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We had him on loan last season and he put in a few really good performances before his off the field issues. There’s definitely potential there, but the guy is clearly thick as shit and makes bad decisions.


What off the field issues did he have? He does seem like someone who is a bit thick though


He was huffing balloons whilst driving and crashed at 75mph.


I mean it possibly the worst recreational drug to do whilst driving, what a bell end


which is the best


Judging by semi truck drivers, it’s nicotine/caffeine/speed/meth, anything that keeps you alert


adderall, weed maybe. Not good but better than huffing balloons lol


Fucking hell did he hurt anyone


Don’t think so, more info here - https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/brandon-williams-court-car-crash-32424149


He’s got a NOS addiction and is an all around cunt who can’t stop himself from saying stupid things on social media


Whats wrong with NOS addiction? They made like 10 fast and furious movies and people seem to love it.


10th time i read NOS and have no idea of what it means out of the racing movies context


Nitrous oxide - inhaling laughing gas from balloons


So it's the same NOS after all... Do the player get some extra speed as well? Gonna need some of that for Disasi and Enzo


No just nerve damage that can paralyze you lol


I was told after trying it that the way it gets you high is by essentially suffocating your brain of oxygen.. is that right? Cause that to me sounds like a sure way to turn yourself into a vegetarian.. I never tried it again.


So basically, you inhale it for 30-40 seconds if not longer and it starves your brain of oxygen. In doing so you get a head rush and feel floaty for about a minute then it disappears and gives you a headache. I have no idea how people get addicted to it when it’s so underwhelming compared to other substances. I think it doesn’t show up on drugs tests which is why athletes do it but it’s honestly terrible for you. Prolific use causes a vitamin b12 deficiency which is very much needed for your nervous system to work properly, in severe situations this leads to loss of motor function. On top of that you’re literally killing brain cells as is the case with any solvent. All in all, if you’re not already a heavy user don’t even bother touching it, if you are a heavy user stop that shit before you ruin your life.


I could try it because I eat too much meat as it is


Must be a generous dealer if they give some extra speed with their NOS.


Should've bought Enzo Ferrari instead of Enzo Fernandez.


What the fuck? I have so many questions here


nitrous oxide aka. laughing gas


I think while we call it NOS here, maybe in America it's called whippets or something like that.


And some people wonder how he would sometimes pick up that extra gear speeding down the left..


I wonder how many prem players have an addiction to NOS


Chris Wood definitely on the balloons


If it's not NOS then it's snus or sleeping pills


Trippier fucking loves his snus lmao


Snus isn’t really comparable to the other two at least


He's always been a bit of an idiot


Best mate with Greenwood, should say it all


I mean there's a large gap between being an idiot and being a rapist. Most people have done dumb stuff when young. Most people don't rape.


You reckon there's a chance Ipswich go for him on a free? I guess McKenna will know him better than any other manager, and know whether he can get him playing well.


No I don’t think so. We don’t really need him and I doubt McKenna would want a character like that around the squad.


Crashed his car at high speed after he got high on NOS


Pretty sure you’ve just described 90% of peoples report cards back at school.


Looked decent when he first broke through under Ole but it hasn't worked out for him


Such a fucking asshole too


Yeah, so I’ve heard!




What an absolute weapon


Brits can add "absolute" before any word and make it look like an insult.


Absolute weapon sounds like a compliment to my non-British ears.


A weapon is ultimately a tool


haha fair enough. Alternatively, a rocket is also a tool, but can't imagine "absolute rocket" being an insult, unless you're trying to diss a snail perhaps.


Could definitely see ‘you absolute rocket’ being thrown about over here


A rocket also resembles a cock


It's all about the tone it's said in And for Brits, "absolute" implies a certain tone in this context You'll see "grade A" used similarly "Grade A weapon", "grade A pillock" - all mean twat of the highest order


They're called rockets because their head is in the clouds Space Cadet is also a closely related insult


If someone calls you an absolute weapon in Aus, it basically means you’re a wild man in a good way. “You see Johhno last night? He put away like 20 beers had a blue with the DJ and still managed to pull a root, he’s an absolute weapon.”


Yeah calling a guy an absolute weapon in hockey is a good thing


Hockey also has a foul called "icing" though, and icing is delicious. Hockey should have named it something else if they didn't want you to do it.


True, they also have offsides not offside. How can there be multiple offside? Stupid Canadians


Canadians don't say offsides. That's an Americanism.


its about tone, calling someone a weapon can be descriptive and positive. even without the absolute getting the right tone and calling someone a weapon ends up being derogatory.


Absolute broom handle. You’re right.


Absolute lamp


Absolute bucket


Absolute pashmina


Absolute teapot


Absolute weapon in Nz would be interpreted as absolute legend


Im inclined to believe purely because of his punchable face


Same and Im a United fan, just looks like a typical chav


I met Kell Brook at work once as he was a friend of a colleague I went over for a chat, not knowing who he was, and my colleague said "do you know who this is?" I said "not a clue" and Kell just found it genuinely hilarious, shook my hand, told me to Google him when I got home. Far more accomplished than Brandon Williams yet apparently much more graceful




When I was living in Manchester 15 years ago I bumped into a bunch of them out (Rio, Ronaldo, Quinton Fortune especially) and they were all sound, the only one that was a bit of a dick was Giggs but that was just in the not wanting to talk to randoms way, not the actively being a dickhead way (although as we now know...)


You mean Cheshire right? See the knocking about in Wilmslow or Alderley Edge




I’ve never seen a United player in Didsbury! Who lives there?


I saw Chris Smalling in Almost Famous in town years ago eating burgers. You never know where you’ll find them!


I went to Almost Famous Withington on Sunday and it was banging.


Was working in a cocktail bar in Manchester which few of the players frequented and got a booth each time. Most of them were decent, Daley Blind and his partner were lovely but Fellaini’s girl was far too hammered and breaking glasses and he was a right tit.


I was out in Manchester once on my motorbike and I had pulled into a roadside parking space to check my phone. It was the only seemingly empty space on the road. I looked up to see a black Rolls with the passenger window down, and Marcus Rashford sat in the passenger seat with Paul Pogba driving. Marcus asked me if I was parking and I said no and moved. It didn't immediately dawn on me who it was until they reversed to let me out, as I just never expected to encounter either of them in such a mundane situation. Rashford was very polite though.


I met James DeGale out in London. Dude was walking round the club acting hard and trying to get people to bump into him. Mate youre a professional boxer, of course you can bang most people out. Stop being a fanny. It was just before he was meant to be fighting George Groves.


Never trust a right footed left back


Denis Irwin slander. Roy Keane is suddenly in a worse than usual mood and he doesn’t understand why.


Paolo Maldini too.


Roy Keane is always in a worse than usual mood and he never understands why 


I would trust Azpi with my life


I don’t think of him the say way, he did start out as a right back, he’s just a versatile defender and then Mourinho played him at left back


I mean is there any right footed left back who started out like that? Did Maldini start like that? Which begs the question, would you not trust Paulo Maldini?


Maldini looks like a Bond villain, definitely wouldn't trust him


Bro is just too handsome


Spinazzola? Maybe Serie A fans can correct me here if I’m wrong


Yes Spinazzola and De Sciglio too


Probably Fabio da Silva, because his twin brother was on the other flank.


He’s also back to playing RB/RWB now


Why are you attacking me like this?


>the guys a wanker I always thought it was easy to see that he's a wanker just by looking at him. He definitely has the face of a proper cunt.


I'd believe it. He was another Lingard in the making, but with less talent. Just glad to be at United for the fame and money it brings. Look at this, buying a fist-sized jewel-encrusted monogram necklace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn_XVhcAoMQ


That video made me cringe.


What a fanny.


Fucking hell that's embarrassing.


Besides the arrogance of having his own initials on the pendant and making this lame video about it, I don’t see anything wrong here.  The cuban link chain looks nice, though I don’t encrust mine with diamonds because it’s too flashy for my taste. Plenty of regular people like myself enjoy and own jewelry. The guy’s obviously a douchebag judging by everything else. Flashy jewelry hardly stacks up to the rest.


I saw Brandon Williams at a petrol station in Milton Keynes a few years back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen protein bars in his hands without paying. The girl at the till was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Lmao this one never fails to get a laugh out of me


I’ll never understand why people think it’s funny to read the same comment over and over again


It’s the history of the Reddit.


Ill never understand why people think it’s clever or superior to write this comment under it everytime. Also, That’s the beauty of it, you don’t have to understand it. It’s funny to them and that’s all that matters. Why worry yourself with what others enjoy? Let people enjoy themselves.


> Let people enjoy themselves. Let people worry with what others enjoy.


The most surprising part is the guy at the door being familiar with one of United's waterboys


Totally irredeemable character by that account


What a douche


I think we all know the mental acuity of tracksuit wearers in Manchester. 


I will use this as a copy pasta now, thanks




I picked the wrong day to quit drinking...


I saw Brandon Williams at an Asda in Stevenage a few years back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like 100 snickers bars in his hands without paying. The girl at the till was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Where is this copy pasta from?


Originated from the i saw flying lotus at a grocery store


wow I had no idea the origin of this was flylo that’s actually hilarious


Jeez. His face matches his attitude I suppose


James Madison clone.


I mean he almost had a go at Eriksen when he came back to PL to play with Brentford. This was like a year or so after Eriksen suffered a cardiac arrest during the Euros. Only to realize and stop before anything else happened. Gave me bad vibes ever since.


Has always given off cunt vibes tbh


he has a very punchable face tbh so this doesn’t surprise me


What a helmet


That's 65k p/w wages freed up lmao. Thought he had potential, but his off the field antics were baffling (NOS addiction, trying to be gangster, always posting on Greenwood's social media etc.) and am not surprised that he ended up being released on a free.


Hes the type of player the likes of City or Liverpool would have sold for ffp profit two or three years ago, but instead, we gave him a stupid contract, only to release for nothing years later :/


To be fair, it says a lot about your board over the past few years too, just like it does with transfers. Every good club’s #1 preference would be for their own youth player to cement themselves in the 1st team, and it can lead to holding onto certain talents too long or giving them too much leeway. Regular managerial changes don’t help either, as talents like this get stuck in limbo where they want to stay and prove themselves, but the club or manager aren’t even counting on the player The main differentiator is knowing when a player has value, but selling when you don’t believe they will become a starter. Even if you think they will end up making it in football, you have to analyze how fast that could happen and if it’s possible at your own club.


Any top club is better off letting a couple too many go. You are missing out on a great deal of income by keeping talents for too long.


Definitely agree when talking about the top clubs in Europe. Better to sell talents too early when you’re not sure and get money for all of them, than keeping 10 of them too long with the hopes of 1 panning out


For most clubs I agree, but for a club as rich as ManU arguable they can afford to keep them around in hopes that they pan out.


That was true a decade ago, but we aren't exactly that rich anymore. That's what happens when you waste 1.2 billion pounds in a decade without even challenging for the title. We aren't the worst run club in the world, but no club has wasted as much money with as little to show for it as us.


Don't worry, Chelsea are trying really hard to catch you up on that title


Well that kind of proves my point. After a decade of spending and no real selling, Man United is still in the mix for most if not all high profile transfer targets, and are not really being discussed as at risk of FFP violations.


The super rich clubs can always buy them back if they become good enough.


I feel attacked as a FM player, I can assure you my loan army of 68 players is entirely necessary and financially responsible.


At least we didn't make the same mistake with Garner, Pereira and Iqbal.


Garner would’ve been very useful in our midfield the last season


If you're basing this on his Everton performances then I doubt he would've been the player he is had he stayed with us


The fact that United let him go is a great sign. Some sanity may be returning to football operations. Nobody would've bought him on the wages United signed him for.


65k a week for absolutely fuck all, and a bell end on top of that. Absolute bonkers


Can't believe he's on 3.38m a year. Mind boggling.


MAYBE I'll make this much in a lifetime if I make some good decisions with regards to my career. My man earned this much just for training at a football club and keeping healthy at the same time, insane.


he had a run of a few weeks covering for Luke Shaw and looked more than decent — likely what earned him those wages hasn’t been anywhere near that level since


That's the problem at United though. A few weeks of good performances shouldn't get you a new deal with a big wage increase. It should be based on months of consistent good work.


This was back in the Ed Woodward days of "protecting player value" so you had the likes of Phil Jones extended despite never ever being fit.


He's in training every week, they clearly rated his potential


OOTL what did he do?


From what I'm reading in the comments, he's a massive, entitled bellend.


Stories of being an entitled bell end because he played for United


Add that to the voluntary redundancies of people on £30k a year, Man Utd might have some spending power this summer!


Crazy that Brandon William's yearly wage is equivalent to about 100 employees at 30k a year Obviously that's not where the freed up money is going but still


I genuinely dont even know who this person is, given your description, i probably should have heard something about them lol


I legit cannot sell him in FC24 because no one will pay him.


Good luck in the Championship, asshole


We’ve all seen what the Ravel Morrison trend looks like and it looks like he’s well on that trend.


At least Ravel had talent


Absolutely stinks of a Rangers free signing this


I was thinking, this guy reminds me of Jon Flanagan


To be expected, lad never really kicked on at this level. The NOS situation probably didn't help matters mind.


>The NOS situation Care to explain? I'm OOTL on that one.


Lad was caught doing balloons near the training ground and is due to appear in court after crashing his car supposedly high. Arteta cleared Arsenal out as they had a bunch of theirs doing it. It's a bit rife in football as it's one of the few ways they can get high without getting detected on a drugs test.


Do you happen to know who at Arsenal?


Ozil, Auba, Laca and Guendouzi were all apparently doing it.


Ozil stoned must be the laziest git of all time.


Guendouzi not be a bellend challenge (impossible)


They got photographed doing it like once at a nightclub though, there's level to it. It's not going to do any harm if it's just a few balloons on an infrequent occasion, even for an athlete. Just going to get a bit light headed from some oxygen deprivation. It's another thing to have what is basically an addiction to it to the point you're doing it when driving or in the car park of work. Especially as it's not an addictive substance in of itself like say nicotine is.


Not disagreeing with you lad, but they were cleared out and I cannot imagine that didn't contribute. Either way, as you say, Williams is far worse and all the more reason to sack him off.


Haha wow. Thanks for the story.


There was a video a year ago or so of him using NOS(Nitrous Oxide) in his car


Dominic Toretto would be proud!


"God, you're such a good footballer. God he's so good at football. Am I right or wrong? I mean look at him. How am I supposed to do this interview? Look at this man. He's so good. Talk to me, baby. Man, he's so fucking good. I can't do this interview. Guys, really? Look how beautiful he is. You guys think this is a joke. How am I supposed to sit here when I'm looking at such a good footballer? He's so good. I'm in love. I'm in love with the footballer!"




Was he fast or furious?


From what I’ve seen Man Utd describing him in this thread, he’s drives fast and is furious at strangers


It cools down car engines as it’s super cold and can freeze your brain, it’s super dangerous tbh.


Hope he hugged Erikson on the way out the door


Only thing anyone will remember him for.


Missing that open goal was memorable


This should free up some time for him to message underage girls again. Overrated nonce.




Weird bloke. Had one Norwich weirdo follow his car and decided all the fans and city is terrible, despite generally positive support in spite of his performances. Moved to our rival and acted like he and it was a huge deal, when nobody really cared.




He was a fullback for us. Academy prospect. He was basically a starter in 19/20. Talent wasn’t up to our level but he had a grittiness that a lot of people liked. We probably could’ve sold him in 2021 to a low Premier League or high Championship level side. But our board gave him a big contract paying 65k a week, he never improved from 2020, his NOS addiction began to spiral out of control, and his attitude only got worse. He spent this year on loan at Ipswich, where he actually did okay until he got injured.


Controversial opinion but I think there is a failure of responsibility by the PL here. The PL has had a framework for youth development in place since 2013 but fails to cover keys areas of a teenagers development such as social skills or financial literacy. Brandon joined the academy when he was 9 years old. At 16, footballers who are good enough, get inducted into what is essentially an apprenticeship program known as the Elite Player Peformance Plan. This is when they start getting paid, but it will be low. At 17, they can get their first pro contract which can only be three years long. This is when they start getting paid footballer salaries of up to a few grand per week. That’s an absolutely brutal upbringing through your teenage years. Especially if you’ve been committed to it. Imagine if you go through to the apprenticeship stage just to fumble, or you saw your best mate lose out on it, it would be devastating. So they’re constantly working against their peers in a competitive and cutthroat environment. That leaves you substantially more susceptible to going down the wrong path. The EPPP (which is the framework for academies/youth development in the UK) has mentions of mental health support and support for players who don’t make it out of the academies which is great. However they make no mention of support for players who make it out, but end up being subpar or stagnate early on in their careers. Nor do they mention any support/education related to financial literacy and social skills for if a player is to succeed to a professional career. In 2020 Brandon was 20 years old and making £65,000 a week. I think it’s incredibly irresponsible of any club to do something like that and not support the player with financial and social support when it comes to money like that. Especially with the spotlight placed on him being in the first team. Of course there are a plethora of players who have gone through this and been perfectly fine. But you’re always going to have that odd one out. Imagine if he had never got that contract in 2020 and got released, or got some brutal injury that left him unable to play after. What would he have done? Sure he would have been paid a few grand a week before then, but would you expect a person from the ages of 17-20 with no “normal” social or financial experience to be responsible with that? I know I wouldn’t have been. The reason for players being caught like this much more recently is because of the EPPP and its involvement with distancing the relationship the club has with the “personal” development of players. Before, academies were much more intertwined with the club and its management whereas now its broader and lets shit like this manifest. It’s good to have a standardised plan, however they need to help players understand the position they would be in socially and financially if they were to ever make it pro. Especially in the premier league. It’s always sad to see an academy prospect stagnate. I will admit that he is responsible for his own behaviour such as having the accident or being caught doing NOS but I can’t help but feel there is a portion of the blame towards the development system which doesn’t help to prevent this happening. The problem is, there is no support for players who end up like this early on in their careers. He was 20/21 when he got loaned out for Norwich, imagine being told you dont have the talent for your boyhood club despite being a part of them for over 10 years. Who does he go to? He’s probably likely to still remain a professional footballer, especially with his experience, and I’m not necessarily saying he’s fumbled everything he’s got but there’s no doubt that a young 9 year old Brandon Williams would be disappointed he let an opportunity like this slide and that would certainly have a massive impact on his mental health and potentially his career if he lets it eat him up inside.


Why do you think it's the Premier League's responsibility, rather than individual clubs? Sure I can see the argument for a different organisation as oversight, but it's not how English football is set up FA would make more sense - as then would cover all clubs, too. They could (and probably do have but not well enforced) have a charter that all clubs adhere to in terms of academy player welfare and development. If you don't, you lose your category 1/2 status etc Although, another problem... Man United, Chelsea, Liverpool etc would be able to afford such programmes. Huddersfield and Sunderland wouldn't. How do you ensure players at all clubs get the same support? And if not, it pushes players even more towards the big clubs - the concentration of talent is alread an issue in the English academy system. Which brings me back to the start - maybe the FA is better to fund these programmes, after all.


Clubs in the Premier League and the EFL both participate in the [Elite Player Performance Plan.](https://www.premierleague.com/youth/EPPP) It was a collaboration between the three entities of the FA, PL and EFL to generate home grown players for the national team and the leagues as a whole. Just to note, regarding your comment about the size of clubs potentially skewing the requirements and levels of support: Whilst the EFL are a key stakeholder in the EPPP but they actually pushed back on it a fair amount and a lot of the drive for it was from the FA and the PL. The EPPP is incredibly weirdly designed and it’s clear that each organisation involved had their own interests at heart. The EFL wanted to prevent their players from being poached from their youth programmes, the FA wanted new homegrown talent for the National Team and the PL wanted a more hands off approach to the early stages of youth development and break out of the limitations of the old system. When it was introduced in 2011 it had a fair amount of backlash and opposition and a few clubs dropped their academies all together because of it. Brentford and Salford, for example, closed their academy because of it and a few others as well. The EPPP sets the framework of the whole youth system in the country, there are certain requirements that you are to meet in order to get placed into the relevant categories. It also defines certain requirements for clubs to be eligible such as minimum coaching times and review frequency as well as the whole curriculum for developing youth players. You can read the whole plan [here (PDF)](https://www.goalreports.com/EPLPlan.pdf). The crux of it though is that before the EPPP you only had two “categories” so to speak, normal academies and Centres of Excellence. Clubs had their youth programmes split between the two based on the facilities offered. For example, I think the normal “academies” had to also provide a covered indoor field to be classified as such. The EPPP split everything into four distinct categories from 1-4. Categories 1 and 2 operated in a similar manner to the previous systems however the last two categories cater to different stages of development, the Foundation Phase (U5 - U11) and Youth Development Phase (U12 - U16). It also dictated the amount of funding academies in the EFL would receive. Category 1 academies also have a unique advantage in that they can break out of the 90 min rule, which states a youth player can not be transferred 90 min away from the academy. The benefit this gave to the PL clubs was that they have the funding to be a Category 1 team and can now go out and locate players across the country who are in categories 3 and 4 and offer them to relocate to their academy for the final two stages of their development. The worst part is that the EPPP “tried” to fix this issue by having clubs pay a compensation for moving to a different academy but these are shockingly low, like £100,000 for a player which is petty change for a lot of clubs. But that’s why the opus is on the PL. The EPPP was their doing and unfortunately they had substantial amounts of weight to throw around, most children will aim to want to play for a PL club so why would they not take part in a programme the PL heavily recruits from, and the FA will only really call up players to the national team from the PL. Most players in the PL will go through all four phases of development. Either as part of one club, which is in the PL and has the funding for this, or as part of one or two lower category youth clubs at each of the four phases of development. If a player only gets up to a category 2 academy, there’s almost zero chance they will make it to the PL and get a pro contract there but rather get a pro contract for either the club that runs the academy or somewhere else. They say it was a “collaborative” effort between the three but really it was the PL who spearheaded it and it’s left a massive chasm in the development of players in the EFL. So that’s why I specifically pointed out the PL as a whole. The PL is owned by the clubs within it, so technically I was also calling out the clubs individually as well. In addition category 1 academies are almost exclusively owned by PL clubs and operate in the final stages of a U23 player’s professional development, normally where they get offered their first pro contract. For this reason they are best suited to fix this problem as they’re the ones creating it by offering silly wages to player’s who might have potential just to dump them if they plateau.


I don't think I've ever heard of this guy either


One of the highest paid LBs in the Prem lol


Massive shit cunt with 0 talent


Man Utd’s wage bill has had the best transfer window ever so far


How the fuck does Man Utd's third choice fullback who's barely played this season that leaves on a free on the front page of r/soccer?


Because of the reasons why he's being let go. And the reasons why a promising start at Ipswich turned into him not playing for us at all in the second half of the season. "Off the field issues."


Don't think anyone will be too bothered about this absolute weapon being unemployed really. Would fit in well at Leeds actually.


We don’t fucking want him (he’s forever a scum bastard).


Remembering the Covid seasons when he supposedly disloged Shaw to be United's first choice LB and looked set to be a club legend only gets more puzzling with every passing year.




His expiry foretold his future


Best of luck. Always thought he would work out.

