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Guys, been away for the last few days and missed the match. What happened with Argentina’s delay in halftime? Is it true?


It's really frustrating to see people being racist towards Bombito.


Spain-Italy and this game were very entertaining. Good refreshers after watching that shite that the english call football.


Believe me, we don’t call it football either


Messi sold his soul so Lautaro Martinez can thrive 🐐


Messi did a lil trolling instead of scoring.. amazing assist again tho




I don't think is going to be that easy, maybe a win against Peru since they are not in a very good moment but Chile is now trained by Gareca( former Peru's DT) and they were 2 previous to last copa america defending champs. Peru and Chile is going to be interesting to see that bad blood.


It's been 8 years bro... Let go...


Chile is nothing like the 2015-2016 Copa América champs. They missed the last two world cups by some margin and are struggling in 2026 qualifiers.


We are also not as bad as our current CONMEBOL qualifier position indicates. We finally retired Medel and Vidal, which was like playing with 9 men.


Yep. Chile is still hanging onto those aging stars from their "golden gen" and they don't look to have any capable replacements, tbh. In retrospect, I can see why they would be hanging onto those guys though and not just because of a lack of replacements. This is a group that used to give Messi and co fits. All day. But that's likely due to the sheer speed those guys had - pretty much nullified any breakaway speed Messi used to have. Since both Messi and DiMaria are both still on the roster and heavily used in this tournament I guess Chile's manager thinks it's worth it to keep those guys around. But Chile definitely isn't playing anywhere near the level they were in 2015-2016. Canada still has a really good chance to get out of the group if they beat those two squads. It's not impossible.


We retired Medel and Vidal, so we are not playing with 10 anymore. Bravo, Isla, Alexis and Vargas are still playing. Bravo and Alexis are still good. We even have the luxury of benching Gabriel Arias who has been great for Racing. Isla not so much. …and Edu Vargas always scores for us. He remains unaffected by the laws of physics when playing for Chile and I suspect he will add to his tally this Copa America as well. We have a few decent new players, but more than anything it’s the fact that Gareca is making us play as a team again that I have a modicum of hope we will survive the group stages.


Chile’s massively improved compared to the last period between World Cups. If the last three matches are anything to go by, Chile can get out of groups and maybe even win their first knockout match.


Uruguay did this final hurrah for their old ass squad last WC too. What a waste.  Di Maria is still insane. More of a factor than Messi in many games 


Canadian here 🇨🇦 Lots of room for improvement but happy for our first half performance against the best club in the world!


meh. I do like Canada a good bit. They have much to improve but they look like a team with a high ceiling. Weather they will ever ascend to that we can never know. But I would no longer call Argentina "the best club in the world". Sadly, everyone here is going to start shouting about "defending champs blah blah blah". And that's fine. We'll see them dethroned here soon.


Dethroned by who ?? Cacalombia ? Gtfo


awwww look at the butthurt Messi fan acting just how I predicted. Keep on trucking snowflaker.


Ohh poor little hoe ... did the cacalombia hurt you or is the reality that u guys are absolute trash at this sport and you people are only good for drugs trafficking lmao


Seriously doubt they get dethroned, the attacking phase of the team has only improved from the world cup.


> best club in the world! interesting


Chiquitapia fulbo club


Canada has come such a long way, you had some real zesty play there. I'm pulling for you to make it out of the group


I promise you this is a soccer loving nation! Give us a few years to sort it out 😂😂


Hey I thought we looked really good at the World Cup, considering the teams we played. The stats aren’t pretty but we were right there every game. I am 1000% buying tickets for 2026


Canada will have to solve problems their next game and that is their greatest problem. This game was right up their alley, react to what Argentina would do, cause chaos, disrupt the flow of Messi and co and pounce on the breakaway classic Marsch and Canada style. The next opponents are pragmatic and will ask Canada to break them down. Canada will have to score multiple goals to secure a sure second place. Under Jesse they haven’t been able to score. In the past they’ve gone into the second games naively, self absorbed only to get brought down a notch. Jesse will have to keep them focus and ready to face a different test from South America. 


Tbf the only games played under Marsch have been against the Netherlands, France and Argentina, not the easiest opponents. Getting through this group will definitely be tough and a win against Peru is almost a must to do so


If canada can't win against Peru they're definitely not going to beat Chile.


Well could have been worse, they had a few chances but our defence is just dreadful. Enjoyed watching Crepeau tho. The fact that the national team is even good enough to appear at tournaments is good enough for me. Hopefully some good games against Chile and Peru


Derek Cornelius had an all time game man This was literally Bombito's biggest match of his life and he performed exceptionally


> our defence is just dreadful Give them a break it's fucking Argentina


Aguante Argentina manga de culos rotos!


I need another match before sleep, make it happen world football association. I give you 30 mins


Download the FIFA+ app and peruse the collection


Ummm I think USL league two has some matches on tonight


Guys the final is i Florida with no fancy roof for Air conditioning. Wouldn’t want to play that I’m just saying, especially in the middle of July. At least it’s at night, but those mosquitoes are still annoying


We are argentinians we arent scared of the heat or mosquitos🙌🙌🙌


calor? mamita posho


Boludo si se puede cocinar huevos en el piso del patio, sácame de allí


The final problably Will have south American teams, they Will be fine


Not if it’s the USA BABYYY RAAAAAAHHHH (I am delusional)


Canada suffered from the same fate in the last WC.   They’re capable of creating good chances, and play with lots of guts, but unfortunately they can’t score for shit.  And this game is about scoring goals.    Also, they’re very naive in some defensive counter attacks.  I could say, well, if they play like this again, against Chile and Peru, they can very well advance to the next round….   But I said the same thing after they lost against Belgium in the opening game in Qatar, and at the end, they didn’t do anything in the WC.  So, I don’t know if they will suffer the same consequences in this tournament.  They have good concepts and courage, but sometimes that’s not enough when you fail so miserably in both areas. 


Agree with all your points but their WC group was a lot tougher than this one with 2 semi finalists and Belgium.


Group of death, but played their hearts out


that's what i was thinking when i'm wondering about their chances to get out of the group... sure chile and peru are beatable but if you can't score you're in trouble.


Argentina is a dirty team. Even from the tactics of not leaving the dressing room after half time for 7 minutes extra


England on the other hand is just shit.






I need another match before sleep, make it happen world football association. I give you 30 mins




I knew what it was lmao


I knew the risks. 🙂


Man, the euro threads are way fucking better


ya cause they're all drunk .... also less americans


Reddit should pay me to comment


Just in: Canadian truckers are gonna protest over the refs decisions


Before leaving, upvote me to oblivion


Yess boss




If you downvote I hire PIs to hunt you down


Man, what happened to Carli Lloyds nose? She used to be a cutie.


Why is everyone leaving here? What y'all gonna do now?


Any ideas on how to get a Latin American broadcast? Fox Sports is absolute dog shit.


TUDN and Univision


Futbol Libre


rojadirecta . eu and cast it to your tv


Vix has univision and all games for euros and copa america. Tmobile gives you a free year, otherwise it’s $7 a month




Vix had a special for $50 a year, which I took for the summer tournaments.


Canada had a lot of great chances at the last WC too, problem is they can’t finish them whereas Argentina can finish theirs.


they have free 2nd position in this group


Messi would like a word


Davies like thank you just one question, I am outta here


I was the best thing that happened to this thread today. Period.


Ultimately, with a fairly new manager, I think we gave a decent account of ourselves again the world champs. There's a lot to improve, but I think we can grab points and maybe even a W against either Peru or the geriatric Chike team


Please, do humiliate Chile in behalf of the entire Latam


Honestly yea. The score doesn’t tell the story of the game, most of it was 1-0 with it being very close to a 1-1, if we made our finishes and had a different ref this game could’ve ended very differently. We play like that against Peru & Chile we can potentially even move on


Yeah I thought Canada looked really good all things considered. Had Argentina on the ropes a few times just couldn't capitalize.


We have had issues converting up front. Larin has lost his touch, and David really really needs to figure it out for the NT.


Fun as hell day of football


Idk why I'm still here. Discussion went from meh to horrid.


I can still vividly remember us losing 8-1 to Honduras. A 2-0 loss to Argentina on the second biggest stage Canada can play on is not something to be upset about. Regroup, take what you can from this match, maximum effort vs Peru.


Was Henry hurt that game or something?




It’s Canada vs Argentina lmao. Not getting brutalized is a success. 


Thanks, tips.


Romero is so good. 




Imagine being such a lifeless fuck that you need to come post shit like this. Get the fuck outta here.


Imagine watching a sport of naked men


The fuck! You okay? Or suffering a concussion? Talking mad shit like that.


Viewership says otherwise


Losers concussing each other for money is the dumbest sport on the planet.


least obvious ragebait


Too bad I’ve been raged


How can it be ragebait if I'm not outraged and in fact agree?


Bro it's one of Messi's last cups; probably the last for Copa America. Weak ass rage bait.


Some of y'all are so butthurt about Argentina, "they're easy to hate" like wtf does that even mean, "they waste time" like all football teams that are winning by one in the last minute?? we're no different, we just play ball


Lots of butthurt mf’ers because of Maradona and Messi.


La mayoría son gringos/gringos maple que se enojan porque pierden contra países pobres en estos deportes


As a Canadian living in Argentina right now, I want to proudly claim to be a Gringo Maple


You'd be mad if they were pulling the same shit against your team/country. Doesn't have anything to do with being a gringo, well except in Canada's national sport, they play with broken shit all the time.


> they were pulling the same shit against your team/country like what?


My country gets spanked by Argentina routinely but we’re never this bitter


You sound more bitter than Canadians tonight


Let’s be real half these haters are either CR7 fanboys or Madridistas.


CR7 fanboys are the worst.


Yep, my friends, a good portion are madridstas, hated it when Argentina won the WC. Messi this Messi that, it’s rigged blah blah. I keep mentioning Di Maria, who was an excellent player for them and scored in both the WC Final and Copa America Final, and how they should be happy for him instead but nah the hatred for Messi outreaches that


Bro that ref had me weak all night. Bro was about to fight the Maple Syrup army on that VAR.


Ref was on his knees entire game blowing argentina. What a wanker


Didn’t know with all the inflation Argentina has that they could afford to pay off the ref


The Argentina federation can pay it after the grift it from the people


The ref was Argentina’s best player. Congrats.


Argentina were the better team, no doubts about that.


Yeah I'm sure if Argentina actually felt like they had to stress this game they would be relying on the referee.


Son malisimos


MOTM performance by him


I’m sure the ref could’ve actually put the ball in the net more than the Canadian attackers 😂😂


Go watch ice hockey or something


Very creative.  6.5/10


It's not on tonight. That's tomorrow night asshole! /s


In Messi We Trust 


ahhh wavin flag unreal ahh nostalgia, good times


Que pase la siguiente cola juguetona ⚽️🍾


messi still got that dawg in him


This game could’ve been like 6-3 lmao


Both teams with awful finishing. Martinez and Scaloni both said bad turf. Maybe a reason. Ball looked weird on bounces and shots. Unpredictable


And if my grandma had wheels she would be a bike


Ginoooo the mad lad


Nothing worse than a post-match analysis featuring Alexi Lalas and Carli Lloyd




Falling asleep but has the energy to type out two comments in a row yapping dumb shit. Go back and enjoy your 5 min commercial break every 20 seconds of tall men dribbling balls on espn.


lmao well done


Bait used to be believable


Well yea they barely tried to play lol sorry. I’m Canadian, not even hating, but if Argentina actually tries it’s probably 10-0


Classic "I don't know shit about sports" take.


Lmaoooo sure bro. Canada really gave it to them argentinian




I’m sorry bro it’s true 😅 Like Argentina did play like shit today. It’s not like we saw Canada hold prime Argentina to two goals. This, by all standards, was an awful awful performance from argentina


You're right, they did pretty good at Cricket recently right? LMFAO


Too boring yo watch but you're not too bored to anger/troll post




And why do you comment here lol?


Honestly, Argentina has been atrocious. Messi really shows his MLS level, and Di Maira aged like milk last 2 years. We really missed Enzo tonight, and the fact that Paredes was picked over Palacios is mind boggling. The highlight for me was this thread, people asking for yellows for everything like this is freaking ballet. Welcome to CONMEBOL, where fortunately for you, reffing is stricter in national teams matches. I think that based on people here, a match against an MLS team at club level could end in a diplomatic conflict.


Di María made that great pass for the first goal.


Funny thing is, in the Turkey - Georgia match, Fernando Tello from Argentina was praised and rated for "allowing play to flow" and overall good refereeing. CONMEBOL has a different style of football, down to those conceptions


I thought Messi was clearly slower than usual but his quality was intact, those assists were as good as ever, but he was definitely slower, I think he will improve as the tournament goes, he plays in a lesser league now and it shows in his rythym.


He's also older. His technique and vision are still unmatched.


Has this coach considered telling Canadain players they have to score at some point?


we had 10 shots, didn't have the quality needed to finish but it wasn't a lack of effort


I know but we also haven't scored a goal with him as head coach yet so


Canada taking another L tomorrow #letsgopanthers


That’s an L most Canadians will celebrate. Fuck the Oilers.


Bro thought the leafs were in the finals 💀


Canada eats itself, then cries about not having won the Cup since 1991


Nah the only Canadian team I want breaking the drought is the Canucks, anything else is a travesty


93*, and it’s casual hockey fans and the media that whine about the cup drought. No one wants a Canadian team winning the cup but their own.


Gary Buttman is an NBA plant to keep NHL niche in North America.


Now there’s a take I haven’t heard in a while! The ghost of David Stern still probably haunting him.


I don't follow hockey, why would most Canadians celebrate?


Because most of the Canadian teams biggest rivals are other Canadian teams and we hate our media's national inferiority complex as it relates to the NHL and the Stanley Cup. It is not, and never has been, an international trophy. An Edmonton win is not a win for Canada. It's just a win for Edmonton. And as someone who hates the Oilers, I can't think of one single reason why I would ever lower myself to cheer for them. It's like expecting you to cheer for Manchester United because they are also an English team.


Honestly I don’t get why people aren’t supporting Edmonton more. I would get it if the leafs were the team in the final, fuck the leafs, but I want Edmonton to win.


Because they’re a divisional rival and Oilers fans are some of the worst in the league


That’s true, I’ve not been playing much attention the last few years aside from the playoffs tbh.


The way hockey fandom in Canada works is that once your team is eliminated from contention your new favorite team is the opponent of every remaining canadian team. Obviously not everyone, but it's just fun to chirp other Canadian fans, and having one of their teams win before mine would be a tragedy for my shit talk potential. It has also been 30 years since a Canadian team has won the cup so you don't want to let a different Canadian team take the glory.


Canadian teams are not exactly fond of each other, to put it lightly Flames fans in particular would most definitely point and laugh if the Oilers lost


Every Canadian team wants to be the one that finally brings the Stanley Cup home after 30+ years


Canadian hockey fans tend to dislike the other Canadian teams


Canada has been a pleasant surprise, holding the reigning World Champions to a respectable 2-0 scoreline. They've exceeded expectations, creating a plethora of quality chances that unfortunately didn't find the back of the net. Fingers crossed they can maintain this level of performance in their upcoming matches.


Maradona rolling in his grave after watching Messi’s dreadful finishing


Maradona never was a goalscorer


Maradona never faced Crépeau


As a Canadian expecting a major loss, I can honestly say I am pleasantly surprised. Canada has made some major leaps in terms of footballing and its showing. Canada had quite few number of chances that they couldn’t capitalize on and that was unfortunate but again, very surprised.


You had a great goalkeeper


I think y'all also have a distinctive character as a team! I've never seen canada play before and usually when I am super bored I cannot sustain attention to a game. I found argentina (my team) pretty boring, especially relative to what they can be like, but I was very interested in what canada was doing. usually I don't notice any standout players right away in teams I've never seen, but there's a few from your team I now wanna see more of. so I think it was a great "debut" in some of those more intangible ways :)


Canada benefits from being ridiculously athletic. Probably one of the top 3 teams athleticly in the world. They just don’t have a goal scorer. Being able to out run 95% of the teams helps cover up for things.


that explains why they reminded me so much of the dutch and german teams!


Obviously Argentina were the better team, but it's hilarious that the world champions played 90 mins absolutely terrified of *Canada* lmao


when were they terrified?


Swear I don’t know what game yall saw lol.


Terrified of what? It was a good match by Canada and they had their chances, Argentina played as always.


For a moment there, their line-up was playing eerily similar to Saudi Arabia. We learnt our lesson


Argentina tends to lose the first game of every tournament, so they were probably a bit worried about that lmao




“Argentina tends to lose their first game of every tournament” Citation needed chief.


https://laseleccionargentina.com/seleccion-argentina-debut-copa-america-victoria-ante-canada-gol-julian-alvarez > Los partidos iniciales nunca fueron fáciles en el ciclo de Lionel Scaloni para la Selección Argentina. El recuerdo más fresco es la derrota con Arabia Saudita en la Copa del Mundo de Qatar, con un 2-1 en contra. Pero no solo en la cita mundialista, sino que en las primeras dos Copas Américas del DT nunca fueron festejos Not necessarily lose, but ties aren't wins either