that


My biggest problem is that saying what you want about baldness is acceptable, but no other body shaming is. If you mock me for being bald, I should be able to mock you for being fat, or having a flat chest etc. Fair is fair right? You can take some back when you give it out, right?


It’s not even the same as being fat because at least you can lose weight.


> but no other body shaming is acceptable. You forgot the biggest one - height. And they're both acceptable solely because the targets are men.


Thats true. Being small is probably much worse than balding


What kind of asshole shames someone for being bald? That's so immature.


See any thread about ten Hag, Guardiola, Shelvey or any bald person in football. It's absolutely rife.


Finally someone speaks up for the bald brothers amongst us


Juventus Legend


He scored 1 goal and 1 assist in 3 games for us. Statistically speaking it's bonkers. I'm a bit sad he couldn't play because of injuries and when he went back from the loan he soon retired. He was a great player, he was the perfect replacement for Barzagli.


I would imagine that a professional footballer would have enough money to do a hair transplant. But i do understand what he is talking about, as a bald guy it makes me extremely happy that i actually look better than with hair and i consider myself lucky


The last place I expected to hear a karnivool track


honestly, I dont do much make up or focus on fashion/skin care routines (more than the basics). but my hair is my little treasure in terms of self-esteem. If I were losing my hair, I would totally invest on whatever treatment, wig, hair transplant, etc that I could afford. So I totally understand when men feel bad about it, and I think is good to talk more about it because seems that society shame them a lot if they dont feel good about it. Should be more normal and less subject of humour that people get hair transplants or stuff to deal with the problem.


my man is absolutely rocking the bald head




Juve Legend!


I wonder what happened later because he said he went for a transplant right after the tournament. But now this?


He got his hair back https://www.instagram.com/p/1OJ4HsAe5d/ But then he very likely didn't take medication such as finasteride (which is basically mandatory if you do a HT), as you can see he kept losing his original hair while still keeping the transplanted hair in front. He also seems to suffer from extreme advanced hair loss, as you look at pics from even 4 years ago, basically his entire hair in the front and middle of the scalp is already gone. https://www.instagram.com/p/BpuIutIB7vL/?utm_source=ig_embed&img_index=1


I remember Agassi saying he wouldn't push as much in some balls because he was afraid his hairpiece would fall. Until you fully embrace it, it's really hard on you.


One of my favorite players of all time. Not just great on the field, but by all accounts also great outside of it. I always liked that about him, he just comes across like a normal dude that happens to be good at football.


LOL getting bald was probably the best thing for me...No hair no problem! I've NEVER had any problems with ladies because of that and I'm far from Jason Statham/Johnny Sins!!!


Didn't Ter Stegen also struggled with baldness years ago and it seems like affected his performance in Barca. After he went to hair transplant it seems like he regained to his prime performance. Crazy to think baldness have very serious effect even to pro footballers. 


I went bald around 18-19. It sucked, but at least it was during the pandemic when nobody would see me lol.


Balding in your early 20s is the most soul crashing experience for any man. It kills all the confidence and youthful exuberance. No one should go through this experience especially if you're a student who has to face friends and girls everyday. Best relief for me was to completely cut off all my hair. And kept at it for every week for the rest of my life. For me bald is better than balding. The acceptance helps to restore confidence and removes any stress,worries and insecurities.


Guys if you're balding and you're not quite sure if it's time to shave yet, it's time to shave. It's so liberating not having to worry about fucking wind anymore. Plus your local FA will give you your complimentary coaching badges.


Nah look up the chart and if you're anything further than Norwood 3 get rid.


What docu is this? Danke


world cup 2014 docu from ARD (german public broadcast)


I can understand the insecurities it can bring with especially when you‘re somewhat of a public persona, but Höwedes is a good looking dude. And he was a really underrated player. A shame he let it go to waste in Russia.


he could afford the best hair transplants in the world easily so, just look at Mats or Nadal


I think a lot of men can relate to this. As a guy that went bald relatively young but quite quickly after it started, stress probably didn't help, the best thing that ever happened to me was the fact that after a while, & it did indeed take a while, I stopped caring. I had the same attitude as stated by Höwedes, "I can go bald, just not now in my 20's" but after indeed going bald in my 20's, the not caring anymore was just so liberating. Now, that isn't the case with everyone so I perfectly understand the mental anguish that comes with such a thing but you know what plays a big part in that? Society deeming it fair game to mock & point out baldness as some sort of egregious thing. I wonder if we would have genuinely made progress in this if it was something that affected women as much as men because "body positivity" has not seemed to include baldness yet.


That Germany away kit was so iconic


Very underrated player for Germany. He was great for the team.


Not Karnivools best song, Change Pt. 2, playing in a short about a german football player balding


His FIFA 16 card was *chefs kiss*. Him and Naldo were a menace.


The streets will always remember Howedes


Im early 30s, I’ve always had a bit of an M hairline since I was a kid, just like the men on my dads side, I’ve always been fine with that though because I just had a style that suited it and didn’t accentuate it. Last couple of years I’ve noticed i am going thin now at the front and the M, this didn’t happen to any of the men in my family with the same hairlines I have. It’s not terrible yet, I can get away with it except when it’s wet. It’s devastated me. Sometimes I feel like it’s not that bad and other times I genuinely don’t want to leave the house. I don’t want to go to their hairdressers because I cannot stand more people in their looking at me probably while it’s looking it’s worse with the wet spray and lights. I was out with the work team the other day and one of the guys was talking with another on the other side of the table and looking at me, kind of pointing at me, I asked what and he was like “we were just saying hair loss is a bitch” this guy is actually losing his hair too worse than me but it hurt. My wife doesn’t get it at all too. I constantly ask her if I should shave it off because I never want to get to the point where its looking silly (trump lol), but if she one day said yes it’s time it would destroy me and I dunno if I could. I consider myself quite strong and not too bothered by a lot but hair loss has destroyed my confidence. I feel really ugly on some days, almost like a monster, which is kind of crazy. I cannot imagine being in the limelight like this guy going through the feelings and lack of confidence I have right now.


Sith disciple to Pep in 3...2...1