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Grealish dropped is pretty crazy, I thought he’d be locked on as a sub to open the game


I’m surprised he didn’t go as well. He does offer you a different type of a profile compared to others in the attack, especially in a 26 man squad.


I thought he'd be brought along purely on his ability to carry & hold the ball when defending the lead. Given our struggles with defending a lead in the big games i assumed he would have been pinpointed as an incredibly useful outlet.


If he figured his choice was Grealish or Eze as an impact sub on the left, he probably had to go for the in form player. Sucks for Grealish, but probably the right decision.


Thing is Grealish hasn’t been terrible for us, he’s just not been what we needed down the stretch. Idk if out of form is even appropriate. Very odd indeed


3 goals and one single assist in an entire season for a winger in the best team in the league is absolutely horrendous. It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume those are his stats for a single game not 38. Zero league goal contributions in 2024.


To put into picture how bad these stats are, Antony has 3 goals and 2 assists this season, one more than Grealish. Antony.


Yes but you can see Grealish playing well dispite not getting the stats. Antony.


You can argue that Antony has better stats than Grealish despite playing in a much worse system that way as well.


If Grealish played in red and Antony played in blue, this argument wouldn't exist lol


yeah! Grealish would be starting and antony in the reserves


It is out of form, Sam Lee said he was dropped completely after Fulham due to being poor in training


He doesnt play at all and barely even gets subbed on even if theres loads of opportunities to go on


He's been horribly mismanaged by Pep. No amount of people saying how important his ball retention was for City's treble will convince me otherwise. He is more than good enough to be given creative license in that team, but he's been moulded into a keep-ball specialist who doesn't remotely resemble the player he was for us and his career is suffering for it. He needs a move away else he's not going to be much more than a bit-part player for City and England.


He definitely will not leave with the wages he’s getting and honestly considering how happy he looks I doubt playing time and team style are really going to be the reasons he leaves the City team


Still crazy too me you could of had Messi instead of Grealish if you waited one more month lol


Cut jack some slack will ya


Gordon has really ousted him in that shithouse LW role this season tbf.


Considering how important he was off the bench 3 years ago too


Thought the performance vs Bosnia would've swung things back in his way in Southgate's mind


Bowen offers more of a change off the bench than Grealish. We already have glorified attacking midfielder "wingers" in Foden and Palmer, Bowen is a real man's winger. Direct, exactly what the squad needs.


Grealish and Bowen play on different sides of the pitch


Yeah form not withstanding, there’s also something to be said about having a player come on who has played in the biggest pressure matches you can, Grealish has that.


Bowen has scored a 89th minute winner in a european cup final btw He'll do it again in 89th minute vs France in the final to make it England 1-4 France


Any day now "well informed" soccer users will realize that if France and England win their group, they can only meet in the semi-final...


but was an unused sub in the FA Cup final for some reason


Rashford is much better at what you're describing


Yeah I thought this decision was down to Grealish vs Eze vs Gordon, one would miss out


Bowen against a low block with ten minutes to go is absolutely not what we need.


Bowen has more than 5x Grealish's goals and 6x his assists this season, there's no competition


Southgate is finally opting for in-form players instead of household names and some people are still mad… damned if you do, damned if you don’t here…






No I'm Sber, how dar you


Having in form players for a tournament is overrated, rather hve specific profiles. Look at Sterling Euro 2021


I'd go for a bit of both. 90% in-form, 10% guys with a proven track record to come off the bench.


The thing is you wouldn’t bring Grealish on for goals necessarily. We’re not talking about a starting player, we’re talking about a bench utility player. Grealish’s ability to hold up play and hold the ball, even and especially in high pressure games, can be invaluable for holding a lead. Idk, just seems odd to me.


he's great at drawing fouls as well. I think its a bad decision




They’re completely different players who would be useful in different situations, you’re right that there’s no competition. They shouldn’t be compared


Grealish passing back against a low block is solving it for sure


I can't see Bowen changing a game if we're behind in the same way Grealish could


How often did Grealish in his current form change games for City this season? Pep didn't even try bringing him off the bench when down in the FA cup final.


have you ever watched him play? i swear there's something about his unaffected labrador demeanour that means people massively underrate him.


Yes but we've also seen Grealish play. Grealish is better at it imo


Bowen's definitely never changed a big game late with a huge goal, correct


Bit weird seeing as Bowen has 5x his goals and 6x his assists this season


Holy stat watch. Bowen is a class player, don't get me wrong. But I felt like he added nothing against Bosnia. Everything down the right was stalled/stopped because Bowen couldn't get it going. I think he could be great, but not in this England squad. He doesn't start at ST over Kane and he doesn't start at RW ahead of Saka and Palmer.


Yes yes, pointing out that Bowen scored 13 goals and got 5 assists more than Grealish is "holy stat watch" but your (blatantly incorrect) observations from one friendly with a massively rotated team are incredibly worthwhile. Excellent analysis.


> I can't see Bowen changing a game if we're behind in the same way Grealish could I can't see current form Grealish doing that either, he's been very pedestrian and safe for Man City this year, which is presumably what Guardiola wants. I can see Grealish's uses if we're narrowly winning a game with 10 minutes to go, but if we're looking to bring someone on to offer something for the last 10 minutes, I'd pick most of our other attackers over him, including Bowen.


I was surprised he was even called up, if we’re carrying similar criteria for all players bar Goalkeepers then if rashford isn’t going idk why Grealish would.


someone had to get dropped and anyone saying it should've been bowen can't read a player to save their lives. if we go the distance, i guarantee that he will have had a part to play in it. bloke is a manager's dream.


Bowen is a class player but I just thought no way Gareth would trust him to play given how selective he is and how he has his favourites


Has he picked up an injury?


International tournament football without Maguire's massive head... it's just not going to be the same.


No Maguire looking like he'll score off every corner... no Grealish for the drunken vibes alone. It may not be coming home I fear


No Maguire literally shattering the goal camera with his brexit penalty :(


That shot and his celebration afterward put a smile on my face.


Maguire to have 2+ shots was my banker for most England games... now I've gotta go back to the drawing board


He'll still probably be having 2+ shots, just at home.


2 for 1 on cocktails in Mykonos at the moment.


Probably odds of Kane scoring in corners are higher now, because he will be their main target for corners now instead of Maguire.


\*sad love train noises*


Honestly we only have two chants, what are we to do now when bored of singing southgate you're the one


_Rice Rice Baby intensifies_


Still gonna sing it


So Maguire, Grealish, Trafford, Quansah, Maddinson, Jones all out that leaves one more: probably one of Watkins or Toney; or he could curveball and drop another defender like Dunk but I doubt it


He’s dropping Branthwaite according to the telegraph


Why the fuck is Dunk in over him. Crazy 


Probably experience with England (and generally being a more experienced player). The Stones/Maguire pairing is hard enough to replace so he probably wants people who have a bit of experience playing together


I mean stones guehi is a pretty elite pair.


Because without Maguire now you need leaders I guess IDK. Dunk when he's on form deserves to go, he hasn't been on form for months though.


What do mean England needs leaders, they have Walker! /s


You’ve described Maguire every call up


How many CBs do we have now then. Stones guehi and dunk only or am I missing one. Quansah maguire and Branthwaite missing out??




Oh yeah forgot about Gomez and Konsa.


Gomez played more minutes as DM than CB this year haha


Played a decent amount at fullback as well




Ah yeah forgot about him. Konsa and Gomez nice flex spots who can play multiple positions. Makes a lot more sense now




He's a great penalty taker - that's probably why Southgate is keeping him.


I’d have Toney in over Watkins personally, think he suits Southgate’s style more


Same here and I’m a Villa fan. Watkins is great for Emery but looks absolutely useless for Southgate. I dunno, to me Toney is the kind of player who can score goals in any setup.


Maybe there's the consideration of bringing a second striker on if needed, and then I'd much rather have Kane + Watkins than Kane + Toney


The problem with Maguire missing is that replacements haven't really been tested, which leaves you vulnerable when this happens. Branthwaite tomorrow you'd think, and to hope he hits the ground running.


Why are the names being leaked one or two at a time? As for the choices, Maguire is a big loss. His injury must be pretty bad - I assume Southgate would take him even if he was missing the first couple of games. As for Grealish - it's understandable, but I think his cameo against Bosnia showed that he offers something different off the bench. Surely he has to leave City now.


They're all sitting in a circle at St George's with Gaz in the middle pondering and taking his time to eliminate some players


"Bukayo... It isn't you. Ivan... It *might* be you... Jack... I'm sorry to say, you're the person leaving camp today. Please collect your sliders and commemorative unicorn"


I heard it was spin the bottle elimination.


Harry's head size is a huge disadvantage


Nah, gareth 100% gives them roses bachelor tv show style


Playing Duck Duck Goose


[That](https://youtu.be/fXfqvhk_jpI?si=ZnwenHXlBCdeNTRo) Walking Dead scene.


It'll be Gareth telling the players, them talking to their family and then agents and that's where the word gets out. Not ideal for it to drip feed out, but if you're out of contention then you'd surely rather not wait till midnight on deadline day to find out.


Yeah with Curtis jones the news was explicitly “jones has been informed he will not make the squad”.


agents and players find out before media/us and then they leak it at whatever point they want to (or their mates/family do)


always happens with England squad decisions for some reason


I think the reasoning is that spreading out the announcements through leaks helps cut down on the immediate furore that used to greet the announcements.


Probably Orny's connections on the player's side - agents, family etc.


It’s being done like the Judges houses on the X factor


Grealish only has himself to blame for not getting playing time this season. Poor in training and not taking care of himself, the system wasn’t really working as well as it should midway through the season. After he was poor in training yet again near the end, Pep just came up with something else using Gvardiol as the extra man and dropped Grealish


shocked by the grealish decision tbh, thought he was locked in


Southgate hates Grealish, always has


Interesting choice Gareth. Maguire's injury must have been worse than feared so the options available in CB are pretty untested in this level. Be interesting to see who he plays. Grealish I'm not sure about, as his ability on the ball as well as winning fouls is a pretty good skillset to have. His overall season though has been underwhelming though, even Pep has benched him.


Back 3 and be done with it


Maguire has only been dropped due to injury otherwise he would definitely have been included, but I hope that this has forced Southgate into actually trying something new. Surprised he dropped Grealish but correct decision imo. As much as people clown him Maguire is almost always solid for England, not disastrous but definitely a big loss.


I’m interested to see how long a player has to return to form to overcome the clowning. Maguire has been solid for united (when fit) for quite some time now.


I’m a Liverpool fan so naturally I will always look to clown him 😂 But in all seriousness he has been solid for united all of last season and very rarely had a bad game for England, I think he is definitely going to be a big miss this summer.


Maguire is usually good for NT though and has been fine for United, and this isn't really the time to try something new when there's already a decent solution, losing Maguire definitely hurts England.


Back 3 and be done with it


Shame that Maguire misses. He's been consistently excellent for England. I wonder who will actually play alongside Stones. Surprised he's dropped Grealish. I think despite a poor season he offers more than other options do off the bench.


I think Guehi starts because of experience with England. He's been in a few squads now and has 10 caps. Kind of crazy I'm saying a 23 year old will start because he has experience over the other best option


He's good no doubt, but hasn't he come back from a significant injury?


Yeah that is the issue, but something I imagine they have time to assess. If it was an issue I don't think he would've started against Bosnia, but I dunno


Earlier than expected but Guehi looks like our most promising left-sided centre back for the coming years (with Brantwaithe too who’s a bit greener). Hope he does well.


> Guehi Bloody hell he's only 23? I thought he was like 30 odd.


That's unironically pretty bad. Maguire always perform for NT (and was pretty good this season overall). Grealish looked very good when he came on but oh well


Mag out for injury otherwise he's definitely there


Southgate has always hated Grealish for reasons never known, this is just another example of it and nothing more


or it could be that grealish has been poor this season?


He has always chosen proven international players over club performance, in which Grealish hasn't even been that poor If he chose based on club performance then McGuire wouldn't have a start since 2019 He also famously started Sterling despite poor club play, starting him over who again? Oh yeah Grealish whom was in the running for Prem POTY and was then sold for 100 million There's always a reason for him to shaft Grealish which is my entire point


I'm hearing FOUR Palace boys potentially in the squad? What a time to be alive.


More than any other club at this point


I thought the point of excluding Marcus Rashford was with the intent to include Grealish - since their playstyles are very different, and he offered something else. Looks like he’s dropped both of them. Jarrod Bowen is increasingly likely to be included but he’s behind Saka (who’s a guaranteed starter), and Palmer (YPTY). Interesting…


Say what you like about Grealish this season, I think he has always been decent for England. He was the difference maker against Germany (probably Southgate's best ever result) and offers us something different off the bench.


Grealish limited minutes with Man City definitely played a big part in this. I won't be shocked if he looks for a move in the summer.


He'll never get the money he's on at city, I'd park the bus and run the contract down.


He will have to set his priorities, if he wants to play more, leave, if he wants the money, stay.


wtff no grealish?? damn i actually wanted him to play 🥲…


damm we are very weak at cb now. Hopefully braithwathe and stones for me


So that’s Maguire, Maddison, Grealish, Jones, Quansah and presumably Trafford… so only one spot left? Means there’s gonna be some curveballs in this squad for sure


Wonder who will be the main CB partnership for Euro. Stones and Guehi? 3 ATB?


Grealish is a big surprise. Unless he showed up still tipsy from the parties. I don't know England's roster well enough... but I would think Graelish is elite and should be on any international roster... seems odd


Something way too sensible happening in that camp. Shame about Maguire


feel guilty man here's been actually good for us this season!


I agree. Big fan of how he got his head down and fought through the tough times without much noise. Exactly what a Man United players mentality should be but he’s easily memed on. Glad he’s somewhat turned it around but big loss for England, might well struggle defensively with stones not at his best this season (imo)


So Shaw is gonna be fit enough then? He hasn't played for utd in a while


"Pick players on form!" "No, not like that!!"


Maguire being out will be bad for England. Excited to see him start next season. United with a health back four will be much more interesting. Grealish being out is wild.


Honestly respect the Grealish decision.


It’s the one I’m most disappointed about. He’s a great sub and also great for team camaraderie in general. The tournament just got a lot less fun


I can't wait till Southgate fails again, and we keep him again.


Even more disappointed for Colwill now, injured at the wrong time. Means Guehi and Branthwaite will go though, both great players in their own right.


I assume this locks in the 9th RB spot in the squad?


Actually crazy.... although Grealish doesn't put up big numbers he does make a difference. Even mentally for the opposition cause you know how hard it is to get the ball off him. I remember the England vs Germany for the 2020 EURO's and the moment Grealish was subbed in I was concerned. He dominated the game and helped break the tie and assisted Kane for 2-0.


Damn England doing everything right this time. Maguire obviously is good but he's injured


Can really see Grealish leaving City now.


Ok, at this point I'm almost certain someone has kidnapped Southgate and replaced him with a doppelganger because there's no way he'd be making so many correct decision over last weeks.


Maguire is a big loss for Southgate not to take him must be bad injury


What's correct about this?


Grealish has been wank for more than a year


Yeah people saying he can change the game coming off the bench must not have watched him play anytime in recent history. He just looks too predictable.


I know it's only a friendly but he was behind our 2 non-penalty goals against Bosnia on Monday


Dropping Grealish


We have 1 lw now


Gordon, Foden, Eze can all play there


Putting Foden there would be a waste at this point. Play your best players at their best positions. Foden anywhere other than the middle or right side will not be helpful for England.


That's part of the problem though in that Bellingham's best position is offensive midfielder and Saka's best on the right wing, so you're displacing someone from their ideal position no matter what you do. Foden appears to be better on the left than those two. The other option is benching one of those players and going the supersub route, but that's a pretty difficult call to make (especially when there's other players that England can do that with).


Problem is that a midfield of bellingham-rice-foden is a bad fit. Youre gonna waste someone's skill, might as well not waste the 2nd best english player itw and put foden at LW.


England will be playing against low blocks all tournament. Eze doesn't ylhave any experience doing that, Gordon doesn't have too much easier. Grealish does. Foden is absolutely not a left winger either, it's easily his worst position for city


Exactly, Grealish will be missed


I like Maguire for England. That hhhhuge head of his seems to win every header. Seems to be because of injury which is a shame.


Means Gordon goes hopefully, bad news about Maguire I don't think Guehi can offer the same for England.


Guehi and Stones definitely locked in as the starting CB partnership.


Come on how can you drop a two time PL winner and CL winner Jack Grealish?! 😵‍💫


Massively respect Southgate going balls to the wall in form players only! To me that gives an insight into how he's gonna play this tournament - with actual bravery to go at teams


Dunk over Tomori could eventually come back to haunt Southgate


Grealish should've made it. Good impact sub in tournament football.


No Grealish has shocked me, barely any caps or big game experience for Gordon or Eze and getting thrown straight in the deep end. Ballsy Gareth.


Form over fame this time. Eze, Gordon, Bowen instead of the likes of Rashy, Grealish, Sterling


corner to Maguire set pieces won't be happening this year man... :(


I wanted to see if Maguire could score the best penalty ever again.


Maguire not playing for England? The game's gone.


This is absolutely wild.  Grealish was the best player in the friendly lol. 


Mental that he's dropped Grealish. Thought he was a lock. It's probably his last tournament as manager so I'm worried that Southgate is just trying to please the fans by making the popular decisions (which are very rarely the correct ones)


He's absolutely changed his tact, but I don't think we should criticise him for listening to what people are saying. He's kept his word that he won't make wholesale changes to each squad, but he's been more cutthroat when players have really pushed the boundaries of expectation, e.g. Rashford and Henderson. I don't think he's ever been keen on certain players, so Grealish having a pretty luke-warm season is definitely enough reason to exclude him (for Southgate). Previously he couldn't ignore him. I also don't think Grealish out of the squad is a popularity decision. If anything, I'd say that most people would probably want him in.


Grealish played maybe 10 full games for City all season and looked out of form when he did play. Grealish got a lot of money and trophies at city but pretty limited playing time in a system that doesn't play to his strengths.


Yup England is definitely winning the Euros Southgate has improved


Dawg, I’m not even necessarily rooting for England here but Ben White replacement CB for Maguire. Even if he doesn’t play, I just don’t see how it is okay to freeze out a player (or have a player dislike you enough that they’d rather not earn England caps) who has such quality in two separate positions. Who is odds on to replace him now?


Guehi, should have been Tomori but Southgate decided bringing Dunk is more important so.


I think that's fair. Grealish wasn't great this season, and there were reports of him training poorly at the end of the season too.


England's centre backs were always their weak spot imo and now with Maguire gone, I reckon so are their chances. Still have the talent elsewhere to overcome it tbf, so we'll see.


Grealish right to be dropped done nothing this season. Maguire is a huge loss for England.


Southgate not a grealish fan xd


This locks in Southgate to start Foden on the left, which any City fan can tell you is a massive waste. He's going to line up a with a conservative midfield, instead of starting the two best attacking mids in the world next to each other.


What about Konsa as centre back?


I wouldn’t want to have to look at that dumb ass haircut everyday either


No grealish is a shocking decision. Yes he struggled this season but that’s because he plays for fucking man city and any bad game can have you on the bench for months. If he played for palace, he would be their best player by far just senseless from southgate