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One of the most splendid hatewatches ever. Leipzig airport is that way 👉🏼


This should be Makkelie's last game of the tournament.


Why, because your team is probably out? He had a near flawless match. This will be far from his last one this tournament.


No, because he was poor for 2 games in a row(Hungary-Germany).


Di Lorenzo needs to be benched. Italy’s weakest link in the starting lineup since Euro 2020.


Classic makelele performance


Overtime rule is just so dumb. Bro... just stop the time when thr ball goes out or a foul occurs and nobody will complain... but Like this? Come on. Next time letzts play 15min overtime...


Italy were really not that good going forward, they were very slow on build up play but Croatia just ran out of gas at the end, it really looked like Modric had pulled it out of the hat for them but it was not to be. Any opponent for Italy in the knockouts will probably be feasting, they are really good in goal but the build up play is dire


Ngl fagioli was immensely disappointing as a sub. Scamacca>>>>Retegui. Chiesa imo isn’t as good as people have said he is. He started pretty hot finding good positions but then I just played an ok game of rm. Italy need drastic improvements in this attack and playing out of the press cause they are incredibly meh. I thought donnaruma was immense had some great saves and he had no chance on the goal that’s on the defense. Spaletti needs to figure out his attack cause retegui raspadori up top was not it


> Ngl fagioli was immensely disappointing as a sub Thought he was one of the highlights, he placed a couple of good passes and especially went forward instead of sideways, never got displaced, defensively got in good positions. As much as a 10/15 mins stints go, he's had a solid one imo. As for the rest, I agree, only caveat is that Chiesa isn't fully fit - he is better than what he's shown so far. That probably goes for half of the team though, pretty poor tournament so far.


Idk, I thought he took way too much time on the ball. It slowed Italy down a lot in the attacks, he held it so long that he allowed players to get on him and was disposed a couple of times. I would agree maybe I was a harsh because it’s true he was good defensively and did put in a shift. I was just hoping to see more from him on the ball as a sub for Jorginho


The ref was right to give Italy 80 minutes injury time. They earned it fair and square with their time wasting.


It seems that the ref ended the match 30 seconds earlier than he should have...? Nevertheless, that was one hell of an amazing match. So intense. Croatia can only blame themselves, though, lol. That last minute goal from Albania, and now another one from Italy. Luck was just not on their side. Too bad going to see the pope didn't help you. XD Losing to Spain was understandable. But Albania was supposed to be the group's punching bag, and the other two took advantage of it. This tournament is just full of surprises and hilarity.


Im Croatian, and this is the most based comment. Lots of croatians are not fan of uniting team through some religious identity shit. Maybe in old times, but new times and new players are coming, we cannot pretend its 1998 all over again


Modric was crying because he knows their only chance is Southgate


Gotta feel for Croatia. From possibly 6 points to just 2


Croatia vs Italy : Zaccagni’s Last-Gasp Heroics Rescue Italy, Send Croatia Teetering on Euros Brink https://thebasketscore.com/croatia-vs-italy-zaccagnis-last-gasp-heroics-rescue-italy-send-croatia-teetering-on-euros-brink/


Rumma is immense when he plays on the international tourney stage, was great 4 years ago and is great now.


Still worry about his distribution though. 


Look, i don't want to state the obvious, but his distribution doesn't matter when he clearly wins you games by saving sure goals. Distribution is a great advantage, but winning the fucking game is the most important thing.


Sure but if you watch, you will see Italy are extremely reluctant to to pass back to him when bring pressed.  Quite a few of those occasions where he saved us came about because he put us under pressure with a poor pass. 


I think he is the best keeper of this tournament so far, you have to give him credit :) But it's fair to say he is not the best with the ball on his feet, this is where other keepers shine


Still coming down from the high and then the low…fuck me that was intense… Honestly…I’m old enough to remember ‘91 and the decades before when we weren’t even a country. Watching the boys today…fuck me, have we come a long way since then. Even during the brief Boban/Šuker era, the team never had this kind of grit, determination, brotherhood. There is no more Šuker flapping his arms in the air because the pass 5 cm to far to the left…there is no more “a bad thing happened so I’m giving up and blaming the ref, the coach, the fans, Tudjman”… These guys are warriors. The whole culture of the team has changed. And it’s changed the culture of the entire nation. As a people we are far different now than we were at independence. We’ve let go the helplessness of left-over communism and walk head high into the world now. I love this team. Even past their prime, they’re terrifying to play against. Thank you for the memories…! Now we transition, and wait for a new generation to blossom. One last time for old crew…HR-VA-TSKA!


well - maybe not during the game … but tbh no one really quite gets where the ref found 8 minutes of extra time? and why an Italian push in the back is not equally as good a foul as a Croatian one - welcome to money whore land ie UEFA ;-)


Football eh? Fucking brutal stuff. Croatia are still undefeated by the Italians, though. At least they can go home with that and look forward to Switzerland knocking them out (which they absolutely will if they play like that again).


Honestly, both Croatia and Italy have been very underwhelming. They are big in name only at this point. Everything is in cycles


Not Croatian and no skin in the game but I felt like very soon after their goal the ref made a number of bad calls that favored Italy. Was pretty surprising and even the commentators on Fox mentioned that Croatian players must be a little frustrated by the calls. Can never assume that ref rigging is out of the question sadly.


I doubt it's rigging, the ref was just a clown. But yeah, Croatia got the shorter end of the reffing stick over the ~100 minutes that were played today.


Agree with you on this one, as a totally unbiased viewer. Especially with 8 whole minutes added time, the frustration is totally understandable.


The time wasting in the second half was enough to credit the 8 additional minutes.


I am part of the Croat diaspora. I knew we were fucked as soon as I saw 8 minutes of added time.


Thanks italy, now croatia can feel what they made Brazil feel


As a croatian, maybe good thing this happen, as now karma is paid. Were free to move on


this is nothing like that' but we felt like brazil in 2008. when we lost to turkey on penalties.


ITT: Croatia fans currently leading head and shoulders for the ‘sour loser (drawer?)’ euro award.


You’re blind as shit if you don’t think ref had the pasta whistle


Makkelie was impartial and did well, fight me.


Match day 3 of reminding you that the 🅿️🅾️🅾️🅿️ cursed Croatia






Croatia couldn't beat 12 men, the lightest of touches resulted in a foul, and almost every foul was a yellow card lol, blatant corruption. 8 mins HAHAHA!?!? Uefa mafia would have lost a lot of money if italy lost


Sane, unbiased take from r/Croatia_1


first half italy was taking 30-60 secs for every throw in and goal kick, and there was only +1 min lmao. I'm not delusional, Italy deserved to score and croatia had the crappiest tournament ever, but unfortunately the fix was in for this specific game. If you watched the full game you would wholeheartedly agree something was off.


I watched absolutely none of the game bc I was driving, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to point out your username


bro get off reddit when your driving


This was after the match, you a little slow?


a little


Our time to break some pasta in the next round (I'm a Switzerland and US fan). HOP SUISSE!


Why didn’t Chiesa start? I felt like he brought intensity I didn’t see from other players. Seems like he always plays great for Italy.


He's not fully fit.


Because he sucked the last 2 games


So much he was MVP against Albania


Dont even bother with these mugs lmao


Match of the tournament?


Why were Croatia pressing with 4 men on top during the final minutes with no one marking the LW? It's like they forgot the lesson they taught the Brazilians in the world cup.


As a croatian, I agree


One football terrorists eliminated the other football terrorists, what's all the big deal about all of this? Italy aren't getting past ro16 with this performance anyway lol


Didnt know it was England vs Italy.


Dude I’m French. I watched zidane play the tournament of a lifetime only for Italy to dump hot marinara all over him in the 2006 final. I’d never take Italy lightly in a tournament.


I get where you're coming from, but 2006 Italy shits all over 2024 Italy.


and 2021 italy won the euros. Ya can't discount them even when they're shit.


2021 italy wasnt shit at all.


Mate, they failed to qualify for the world cup before and after that...


True but in 2021 Italy was really really good


Yeah that’s us. We are the worst and the best at the same time. People speak about 2006 Italy like it was a favourite or something but I remember that year and there were a lot of criticism regarding old players and a lot of games where we bailed ourselves out like this one.  Not many believed we would have made it to the top


Im talking about 2021, not before and after that.


We weren’t remotely even in contention though. Nobody talked about 2021 Italy winning anything.


Thats not true. Italy had a very long unbeaten streak coming into the tournament. They were being spoken of in almost the same breath as France and England.


No they were not, this is delusional revisionism. They were considered a “dark horse” at best due to the defensive record but few considered them contenders. I just revisited the betting odds prior to the tournament and they were outside of the top 3. I agree we weren’t shit, but to suggest we were talked about almost in the same breath as England and France is total nonsense.


Betting odds are nonsense and Italy was coming off a 37 match unbeaten streak. Its ridiculous to suggest that they were "dark horses". That was what Turkey were being referred to, whom Italy brushed aside in the group stage. England and France are always bookies' favorites because their players are well known, even when they play terribly. Their odds continue to remain high in Euro 24 after 2 matches in which they have severely underperformed.


“Betting odds are nonsense” They’re based on complex statistical and probability models. I’m not a betting man of any kind but it requires pure ignorance and lack of understanding to suggest betting odds are nonsense. The determination of said odds is actually extremely demonstrable and based purely on arithmetic. I’m not going to get into a explanation of how probabilities work because I have a suspicion you wouldn’t grasp even a surface level overview given your clueless comment. Insurance companies tend to leverage on the surface a similar system of algorithms to determine probabilities of outcomes. Betting odds are virtually the only way the sporting world dictates what team is a favorite or contender (again given probability and statistical models). Being outside of the top 3 generally doesn’t serve to create consensus that you’re a contender. That is usually, in common discourse, reserved for the top 2-3 teams. “England are France are usually favorites because their players are well known” Yes, multi-billion dollar/euro betting conglomerates create betting lines based on the fame of their players. (Beyond the fact most betting institutions outsource the math work to third party organizations that specialize in the field) You, sir, are a fucking idiot 🤣


You never learn huh


We (italians) are not terrorist, we are just bad.


We don't choose terrorism, terrorism chooses us


But seriously guys, I love both you and Croatia and I miss your NT from last euro, love from Poland!


lmao we are powered by friendship and comments about calafiori looking like maldini


Don't worry Croatia, I'm sure England will score 3+ goals with peak Southgate ball.


Slovenia will probably score [1]-3 in the 96 minute.


Me tonight:- comments from people with an emotional investment in the game are obviously hysterical with no basis in reality. Me tomorrow night:- THIS REFEREE HATES ENGLAND THEY SHOULD NEVER BE IN CHARGE OF A GAME EVER AGAIN SCRAP UEFA NOW


See the comment directly below mine. 'I'm not saying there's a worldwide conspiracy against us, but...'


I swear like 20 years ago the entire Italian reffing team was bribed by the maffia or something. If it's any country it's Italy bribing the reffs.


Oh, just some casual racism in soccer thread




Fact of the matter is that if Italy didn't score for 1-1 before the 8 minutes had ended, the ref would have given 2 more minutes to play. My biggest Problem was the immediate blow of the whistle after a 1 minute Italian celebration. Should have been at least one more attack. Not saying the ref was paid or that it's a conspiracy, but the amount of fouls given to italy, while they were doing the same kind of fouls and the referee not giving anything to croatia is quite something. Also that at one point every croatian foul became a yellow was a joke. The criteria for both of the teams was not the same in that regard. Nonetheless dalić's terrible subs and tactics is half of the reason why it didn't end 1-0 or even more for croatia.


Yellows given to croatia all normal: slide tackles from behind, arguing with ref, etc.


> that at one point every croatian foul became a yellow was a joke Dude, they were pretty bad - a few of those would have been straight reds in lighter circumstances. Both teams have a tradition of shithousery, tonight it just didn't go your way. With all due respect, one of the worst Italian teams ever fielded *still* managed to outplay a very mediocre Croatian team for long periods, and you only scored thanks to a fundamentally involuntary handball. If you'd won with Albania, like the other two teams managed, you'd be through - that's where you really compromised your chances.


I'm not saying croatia played well, definitely not. Though to say the ref definetly didn't favour Italy in a lot more chances than Croatia is very biased. And that Italy outplayed them? Not really in my opinion, for the 40 minutes until the 1-1 Italy was pressing very hard and maybe created 2-3 dangerous chances, but pretty much shot only once or twice until the equaliser. They were equally as bad as Croatia. Both were terrible. Still Croatia's horrible tactics in this game and the others is the most of the blame, a win against Albania was a must. It's time for Dalić to go because basically his tactics cost the entire tournament.


In my opinion Fagioli for Jorginho was a mistake by Spalletti. I think Fagioli is a good talent but he plays like a player who hasnt played any football in months. His decision making was so slow and felt like he slowed down Italys passing too much. Though he had moments of great vision


No, no and no. Jorginho is done and plays rugby: either lateral of backwords plass. Fagioli after 8 months of not touching a pitch is much better than this current iteration of jorginho and he goes fkin forward. We are not Spain, we don't need an old and slower version of busquets passing it to the CB, we need someone able to play more actively with the ball, because some of the players are actually decently gifted enough to make some interesting combinations. The wrong choice was jorginho starting.


Yeah ngl i feel the exact opposite. Jorghino has been borderline usless and fails to progress the ball forward with any sort of importance. Fagioli took a couple risks and one of his passes resulted in a good chance


I thought the opposite, Fagioli tried harder to pass forward rather than sideways, and challenged more. Tbh the problem remains that Jorginho Is fundamentally not suited to a team that can't keep the ball, and the other midfielders don't offer anything more.


Jorginho wasn’t at his best tbf


Croatia are almost out of the Euros because of their performance, simply said. They were shocking vs Spain, and leaked at the end vs Albania and Italy both. End of an era. The Luka era.


The frustration is that it didn’t have to be this way. This manager Dalić should of course respect Luka, Perisic, Brozovic.. but being on the squad and coming on for 30 last minutes of the game is plenty of respect to them and actually a great way to use them. But he felt he owed it to them to give them all the responsibility one last time. Or to gamble for one last medal instead of giving the load to the young guys. It was short sighted. He not only crashed us out of the tournament with a semi finals worthy squad, but he deprived the young guys of the development for the next tournaments. And that is a betrayal to the Croatian national team and Croatian fans.


That’s way too strong. Reality is…the team was 90 seconds from advancing…but football is football, so,etumes that’s all it takes. What Dalić has done with this team is incredible. There has never been an HNS team with this level of dedication, teamwork, grit. He will not be easy to replace.


Croatia deserved nothing from this match so the result is more than fair, don’t complain if you can’t beat Albania


As a Croat, I fully agree. People here are complaining "Oh we lost against Italy and now it's completely over for us" and I am like no bruv, the bag was fumbled once we tied with Albania. Game with Italy was literally just an epilogue. Even if we beat Italy somehow, there still was a chance that we *DO NOT* proceed to elimination stage. Sure referee perhaps also fucked us over but with performance like this in 3 games we deserve nothing less. This is an end of an era, and Croatia needed that reality check


The problem is it won’t be a reality check. Dalic went back to his usual complaints of no respect etc. the ref was bad but we didn’t deserve anything more how we played those final moments. It’s happened way too much under Dalic (conceding final seconds). The wake up call should have been that Turkey & Wales loss in qualifying but we got major help from Armenia


Going in, I would have been ecstatic if we made the knockout stage. It’s the end for this leadership crew. We all knew that going in. Realistically, I just wanted us to finish the group stage without being completely embarrassed. The Spain game was shocking. But you know…they pulled their shit together…and came within 90 seconds of advancing. If you’re going down…go down swinging…and they did. Proud of them. It’s been an amazing few years. Now let’s see which fresh flowers are ready to bloom, and enjoy the transition…🙌


>This is an end of an era Yup. Croatia desperately needs ditching the geriatrics and letting the kids play and I know Croatia has them.


Lmao stanstic should’ve just gone to the corner.


I’m glad he didn’t…


Absolutely it was incredible drama, the Italian fans were pretty quiet all game compared to the Croatians. So when Italy scored they erupted and the silence from the other 2/3 of stadium was massive


Modric said he doesn’t agree with Mbappe that the euros is harder that the WC, but then you look at Croatia’s record at the euros and they have been terribel there compared to the WC. I thought he of all people should agree with him lmao


Mbappe is very wrong though. The best teams from other regions are better than the “worst” euro teams .this Croatia side would struggle to get a point in the world cup. Hell, Italy can win the euros but always get hammered in the WC in the last ten years. Portugal get knocked out by the morroco’s and Uruguay of the world


You also get to play some even worse countries too - Croatia drawing Italy and Spain as opponents is brutal in a group stage (and around the horn). Italy also didn’t make the last 2 world cups, which adds to an argument about the difficulty in Europe. From there it’s anecdotal. It’s fair to call out the World Cup elevating competition as you go, but many of the top teams are still European and there are also more bad teams you can draw particularly in group stage


I don’t care if he’s right or wrong I’m just trying to look at it from Modric’s perspective. Croatia reached 1 WC final and another WC semi, but have always been terrible at Euros, for them the WC should simply be easier. In Italy’s case they have more WC trophies than Euro trophies, so your argument doesn’t make sense. Uruguay needs to make it out of their group first lmao Morroco was an exception this year, the rest of the african teams didn’t look good


Too many factors, had easier bracket in WC, Argentina was better than any team they have faced in euros. Portugal won euros and every NT tourney after got knocked out by non euro teams. Modric knows what’s up, the Croatia teams that did well in WC were far better than the ones in euros. And this is while having harder WC groups than euro groups


What the fuck are you talking about?! Croatia was still very good between 2018 and 2022 WCs, and they still got knocked out in Euro 2020 in RO16 . 2 years later they beat Brazil at the WC and the advance to the WC’w semi final. Modric was pro just trying to be nice in that interview lmaooo


Definitely is harder since the Euros have the most European teams and the overall quality is highest in Europe. Italy wasn't even in the world cup.


Wrong, Morroco was kicking Portugal’s ass, Uruguay best Portugal before that. The best teams from other regions are much better than brutal crap like Scotland. Hell, Portugal’s current group is statistically the worst group in any euro or WC NT of the last 30 years. World Cup as a whole is much harder than euros. You’re dealing with the best teams globally, not just Europe


There are also many crappy team at the WC, no team conceded 7 goals in the group stages this year like Costa Rica did, did they?!


And what happened to the team that scored 7? Oh right, they got smacked by a team from Africa


LATAM teams are a challenge to European teams all day everyday (on average). Beyond Brazil and Argentina, there's teams like Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile etc. that will make anyone sweat blood to beat them.


South Korea also smashed Germany in last WC


That was Japan, and it was a 2-1 victory, nothing smashing. It was also a weak germany. Japan would easily get smashed if they played this Germany


Japan also beat Germany 4-1 last year.


Ah, so it only counts when teams are weak. World Cup is much more competitive than euros. Scotland is abhorrent. Remove the weakest qualified euro teams and replace them with the best teams from Other regions. That’s the World Cup. Italy can win euros but fail at WC. They’ve won as many euros as WC’s over the last 40 years.




ITT: people who were browsing Reddit on their phone with the game on as background noise wondering why there was so much stoppage time


Its infuriating to read lmao


You would have thought they had learned from the Albania game! 2 victories gone in the very last minute.


Still waiting for the day that Croatia looses without playing the victim about every single choice ever made that didn’t massively favour them


Comical doesn't even begin to describe the self victimization of a fanbase that was earlier throwing garbage onto the field during play, and was chanting about killing Serbs last week.


They are the whiniest team in Europe


That's because they are used to be somewhat above-average since they compare everything in this tournament to the performances of last WCs. But they needed this reality check, the manager's position is long overdue for a change, players are getting old, the football itself is not the same as before. Things need to change in that team and these losses and shit performances were best indicators the nation could ask for.


Reality bites - they've been punching way above their weight for a while now, largely due to a once a generation player. Aka the Gareth Bale effect.


A very late crucial goal for Italy.


Big if true.


Massive if factual


magnum si verum


Grande se vero


Initially felt bad for Croatia. Then I read these comments. Complaining about and blaming the refereeing is peak delusion.


The ref was bad, no doubt. He didnt apply the same criteria to both teams in the match. There were constant shoves at the back from Italians and he would just let it go, and he would whistle each and every one against Croatia. He gave 4 yellow cards to Croatians that were undeserved. Sučić got one for his first faul, for instance. He prolonged the game for 8 minutes and then stopped it immediately when Croatia played the ball, even though Italy scored at 7:20. All these are valid remarks. That being said, the fault is on our players, who did not keep their calm and especially at our selector, who is just a clueless guy who can be happy he was a selector in the era of Modrić.


Seems awfully nit picky. Whatever is needed to cope wit the loss, I guess. From an overall standpoint the ref seemed to be a non-factor.


There was a substitute at 90th minute, there were 3 yellow cards in the stoppage time and Italy scored at 97:20, so ending the game immediately after the kickoff for Croatia is just very strange, no matter what.


I wasn’t paying all my attention to the game, but I felt I was watching the wrong game when correlating to the comments.


2022: Seemed like most fans enjoyed longer added time and dramatic late goals. (Avg 2nd half added time of 8 minutes) 2024: Seems like most fans enjoy the consistency of +4’.


Who was that player pumping up the crowd just as he was being subbed off?




Fuck can’t Mock him I like him lmao


Scrolling down the thread, you should really find something more productive than commenting on it 56 times. Good night.


I made a few comments on a 98 minute game that I watched until the end. Enough with this find something else to do garbage lmao


I swear even if italy got grouped there'd be a case for a donnaruma golden glove


Is it really that difficult to fathom 8 minutes extra time? There were EIGHT SUBS during the second half. That alone is automatically FOUR MINUTES of extra time. Plus the penalty check. Plus the cramps. Plus all the stop-and-go play. It really is not unreasonable. I agree that the ref should have let them play another minute after the goal though.


Have you seen that end of the game you're referring to? Italy scored in like the 6th minute of stoppage time, celebrated for 2 minutes, and then the ref immediately blowed the whistle lol. He was a joke today, not biased, just clueless.


The double criteria is the reason. Yesterday we saw a player almost die on the pitch (thank God he's ok.) And 10 minutes ET was awarded. What happended at tonights game that deserved 8 minutes? At every single game on this tournament there were atleast that much substituitons, none got 8 minutes extra time. If Italy were winning this game 1:0, the ET would be 5 minutes max., and everyone who thinks otherwise is delusinoal l. Good night




That was weird. Even just a one desperate run down the field.


Both were bad honestly, but Croatia deserved the least to go through


Italy had two very good headers. One saved by the Croatian keeper, the other would've been a goal had it been on target


I think there's some confusion here. I meant that I think Italy deserved to go through more than Croatia. I guess I worded it strangely... ?


They certainly did not deserve anything other than what they got.


they literally drew against Albania


No. I've waited Dalic to f-off last 6 years. I'm glad this "strat" of his finally got us eliminated. If only he would leave us now...


This comment section is crying so much lmaooo get fucked


It's okay, you deserve to be happy, and you deserve to pass the group, however even you saw what happened on the field because it was glaringly obvious


I mean, a lot of time was wasted (var review, cramps, time wasting after fouls, goal celebration...) in todays football i think it's a reasonable amount of added minutes.




We still beat you hahahaha cry


The added time should have been 5 minutes maximum


Delusional, compare to other games.


>I mean, a lot of time was wasted (var review, cramps, time wasting after fouls, **goal celebration...)** Where was a minute added for Italian goal celebration though?


Bruh yesterday a guy got literal medical team on field, with concussion and everything and it was 10mins, how you got 8 is beyond me


Spalletti Delusional lmao


Lmao at these comments crying over the extra time. Only because it’s Italy, the reality is that A lot of players on both sides wasted time and it had to be accounted for


I mean maybe it should have been 6 minutes, but it was Croatia wasting all the time sooo


10 minutes of added time for stoppages due to head injuries in the Scotland Hungary match plus 10 substitutions. Seems inconsistent to me


Interesting how it was only 1 minute in the first half, isn't it?


Maybe because there were no subs in the first half and…EIGHT in the second?


There was 8 in yesterday's match too, and it was only 4 minutes of added time. There was even more corners in the first half in this match btw. 8 free kicks in the first half, 14 in the second. There was 10 subs turkey portugal, 5 mins added There was 10 subs georgia czech, 5 mins added. I'm sure if i looked farther back at every match, it'd be similar.