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Conmebol heritage.


Concacaf refs. Shithouse confederations unite.


A large majority of the refree staff for this Copa are from conmebol not concacaf.  For this game it was 5 from Uruguay, 2 from Ecuador, 1 from Brasil and one from Costa Rica. This ain't concacaf refs this is just how bad conmebol refs are. Group A and B refrees for match day 2 https://copaamerica.com/en/news/copa-america-2024-referee-appointments-matchday-2-group-c-d Conmebol can't even get the groups correct in the link lol And this is the referees foe match day 2 group c and d https://copaamerica.com/en/news/copa-america-2024-referee-appointments-matchday-2-groups-c-d


Obviously, my posting was entirely serious and based on diligent research...and was in no way intended to be glib and/or humorous.


american football heritage


Football in concocaf and conmenbol can be an almost different sport compared to europe and im ok with that


It can honestly be a breath of fresh air. European footy can feel really fucking stale at times. South American soccer is just kinda fuckin balls to the wall. Everyone has beef with everyone, rash challenges, dark arts, and a soccer that feels a bit less robotic.


should've watched south/east europe matches like turkey vs georgia lol


Did you watch Turkey v Czechia yesterday?


And when Sergio Ramos did this, they called it cool


It’s only England that’s shit


it doesn't even matter who's shit, it's subconscious association. "Robotic" is the first thing anyone thinks of the German NT and Bayern by extension in every foreign football outlet I've ever seen. Like when you have Brazil win 3-0 vs Portugal for example the headlines ALWAYS sound somewhat like **"Brazilian wizards weave magical tapestry: Samba Football dances over Portugal in enchanting victory"** Now we can break WC scoring records and play the most offensive football for several consecutive worldcups and the amount of manufacturing terms printed into next mornings newspaper is off the charts **"Ruthless Precision: Germany's well-oiled machines dismantle Brazil in relentless display of efficiency"** we're legit just automakers.


No, you guys are brewers, too.


**"Germany's flawless fermentation: Tapping goals in dominant draught"**




What are you on about? The England team is a sporting success? I guess if you count a WC semifinal a success


I disagree. Watching this clip, I really don't understand why people glorify this shit. Also, brutal football with a lot of fouls hinders creativity, tactics, technicality so no, it's not better for the viewer and no, football isn't "robotic" without blattant uncalled fouls. It's not fun, it's not better, people cheering for it just get off on the brutality or think it's more manly or something. Lastly it's bad for the players, it's part of what kills the career of so many talented player so early.


Remember one time when Messi has had enough of these kind of bullshits and slapped an Athletic player in La Liga. That was hilarious.


It wasnt laliga iirc


It was the supercup in Arabia, he smacked that Bitchalibre guy iirc


he was a true piece of shit


Villalibre. Such a satisfying slap and the red was worth it. Those mfs injured Frenkie that game and Messi had enough


Bro just wanted a Messi hug


He's just like me fr


That's just great cornerback play, gotta put him off his route.


Within two yards perfectly legal But this is way downfield, easy PI


Only if the ball is in the air, otherwise it’s illegal contact or holding.


Right, but if the defensive player is within a stick-length of the attacker before he releases the puck, he can still skate into his line


That's nothing compared to what we've seen in previous ARG-CHI matches, like [Gary Medel kicking Messi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsAkBunRWaU).


WTH? Why isn't this a red?




Lol FIFA made another copa the next year in USA with all that "Messi deserves a trophy", and you lost AGAIN. We were legit champions.


Doesn't excuse the fact that this was a clear red. Messi also got a red against Chile in 2019 for absolutely no reason when it was medel pushing and shoving him.




Most intelligent ~~Chile~~ Ronaldo fan No other group harbours the absurd notion that whole international tournaments are created and skewed in one player's favour


"We"? You're litteral devils


That is the *second to last straw*, buddy. If you kick him in the chest one more time, you’re outta here


God I fucking hate Medel.


Thats as bad as Neur's flying knee to the head of Higuaín in the final


At least this ref acknowledged that there was a foul here! The one from that WC final gave a free kick to *Germany* for Neuer’s knee to the head!


Bro I read this as "Gary medel kissing messi" and were so confused when I saw the clip


Bro wtf how I never seen this before, Jesus Christ that shit was wild


There were people that believed that Messi couldn't do it in the Premier League because it would be to physical for him. It might be the Europeans who wouldn't be able to handle the Conmebol


I find it funny how prem fans talk about the physicality of the premier league and had conniptions every time they watched Getafe play physical football in Europe. They saw a brief glimpse of Bordalas ball and couldn't comprehend the genius


Bordalas ball is something special. Should be the la liga equivalent of "can you do it on a cold night in stoke"


It haunts me


Prem players also talk about this. They say how much more intense and quicker it is than other leagues.


The ignorance and arrogance has always astounded me, like they think we play a different sport here or something lol.


The first time an European team plays in La Paz or Los Altos, mommy FIFA will ban high altitude games


He has some kind of crazy record scoring against english teams at the Champions League, so if he destroyed so many of their best teams it's hard to imagine he wouldn't just walk past through worst teams defenders


"todo pelota siga siga" el arbitro


Oh that’s just Chile vs Messi. Remember the 2015 final


messi is so used to all those fouls on him, that's why real madrid defence (attack on him) never really bothered him


I thought it was gonna be a De Jong & Felipe Melo type challenge, thoroughly disappointed


I remember seeing this live and thinking: "For sure bro has observation Haki. Saw Messi running toward the box and positioning to receive the ball just at the edge of the box for a 'tap-in'. He saw him scoring and decided to not let him go." Strategic obstruction.


the typical "smart yellow card" by biased commentators for their fav team.


Copa America is not for beginners


U11 school football without referees


Is there is better dribbler than Messi?


Everyone is so used to this shit that I think yours is literally the only comment on this post that has mentioned that great dribble lol, bro left 2 defenders eating dust and no one cares haha


That’s my boy Echeverria!!


Don't worry that was just one of Messi's illusions the real messi is 10 meters ahead




there's a word for it - shithousery


dark arts, if you will


Or maybe it's the most human sport on the planet.




It’s not like they are dying


I guess it's due to the rules being less clear cut than other sports. You could change the rules to the point where it's all white and black, but it wouldn't be football anymore.


Yeah but here it is 100% black and white, this is undisputably against the rules and not only that, it's not fair play. Don't understand people supporting it.


I agree with you. I was just talking about the sport in general.




I think you can discourage cheating, but it will never be even close to the level of other sports.


Exactly. It is actively encouraged by footballing authorities for some strange reason. I dislike the argument that it is just part of football, it isn't. Cheating goes entirely against the values of sport. While the officials still give an advantage to the teams that dive, fake injury and try to intimidate the referee into making decisions, clearly many players will keep trying it. If they brought in retrospective punishments for diving and faking injury it would go a long way to solving the issue but there seems to be no attempt whatsoever to fix what is by far the worst part of modern football.




Totally agree. Have you watched the Euros? They have enforced a rule that only the captain can approach the referee and honestly it has helped reduce the intimidation of officials massively. My worry is that, as is the case with many modern rule changes, it is just a flash in the pan and it gradually regresses back to how it was before.


> In fact, some modern rule changes related to fouls and injuries have inadvertently encouraged this culture of deceit. I mean, those rules changes were made for the safety of the players and to have better quality of football. Until a perfect AI ref exists, you can't go back.


idk about this tbh…. what about baseball and cycling? where cheating is an open secret. also, the NBA would like a word regarding every point in your last paragraph. idk i think you just gotta watch more sports and you’ll see that they’re all trying to get every marginal gain possible


Soccer is a gentlemen's game played by hooligans, rugby is a hooligan's game played by gentlemen.


Those fouls should be a straight red imo. Nothing to do with football just attacking a player.


welcome to south american football - it's war there


You are a gringo lol. Argentina stepped on chilean players and grabbed their legs so they could fall. You only watch messi/argentina, you think argentina are the "good boys".


He didn’t particularly mention Argentina only, he said “those fouls”.


Common dude they are downvoting what i posted, argentinian players always try to break legs. We will always remind them that Chile of all teams won 2 copas against Messi. They deserve it.


Man, you got downvoted because you just responded nonsense


We are downvoting it because you lack reading comprehension and decided to go on a rant about Argentinians when the comment was solely about the fouls.


Ah yes, we must be American if we don't applaud this, of course.


But Argentina clearly bought the refs!!! say crybaby Chileans.


Life imprisonment if this was in Europe


Copa has always been a great mixture of elegance and "f\*ck you eat this!!" . I can't get enough of that.


Play on


how quickly people forget about the finger up the butthole.😅


I’d argue that this is actually a very faint hearted move by the defender. Maybe that’s just me




Obviously the chilean player thought his argentinean buddy had tripped and tried to help him stay on its feet. You guys have no heart. (Also this was by far the worst referee I had seen in a while, no side can say that they paid him, he was just plain awful...)


>(Also this was by far the worst referee I had seen in a while, no side can say that they paid him, he was just plain awful...) Agreed. It's hilarious that people were saying an Uruguayan ref would *obviously* help Argentina. I guess those people forgot that we're the only other team coming for Copa #16 besides Uruguay, and letting our best players get injured doesn't help us at all.


English VAR upon seeing this: That's just a coming together of the players there.


This 15 seconds is better than anything on show at the Euros.


Bro straight up stonecold stunned his ass


Eye for an eye


good clean block


What the fuck is that title on an r/soccer post


Do you Concacaf hipsters only watch Messi? Go watch a compilation of all the leg breaking steps argentina always does to us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvdnDbR9QK0


Comparing the red from Peru to the step of De Paul is genuinely hilarious.


Why be a pussy and post here, why not make your own post, you're on your throwaway anyway.


Two wrongs don’t make a right, but you gotta admit this was as non football a tackle as it comes


Player gets fouled!!!! Fucking grow up




It’s sexually frustrated

